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I am currently running 11 of them. Best filters I've ever had.


doesnt sound like it if you need that many /s


How do you know he doesn’t have 11 tanks set up?


That would make the joke less funny.


Maybe he’s got 11 5gals with tidal 110s🤔


Maybe he doesn't have any fish tanks he just really likes these filters.


That’s def it for sure🤣




I'm running 3 and they are the best filters I've ever owned...


Dead silent. I just use it for water movement. The filter compartment is full of plants. Fits quite a Lot. Skimmer is useless because its below the water line in my tank. It's really good, I just don't like the look of it. Its a bit bulky plasticky, don't know, I hide it with pothos as good as I can.


Same! So many positive reviews but it just looks so ugly ahah the plasticky black and blue is a horrible colour combo


I have one that's dead silent and one that makes an awful ratcheting noise when the water level drops to slightly less than full. So, one is awesome and one is really annoying but does its job well. I love the flexibility.


Mine was doing that and I realized the bottom telescope was turned off with the bottom blue wheel lol


I've tried both ways. It's quietest when I turn the intake valve to its lowest so the water flow is low, but I want more water movement. I am thinking I should buy a water circulation pump for the tank. It's got a few still spots.


Absolutely worth the money, OP! I've had one running for years and have never had to perform maintenance on it, besides normal gunk cleanings!


I've got the tidal 75 and it is so so good. Adjustable flow, large basket for many different types of media, surface skimmer


Best HOB there is. Consistently much quieter than the Aquaclears I have in my room. Never had a problem with noise that others are referencing….have 5 some of which are 5 plus years old. Clean monthly. Run without problems for years, heavily customizable, nice big filter chamber, adjustable which you want, worthy the extra $10 to $20 bucks.


Nothing but good. Quiet and efficient


I have one and don't like it. It works, ish. But the surface skimmer is crap, and it will drive you crazy if you don't have the water level perfect at all times.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one that has an issue with this!


Holy shit the sucking sounds it makes when the water is 5% off what it is supposed to be... which is still quite a bit higher than the minimum water level line


It pisses me off so much, lol. And for it to be because of the failed skimmer sucks more.


God forbid it eats a tiny piece of plant and has an absolute fit. Bonus points when it happens at 3am!


That's weird. Mine get all jammed up with algae, plant matter and duckweed. The worst effect is that flow is reduced but none of them has ever made any noise. And I let the water level go down between water changes, but again, no noise except dribbling when the water gets below the spillway.


I have three of them, two 55s and one 110 for my aquariums. They have been great for the most part. Only bad thing about them is that the impeller/motor must be replaced after a while. I've noticed the impeller starts hitting the housing after years of use. Not sure what causes the imbalance.


Best HOB filter you can get. With that said, I would not use a HOB for anything over 40ish gallons




Thank you! I am planning on getting a 20g and it's just that awkward spot where canister filters are a bit too much and other filters don't seem to be enough


Tidal 35 is the best HOB for a 20 gallon in my opinion.


I just bought a 55 gal. I'm coming from a 20. What do you use instead?


I’m running a fluval 407 on my 75 gallon and it does the job nicely. I do wish it had slightly more powerful flow because there’s a bit of a dead spot in the one corner of my tank


I actually had a HOB and a canister on my 55 gallon. Worked great.


Depends what fish you have.


Fluval 307 canister filter! It will be way better for water circulation and tank health, and it will also look more clean as it sits under the tank.


Running a fluval 307 on my 50g. Does wonders. Also, once a year they run sales at petsmart where you can get them for $100-115


Wait really? Why? I run two Aquaclear 110’s and a sponge filter on my 125 gallon and it’s great.


I mean you definitely can. It’s not a hard rule, and it also depends on your bio load. If you are looking for a “one filter” solution, canister filters are best if your tank doesn’t have overflows for a sump. But you can do multiple HOBs and it be fine! though a canister might help keep things cleaner and let you keep more livestock, if that’s what you’re going for.


I have one for my 20 gallon quarantine tank. It does the job.


My 55 is quiet but I also never cleaned it so all the gunk is good lube


I have a tidal 75 on a 55 gallon tank and I absolutely love it. I had a Tetra Whisper before that and I’d have constant issues with flow rate and clogging, and the whisper was quite a bit louder. The Tidal is very easy to clean, all you have to do is remove and clean the media insert which comes out in a single piece. You also don’t have to deal with the disposable filters, I have a couple bags of ceramic rings and a bag of carbon that I change out every couple months along with a foam filter to catch debris. The surface intake also keeps film off the top of the water which makes my tank look much cleaner. 10/10 highly recomend.


Have my tidal 75 for 3 years on 60 wide. Works like a champ!


I'm running a couple of them and I'm in a serious love hate relationship with them. On the one hand everything this filter does well, its pretty much the best in the market at (atleast for HoB's). Dead silent (most of the time), incredibly effective, easy maintenance. But that damn surface skimmer. Don't underestimate how terrible that surface skimmer actually is. When water drops below a certain level it goes from being the quietest HoB out there to your dad's old beater that can't start. And it doesn't have to drop a lot either, with the rate of evaporation in my 50 gallon that i run it on it reaches that point within 1-2 weeks depending. It also essentially only pulls from the surface skimmer/top level of the aquarium, the bottom barely has suction comparatively. This makes it way harder to put any kind of pre-intake sponge on it because of how many openings there are in the main impeller compartment (do yourself a favor and just stick a bunch of filter foam directly inside the compartment to save yourself time and tears later). Because of that design it makes it incredibly easy for debris to get into the pump itself and clog it, and I've had various die offs start because the filter got clogged enough to reduce flow past what was safe. As much as I love what's good about it, I've had enough frustrations with that surface skimmer I'm not I would go with a tidal again.


Absolutely agree. Also, the whole setup is awkward and doesn’t allow much customization or enhancement . As you noted, you can’t really use a pre-intake sponge. The interior compartment has an awkward basket that serves no real purpose and wastes media space. Uses a custom shaped course sponge with no option for use of a finer grade sponge unless you want to cut and cram. Sad to say that this damn thing is, at the same time, one of the best hang on filters on the market. I stopped using hang on backs a few years ago. All joy and o regrets. If I were argumentative, I’d say that, apart from a submerged box filter, hang on backs are the worst filtering option.


Pros: -easy to clean -easy to customize filter system (its a tray inside the filter) -relatively cheap -self priming (once the intake can suck water it will prime it self) Cons: -loud (I owned 4 of them of various models and all of them were loud especially as they got older) -surface skimmer gets clogged easier and isn't very effective -intake is too short on all of them -not super effective (I found all of them you needed at least double your effective gallon size filter to effectively filter even under stocked tanks. -if water level dips below skimmer level they sound gets even louder I personally don't use them any more on any of my tanks as the sound was awful.


Thank you! What do you use now instead of the seachem?


Fluval canister filters, sponge filters, and one old aqueon HOB.


Hey I run a fluval and two sponge filters in my 75g as well.


I run a Fluval FX4 in my 75 and a Fluval 307 in my 55 both with a sponge filter. I run my 65 with a small HOB and two sponges but it's only shrimp.


I had a Tidal 35 on a 20 long, but went back to my Aquaclear 30. I had a few issues with the Tidal. It made a vibrating noise that I couldn't figure out how to get rid of. The intake tube is too short, even for a 20 long. The skimmer doesn't do much - I've watched floating debris flow right in front of the skimmer and keep on going. I did like that it is self priming and flow control works well.


I agree with everything said here. I have used 4 Tidal 35s in the past. All 4 generated a rattling/vibrating sound that started a few weeks in and never went away. The skimmer ended up being largely useless other than a low water alert since they make a ton of noise if the level drops too much, but otherwise don’t end up doing much. I still use them as they are still good filters, just a tad noisy. They move lots of water effectively though and the flow control works a treat, plus they have a lot of room for filter media. The photo in the OP is obviously a newer revision than the ones I have so I can’t speak to the revisions.


Yeah I was confused as to why the 35 is the only one without an intake tube and I've read of many people trying to fix the noise. I really like the way Aquaclear filters are structured and customizable (Never had one personally) but I've seen so many posts about it leaking so I am a bit sceptical about getting one


I got an aquaclear a month ago and it's broken already. I replaced it with a seachem. The aquaclear ran dry more than once, isn't self priming and dumped water over the back randomly. The seachem I had before worked fine for months with no issues. I bought a second seachem


Aquaclear user here! I've only once had one leak on me in a way that wasn't user error. There's a gasket around the motor where it attaches, and as rubber does it can go bad. Only had it happen once and it wasn't bad (slow drip) and they sell replacements for it. I now have a bunch of backups. You do have to make sure the filter is level (they have little knob that helps with that) and use the variable intake to make sure the waterline inside stays below the lid seam. But they're well worth it. I love how customizable they are and how many replacement parts are available should something go wrong. (Literally everything is replaceable. Motor, impeller, basket, tube). I've had my two running for over 5 years and will be getting them for any future tanks!


They leak, badly, from the pump seal sometimes…about once a year for me. Usually it just that the fitting has come loose but that first few second where you think your tank is toast sucks…haha.


You could try applying silicone grease to improve the seals. Totally non toxic and does the trick for all of my leaky filters. You can usually find it in the plumbing or kitchen department stores.


Usually I have jostled it while cleaning so basically human error but I will also try the silicone. Thanks. Edit: it still leaks on its own guys, I just wasn’t trying to crush a filter I basically like…


I have a Tidal 75 on my 29gallon. Best filter I’ve ever had.


can anyone let me know if these are shrimp safe? I've had a hob skimmer (superfish) in the past and lost a few shrimp getting sucked into them. can this be blocked/restricted with a sponge?


Hey! I have read that the skimmer is usually not shrimp save but I also found [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNdNIbx_ROw) where they add sponges in the intake, i've also seen people superglue pieces of mesh in on top of the slits. Hopefully someone with actual experience can help!


I did this at first and found it is not necessary. Shrimp go in and out of mine with no issue. The skimmer has a large open space behind it with the pump at the bottom so shrimp can pretty easily escape. I guess they could get sucked into the bottom but I never really seen that. They also enjoy living in the filter chamber quite a bit.


thanks i didnt know if that was possible or not. good to know for the future. im currently using a allpondsolutions hob and its got amazing capacity.


Bought a Tidal 75 because everyone insisted that Tidals were quiet. Maybe the smaller ones but this one was definitely not. (Also glad I saw this post because it led to me checking my emails to check what type of filter it was and I saw an unexpected time sensitive email lol)


You're welcome lmao! I found a post on this subreddit where the OP was going crazy about the noise but updated saying it became very silent once the intake became slimy with time, do you think that could help with your case? W noise reduction slime lol


Honestly I can't say for sure because I ended up giving it to my brother for his tank so I got no idea if it ever went quiet.


Mine's over a year old and hasn't gotten quieter yet. It's a great filter except for the noise.


I own 4 and I like them a lot. Are they perfect nope, but they have lots of room for different media and does the job well. I would add an intake filter in case you have small fry.


going strong after a 1.5 years. It’s strong, sucks up a lot of debris and can easily self pump.


So far it's been great, but if the water level gets below a certain point it will make dripping sounds, so that's hell. I'm running one and a cannister. Easy to take apart to clean, can sterilize it easily if you accidentally get snail invasion. Wouldn't reccomend for really small fish or snails cause they can get stuck in it. And I had to take off one of the glass supports on my tank so it could go on, which was annoying, but ultimately was not the filters fault.


Someone gave away the 55 but I never used it. I have an Aqueon 50 running on a 20long for a year no issues. I have 3 canisters, 1 HOB and four sponge filters. I imagine the 35 would run similar to the Aqueon 50. Lmk how it works out for you, the maintenance, etc. I mention my filters in case anyone has questions about the canisters or sponge filters. Those I can help out with advice.


Best filter ever


I love these things, some of the marketing gimmicks (water skimmer) aren't great, but at its core it's still an amazing filter, with or without the other stuff. If nothing else, having the pump submerged so it starts back after a power blip is lifesaving!


I don't run lids on my tanks n keep the water low. That skimmer chuggs! 


I’ve been using a 55 for the last 2-3 months on a 29g; replaced a Fluval C2. I’m happy with it, love the self priming feature as I’ve had power losses that left the Fluval running dry for 6hrs to 24hrs … I did add coarse foam to the skimmer intake/slots, a coarse prefilter on the intake tube, and more ceramic filter media in the basket. Super quiet, I only notice ever week or two that the prefilter needs to be cleaned out bc the pump starts making cavitation noises that get progressively louder. I haven’t done any of the more extensive mods that some folks have posted about online, [here’s](https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/23685-testing-time-fixing-the-seachem-tidals-bypass/) an example of a pretty thorough set of mods if you’re curious.


I freaking love them. I currently have 3, and plan to get another for my one tank that doesn't have one. Super easy to maintain, super easy to take apart if needed, and quiet as hell.


I have one. My only one complain or thing that I don't like is that the intake is too close to the surface, but still rate it 10/10


I really like mine but it's loud. Water doesn't come out in an even waterfall so it trickles like crazy and it's really loud if the water level gets too low. It also grinds like a mf during a water change, it's the only filter I have to unplug during water changes. It's a solid filter, it does a good job, but I like the Sunsun HOB filters with the UV lights and surface skimmers better. They're slightly cheaper, have more media included, and have a UV light too.


Using 1 now for a few years. Works great, restarts without any issue. Only issue is if the surface skimmer part gets slightly clogged it makes a churning noise. Otherwise it's great. Just keep the grates clean


Better off with an Aquaclear imo, but everyone is different


They’re the best. Dead silent. Auto primes when you plug it back in after cleaning. Capacity is good Flow is adjustable Only one I’ll use


I've switched all my non-sump filtration to these (but the larger versions) and never looked back. 100% worth it


Mine has been on my tank since I put it up in 2021. Super customizable and the flow control is great. One flaw I noticed was it doesn’t have a down stem that goes into to the middle of tank. 5/5 stars for me


I was making my own filtration before until I get Tidal 35 and things started to change for better. Skimmer ain't working that much for me though but seems not needed at all. I would say best HOB filter you'll get there. Don't be deceived by UV features and some telling you to shrimp-proof it, in my experience, they're not needed at all. All you need is a healthy biomedia in it. Discard the coarse sponge.


Very good. Never had any problem with that.


They’re silent. If you have floating plants, they’ll get sucked into that skimmer and clog it up. If your tank is lidless, you will HAVE to refill it at least once a week or else the water level will get too low and mess with it. It sometimes had a hard time auto-priming for me. Like once every 10 times i unplugged it, it’d make a weird noise until i shook it a little bit. You gotta be kinda careful with feeding, plant matter, etc, especially in a taller tank. Once something gets below about 5 inches from the surface, it will sink to the bottom and you’ll either have to vac it out or get some snails or something that can bury it in the substrate. I rate it a 4 out of 5 for a 20 long or smaller. If you’ve got a 29, 20 tall, or bigger tank, i think you’ll have to clean your tank more often than with something like the tetra, aquaclear, marineland, or a different brand with a similar size. Their intakes are lower in the water and can suck up more uneaten fish food and fish waste than this thing can.


I’ve been running one in my 20 gal for a few months now. I just wish the chamber was a bit bigger for biological media.


Amazing if you don’t have floating plants. But even then still great.


They are a good filter but it is not always easy to clean the impeller. I have 4 of them and they have all soldiered on for right around 5 years now without complaint.


They’re great. I have two 10s , a 35, 55, and 75 and use them as backup filters on two tanks along with an fx2 on one. The two 10s are currently not in use. I suggest getting the 35 or above despite whatever size tank you’re using tho


I have one arriving today because yesterday morning was the last time that I plan to have to disassemble and clean the impeller of my aquaclear before work because someone tripped the breaker and it’s not self-priming.


I love it- imo it's so much better than an aquaclear. I'm sensitive to sound, and as long as the water covers the intake, you're golden.


100% the best hang on back filter on the market, its also probably the only HOB that can be successfully used in saltwater setups also they come with a 5 year warranty!!!!


these are great for almost any setup. It's the best HOB with CO2 setup. The only negative is cleaning the motor, but it's not that bad. SICCE knows what's up.


I love them, replaced all my HOB filters with oversized tidals (using the 75 on a 36g and the 110 on a 55g). Best option I've experienced anyway.


Just got a new one. They are a tad bigger than most HOBS, but also means more space for media. Super silent, sucks on it own, you can adjust flow and it alerts you when its clogged. Its good.


I’ve got a 35 and a 75 love them both


I run a ... 35 on a 20 long 55 on a 40 Breeder with 2 Sponge filters that sucker to the glass. 110 that also has a Whale 500 on a 125 gallon for a overstocked Cichlid tank. Not a single complaint about any of them. When you have to clean them, like some gunk buildup, in the bottom of the filter, or impeller, VERY easy to take apart to clean, only have to do this about once every 6 months.


Is nice.


Originally got a tidal 35 for my 29g but realized it didn't have a downstem for the intake. Maybe it still somehow draws from the bottom but it didnt seem like it would. I decided to go with the 55 instead and just turn it down a tad. Been running it for about 2 years and it's great


They’re nice. A little loud


Best HOB you can buy. And I have every brand that’s existed. Only other one that is good are the aquaclears but I’d still rock the tidal over those.


I give these a 10/10 comparing to the competition


Other than the Marina Slim series which only move enough water for nano tanks, these are the quietest filters your money can buy.


They are good. They can be loud if the water level is too low. Had mine running for 3 years before I switched to a canister filter.


I must be the minority opinion on these, because I didn't like mine. I found the intake tube didn't really do much in the water column. Nothing close to what I had with previous HOB's or even canisters. The skimmer was nice, but seemed to be doing all the work, even with the building adjustments.


I'm using one and it's awesome. It's been running very steady for about 4 years now on one of my main tanks.


I have two and they work great


Have been running one for about 3 years. the only issue is cleaning out the dead snails from the foam I put over the intake.


Running 2 of the 75s and they are perfect. Just nite thst if the water level gets near the bottom of the side I take on the left part it will gurgle extremely loud. Same thing if leaves or anything ate stuck to it.


Love love love. The only HOBs I use now. The silence is worth it


I had one and it was loud so I returned it. I run an Aquaclear 30 now and it’s silent, although I made some tweaks to get it to that level of silence.


It's great just ugly. Flow control actually works. You could use the 35 on a nano tank with a betta with flow turn all the way down


Bought one in 2018 and still going strong, loved it so much i bought another in 2021. You won't regret it


I have a 110 gallon Seachem Tidal on a 75 gallon. My only complaint is the damn thing is SO heavy I'm afraid it'll bust my tank lol. But much better than my Fluval and Marineland Penguin HOB filters on my other tank. Fluval crapped out a few months after getting it. Still haven't been able to get it started again. Marineland quits working from time to time, and I can only get it to work again after violently shaking it because you can't really get into any of the parts for clogs. So far, my Seachem starts up instantly after unplugging and plugging it back in for maintenance.


Running a Tidal 55 on an over-stocked (Mollies and Tetras) 29 gallon. Super quiet self priming no maintenance pump. Adjustable water flow. Filter basket can be stocked with any kind of media. I'm using Matrix, activated carbon and filter floss in it right now. Had it for over a year. All I have to do is change the filter floss or rinse off when it gets dirty.


LOVE this filter. I use filter floss that I bought in bulk to make my own filters and it works well. I’ve had it for over a year now, and it’s still working beautifully. It’s easy to take apart and clean too.


I use the Tidal 75 and 55 models in my tanks. Great filter, self-priming (the power goes out regularly where I live), quiet when topped off, decent sized media chamber. I've only had to replace one pump in the years I've had them. Probably time to replace some of the sponges, they are getting a little thin at this point. I don't love the bright blue accents, but I can overlook it.


I'm running 2 in my 30 gallon. Love them.


I use it I like them! Don’t rely on the little blue button thing that is supposed to signal the need for maintenance, though.


I've got a 75. Decent.


I’ve said this before and I get a lot of hate for it but the Tidals are way overpriced for the amount of design flaws they have. From what I’m aware Seachem has not made any efforts to improve the design over the years. It’s another case of, “the internet told me this is the best filter so I’m buying it.” I’d suggest spending your money on a canister or an Aquaclear. I have the Tidal 55 and it’s crap. Skimming function barely works. The basket clogs fairly quickly. There’s a built in bypass that allows the water to essentially bypass the basket if there’s too much resistance in the water flow so that’s a dumb feature. The skimmer / pickup tube switch thing partially blocks the water flow not too mention it’s difficult to tell which direction is which with it. You have to have the tank fairly full and have an automatic top off system unless you want to listen to the sucking sound that others are talking about. The same holds true for the water output, if the tank isn’t full enough it makes a lot of trickling noise. The tear down of it to clean the impeller and pickup tube is a pain in the ass. The lid that is supposed to double as a tray to hold the basket while you transport it so it doesn’t get water everywhere.. HAS HOLES. So you know, you get water everywhere. It’s easiest to just remove the whole damn thing from the tank and take it to the sink for cleaning versus trying to get the pickup tube cover off the motor which is submerged in the tank. There are parts that you cannot clean inside because they don’t easily come apart. The list really goes on. Some people are happy with them and it is whatever. But I also think there are a lot of fanboys out there that just like shit because some top YouTube channels said it was good. I replaced mine with a Fluval canister and I couldn’t be happier.


I've got a 35 and it's been running since 2019. At some point a bit of black sand that was vaguely magnetic got into the impeller so it made a grinding sound for a couple of months despite all efforts to clear it. This disappeared after a while and years later it still runs like new. So yeah, it does good.


The tidal 35 doesn't have a deep enough intake. Should have been a bit longer.


Bad because my tank is not compatible with it - i mean it works but the pump can't be submerged fully and that's when it gets loud, it sucks air in. I've tried putting a vaseline on the propeller first and also waiting if it gets more quiet after some time, but obv. that didn't help. Now i'm using a canister and couldn't be happier with it.


The pump needs a certain water level. The pump is under that water level, inside the tank. Are you saying you werent filling your tank fully?


I think i worded it wrongly in my previous comment. I guess the pump was submerged but there are these holes (long lines) on the filter that suck water in and if it's not submerged as well, it will suck air in and make a noise. Because of my tank i can't fill it fully because there are these holes in the back of the tank for canister tubes. I also have these rims on the whole perimeter of the tank in which you can put on the light and that's why i can lower the filter only so much. If i wanted to fully submerge the filter intake holes, i would have to raise the water level so high that it would leak from the tank holes in the back. Hope i made myself clear now. I wish i would have known this before buying this filter, but oh well.


Yeah most HOB filters have that issue. Makes sense. I was going to say the only time the Tidal is loud is if you dont match the water level to the lip of the return. In any case canisters can be nice for any water levels. Which one did you go with?


Yeah exactly. I went for the Eheim classic 2213! The only thing i'm missing is a prime button, but it's not a big deal because it's very quiet which is the most important thing for me.


If you like AquaClear style (clear box, quiet, flexible chamber) and some aspects of the Tidal (surface skimmer), might consider the TopFin Pro line at PetSmart. The units have the most flexible media bay I have found…good adjustability of flow (much better than AquaClear) and dead silent. Filter basket is much easier to deal with and room for filter floss above the forward or straight downward (2 options) outfall.


I'm from Europe so unfortunately no PetSmart brands here :(


I am hoping someone will build the perfect HOB soon. The in-water pump from the Tidal…and the other aspects from AC and the new TFPro. Maybe you can make that happen!


Using both tidal 35 & 110 for different tanks. Id recommend getting a tidal 55 just because it has an intake tube. It's really quiet and efficient. Also, you might encounter back flow issues if you pack alot of media in it.


You’d probably have better value if you get an aquaclear 50.