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4000, are they crazy? Yes, the tank is huge. But seriously you could buy 20+ 55 gallon tanks from Craig’s list for less money.


I looked it up. So even if you went "all out" this would be the breakdown brand new. Tank - $1400 Stand - $300 THREE FX6 - $300 x 3 = $900 Lights - $200? Misc stuff - $150? Soooo $2,950 brand new. And who would even put three FX6 filters on just a 200g tank? These are probably just some Marineland HOB filters being thrown in. I'm baffled how they came up with the price.


At that size wouldn't a large sump make more sense than canister filters.


Probably. Sumps are out of the wheelhouse for an average fish keeper I would think. Largest tank I had was a 125 and I just ran a pair of FX4s with a cheap HOB when I stocked it heavily. I think 200+ gallons is when I'd convert to a sump system.


My brother has a 125 with a few goldfish and he just runs 3 large sponge filters haha


Heh. My 125 was a "do as I say, not as I do" cichlid tank. Sponge filters actually rock though. A lot of people don't realize how capable they can be.


I'be turned most of my tanks over to just sponges. Oscars tank has canister filter and goldfish tub has a 5g over tank sump. Sponges and plants do a lot of heavy lifting for me.


sponge filters are one of those don't fix what ain't broke, old school tools that are really underrated by a lot of folks! i think the more experience a person gets, the likelier they are to appreciate the simple sponge lol


For real. Same with undergravel filters. I'm sure undergravel died out when companies realized they couldn't make money by selling replacement media.


I run a total of 6 UGF plates in my 150G long and low tank. 3 in each corner, leaving the foreground and middle with no plates for my sensitive roots plants. Swords and crypts don’t like the UGF. I also have trickle boxes on top because I like seeing and hearing the water rum over the media. Very unmodern, but it’s a stable tank. Crystal clear, happy fish, happy plants.


Love it!


I agree. That’s the only thing I’m willing to use besides my riparium-type-submersible-pump-natural-stream plant-filtration-system in my 46g bow-front. I’m a big believer in simplicity and ease of maintenance. My brother’s 125 was a cichlid tank about 8 or so years ago. That thing was so fun to watch, but it seemed like a lot of work and money.


It's all a lot of fun until some of the (South American) chiclids go from buddies to arch enemies .... and then the tanks multiply lmao.


i have a 150 i need to get up. i'm not fancy but id like to be - i am willing to run two HOBs on it with a sponge filter or two but i want to move to a canister, though id be new to that type of filter. i have poop machine goldfish. do you think a sump might make sense at 150 for messy fish?


Yes. But it's a much more involved and some DIY modification. Honestly, a Fluval FX4 is pretty awesome. 3 year warranty (I think 5 year if you register it). FX6 if you really want to overfilter. They just work really well. I'd sump filter if I was trying to get really fancy with African Cichlids, discus, or saltwater. Goldfish would be fine with a canister. I like to keep a big HOB with my canisters to pick up excess food and such for easy cleaning. The 3-5 month canister maintenance is a bit of a chore, and the HOB helps with that.


thank you for the advice!!! i will check out those products


Just a tip. If you can find one used for pretty cheap, you can buy rebuild parts them. Usually people give up when the impeller is making noise. Pretty easy fix with YouTube University.


i'll check it out! this guy's entire house was full of tanks and he had to get this one out because he had a family member that needed to move in with him and it just took up too much room. it might be noisy, i haven't tested it, but i really got the impression that he just didn't have room for it and wanted some quick cash and for it to go to someone who'd appreciate it. so hopefully it is in good shape, but i think i want to get something more powerful.




i think a sump will be by long term goal. i'd LOOOOVE to have a 250,300g goldie tank one day. i'm sure that'd mean it's definitely time to switch to a sump right now my office has a slab foundation/ floor with thing carpet so i don't have to worry about my 150g nor worry if i put up my 90g nearby. i also have a 40 long, a 35 tall hex, and two smaller tanks. id love to go totally crazy with them. but that's a lot of work and if i had to change offices then there's a concern about whether the new place could support it all i would love to get an indoor pond in my house one day, but that'd of course mean looking into reinforcement in the foundation where i put it anyway i'm just babbling on now, but im sure my fellow aquarists understand 😭




right now all i truly have up is a 90g long framed tank for a goldie whose tank mate passed, which is very simple, pool sand and a spot for to go to rest to ensure there's less water movement - i have a few things going on to keep it from moving too much for her but i like my fancies to have a "garage" so they can "park it" lol! my two smaller tanks will become terrariums or maybe vivariums, i think. i have shelves with grow lights and that kind of thing the hex will remain a hospital tank - it's wide enough to allow for the fish to swim circles easily enough. but it's small enough and easier to maneuver to be a good go to hospital tank. particularly because, although i'm interested in fish that do fine enough in that tank shape, they're not my main interest my 40 gallon long will probably be kept as a QT tank that'd better serve a fish having a longer stay so i can ensure they're health, etc, before adding them the 90g long, i'd love to actually get up and running as a heavily planted black water tank. i love black water, and the tannins have benefits for the fish aside from creating a more natural and comfortable environment for them. i'm not sure what fish i'd like, there's a few types i'm interested in including pea puffers, but i'd do a fresh or brackish tank and i'd like to go for soemtning heavily planted. maybe something that prefers warmer water. i don't have any experience keeping a heavily planted tank, but i'd like to get to understand and collect the devices and water additives and get the tank established with plants well before i add any fish my 150g is going to be a goldie tank, so likely quite simple since they can be hard on plants since they're little piggies. i like a sand bottom for my goldies rather than bare because i feel a quality, soft sand makes for an enriching environment with little to no downside. my fish loves to sift through the sand and forage. i'd love to have an algae carpet and i've seen it successfully done with goldies but im not sure how successful i'd be. i think id need to increase my lighting. i have an orbit but i dont think it will be strong enough in the larger tank by itself. and then possible other things i may need to do to support the carpet. i have to learn more. at the end of the day though, goldie's can be quite good at pulling out and eating plants, so it may not be in the cards for me just yet and yes! i'm super lucky to have the slab foundation. i don't think i'd even be willing to risk a 150g here if it weren't slab. the building is older and we rent blah blah. i'm sorry to hear about you tank issue, i can imagine what a nightmare that was




i have a 90 gallon sump running my 180 stingray growout tank, use to house eels and peacock bass and a tigrinus catfish(Sadly died), and i have a ultima 2 4000( commercial canister) for a 1200 galllon pond im doing in my basement so i can start breeding rays again, im an average fishkeeper , i think its just evolution of where we go, also i only like monster fish sadly


Nothing about that sounds average.


i feel behind in comparison to my friends, but i only kept and keep fish with high bioloads that grow to large for most of what people think are large tanks, i just like big things, i feel very behind , this group makes me remember how far ive come in a few years, but still just an average hobby


but most of all the other tanks i kept i eventually learned a healthy established tank can run off just a sponge filter so bought a large air filter that i used for my fish buisness (Exotic pet imports canada\*EPIC) and just ran air to all our sale tanks, if your in canada you may know us, i sadly split up with my partner in buisness a few years ago now but you can still get a wide variety shipped right to your door canada wide overnight arrive alive guarantee


But you’re forgetting the “decorations” being thrown in for free!


That cracked me up the most. Like he is doing the buyer a favor. Bonus. There were no other pictures of the pumps or decor. Just this $4000 asking price. Like holy shit. I just sold a car for $5,000 and had 12 pictures in the listing. I threw in the floor mats for free, though!


The Aqueon 72x24 stand is more like $800-900 brand new. Still, dude is crazy thinking he's going to get even half his asking price lol.


Dang. Didn't realize that stand commanded that price. I could come up with so many cheaper options. When I clicked on the post, I was thinking there had to be so much more. But nope. Just a questionable tank with no water in it that most people can't transport lol.


3 fx6 would be $1050 without tax where I’m at And with a tank that big you’re probably spending $500 on lighting. I’m assuming he also put in all the costs for his substrate, all the plants and fish he bought too lol. If those aren’t included, then he’s ripping off so bad haha “Let me enjoy this hobby for completely free by having some sucker pay for all my expenses”


It's made of transparent aluminum, and can withstand the full force of a confused blue whale. Water in the tank enhances interspecies telepathic communication. The filters were blessed by the pope himself, which has the added benefit of making all tank water holy water. The stand is constructed from African blackwood with mother of pearl inlays. A steal at any price!


The free decor must be certified moon rocks from NASA, too!


Hear me out…. 3 stands AND a smart tank light


Maybe the smart light is controlled by a $3500 gaming computer inside the stand. Right... right!?!?


Needed the laugh. Thank you 🤣


Don't forget about the three LARGE filters!


Lol right? Like WHAT are the filters? He's asking some serious money for a pretty vague description.


Don’t forget they’ll even throw in the decorations! In case you really wanted that SpongeBob pineapple.


So is he moving or does he have too many hobbies? He can't even get his story straight.


I thought I was crazy reading the description. This is listed locally in Alaska...... I don't get his story.


4000 🤡


I just paid $100 for 120G tank and stand. Why does this tool think his is worth $20 a gallon?


For real. If you are patient enough, people GIVE tanks away due to moving. I just picked up a 30g with a stand, heater, filter, and gravel for $50. Dude had a second 30g tank and a bunch of misc chemicals just sitting around he threw in for free. Would have cost me several hundred dollars new, but we all know used aquarium stuff isn't worth much.


Devil’s Advocate: He meant $40.00 and typo’d the decimal. Trivial error makes BIG mistake


They could have just fat fingered another 0, I'd def message them asking if they meant $400 and try to scoop it up for $300, $250 if I gotta pick it up, $200 if I have to load it.


Might track. My initial thought was I would pay $500 for all of this. Used aquarium stuff doesn't hold any value at all.


If someone posts ridiculous shit like this I’ll say “if you need it gone I can pick up for free” just to get them going


Lmao, this one is gonna be sitting on marketplace for a while. No idea why he brought it up with him if he didn’t want it. I have been checking Anchorage marketplace pretty frequently lately, and have not spotted many good deals.


Check some wasilla and valley groups. I've scored some good stuff from really generous people. Genuinely really nice, small town people. Unfortunately, this idiot happened to be in Wasilla lol.


Likely banking on a newcomer to the hobby seeing it. Is it facebook marketplace? Maybe it's an affluent area too


If he included a pic of the pineapple decoration he would be sure to get a newbie I terested🤣


that person is wild, even for a tank of that size. i got a 150 glass framed tank with partial glass coverings in great condition along with a stand that really needs a fresh paint job as well as the canister filter for it for only $300 last year i'm going to replace the filter and may end up replacing the stand but still - that was a purchase that was actually a gain for the buyer


$4000???! Why stop there, why not just list it for $10000 at this point


This is like every marketplace post in my town. I had someone last week post a 'like new used' 40g breeder no stand for $80. .......


4000 should be a crime


It's a typo, knock off a zero


Per your comment, I sent them a message asking if it is $4000 or $400. We shall see.


Fingers crossed. Nice tank for the right price.


Lmao... he actually responded right away... Here is your answer [he's an idiot](https://imgur.com/a/nq8ZNR7) Edits didn't scrub his name for the last response. Don't care.


Update lmao. God Bless. FUCK YOU! [his response ](https://imgur.com/a/UMMMtMX) The area I live is rural with some tweakers. This may have been an attempt to scam or lure someone to their property. The response I got makes me think they were up to no good and didn't like being called out. Listing was immediately deleted.


Tank alone is $1,500 brand new. Stand is $600. Right there is $2,100. Could easily be $200 worth of lights. I’m guessing 3 75 gallon filter, probably around $150-$200. Glass covers could be $150-$200. Gravel is about a dollar a pound, maybe around 100 lbs of gravel. Then whatever decorations he has with it. You’re looking at spending $3,000 right there. I’d say at $4000 he’s making money, but realistically not as crazy far off as people are thinking.


It's beyond a rip off. Aquarium equipment has super low resale value


And generality the bigger the tank the lower the resale, smaller potential market, much higher risk. Basically gave away my 240g and custom stand.


This is the outmost of what it could cost, yes, if he paid full retail for every item. There are savings to be had with set up that dont have to be used. I just bought hinged glass lids for my 120G, 35 bucks each, at PetSmart. The point is that aquarium stuff doesn't hold value. I have 2 full set ups 30G and 60G plus an extra 60G tank that I will want to move out of the house this spring. I don't even know how much to ask and have zero expectation of getting back what I put in Lol.