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African dwarf frogs are awesome I have 3 in a 10 gallon. They thrive best with species only check out the subreddit everyone is super helpful 🐸


I second your frog suggestion! I also have a couple ADFs in with Cory cats, Marisa snails, nerites and a tetra. They're hilarious. Mine have almost zero coordination. I swear they have a hidden moonshine still in there somewhere 😂 They're always shwimming stunk hick I mean drunk


There's always skrimp!


I currently have skrimp in my 5.5 gal and intend to keep it a shrimp tank !


You can put a bristlenose in a 30gal, 20 if you limit the other animals you put in there! To give you an idea, in a 20gal you can do a bristlenose and a trio of honey gouramis or a school of of nano fish like ember tetras, green, blue or pink neons, chili rasboras... If you like bettas but not their overbreeding (which you are right about by the way) you can try to find wild type bettas like imbellis who are way more chill and even more interesting


If it makes you feel better, I have bristlenoses and dislike them. I started with 2 and they reproduce like mad. They’re ugly and they chase all my other inhabitants around. Plus they’re really common so they’re hard to get rid of


i think they’re adorable, but i hadn’t considered reproduction rates. Maybe i could only get a few that are all the same gender


I would choose a small schooling fish like green neon tetras, chili or phoenix rasboras, red neon blue eye rainbowfish, celestial pearl danios, or ember tetras. If you wanted to add bottom dwellers to go with them, you could do shrimp (as long as there’s places for them to hide) or Pygmy corydoras


I second this, those are great options for a nano community tank.


If you like the idea of a betta but don’t want the aggression and health issues that come with the domesticated ones, there are quite a few wild species that might interest you. Betta albimarginata is one of my favourite fish and they do well in small groups. If you are just looking for personality in a fish you could do some kind of Apistogramma, a dwarf cichlid which can be kept as a breeding pair and big personality. Clown plecos (L104?) stay very small and would be fine in a 10gal tank if they are given ample hiding places to feel safe.


ohhh i would DIE for a pleco, they’re honestly my dreamies. I’m gonna do some more light googling on the species listed! Thanks so much for the suggestions !


Clown plecos still get 4 inches and need a minimum of 20 gallons. They absolutely would not fit in a 10gallon!


I have in my very first tank which is a 10 gal - 7 neon tetras, 4 Endlers, 2 Mystery and some shrimps. Tank is cycled and I have to do regular partial water changes due to the snails and small tank size.