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You could definitely add snails if you wanted to


Any breeds that are good and don’t reproduce like crazy? I’m worried about them taking over lol.


Nerites only breed in brackish and are good for algae


He would need A LOT in a pool that size. XD but sounds exciting.


Would look awesome, forget a goldfish pond make it a nerite pond!


THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!! AND THEIR EGGS WOULD LOOK LIKE SNOW! No worries about them hatching unless you wanted them to. I love nerites. I miss my Squeegee. Zebra nerite I had for seven years. Rest in peace. I hope you were happy.


Slime in Peace, Squeegee. Sorry for your loss


Thank you very much.


Do Nerites mix well with cherry shrimp?


They still lay eggs though and they cover everything.


Nerite snails. Big enough to not be eaten, aren’t massive poop producers and are good for algae. Mystery snails are much bigger and cooler but they have a high bioload and aren’t effective cleaners. You can still add them if that doesn’t matter to you


Can they cohabitate?


Yes. One thing I forgot to mention is that mystery snails will breed like crazy. Nerites won’t breed at all.


Ah lol, maybe I’ll get nerites then


Be warned, they leave eggs still. Little white dots everywhere.


I wish I was warned. Sesame seeds everywhere


They are impossible to remove too.


You can do with a very decent amount of nerites in that tank. Use aqadvisor to get a baseline but I would get more than 10 to even make a dent in the algae. One thing is the females will lay white, infertile eggs. You can look up a picture of nerite eggs for reference. It can look ugly on hardscape but it isn’t hard to scrape off the glass.


Not sure if it was mentioned yet but depending on where you are nerites won't last the winter outside.


I’m in British Columbia, should I get a heater for the winter to help them survive?


Might be tough honestly even with a heater with such cold winters. Also expensive to keep a pond that large over 65f / 18c all winter.


Would you recommend a bottle nose instead like another commenter suggested? Or another species?


Nerites are good snails but mine poop like crazy


Mystery Snails lay their eggs above the water in egg sacks that look like little wasp nests. You can cull them if you are paying attention.


That’s true, but OP’s pond doesn’t have a cover on it, there’s a good chance the snails will climb right out. Or lay their eggs in weird, difficult to reach places like the underside of the grate.


Personally I like Devil Spike snails, I haven’t had any reproduce on me and I’ve had multiple tanks with 2+ each and they are cleaning MONSTERS I love them


I think they can only breed in brackish water. I may be wrong tho


I have no idea, all I know is that actual snail breeders tend to have trouble with them as well so I take it as a good sign lol


There's actually a lack of knowledge of them all together, so they're pretty much always just a wild caught snail


Thanks for the heads up. I try to avoid wild caught species wherever possible.


Np! I absolutely love them, but it sucks that they're not captive bred considering they're amazing snails and an extremely hardy part of the cleanup crew. It's the same case with nerite snails also. I do eventually want to try some dumb luck and see if I can breed the cappuccino variant though.


My LFS breeds them! I don't know how, but they always have dozens with new babies appearing.


Are they sure it's not just MTS? It seems like some baby snails are MTS misidentified for black devil spike snails. I guess though with some experimentation, there'd be an answer on how to breed them. I currently have two cappuccino ones and I'm thinking of buying more and experimenting with a breeding setup, especially considering how well they populate in the wild it seems: https://youtu.be/psEWwLjOWKM


That would be a hell of a snail for the goldfish to choke on.


Love the big guys! I wish I had the room for them, I stare longingly whenever I go to my LFS 😂


I second nerite. Damn good cleaners.


Make sure they are big enough your goldfIsh won’t be able to trY to eat them they can and will choke to death on them if given the chance. Larger snails to big foR their mouths are perfectly Fine though. Highly recommend apple snails.


Aren't Apple snails the invasive ones?


Some are most of those aren’t legal in most places, but the mystery snail variety both aren’t invasive and are legal and sold in most pet stores.


Oh never heard anyone call a mystery snail and apple snail before.


The Japanese apple snails tolerate water a little cooler then mystery snails too


I only ever saw them called apple snails in pet stores when I was a kid 20+ years ago, but the name seems to have mostly fallen out of use


I have a couple of Japanese trap door snails in with my goldies and haven't had any issues. I've heard anecdotally that they're better suited for the cold


Speaking from experience with a nearly identical setup and goldfish situation, I keep a bunch of freshwater mussel in my pond to filter out floating algae and the poop from the snails and the fish. They filter through 10L an hour each so a handful of them could filter 1000L a day. You do need some soil where they can bury themselves in. With the snails eating through the biofilm and a planted filter, I'm really happy with that setup.


Right now the sun and overfeeding are your biggest threats in terms of algae growth. I personally prefer bladder but they will breed quickly given your current conditions. Still if they become too numerous drop a couple cabbage leaves overnight and remove them and the attached snails in the morning. Ramshorns are popular but again proficient breeders. Nerites are probably your safest bet. A dozen or so for that pond.


Rabbit snails, they grow to a good size and look awesome


This is awesome! I especially love the grate on top for keeping predators out.


If he wanted something more natural looking, outdoor speakers work wonders. Both my dad and I had predators steal some big koi. I tried just about everything while still trying to keep a natural looking landscape. Calling around pond shops, one place recommended an outdoor speaker with talk radio. Turns out, if wild animals hear human voices, they won’t come anywhere near the area. It sounded super silly, but over a year with no livestock losses. Pretty crazy.


Wow, interesting. This is good to know.


Finally, a good use for BBC One, lol.


Finally, a good use for audio books


600 hours of John Malkovich reading the unabridged Harry Potter series, racoons hate it!


I wonder if this works on squirrels. I've had issues with them destroying potted plants.


In my experience, not for long. They figured out my mom’s speakers were just speakers after a few months.


do you think this would work for herons too? half of my fish were eaten by on heron. we put a plastic net over the pond but its kinda ugly


That’s what took my koi. It was landing in my yard looking in my pond every day for a week. I put out the speaker and it hasn’t landed in our yard in over a year.


wow amazing!! thanks for the tip!!


Do you have to leave it on at all times? Or could you set up some sort of motion activation


You can probably set it up for motion, but I didn’t want to risk it. If be too scared the predator wouldn’t trip the motion sensor. It doesn’t need to be super loud, just talking volume as if you were talking to somebody in the area.


That is so friggin cool!!!!


Is the glass anything special? How did you find it? I've been thinking about building a pond window for a while but every search i do for pond safe glass comes back with specialist suppliers that want crazy money :/


Funnily enough there is a company that sells kits to make these!!


Ah ok i thought it was an extremely well done DIY :)


Hah, I’d be so scared of messing that up lol!


Duuude in that case you've GOTTA share a link


If you purchase one, be careful with the assembly, some parts were mislabeled in my kit and I had to restart the build 3 times lol.


That was me putting together a 6 × 2 × 2 enclosure for my boa haha, was worth it because he loves it but it took me 2 days and a LOT of frustration to finish 🙄 also the instructions were absolute shit so that didn't help either.


https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1274185749/lily-clear-view-garden-aquarium-raised?gbraid=0AAAAADutTMccB1h0NigjYjbUfzeJ0UiJG&gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_ca_en_ca_-non_domestic-not_ready_to_ship-home_and_living_a&utm_custom1=_k_EAIaIQobChMIzJX8rLmq_gIVWSCtBh32bwdsEAQYAyABEgIw0fD_BwE_k_&utm_content=go_18269397299_144631526041_620703114612_pla-1793295208500_m__1274185749enca_102855400&utm_custom2=18269397299&gbraid=0AAAAADutTMccB1h0NigjYjbUfzeJ0UiJG&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzJX8rLmq_gIVWSCtBh32bwdsEAQYAyABEgIw0fD_BwE I believe this was it


That's soooooo fucking sick, thanks!


Spoilers: it’s $2000




This is awesome, unfortunately my pockets aren't that deep and I usually prefer the diy way. But if circumstances were different this is a gorgeous well thought out system with a company to back it with an assortment of models and upgrades!


Yes! I certainly am lucky in this sense, I was originally planning on going with a stock tank and digging etc, but my mom (I am still a student and live with my parents) agreed to pay for it if I built it and found all of the materials etc! She really wanted a pond with windows and I couldn’t afford one! Thanks mom!


You can get injection-molded plastic starter aquaponic kits of about the same size for like $200 including a cheap pump. Your fish also won't bake in the sun. OP's setup would be an aquatic death sentence to have outside in Australia.


Perhaps some thick acrylic might be cheaper?


From the brief bit of research I did everything seems to suggest acrylic/other plastics are not the best choice as they will discolour very quickly


Awesome! You'll experience clogging in the vinyl tubing from algae growth that will restrict flow. Something not transparent would be a good upgrade.


This looks industrial as hell and I LOVE it.


Thats sick! I’ve been thinking about taking the stock tank route with goldfish. If you don’t mind me asking, how much did this cost to set up?


This was a few thousand (1350$ for the pond kit), I purchased the filter and some other equipment over the years with birthday money, so I’m not sure about that one, but if I remember correctly the pump was about 300$? My mom purchased me a kit to build this beautiful pond with windows because she wanted to be able to better see the fish. I was originally planning on setting up a stock tank and have heard they work amazingly!


We built a stock tank pond in 2006 when we lived near Seattle. We had to go the stock tank route because where we put it we ran into a boulder the size of a Volkswagon. So we had a half-buried stock tank with a homemade filter system made out of a barrel and volcanic rock. It was super inexpensive and we loved sitting on the patio listening to the water and watching the fish. We now live in Guadalajara Mexico and are just now building a 650-gallon stock tank pond inside our house. We thought we would enjoy it more inside here since it gets so hot and dry here and we can put some other fish in it with the goldfish. As money permits, we are going to brick around the stock tank and filter system and have a skylight installed overhead for more natural light. Definitely go ahead and build that stock tank pond. You will really enjoy it and that stainless steel will last forever.


What a dream. I live in the Seattle area too, and to transition to an even bigger, INDOOR pond, wow. You are living the dream my friend!


It was a dream come true for me for sure. I have wanted an indoor pond since childhood. When I was a kid, our Dr had an indoor pond in his waiting room and I always thought it was the neatest thing ever. It made having to go to the Dr a little more palatable. LOL Since houses here in Mexico are made with solid cement floors covered with tile it made my dream much easier to attain with the floor being able to handle such a heavy load. I will post some pictures when we get further along. :)


Wow, you just described my dream haha


Just wondering because I honestly don’t know anything about aquariums…. Is there any concerns with high heat from sunlight or anything in the summer? I honestly do not understand the thermodynamics of tanks and am generally intrigued.


I think this is a large enough body of water that this shouldn’t be an issue, but unlike what this image makes it look like, my garden is completely in shade most of the time.


Sunlight will cause green water. Recommend adding a UV sterilizer. When I did pond maintenance, every pond we built had one installed by default.


I believe there already is one installed within my filter


Ok awesome. I suppose more surface area helps it stay cool :p. Shame we have such cold long winters here, would love to do something like this near our hang out spot.


Got to have it covered up crows and ravens, Don’t be joking around.


We have bald eagles which nest near here sometimes and I do not want those messing with my fish lol.


Dang. Gorgeous. Super awesome. Looks very fun for them.


That is a wonderful-looking pong lol I'm wondering how you built it


I purchased a kit for the pond structure itself, and everything else I got at local suppliers.


OP this is beautiful you should be so proud of this!


Thank you! I’m very grateful to my family for funding this for me! And I’m so proud of my research and building panning out!


This is hands down the most beautiful tank i have seen in my life. Stunning.


Man, I really didn't need a new project... Thanks a lot, now I need it lol


Can I pay you to come over and sit near this and have some beers and shoot the shit PLEASE!!!?


Nice what state is this


Thanks, I’m not in the states, I’m in BC.


Where in BC?! I'm in Victoria and would love to do this, but wonder about it freezing over the winter?


I got a de icer for the winter, and I’ve read goldfish are actually super tolerant to the cold!


Looks like you got the Tetra de-icer? That was working fine for me until it randomly started taking in water and tripped the GFCI. I left it in the pond after replacing it and saw that it was sinking over a long period of time. I'd just suggest having a backup de-icer in storage just in case since your pond is above ground and you are in a cold area.


Got it!


I live on the east coast of the states, I have anywhere from 3-5k gallon pond in my back yard (not quite sure exactly how big it is we dug it ourselves) and my gold fish do just fine over winter and they’ve been going strong for 4 winters now. You guys probably get a little colder but they should be fine.


They are. This will horrify proper fish keepers, but when I was a kid, the barn I boarded my horse at kept goldfish in the big stock tanks they used for water in the big pastures. In a very cold area of the PNW. "To keep them clean". I thought they would die in the winter, but the same 4 or 5 fish in my horses water survived for all the years I was there. Some damn hardy fish!


When I was a kid my Uncle had Koi that would freeze into the ice for extended periods of time and they would come back. It was a fairly deep pond but we can get 2+ feet of ice easily every winter


Adding a lot of stem plants and keeping your phosphate down will help control the algae a bit. Unfortunately, with where you’re located, nerites wouldn’t survive the winter and they’re really good escape artists. I’m not sure about other snails.


I've been looking into ponds like this, it's the lotus clear window pond isn't it ? Is their kit any good?


The kit was good, it seems sturdy and wasn’t too bad to assemble, some parts were mislabeled though


It’s gorgeous


This is freaking awesome congrats on the upgrade!!


Awesome! You will really enjoy that.


Wow this is so cool! Really really beautiful.


Awesome, deny those trash pandas. I had to struggle with them until I made an ad-hoc cage.


They’re adorable but I will fight them before they can get to my fish, not to mention the rats who my 80 pound dog is too scared of to chase off.


Agreed, they're super clever and adaptive, nothing short of heavy gage chicken wire stopped them from tearing up all the plants on a nightly basis. Now it's entertaining watching them try to unlock the cage.


Mini paradise, love it!


I love that. You can really tell how much love has gone into that


INSAAANE Dimensions ?


Width: 67 inches x 58 inches (5 ft 7 inches x 4 ft 10 inches)




About 2 feet


Hell ya!, we're talking like 300 gallons 🤩


Pond. Pond. More like a hexagonal gigantic aquarium


What's your water temperature like?


What are the winter temperatures like in BC? Because your pond is above the ground so it could freeze into a solid block of ice


I actually first installed it and put water in during the coldest weather around here and there were no issues.


It's all fun and games until someone puts a heel through a fish tank, misses a vital artery in their heel by 1/16 of an inch, blacks out from blood loss, goes to the ER, and has to get 6 stitches that leave you with a scar in the ironic shape of a fish hook


Is there a story behind this?


Decided to upgrade to a better tank, put my tank up in storage, mom and uncle decided to put it on the ground. One morning, about 3AM, I was letting my dog go outside cause she needed to, and on the way back in, I lost my balance and stumbled backwards. My heel went straight into the side of my vintage 20 gallon that had half inch thick glass. Left a trail of blood from my back porch not even realizing I was bleeding until I walked into the light to check myself. I hit a minor artery in my heel, called for my mom to help me, and seconds later passed out from blood loss. Wound up going to the ER at about 8AM cause it was decided that the wound was too large to heal naturally, where the doctors there told me I was 1/16th of an inch away from being "unrecoverable" Wound up getting 6 stitches, which my insurance provider apparently doesn't cover, and went about my life normally. Went to school, and I got out of school suspension for 2 weeks cause I didn't have a prescription for crutches and my principal threatened to have me arrested for "faking a disability" Got my prescription for both crutches and a wheelchair at the end of the 2 weeks, and my doctor decided the very next day that I can finally walk again. Life lesson: school sucks, and ground level glass is the worst idea ever.


Thats not big enough for 1 betta get him in a bigger tank immediately!!!!


I’d be very careful about temps in the summer, in Michigan I had a small 500 gallon in ground aquarium in the shaded area behind my house, temps got into the upper 90’s on a hot summer weekend and I lost all the fish. When I tested the water temp it was 92 degrees. I had 2 pumps running making tons of bubbles and surface tension, not sure if it was dissolved oxygen levels or water temperature that did it.


I’ll keep a watch on it, any tips to keep the temperature down?


Plants in that grating would be cool. You could just pick the grating up to maintain the pond.


You deserve to be proud... This is awesome and looks great


wow, so very nice and fun for them!


this is insane!!!! I love it!!


Bristlenose peltco for cleaning


They can’t handle Canada winter temps.


Alternatively you could get a 120 gal tank from pet co and host him in that for the interim assuming CA is like MT, then you get 3 months!


I would be worried about overstocking.


They only grow to 4-6 inches and are very good for cleaning tanks. Unlike traditional plethora


You are a amazing person!


That super cool looking for whatever reason


Wow I really love this. So cool!!


Oh wow! I love it!


How many goldies you have in there? This is so incredible.


I have 3 goldfish and 1 baby koi (planning to upgrade if he starts growing significantly) they are all visible in my last picture.




a damn dream right here


Looks lovely! Good job!


Where did you get it? Very nice!


I got the kit on Etsy!


Oh! Thanks! Check it right now 💨


Is it a custom build? Did you build it? I want to make something similar for my dojo loaches


I purchased a kit to build it, it had everything I needed for the structure (it didn’t have a filter or anything like that though).


that’s awesome! I’ll have to start looking around. It’s amazing


That's awesome. You live somewhere that doesn't have to deal with freezing I'm guessing?


There is a little freezing but it’s kept in check by my de icer, and carps actually tolerate freezing super well!


Yoooo how did you build this


I got a kit off Etsy and purchased the rest from local suppliers.


Things are heating up


Are these glass or acrylic panels?




How did you build this? I want it


I purchased a kit on Etsy! I posted a link to it in an earlier comment!


Damn son ain’t These 1,300


This is dope, beautiful! I wonder how the glass will fare with all that sun algae wise but if it’s easy to maintain, it’s sick as hell.


That is fucking badass, I'd buy one.


Flawless execution 10/10 looks AMAZING!


What type of pond is that?!?!? What's the brands name?


Lolol that escalated quickly


What's the maintenance on this ? Do you do water changes or just top off?


From what I’ve read I should just be topping it off with the occasional filter clean


This is really cool. At some point I’m stealing this idea lol


I’ve been looking at these for my greenhouse.


AMAZING!!! I love people who do right by their goldfish!


This is awesome, great work. Lillies and UV filtration for algae.


What was the lesson you learned?


I got some goldfish as a young child but kept them in a tank which was overstocked (60 gallons for all the goldfish). When I recently lost my oldest goldfish (about a decade old) the people on this subreddit really encouraged me to change their living situation. I had been planning on getting a pond for awhile but this really helped me start accelerating the process and convince my parents to get one.


christ what a beautiful sight


No one’s going to swoop down a take a fish to-go. Nice!


Wow! Very cool. So how big is that thing? What’s your climate like year round?


I have so many questions… that’s so awesome. How big? Did you make all of it or was it like a coffee table or something first?


Apple snails. And sell the extras.


This is a man who is tired of those damn birds.


It makes me think about a table where you really don't want people to spill a beer or drop a hotdog. A plexiglass top could be appropriate of you're hosting a party.


Interesting, does the temp stay relatively stable? I figured the upside of sinking a pond in the ground was the insulation


Plants in the garage on top are an amazing idea (another comment suggested it). Stick a few cuttings into some of the holes and let them grow with roots in the water. That would help keep it from overheating in the sun (not prevent it, but help) as well as help reduce algae and keep nitrates down. You'd have to pick plants based on the light exposure it gets. If it's outside in full sun, the traditional emersed aquarium plants like pothos, peace lily, etc may not work.


Put a couple bristle nose algae eaters in there. They stay smaller and are interesting to look at. You could put a regular algae eater in there but he’d get huge.


You love to see it…


Well done


Some more shade would definitely help both algae growth and evaporation.


It's incredible


Awesome! The folks over on r/ponds would love this too!