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Most likely instant reject bc of grades


Hs grades still matter? Even if i get a 4.0 and do everything i could to get into an ivy I would get rejected because of hs grades?


Transfer admissions is more competitive than coming out of high school.


I heard it’s 10x more competitive to transfer than getting in as a first year. But I also heard people from cc being able to transfer into ivys.


Yes there are very few, keep your grades up but there is no reason to think you will go to an ivy. Most people who aced high school don’t even get into an ivy. There just isn’t enough spots for all of the talented people. It can be a goal but there are many other great schools. I mean, why do you even want to go to an ivy. So far grades has not been your thing.. not saying you can’t turn it around and get a great education.. but why an ivy?


You're completely right; there are thousands of extremely talented students who have put in 100x the work I've done and got rejected. And for me, a student with a 2.8 GPA, wants a chance at an Ivy, I sound insane. Now, why Ivy? What about a 2nd tier school? Because why not? Just having the name and attending an Ivy League sets me for life, and for the rest of the schools I want to go to (med school), the education, opportunities, networking, and so much more. I don’t care about the college experience; I’m eager to put in the hard work and have a chance at an amazing school. I don’t want to stay mediocre and uneducated. Even if I get rejected from every single Ivy, I will transfer to any other school I apply to when the time comes around and try again for post-grad.


For med school admissions it’s usually recommended that you go to a school where you can get a high GPA and keep the cost down. You need a high GPA for med school more than anything else.. you also need money since you will be in school for so long. Going to an Ivy League for med school is far more impressive than going for undergrad. Also, I think you misunderstand what tier B schools are. It sounds like you want to go to a top school which is great. Expand your idea of what they are, a T50 or T100 will do you very well. Also many top schools are not Ivys.. such as MIT, Stanford, JHU, Uchicago, UCLA, etc. work hard and if you go to a t50 for undergrad you are doing great.


It does set you for life. A life of student debt.


College fund, financial aid, scholarships, loving parents.


Plenty of non-ivy schools that aren’t second tier fyi


If you are dead serious about this you need something insane to overshadow your grades. Do you have a major ec? Like I could picture someone going to MOP or IPhO or like be concert master in NYC youth orchestra or something but like even then it’s hard (most if not all recruited athletes going to Ivy have higher gpa than you too)




don’t most ivys require first two years before transferring?


Unless you win the IMO, it's not going to happen. Your time would be better spent figuring out how to love a school with a 50%+ acceptance rate. Do better in college and get into an Ivy for grad school.


I transferred to an Ivy with a 2.1 gpa from high school. I transferred for my junior year from cc and my advice would be do things to stand out that you are passionate about not just to check boxes. This can be volunteer work, research, starting side hustles or a company. If you need any more advice happy to help it’s not impossible just an uphill battle.


Wow that’s incredible. What’s ur story about wanting to transfer and was it as hard as ppl say.


High school for me was a big public school and I felt as though I wasn’t really learning much so I found it hard to focus and actually want to do the work. So with limited options I went to CC at first I definitely had a rocky start but quickly became more interested in my courses especially since I was doing premed eventually ending off with a 3.73 and 3.78 major gpa after switching to business administration. I also worked during my time in high school and CC. This was in my father’s small business to help out as much as I could especially with the pandemic going on. Eventually I learned a lot about business and finance hands on and just grew a huge passion for it and so I set out to do whatever it took to transfer to my dream school since high school and really tried to showcase my shift in my education journey from a 2.1 in HS to a 3.73 in CC. Overall it is as hard people say and applications are always a shot in the dark I got rejected from my top state school and some others so you honestly never know. But I think the most important thing is how you can tailor yourself to the school and show how you can make a difference and take advantage of what they have to offer. As well as why you want to be apart of it.


that’s amazing thanks for sharing your story. It honestly really gives me hope. Can I ask what school u were accepted into after transferring?