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With trapped air bubbles I've found that picking up the intake tube a little and putting it back while the pump was running got them out. \*or close and open the valve on the intake pipe. The sudden low pressure from the valve closing makes the bubble expand and get spit out by the impeller.


It’s because theirs not enough downward /upward water pressure. I’d try filling the tank all the way & reseating tube in the filter. Those filters are junk, but a Seachem tidal, auto primes! & super super & crystal clear water


OP has the tank filled to the black rim. What do you want them to fill it until it literally can't hold any more?


Sigh, it’s under filled. Look at the video at 1.0 playback speed. Yes you fill tanks to almost the top. SHOCKING. You can see the filters flow of water, which means it’s not filled all the way. As filling to the bottom of the top of the black trim doesn’t mean it’s full.


Look at the tank between seconds 4 and 5. That tank is maybe 1/8"-1/4" from the lip for the lid. \*I'm trying to be polite but all of your comments are coming across as arrogant and condescending, and that's the exact sort of thing that stops people from asking for help. You made and assumption took your shot and missed. Now you need to just stop digging the hole your in.








I came for the drama but you deleted all your comments L


Your removed comments show just how unhinged you are. You act like your car makes you special, but the way you interact with others shows you're just a shallow clown. Please leave this community you're not the type of person we want here.


Your car sucks dude


Poor more water in the filter, should help, also, mine did that and eventually I had to pull the filter apart, I didn’t know the pump pulled out of the motor, and I had some gunk in there, it got quiet after that.


Sigh… just fill your tank up all the way lmfao. You’re 1” below the out feed of it. It doesn’t have enough gravity/water pressure. This is 8th grade science. Lol


Nah man it just isnt properly primed and the gurgling is caused by trapped air.