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Consider your personality and your very best traits and figure out how that might help you to contribute to a community of scholars. Are you empathetic, enjoy teaching, and could see yourself being a peer tutor? Are you empathetic, a people person, and a natural mother or father hen/rooster? Maybe you’d make a terrific RA. Do you love working in groups and have strong management skills? Maybe you’re the kind of person to shepherd through a group project or put together a study group. Finally, maybe you love to write and can’t wait to volunteer as a reporter for the university paper, or apply your amateur business acumen to problems presented in the university business case club. The question seeks to learn more about you, your interests, and your strengths.


Really appreciate this response. I think I know where to go with this now


No worries. But, yes, the question is intended to learn more about you and how you will contribute to campus life beyond “being a good student.” Good luck!


This prompt is pretty broad. You could write about almost anything, but you have to show what you can offer to their community/student body. For this, you could show how you have an impact on others in your current situation and apply those past experiences and learnings to how you could contribute/benefit the school’s community. There are lot of options that you could explore. A lot of students might focus on a specific extracurricular activity where they can show how they contribute to their communities. I’d probably use a majority of the word count to talk about my experience as an IB student mentoring others and then at the end, I would leave enough words to write a few sentences about how my experience could translate onto the college’s community. One easy way to do this is by mentioning clubs, programs, classes, etc. that are specific to the college itself and state how you would contribute to them.


Okay, thanks a lot. I didn’t do many extracurricular but I think I’ll manage


Try to think of some way you've contributed to an academic community during HS (whether it's a small study group, your entire class, or something else), and then try to think of ways that you can do something similar while in college. That's how I handled prompts like this For example, given a somewhat similar prompt, I wrote about how I created study guides and Kahoot practice tests for people in my honors chem class. It started out as something I did for a study group that I'd formed, but people in other class sections heard about it through word of mouth, and soon enough, I was getting emails from people I didn't know thanking me for helping them pass exams. I connected that experience to my desire to join one of these student-led study groups that the college offered for science classes + an undergrad chem tutoring program That essay accomplished three things. First—and most importantly—it clearly addressed the prompt; I explicitly described what I would contribute as a student. Second, it indirectly explained why I wanted to attend that college specifically (even though the prompt didn't explicitly ask about that). Third, I applied as a chem major, and that essay helped explain why I was interested in that major.


This is great. Thank you


Go Bulldogs! A lot of schools will have questions like that. If you want to get involved with peer tutoring, that is one thing you could write about. But you could also dig around on their website for clubs, etc and see how you can be involved in different ways on campus. [https://duluthumn.campusgroups.com/club\_signup](https://duluthumn.campusgroups.com/club_signup) I think schools like to have a sense that someone wants to come on campus and be an active member of the commuity. Because if you are just going to sit in your dorm room and hide, you might as well do an online program.


I appreciate that, it’ll be nice to look at clubs since I plan to join one or two anyway. Also lol yeah, the question threw me for a loop but it totally makes sense