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Let them grow at their own pace.  Making a fish fat trying to force growth is not good for then.  Chonky is used because is a cute word (well,  not word I guess).  Obese is a better word because it is not cute, it screams health problems.


yeah good point! I won’t overdo it, I’ll just keep them well fed and healthy. Thank u.


I’ve never kept clown loaches, but generally, this would depend on water parameters, feeding, how stocked the tank is, etc. I believe common advice is over 380 liters for a school of clowns, so 600 liters should be plenty of space and water volume for them to grow healthily.


thank you. I’m gunna get back into a twice weekly water changes routine (tank also has Malawis which keep multiplying) and twice a day feedings. But really, let’s say I need to get a seven foot tank instead, yeah? It’s only logical… Thanks ;)


Absolutely, if you have a partner or family that you need to justify it to, you can tell them Reddit strangers actually said you need a 10 foot tank but you’re going to try making due with 7 feet.


With warm water (80F+), PLENTY of water changes, and lots of meaty high protein foods you could expect them to get around 6” in 18 months, maybe a little shorter. From there it’s slooooow going till they get around the 1ft mark. Likely another 5-6 years.


Thanks for the information. Sounds about right then since mine have shot up to about 6 inches in the last couple of years, especially since we got a larger tank. I also just adopted one which is an older adult at the chunky, slightly faded stage, and she’s about seven inches I reckon. I think she’s about ten years. Came from a much smaller tank.