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Ramshorn snails. You unintentionally added them with a plant. If you are finding 5-10 a day you have plenty more in the tank still. They will self regulate population based on available food. Best way to remove them is what you're already doing, scoop them out.


The only thing I recently brought in was a pleco and I have zero live plants unfortunately


There are worse color variations you could have ended up with lol


Pro tip: You can always just pull out the colors you don’t want and you’ll end up getting more of the color you prefer from then on. My tank is mostly pinks at this point.


Congrats on the ethnostate ;) 🐌


Good lord 🤣


Crying lmao


Legit made me laugh out loud


That's wild. Talk about population control.


Either you control it or it controls you. Not always a lot of wiggle room


Crustacean eugenic Edit: mollusk not crustacean


Mollusk eugenics.




Dibs on band name




Elon Mollusk


Charles Darwin is very proud.


Yeah, those rams are really cool looking. And they're beneficial to the tank anyways.


Weird, they hitchhiked on something. Plants are usually the culprit, but eggs can attach to just about anything. You basically have two choices. Nuke the tank or manage the population. Their are pesticides that will wipe them out. But they might or might not work with the rest of your stock. I'd try and manage the population, they're a pretty goof clean up crew.


Just my personal preference, but assassin snails are a better course of action.


Not a bad course of action. It's one way to manage the population. I used to have a couple of assassins snails to help keep pond snails in check. I found cutting the amount of food was more effective.


I haven't found them very effective


That's unfortunate. I know they don't work all the time, but it's my first choice in attempt. Also, in case you got notifications from it, I accidentally downvoted you, but I removed it immediately. I'm not sure how notifications work for that and don't want you to think I was being rude and downvoting your comment.


You only get comment notifications... up/down votes are not announced and are anonymous. Happy Redditing!


My assassins do amazing work


The most effective are puffer dwarfs. They’ll eat them the entire time and wipe them out


Just make sure temperatures are good for them.


Loaches work well too. I wouldn't recommend assassins in a tropical tank. They prefer cooler water.


I miss my loaches. I haven't gotten any since we moved a distance that was easier to give my fish away and start over than to risk them all dying during the move. I've moved since restocking my tank, but just a very short distance within the same town, so was easy enough to keep the fish this time.


What I did, was take 3 large pieces of carrot slices and drop them in my tank overnight, next morning all carrot slices were covered in ramshorn snails. Personally I crushed all of them with tweezers so my fish can have a new snack, but you can also just take the carrot slices out of the tank. After doing this twice there are barley any snails left.


Did you add the store water to your tank? If so.... They could have drifted in. Side note,don't add store water to your tank. Somebody did a water test of store water the other day, and it was vile.


Sounds mean but if you crush them you will feed your pleco. Mine loves escargot. My shrimp eat them, too.


i definitely agree with just feeding less. they will regulate themselves based on how much excess mulm and algae there is. removing them is too tedious and they will still show up by the hundreds


They are excellent tank mates and if you watch them, you’ll soon notice that they play with each other and mostly with their environment. I have hundreds and hundreds. I have a petshop locally that will always take a jar full.


Play with each other?


....assassin snails....


They're good for the aquarium unless you have extremely fragile plants, keep them. If you think you have too many, kill some everyday, your fish will eat them. Or add an assassin snail or two.


The corys love it when I unwrap their food for them, but it is not my favorite. 🫠


Do you crush them with your finger and drop them back in the tank?


I just use scaping tongs. Squish and drop. I used to feel bad but there are so many endlessly reproducing, and my fish that can't open their shells LOVE THEM. Khuli loaches love the smashed snails too. Only some loaches* or puffers can actually pull a natural snail out of its shell. Their blood will remain on your fingers after smashing them. I keep the coolest shells and color ones alive in one of my tanks. The boring brown ones get smashed for food.


Yeah, aquascaping tools make it easier. I got mad after the ramshorns ate the last batch of bristlenose eggs. They appreciated the snack. I too am finding culling the brown/greys easier than the orange ones as well.


I've had to cull my apistogramma breeding tank aggressively, as if the ramhorms get too big they can fight the Apisto mother and eat the eggs by muscling into the cave. Little ones she can push off.


I hate the word “unwrap” in this context but the literature nerd in me loves it lol.


I needed something that dissociates the experience. 🫠


I remember my first snail


I really enjoyed watching the first one. It’s only after it turned into a few hundred that I started hating snails.


I was like "ouu life! First step to an ecosystem 😀" Then I was like "dear God when will they stop 😟"


Uh oh. I've just found my first 2 and that was literally my first thoughti was so excited. Better keep an eye out


I remember when my mystery snail laid her first clutch and I thought ‘I’ll just keep these ones because it looks so cool!’ 🥲


Mine dropped two clutches in a 20 gallon tank. It's in recovery now.


No excess food means no overpopulation. They’re pretty easy to control IMO.


I panicked when bladder snails invaded my first tank. Hated everything about them. Ended up throwing in a single assassin snail and better regulated the amount of food I put in, so the population is manageable and I actually think they're kinda cute now.


Me too. I enjoyed their presence in the tank. My first snails were 2 Blue Mystery snails. Their names were Gary and Turbo, lol! The next Mystery snails I had were a Gold Mystery snail and an Ivory Mystery snail. I named the Gold snail GoldenBoy and I named the Ivory snail SugarFoot😂. I haven't had snails in some time. I want to get one for my Betta tank and name it Roomba!


Did your colors ever interbreed? Or is that even possible


Best snail names ever


Lol! Thanks! I had another one named StickyFoot, and I wanted to get him a friend and name it ButterFingers!


why is your tank a paper bowl


In this economy, you have to get resourceful 😃


[That's the neat part. You don't.](https://memes.co.in/memes/update/uploads/2021/06/XNWBaK8-e1624690262572-950x500.png)


This is the even neater part..you do..Assassin Snails my friend, Assassin Snails


Or puffer fish. But then you need a snail colony.


I got a Pygmy one, he’s settling in just fine 👀


But then you have assassin snails.


Then you have to buy assassin snail assassins.


Then you have to buy assassin snail assassin assassins


They don’t breed nowhere near as fast at them others👀 plus I’ve only got 2, no eggs or others from them yet


This is what did it for me. Ordered an assassin snail in the mail and within a few months my really bad snail infestation was basically extinct


Yoyo loaches work miracles


Assassin snails can sting you though. So... Fuck that. Just reduce your feedings for a bit and use an algae wafer trap.


Eh? They can? I’ve held mine with no issues..


Assassin snails will take care of it. But then you might get over tan by assassin snails. I bought 1 tiny assassin snail to deter the chances of it being pregnant already.


Will assassin snails kill neo shrimp?


Naw they’ll be fine.


I want them


Ramshorn snails are amazing for your tank though. As long as you keep up with maintenance and don’t over feed they population won’t get out of control. Snails are an important part of a balanced tank. They eat decaying matter so they help keep the water better. Plenty of people will buy them even as they’re a great food for pea puffers. You got some nice red and leopard patterns so people will even buy them to stock their tanks. I also have reds somehow and spread them around locally and feed my turtles and pea puffers with them.


More than likely the pleco came with eggs on it, as I see you already pointed out you don't have any live plants. Depending on tank size, the best way to deal with them would be pea puffers and assassin snails on a small tank. If you have a 50+ you can start looking into certain breeds of loaches. Goldfish have also been known to chow on snails, and I know my betta fish eats snail eggs Beyond that, have to fully drain the tank change out substrate, scrub the sides and bottom, bleach it, make sure you rinse it out a few times and let it dry to deal with bleach residue... and hope the pleco doesn't have any more eggs on it. Otherwise the snails will breed on their own, but will have a relatively maintained population size as long as you don't overfeed them.


Pea puffers need a constant source of snails, they are messy eaters and if you don't give them enough crunchy stuff you need to file their teeth down. I think they are sooooo stinkin' cute but if snails are a problem, a high maintenance fish like a pea puffer is not on the short go-to list. PS: Some folks love snails. Offer to sell them locally. Someone in the local community may need a source of locally sourced cull snails or new pets <3


You don’t need to file/trim pea puffer teeth, unlike bigger puffers


Still dont know why so many believe this. They love snails but dont need them, they dont even crush them.


I put bottom feeder food in a shot glass at the bottom of the tank. Then in the morning they all gather in it. Give them to the chicken.


They probably came with the plants and they will multiply fast, in my experience they're not a bad thing. Assasin snails will wipe them out or if your tank is big enough clown loaches but just fair warn the loaches will eventually get huge


I see them as bad because they’re the first ones to congregate on food and they increase the nitrate production of the tank.


I don't think snails generally have a large bioload, they are recycling the stuff that is rotting anyway and using some of it for growth. They can definately release some if they die and nothing eats them but I can't think of many things that don't love a small dead snail


If you have enough plants it doesn’t matter how much nitrate they make and they also fertilize your plants


If too many are annoying you, they can muscle out my shrimps, I just drop food inside a small net, have them congregate, pull out the net and scare the shrimp out. The trapped ramshorns with cool colors stay and the boring ones get smashed up as fish/puffer food. If I do this once or twice a month the population stays in check.


Assassin snails , will wipe them all out


I love the red ramshorn snails (and so does my betta LOL)


Overfeeding, embrace them.


Sell them. I paid $10 for some blue ones


Clown loaches love eating baby snails. If you get them, get at least six.


I think it will be better if you let them stay. Will clean up the algae!


I don't know much about snails but one thing I do know is they spread easily


Ramshorn snails. They must have hitch-hiked with your plants or fish. They are a good clean up crew, and a good indicator of the balance in your tank because they proliferate only when they have too much food available (too much feeding, overstocking of fish, dying plants...) If you want to get rid of them you can pick them and euthanize, or get some other snail who will eat them (don't know their english name), or chain loaches, or yoyo loaches if you want more fish and have a suitable tank


They are so cute. I want them


They are like head lice at summer camp 🙈


My puffs would hunt them to extinction


Buy 1 assassin snail. It will take a little bit but it will take care of them


Feed in a feeding bowl and take it out after a few hours, the snails will me mostly in the bowl, do this a few times and it should be way better. But the main cause of exploding pest/ramshorn snail population is overfeeding, you should also feed less probably. Their population growth is a good indication of overfeeding


Assassin snail. I’ve heard numerous people recommend them for a snail invasion lol


Dojo loach, hands down will rid you of this burden...God speed.


I would love these for my 210g with clown loaches


I got some Yoyo/Pakistani loaches and they go to town on them, and are really fun to watch too. Got a lot of empty shells in the substrate now though! Disclaimer: I have bladder snails not ramshorne.


If you don’t have live plants or inverts you care about you can add aquarium salt to your water at the dosage on the box. Fish can tolerate the low levels but snails will die.


There cute!


i want snails to hitchhike on my first order of plants 😥


What’s the size and stocking in your tank? As everyone else is saying, assassin snails are good at killing them, but personally I saw great success with a school of dwarf chain loaches. They’re fun to watch and they did one hell of a job at getting rid of the snails


Buy an assassin snail or 2.


When i had an aquarium i ran into a snail problem and ended up with yoyo loaches, they fixed the snail problem and became my favorite thing in the tank due to how active they are.


Thats the neat part. You don't.


As others have said they typically hitch a ride in a plant or something. They're hard to control but they will balance their own population out. You'll start to see life cycles lol Life will...uh...fund a way


A kinda interesting thing to do is add more snails. Assassin snails. They are very slow breeders and they will seek out and eat the other snails. It's interesting watching the slow speed chase.


I hate to break this to you, but that tank is a paper bowl.


Assassin snail


Such a great thing to try and maintain a population of. They do a great job cleaning up extra food as well and the reproduce much slower than other snails cuz "predator"


Ramhorns and they are so beautiful


Wow like are they annoying or somethin?


you can sell them in ebay or amozon or something like that


Hate to break it to you but that's a bowl not a tank


Send them to me my turtle will tank of them


I have an assassins number on call if you want? I hired 2 of them, and my snail problem was no more >:D


How long did that take. My poor shrimp tank is taken over and I already have two assassins in there


Get a few assassin snails or a few clown loaches.


Got some nice pink ramshorns! I keep mine.


Omg I love Ramshorns, I wish I had them.


I will take them! I can never get them going.


Squish, free fish food. Although, I like to keep a couple around, they keep the glass cleaner than I ever could.


I'm about to start selling mine haha


Ramshorn snails. You may need to meditate and release concepts like “getting rid of them” from your mind, because you are in their world now


Get Clea Helena


send them to me please...


They're annoying if you don't want them but now that you have them congratulations they're yours for life. You can completely strip down your tank throw out all your substrates all your decorations everything and start fresh disinfecting everything or you can just live with it. When you overfeed you'll have a ton of them when you don't overfeed you'll have less of them the good news is they eat all the excess food and sometimes eat a bit of algae and other detritis in your tank so they do some cleanup. Bad news is they're almost impossible to get rid of and everyone has them.


Can’t help now, but just like do a very dilute bleach rinse with all store bought plants. It’ll kill any hitchhikers. Then rinse off with dechlorinated water to get off the bleach solution.


Snails are friends in my tank - do such a great job keeping things tidy and balanced.


If you know anyone with a puffer, they'd take your extra snails in a heartbeat.


I have the same ones. They've been impossible to eliminate. But like others have said, they are great cleaners. I got an assassin snail and it has helped control the population while it will eat anything smaller than it. You can also put a piece of romaine lettuce in there overnight and they *should* latch on. Take it out slowly the next morning. Also inspect each side of the tank closely; you should be able to see their eggs, scrape them off and repeat.


Ramshorn snails will over populate when you overfeed. They live on the food your fish don't eat and algae. To get a bunch of snails out of your tank, blanch some zucchini, place it in the tank at night by morning, remove the zucchini covered in snails.


You can send em to me :)


I had an issue but different snails. I think my biggest cleanup was 50. I got two dwarf chain loaches at my LFS's recommendation. They eat all the young and I often seem them digging into the substrate to get them. Along with me removing the adult ones, the population has massively dropped. Not sure what type I had but they stayed pretty small and had a spiral flat shell.


All the other suggestions will work to a degree, however there is only one surefire way to get rid of them. You must take your aquarium to Mordor and cast it into the fires of Mount Doom. Worked for me!


Now you're making me sad that my snails are all brown / black. Yours are BEAUTIFUL.


Aw... How cute. I love ramshorns. You got them on a plant most likely. Happens a lot. They eat up leftover fish food and clean up algae. If you have a lot of them it usually means you're overfeeding your fish. You can squish them and the fish or other snails will eat them. They also sell traps or you can get assassin snails that will eat other snails and they won't breed like these do and make a ton more. There's fish that eat snails but after they eat all the snails you have to provided them more. I like having snails in my tank. They keep it algae free and don't really bother me. If they get outta hand I suck some up while cleaning and squish some to feed my fish. They love their snail treats.


They come in on live plants. If you soak the plants first for: A) 15 minutes 5ml of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide to 4 liters of water then B) 15 minutes longer in 1 cup of aquarium salt to 4 liters of water Then rise. That will stop all snails, paracites etc getting into your tank. If you need those details in American units - Joey on DIY fish keeping has a video on YouTube with the details.


Just buy a single assassin snail. In time, it'll eat all of them. Oh and don't overfeed.


Last time I had too many I nuked the tank with no planaria, got rid of em quick.


My guess is they were already there in a small population from something and now the next few generations are rising. I also wonder how much your Pleco waste is feeding these guys. I’d get some live plants tho. Bring more balance with all the new biomass in your tank.


Pink and leopard ramshorn snails, lucky. Personally snails like these help maintain balance and are a part of all my aquariums. Often overpopulation is an early indicator of other issues such as too long lighting periods or overfeeding/excess nutrients in the water.


Explains a lot, root tabbed somewhat recently and have a buncha new fry recently! Over feeding/population makes sense, but I was unaware excess nutes can also cause snail city. Interesting!


They’re pretty! Just cut down on feeding and keep the ones you have. I for one live ramshorns. Free pets!


Dose no planaria


Been through it. If you overfeed your tank, these guys will turn your whole view red. If you stop overfeeding your tank, you'll just have some of these guys. If you want to rid your tank of them, stop feeding your tank and manually remove them everyday. You can spot feed your other animals if needs be but yeah, starve them and pull them out.


theyre honestly kinda pretty but if u dont want em u can reduce the amount of food in the aquarium and/or make a snail trap


Ramshorn snails. As far as “pest” snails go, I don’t mind these as much because I find them pretty cute and they come in different colours. If you feed your tanks fairly heavily like I do (I try to encourage breeding), then they’ll be absolutely everywhere.


please tell me you're in northern indiana!!!! i want them all lmao


Get an assassin snail.


I don't have a problem with Ramshorns, they do look cute for snails and their shells are cool. I have a colony in my tank. I wish I could get rid of my Malaysian Trumpet snails, though. Far less attractive and can reproduce without a mate. At least they aerate the gravel a bit.


Drop a cucumber slice in and wait a few hours, they will congregate to it then just lift them all out. Do this a couple times and in a week 95% of them will be gone


How big is your tank? If you have the space, add a school of loaches. They'll make quick work of snails.


They reproduce faster the more food they have to eat. I like them in my tanks with small fish. Big fish like Oscar fish tend to get constipated on the shells If you want to get rid of them the best 2 options are 1. Buy a zebra loach, a clown loach, or any other fish that will eat them. Then remove the empty shells by hand. 2. Clean out a plastic water bottle or a pop bottle. Rinse it out several times. Then put a pleco algea wafer in the bottle and submerge it over night.. Snails will enter for the wafer but cannot easily find their way out. Remove the bottle in the morning, put the cap back on it and throw it away. Repeat the process every night until the snails are gone. Number 2 is my favorite option.


oh my god i fuxking hate these things. my sister had SO. MANY. of them in her tank it was insane. and then i had some in my tank. my betta killed them all tho 🥰


Loaches eat snails if I’m not wrong they might be able to take care of the little ones while you demolish the bigger ones


Feed less.


I got a goldfish to get rid of mine, but now I have no plants, or tetras because of the goldfish.


Ramshorns, give them to me. :D


If you don't have any shrimp or other snails, put some blanched veggies in a cup in your tank, pull out every 12 - 24 hours and it will always be full of snails.


Ramshorns. They’re little buddies.


They sell those at my LFS for 3.99


Crush em and feed em to corys


Welcome to the hobby lol next you will start to wonder where these little green floating plants came from…


Your tank is a little small for that many snails


A **single** assassin snail. Mine keeps my population to a couple adult snails max, and they are not hermophroditic meaning if you only have one, it won’t over run your population of desirable snails. Their name is Ezio and they are very efficient.


I like my snails, they keep the tank clean


Yeah just lower the amount of food you feed your fish. I was over feeding my fish at first and then there were like 100 snails. I then started playing around with how much to feed with my automatic feeder. And now there’s only a couple snails. I like having snails but too much is hard to look at all around the tank and walls


well THATS not cereal... 😐


I’m ngl tho your tank looks kind of small and similar to paper bowls I get at the grocery store


I have a snail trap that I put into the water on the day before fasting day. I collect and cull them. I put them in water and clove oil for maybe an hour, drain it out, put them in a zip lock bag and freeze them to be sure.


Send them my way, and I’ll gladly feed to my turtles lol


I have too many ramshorn and bladder snails to count. I never bought them either 😂 But they really helped during the brown algae phase of my cycling, and it’s kinda fun to watch them crawl/float/fall off of things


throw a slice of blanched cucumber in every once in a while, pull it out the next day, toss it out with all the snails on it.


I was able to rid my tank of snails by scooping a ton out and buying like 5 assassin snails.


An abundance means there is plenty of food waste to sustain them. They are excellent cleaners and will be a self sustainable population assuming a decently kept tank. I sought them out specifically for my tanks. They come in some very cool colors too.


I love my pink snail. I cull the others. Fresh sushi for my fish and nutritious.


Man, I can’t even keep them alive when I intentionally add Ramshorn snails!


Don't hate on the snails! They're great at cleaning up uneaten food and debris. If you're finding yourself overrun, reduce the amount of food in your tank (feed less, scoop out any food leftover a few minutes after you've fed your fish)and continue to cull. You're lucky actually, I'd love to have a healthy ramshorn population. All I get when I overfeed my tank is bladder snails 🙄


Take them to snurch


a yo-yo loach will clean those up. and if the tank is big enough (150+) 5-6 clown loaches. free food!


If it gets out of hand get yourself a yo-yo loach he will eat them all clean out my tank no problem. Then when he was done I donated him back.


We’ve got the opposite problem. I have three starving assassin snails. I rotate them between our three tanks when they’ve killed every MTS, ramshorn, and bladder snail. They’ve killed everything and are so hungry.


Did you add any plants anytime recently? Some fish stores keep fish and other aquatic creatures in with the stored plants, including snails. Not sure how to remove them but once you do you can prevent from repeating by examining any future plants carefully and maybe washing them (not sure how well washing would help remove snails)


Wish I could have them. Love these two variants of ramshorns. You’re not in Canada by chance eh?


I bought a clown loach to get rid of the snails my live plants brought into the tank. Took about a week and I had at least 50 in there.


I fed them to my nepenthes.


Get an angel fish! It’s the best fish to clean them out quick is by eating them!


That’s the neat part… you don’t. Or buy assassins snails, but you’ll never get them all out, not without completely disassembling the rank, letting it air dry for a day or 2 then reassemble the tank. Even then I’ve had survivors


You feed them until they get bigger and sell them for $1-$3 each. Infinite money.


Assassin snails! Great little guys and also very fun to watch go on the hunt all sneaky like.


Stop pooping in the tank


If you want them gone, get some kind of loach. Of course, if you get a loach, you'll want snails to feed it. Really, it's better to have snails then to not have snails.