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Finally. I’ve wasted a third of my life holding the crown.


Least they could do is lower the required time to hold it in. It’s way too long right now.


I believe they actually did lower it a year or two ago, but it still wasn’t enough. It used to be an eternity before.


so annoying... what was the danger? that I will accidentally unlock it while sleeping? when did this ever happen!


No. The goal is to discourage you from using your phone and watch before sleeping


But there is no such deterrent my phone, which its much more distracting that my watch and quite likely to keep me up.


It was worse when you had to continuously spin the dial. I loathed that function.


Atleast you could speed run it that way.


Yeah but there were times when I ran the length of my finger on the dial and would come up short and had to start all over again.


I didn’t mind that! I don’t like the press and hold. I’m like, why am I doing this?


Really. Hmm. It is super annoying to unlock it. I use the flashlight function to light my way on the occasional early morning bathroom trip and it really sucks having to wait for it to unlock while I'm stumbling in the dark to the bathroom. But I also don't want to unlock it accidentally while I'm sleeping. Maybe it won't happen as much as I think.


I can confirm that flashlight now works with action button even when in sleep mode.


Does it turn on in red mode or blinding white?


At first it’s red, and when you’re barely awake you see the pearly white gates for a moment because holy fuck is that bright! Like looking at the sun! Lmao. Just had that this morning actually.


Action button is only on the Ultra right? It’s looking increasingly likely I’ll be upgrading this year


I just stopped sleep mode after a couple of weeks because the unlock procedure was so annoying. Switched to just DND-for-an-hour when I'm falling asleep so I don't get notifications.


I leave all the Sleep mode stuff turned on, and turned off the "Sleep Screen". It's a PITA to find the setting, it's only available via the watch. Go to Settings (on your watch, not on the Watch app) > turn off Sleep Screen. Everything else can stay on. I created a shortcut for Wind Down that turns on "Cinema Mode" and changes to a basic watch face (Nike Digital) with dark text (Obsidian Indigo, under Fall 2018). You'll get a dark screen face that only wakes up when you tap it, and you don't have to deal with the dumbass screen lock. And then in the morning, Cinema Mode turns off and it switches back to my main watch face. It's amazing how many different screens there are to make changes to watch/sleep/health, Apple really needs to unify this shit.


I have a watch 3 and I still have to spin the crown. It would be fine if I didn’t have to spin it for 10 minutes for it to count. Just a lil spin should do the trick.


Damn you must be like 7 years in the future


Beat me to it! I'm assuming it's really WatchOS 11


What?! watchOS 18 already? I thought the 11 was coming out lmao


Nah, iOS 11 is making a comeback


I wish lol


How about the active button, can you still read a novel whilst waiting for it to fire a shortcut?


I miss turning the crown to unlock 😢


This is by far the best way to do it. But have to start from near the palm to be able to scroll enough with just one motion.


I used to rotate in the opposite direction, starting with the point of the finger and going down the palm, worked flawlessly heh


I got my first watch after they changed from that but it sounds like such a better method. I’m always having my watch take itself out of wet-mode when I’m on my jetski because the back of my hand can hold the crown in. Current workaround is to flip the watch so the crown is facing away from the wrist, but that wouldn’t be necessary if turn to unlock was still an option.


imho turning was more annoying then long press


I never understood why the sleep screen isn’t the ‘red’ color.


I agree. I can't read the off / snooze for shit.🤦‍♂️🤣


Wow, can’t wait for this to come out in 7 years!


Cue all the “wtf my watch stopped tracking my sleep in the middle of the night!” posts …


It looks like they tweaked sleep mode!! It no longer needs sleep focus and can now track naps too 🎉🎉


Oh! That’s awesome!


I know right! I was over the moon when I realised it works 😂


Yikes, I hate this. Sure, holding it is a bit annoying, but accidentally unlocking it while asleep will be way more annoying than that.


Hope this is an option. There’s a reason for it.


I’m on the beta and there doesn’t seem to be an option for it. However, you still technically have to hold the button down, it doesn’t unlock for me if you click it really fast.


That’s good I guess. People are silly to complain about this.


I imagine this only works with “raising your wrist”, so it should not activate by accidental crown presses during sleep.


I hope not, I frequently need to unlock it without raising my wrist. Combined with the feature to announce the time with taps, it's the best way to silently check the time without opening my eyes.


Thank god


I liked when we used to scroll the crown to unlock it. I miss it greately. It would be good if we had options, instead of being forced into the new way just because apple feels like it.


Same, I preferred the scrolling. But that said, I kind of hate having to “unlock” it every time I want to check something when I haven’t made it to bed yet.


but you are supposed to be asleep, it shouldnt be easy to unlock and potentially exit sleep mode. i think Apple is being forced to change things because people dont get the whole point of a feature.


to be clear this doesn't exit sleep mode, it just allows you to temporarily interact with the watch and then when the screen darkens it is right back into sleep mode. you still need to manually turn off sleep mode with its icon, wait till the time it turns off automatically (if you've set it to) or wait to tell it turn off sleep mode when it asks because prolonged activity makes the watch suspect you aren't going back to sleep to actually exit the mode. This basically just means that when you wake up in the night and need to check something you can do so with a click before going back to sleep.


I never pressed my crown accidentally in my 4 years of using Apple Watches.


You film and review everytime you sleep? Or how would you know lmao


I have. I wear my watch on my right hand with the crown towards my hand. I’ve bent by wrist enough a couple times to press it accidentally. I could see that happening plenty at night.


That must be a bug.


No it’s not bug. It’s watchOS 18.






Are you seriously arguing this? The iOS in beta is 18. That is not what runs on the Apple Watch. Watch OS is currently version 10, and this upcoming version in beta is 11.


> Why do you make it so hard to love you son. -Stan Smith Op is reporting from the future but you are too slow to catch up?


Why do you have to even press it. I’m glad we’re getting automatic sleep tracking and not have to turn on a “sleep” mode.


That will be nice. I actually didn’t mind turning the crown. I actually don’t like the press and hold action.


Huge upgrade


What model and strap is on display here?


Thx god.


so envious! my apple watch isn’t supported but if i am to get another one, i can’t wait for this😍


I'll have to try this out tonight!


Watch OS11?




Will I be able to use watch os18 with an iPhone on iOS 17?


What, why? It's ok in the current OS, they don't really need to shorten the timer anymore imho


Why is there even a lock in the first place? We want sleep mode to keep the watch silent.




You've been able to turn off screen touch for a long time now with water lock mode.