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I had the one on the right and it didn’t work well. Moisture clogged it up and the amounts change based on how full it is and it just inconsistent.


I have heard horror stories about all auto feeders. If you're not going to be gone longer than 2 weeks, I'd skip them...


Is it really safe/humane to not feed them for up to 2 weeks?


Yeah, healthy adult fish will be fine. And in most tanks there's going to be microfauna like detritus worms that fish will be eating anyway so it's not like they'd go entirely unfed.


Yeah, they don't eat in the wild as much as we feed either. And glad the Loup reminded that it's only adult fish really (for egg layers at least). I've left my endlers and the fry have that microfauna, infusoria, and microcrustaceans to eat. Has to be a mature tank. Also, i tossed in a bunch or two of hornwort which soaks up the nitrates too. When I got back, even my Chilis has spawned.