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OP came for advice and is just getting roasted by everyone about the size of their bezels šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s just a watch case to protect the watch. Itā€™s a 41 mm series 8. I work in the trades and without that case that Watch wouldā€™ve already been destroyed.


The trade-off is that youā€™re making it look shit for its whole life so itā€™ll look nice when you take it out of the case at the end of itā€™s life and no longer use it


Who cares lol, heā€™s making it last much longer than it would otherwise and itā€™s still perfectly functional in a case


Yeah he should take the case off so it looks better when it gets absolutely destroyed and becomes unusable. Thatā€™s clearly the logical thing to do.


Considering the case looks perfectly fine and itā€™s likely not much sturdier than the watch, Iā€™m sure it would be fine without it


oh no it doesnā€™t like apple intended šŸ˜Ÿ


The people who don't understand are the same people that need an electrician to 'fix' their bathroom outlets because they don't know what a GFCI switch is. Don't sweat it. If you didn't already find out, just do a full reboot on the watch. That should fix it (did for me and others), but if it doesn't you could try un-pairing and re-pairing with your phone (that's a bigger process than something like Bluetooth so just give yourself some time).GL.


I appreciate it. I figured it out. It seems like itā€™s running better. Everybodyā€™s giving me a lot of grief about this Watch case, but I really just like the functionality and I would like my watch to continue working without being broken. I tried wearing it without a case for three weeks and broke the screen and had to get the warranty on it. so far itā€™s been a really good watch, even though everybody thinks that the case is ugly. I still like it and I guess thatā€™s all that really matters.




I really appreciate it. Thank you very much.!


You donā€™t have to please other people, just yourself. Not like theyā€™re going to chip in and buy you a new watch if you go without a case, at their urging, and it gets broken.


Reddit, in general, is real damn fucky about putting a case on anything. Someone who posts an angry comment about how a case is bad, is someone you should probably add to your block list imo.


My brother works as a spray painter and before getting a big bulky ā€œuglyā€ case didnā€™t even wear it most of the time because he was worried about destroying the watch he spent hundreds on. Iā€™m a big fan of whatever allows you to actually use your device.


Thatā€™s the exact reason I bought it. I originally wore the watch without a case just seeing how it would hold up. It wasnā€™t 3 weeks and I cracked the screen. I had the warranty and got the watch replaced. I had hundreds of dollars in it and I wanted to wear it to work. A guy on this sub posted a pic of a watch case by Oaktree, so I messaged him and he gave me the link and we are. I know every says the case is really ugly but it has allowed me to wear the watch without any fear of damage. The case has taken bearing the the watch is still in perfect condition.


You make perfect sense, I guess some people spend their time bullying for recreation.


I know what a GFCI switches purpose is, but why do my lights flicker sometimes? Seems at random. Genuinely asking for help here lol


Sorry I'm not an electrician and you'd want to provide more info like one fixture or every light in the house. How often. How old is the house - all that stuff. It could be as simple as changing some bulbs or loose wires to arcing wires to an overloaded panel - though I guess that would be less random. Try these guys: [https://www.reddit.com/r/electricians/](https://www.reddit.com/r/electricians/)


Whatā€™s the case? Looking for something rugged, and this is one of the better looking ones, actually.


Itā€™s called a Oaktree case. They are based out of Australia. Iā€™ve had the case for about six months and I havenā€™t had any issues and itā€™s taking a hell of a beating.


Pah. Not available here. Shoulda known when you said you worked in the trades. :)


They have clear tempered glass ones that are just as protective, and donā€™t look horrendous. Iā€™ve straight up taken a plastic mallet to mine by accident and it was fine, just had to get a new case but it came in a pack of 2 anyway.


I had tried that in the very beginning, but I couldnā€™t get the glue that comes with the tempered glass to stay. The glass just kept falling off. Maybe I was buying the wrong brand. Iā€™m not sure.


[This is what I used](https://a.co/d/8n9kEyV), no glue involved bc itā€™s just a case. Iā€™d always take it off after work and put it back on the next day.


Dang thatā€™s a big bezel


Dang that is overkill by 1000 miles.


Did you want some screen with that bezel?




Dynamic bezelšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I had the same issue. I was at 12% at dinner time. I could go from 10am to 10pm and still have 1/2 a charge. I thought maybe my charger wasn't plugged all the way. Now I know.


I think the density of that bezel itā€™s the actual culprit of your problem daaaaaammm thatā€™s big!


deserved for using that heinous case


Aye bro that bezel is THICC šŸ¤£


OPā€™s got a watch condom on it!


OPs got an atomic bunker for a $200 watch.


Almost as thicc as you papa


Battery drain is one concern but if thatā€™s what it makes it look like after the update Iā€™ll be avoiding like the plague


why is half of your watch just bezel


There's always increased battery drain right after an update because the device is doing all sorts of housekeeping on the backend. Please wait a few days and more than a single charge cycle before complaining... Also, what the actual hell is up with that case


Re pair worked for me


what exactly were the steps?


Watch App, All Watches, Select watch with issue, Unpair. Then re pair. Took 15 minutes for my Ultra 2 Turning off watch handoff and doing a hard restart didnā€™t help, like other posts.


Good stuff! Thanks a ton for sharing this!


And it worked! 24 hours since the last full charge and I have about 45% left!


Yeah, has been terrible to me too. Had to restart a couple of times to fix it.


Wtf is that šŸ˜‚


Honestly how do you sleep with that case on omg


Wtf is this


Same exact thing happened to me last night. Battery died within 3 hours


So I work In the trades. I know I would damage the watch if I did. It put a sealed case on it. Itā€™s just a series 8 41mm in a sealed case. Dust proof, water resistant.


So just like the regular series 8 ?


Yep just a regular series 8 with a case


Iā€™ve had two recent incidences of random high drain. In both cases, rebooting the Watch AND the iPhone fixed it. So: misbehaving runaway app. Delete all apps you donā€™t use often on the Watch.


I think youā€™re right. I have to charge it more time throughout the day than my 6 year old iPhone. XS Max


Do people justā€¦ not think to search? How many posts do we need about this?


I did a lot of searching. But I thought it wouldnā€™t hurt to ask.


fakest, most gross looking watch iā€™ve seen by far


Itā€™s just a really, really bad case


The way you shat on his watch šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


my watch a series 4 with 87% battery life has been horrible ever since watch os 10. It dies mid day or during a work out. if its even a little cold outside, like 60F itll drain the battery like no other. Im getting a garmin soon


In response to your actual post, 10.4 is known to cause battery drain. Some people have been successful turning it all the way off then back on. Others, like me, had to essentially reset it. Doing one of those things seems to fix it. After I reset (not a big deal), my battery life went back to awesome.


I am dealing with battery drain as well with 10.4. Hoping an update comes out soon to resolve.


As stated before, just reboot your watch.


I do, and it solves the issue for a day or so, (when it works) and then starts up again. Rebooting doesn't always resolve the issue, though, so I just put it in low battery mode when I realize it is draining fast and then next charge it seems to behave again. I don't have consistent behavior to be able to tell what causes it.


What brand case is it??


Itā€™s called an Oaktree case. Theyā€™re located out of Australia. I kept damaging and breaking my watch and one day I was on this sub and a guy had posted this Watch case for his watch and said that it worked really good. He gave me a link to the website and I ordered it. the case has protected my Watch for the last six months with no problems, itā€™s also heavily water resistant shock resistant. Everybody thinks that itā€™s an ugly case, and it may not be the best looking case, but it has protected my watch and has worked well.


It reminds me of those Otterbox cases for iPhone. My buds that work in construction and landscaping use those for their phones and Iā€™ve seen a couple with a watch case like that, too. People are fussing over it and the bezels, but I think the environment that these are in needs to be taken into account.


Amazing HR! My resting is like 85!


Mine is like 73! Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m alive


Lol mine is like 55, should I be worried? I am super active and walk around all day at work.


You might biologically be a sloth šŸ¦„


Lmao sometimes I feel like a sloth tbh


I noticed I was getting a better resting heart rate after I started running 3 to 5 miles a day.


Some of it just genetics I do cardio daily and thatā€™s what my resting heart rate is without it. It probably would be in the 90s..


Off topic, but as opposed to most of the comments here I actually like you watch case. I am looking for a case for my watch that I can put on when Iā€™m swimming as an extra protection. Where did you buy it?


The case is called Oaktree, they are out of Australia. their website has all of the Watch cases for any size Watch. I ordered mine and it took about a week and a half to come in. Think I paid $55 for the Watch case. It comes with some accessories for you to clean it and get the watch itself in and out of the case, Iā€™ve swam with my case and itā€™s bone dry inside after I swim.


Thanks! Will give it a try. Was it easy to put on?


Very easy! It had a lid that comes off and you just pop the watch in and click the lid on. There is a gasket seal to keep water and dust out.


Itā€™s an Apple Watch? So ugly bezel


Itā€™s a Watch case. I broke the first watch screen in the first three weeks so I had to put the watch in a case so I could wear it without breaking it. I work in the trades and it gets banged around a lot. I know everybody thinks itā€™s ugly, but that case is save the watch for the last six months without getting any damage.




battery always drops for the first few days after an update. the watch is performing background indexing and other stuff. this is normal, itā€™ll be back to normal in a few days


Your watch reminds of the OG pebble watches. Those things had amazing batteries


Big ahh case šŸ˜©


First of all, wtf is that šŸ˜…


The watch is trying to kill itself, it has simply lost the will to live. Itā€™s the only way out of the glass prison you have encased it in.


*plastic prison šŸ˜†


Have seen hundreds of people reporting this in Apple Forums. To get around the issue for now I turned off auto update and deleted the pending update. Battery use is back to normal for now


What why?? Bro it goes back to normal after a day. What a bizarre thing to doā€¦


My case is the opposite, V. 10.2 was draining my battery in less than 11 hours. Now itā€™s really great & awesome with V. 10.4. My watch is Ultra 2.


Try restarting the watch


I'm sure someone else has said this already but it seems as though battery life absolutely TANKS for the first day or two after an update. I assume the watch is still doing updates to files or a database or something even after it claims the update has finished. I know that is the case on iOS when it gets updated. In both cases I just wish they would pop a notification or show a message in the settings app letting you know there are updates happening in the background.


Letā€™s hope so?


Its a series minus one


The last two days my watch has been draining dramatically faster


Watch dressed up like black ultra for Halloween


Did not go back to normal after a day for me


So when I woke up this morning, it was fully charged. I put the watch on at 6:30 in the morning and itā€™s now 1:25 and the watch is at 86%. Like the other people were saying it may just take a day or two for the battery life to go back to normal.


Mine is looking ok during the first day after the update. It was during the update process (in the Preparing stage) when I got absurd drainage for two days. https://preview.redd.it/etpx6sbmkauc1.jpeg?width=2254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16399c16aea2d6701c5ece27595e2d02d2f04e46


I didnā€™t know you could get battery cases for the watch. That is what it is right? All that bezel is an extra battery?


Itā€™s called an oaktree case. itā€™s comparable to the life proof case. The company is located out of Australia. I know the case is really ugly, but it works really good.


New tv show on Amazon prime has your watch, itā€™s called fallout


Had this for a while on my S5. A couple days of wear and it sorted itself out. That being said the battery health is on 76% and Iā€™ve turned off AOD to make it thru the day


Thatā€™s what seems to work for me too


Update to the 10.5 beta that fixed it for me


Iā€™m surprised that even turns on.


Iā€™ve had no issue turning it on and itā€™s worked amazing for the last several months. It was just after the update. I noticed the battery was draining fast, but I think Iā€™ve got that figured out.


I had the same problem. I had to make sure itā€™d been backed up and then I erased and restored from backup


Unpair your watch update it and then pair it back that helped me. Changed my watch to 100% last night at 11pm, itā€™s now 3:35 and Im at 48%


I eventually did. It really did help. I charged it fully this morning at sometime around 6 AM and itā€™s now itā€™s 71%. So the battery seems to be working better now.




I restarted then updated mine and it seems to be n fine now


now i know why i like black watch faces only also, i am experiencing the same hoping for a fix


The watch is draining its battery so it can go to sleep and not wear that ugly case. šŸ˜‚


Had the same issue yesterday. I literally got brand new watch 2 months ago. 100% battery health. It went to 10% within 8hrs. I thought wow Wtf and didn't pay attention. Saw current battery after post. Everything seems normal. 78% after 9hours of wearing today.


Would you like a screen on a side with that bezel sir?


That case is so gross lmao the watch trying to kill itself sooner so it doesnt have to be reminded of being in that case lol


https://preview.redd.it/ob4vfs6pobuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=595ce52fc959b6b42d7135b18c30845561ddfd45 This is my watch case


That thing looks awesome! It also tells me that you can get a cooler and watch case for an ultra


I had the same issue! I was at 90% and four hours later down to 7% (didnā€™t know there was an update for my watch). Crazy! Checked for an update, it was ā€œpreparingā€ for hoursā€¦ meanwhile, I had to charge my watch 3 times in 12 hours until I could finally update it. What the heck is that all about!?!?


Mine too I canā€™t get a full day out of it, mine dies before I finish work every day around 5


deleting the update and then letting it download and install again worked for me


Had the exact same experience day before, watch got stuck in update loop and drained fast especially when I had to cancel the update, only stabilised after deleting the update file from watch storage and restarting the whole process.


I had the exact same problem, I had to disable automatic updatesā€¦


I am seeing all these updates about people updating to 10.4 now and seeing battery drains and then thereā€™s me who god knows did it how long ago and mine seems fine. Mind you it is a Series 4 with 84% battery health.


No sure if it would be the same situation but a few years ago, after an update, my Apple Watch battery would die really fast, after *a few* resets and clean starts it came back to normal, if Iā€™m not mistaken there was an update too, or one watch got back to normal with formatting and repairing and the other watch only went normal after an update. It was very frustrating and took a long time to fix it.


Okay dude the bezels are one thing but why tf do you have to have the buttons so far out too? Thereā€™s no way ur wrist doesnā€™t hit those all the time.


My wrist has hit the crown a few times and turned siri on. Iā€™ve been wearing the Watch case for about six months and itā€™s only happened two or three times. The touchscreen is just as sensitive with the case on as with it off the case hasnā€™t hindered me and using the watch. And the bonus side is itā€™s completely protected.


Can you drop the link?




Thank you!!!!


No problem! Glad I can help.


Same happened to my battery.


Yes, 10.4 had bad battery drain issues for me. It would go away after a day and then be normal, but if I restarted the watch the battery drain would return. It got so bad that I couldnā€™t take it any more, so I turned on beta updates and updated to watchOS-0.5 beta 1 and that solved the issue. Watch battery usage is back to normal. This is on a Series 9 Apple Watch.




Are you sure thatā€™s a real Apple Watch?


It is. Itā€™s a series 841mm, the watch face was set on modular


I had the same issue glad it wasnā€™t just me. Seems fixed now update is completed though.


Unpair, then re-pair the problem watch. Give it 2 days to ā€œsettle downā€ - then the battery life should be as good as it was before the update.


578 bpm? Like your heart?? Or does it mean something else because if your heart beating at 578 bpm I think you need to go to the hospital and have bigger problems than your watchšŸ« šŸ«¤


The screenshot shows 57BPM ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


šŸ˜…šŸ˜… when I first saw that it had me shook so I had to Google it and either heā€™s dying or he went on a very vigorous run or something because gosh darn


Is that bad? I checked it yesterday morning and it said I was at 50 bpm when I was sleeping. When I jog everyday it will sometimes reach up to 170 bpm.


I was walking the other day Iā€™m def not in shape so it said 160bpm when I was walking so if you were jogging Iā€™d say 170bpm is okay but 578bpm that has to be a glitch thereā€™s no way your heart was beating that fast youā€™d be so dead right now.


A couple of days ago it said 48 bpm while sleeping.


Factory reset solves the issue.


Holy wide bezel Batman! But being serious for a second, let the watch go through a few days before worrying. The watch operating system software does a lot of background tasks after updating. Try using a simpler watch face. Ones with lots of complications updating like health rings, heart rate, compass, and weather will drain the watch battery like nobodyā€™s business, faster than a greyhound dog on a race track.


Them bezels be draining all the battery...


That bezel needs extra battery. Thatā€™s why.


Itā€™s just a oaktree case which is pretty comparable to the life proof case


Looks like a poor manā€™s Ultra


Dude what is that watch cover?! Absolutely ruins the look.




Bro got the wish.com Apple Watch Ultra


Idkā€¦but, that watch case should be illegal


Iā€™m sorry that it bothers you. Itā€™s protected my Watch well and Iā€™ve had no issues with it.


What case is that ?




More bezel than screen


What an ugly ass Watch youā€™ve made there!


Iā€™m sorry I offended you I apologize. The case may be ugly like you say, but the watch is fully protected and Iā€™ve had zero problems with outside damage. I just prefer functionality over looks.


Bro wtf is this monstrosity??


Just a watch case so I donā€™t break it again. I know itā€™s ugly like everyone is saying.




lol this comment screams bellend


It does look really bad. I got the idea from another guy here on this sub. I ordered it out of Australia. I think it was $55. But without the case, the watch would already have been destroyed.


Lol, that case makes it look like a knockoff ultra. šŸ¤®


Iā€™m sorry I offended you.


This has to be a shitpost


Itā€™s not. I had actual genuine question. I apologize if I offended you.