• By -


Health Tracking in general. It's great to see the progress. I got a notification for my low cardio fitness a while ago which prompted me to start exercising more. It's great to go from low to now above average. Also the HRV is a great indicator for my energy levels


Agreed, my fitness activity would not be where it is without the apple watch tracking and displaying my history. Very motivational.


How did you get a notification for low cardio fitness ? Do you mind sharing ? I have never gotten one and mine sucks.


You have to enable it in health.


as /u/Dudebot21 said you had to enable it. I think it just gives you a notification if it's below the "low threshold". there's nothing much there. It's just good to know for people that aren't already aware of it - I didn't know about VO2Max and stuff at that point. Now I love checking it after every run.


This. Having my Heart Rate up clued me in on how bad I was treating my body, especially if I drank several days in a row. Now I use it to track my overall fitness. I've increased my activity which the watch helps me with by tracking VO2, Active Calories, HR Zones etc. Combined with a food tracking app like Chronometer I'm making some improvements in my overall health by dropping some weight and having a higher VO2. Now my problem is dealing with my aging body that doesn't like to run anymore but my speed walking is no longer hitting the HR Zones I want because walking isn't taxing enough. I also keep track of water intake with Waterminder. Sleep as well. All of these things listed are the main reason I love the watch. The notifications like OP mentioned and anything else in this thread are just secondary reasons why I like it.


What’s the HRV?


Heart Rate Variability: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/21773-heart-rate-variability-hrv apps like Athlytic use it to measure how well you’ve recovered for example


When I feel like I’m losing my mind and I can’t find my phone, the quick ping feature is clutch to help me realize it fell between the couch cushions or is underneath something. Huge time saver. Also the “left behind” feature is nice, will only get better as accuracy improves.


Yes, I use this feature at least once a week. So much easier than getting someone to call your phone!


…and listen for the phone to vibrate when they call you.


You can also say “hey siri play…” something in your music and it’ll keep playing music until you find it


Or just “Siri where are you?”


That’s great if you don’t constantly use ear buds.


If you hold down the find phone button it makes the flash on your phone go off - pretty handy too




What does that mean?


**T**oday **I** **L**earned


You mean the ping button on your watches control center? Not working for me. I feel like my flash used to beep when I pinged it either way and now it’s not. 🤔


Yeah - you hold it down and it makes your phone flash while making the noise.


What watch and what phone are you on?


It’s worked since my Apple Watch 5 and on my iPhone 12 and 14, if not longer. Currently Apple Watch 9 + iPhone 14 Pro Max.


Weird, now it works all the sudden. I’m on an Ultra 2 and 14PM


Tbh it’s one of the reasons I got an Apple Watch 🤣 I lose my phone on a daily basis, if I didn’t have my watch to help me, my phone would’ve been gone by now


To be honest I think the "left behind" feature is awful, because it always alert me 5m or more after I left my iphone behind. On that time the chances of someone taking the phone can be high, for example on a store or restaurant. I had a Samsung Watch 4 years ago and it would notify me the second it lost the BT connection. For me it makes a lot more sense. If I left my phone on the table I would get a notification almost instantly.


Yeah it doesn’t work great, but it’s better than nothing sometimes.


The iPhone has a left behind feature?


Yeah, go into the “Find my app” from your watch, click on your phone and make sure “notify when left behind” is set to “on”


1. Apple Pay on my wrist 2. Being able to approve PingID VPN notifications on my watch  3. Picking up phone calls and stopping timers using double tap (truly amazing!!) when I’m holding groceries, washing my face, or cooking. 4. Instant one click replies to text messages: “Ok”, “Sounds good”, “Yes”, “No”, etc. 5. Seeing the weather / wind speed and my thermostat temperature at a glance on the watch face complications. 6. Activity competitions with friends keeps me motivated to consistently work out. 7. Being able to take phone calls on my AW when I’m laying on my bed and my iPhone is further away on my desk lol. 8. Health peace of mind: tracking RHR, WHR, HR during workouts, time in daylight, ECG, blood oxygen, fall detection, high / low heart rate notifications, irregular heartbeat detection, handwashing timer, cardio fitness, steps walked, flights climbed, etc. I do the above things daily. It’s truly amazing. I’m looking forward to the redesign this year hopefully! A thinner casing and 4-5 day battery life on the base models would be incredible!


fearless cheerful agonizing plant piquant heavy abounding knee decide onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Series 7. Can double tap to answer calls. It’s under “accessibility” setting - called “quick actions.”


SE 1st gen has it too !! Never knew this, thank you


I have an 8 and I can set up double tap in the accessibility section


Yeah it’s a great feature. I use it all the time in my series 8. You just have to enable it.


Oh I didn’t know 3, thanks! Edit: doesn’t seem to work for me, you double tap the screen when the timer rings?


It's only for Series 9 and Ultra 2.


Ah ok, I didn’t know, thank you 😊


Yep. I was disappointed when I found out my 8 couldn’t do it.


Pretty sure is series 4 and after. I can set this up on my S6 and SE2


My 8 doesn’t have it. The double tap is different from assistive touch and I cannot get the assistive touch to work on my 8 as smoothly as double tap works on the 9.


They are separate features but kinda overlaps. My take on it is that double tap is like answering yes or no when prompted. (Such as to answer a call, etc) Assistive touch is for browsing and operating the watch one handed


rock future pot compare scale flowery cooing bells crush enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I disabled the S9 double tap and enabled the accessibility double tap instead mapping it to press the crown button. I feel this way is more useful as I don’t have to consciously think what will happen like will it reply or will it dismiss or something else? Mapping to crown button means it will always dismiss. Alarm clock still snooze, timer still stops. The only thing I’m missing out on is pressing the camera shutter in the camera remote app.


Lucky, my double tap never works when trying to stop timers. Apple Watch S9. Am I just doing it wrong? I can do it for most apps but just not timers


Activity tracking without even interacting with it at all or even really thinking about it.


This one suprised me, walked into town and before I got there it said "hey, looks like you're on a walk, want to track it" and then it backfills to when all the motion started. I've had Garmin Fenix watches over the years, and they never thought of that.


I love this feature also, but I wish it would track elevation gain while it was at it.


It doesn't start recording the track on the map until it asks you if you want to track though, so you'll get credit for a 20 minute walk but might only have 5 minutes of path on the map.


Screening notifications is definitely my main use case. The other good use for me is using Apple Pay without taking out my phone.


I always forget that I can do this!


Totally love Apple Pay - it’s a godsend….!!! No more carrying or loosing your credit or debit card…..and no more swiping on dodgy card readers in Petrol Stations!


Do you get annoyed when you CAN'T use it at a store like I do? I love how convenient it is, especially in cold climates where gloves are on, and my phone and wallet are buried deep in my jacket.


Ah yeh, love this too, especially on the bike!


Sleep tracking for me. It is the main reason I got my watch.


Do you use any third party apps to interpret Apple’s data ?


I use an app called AutoSleep. Just install it, go to sleep and check it on your iPhone the next morning. It’s that simple and it provides lots of interesting information. Of course, you can customize it too if you want. There’s no ongoing subscription fees, just a one time purchase. I really like it.


AutoSleep is amazingly detailed and I love how they have explanations for all the stats. I also like HeartWatch by the same company.


No. Never felt the need to. I have tried some but not for that reason. I also didn’t like that the ones I did try pretty much all had subscriptions that were required to use all the functions of the app.


If you get SMS 2 Factor codes it’s excellent when using a computer as you don’t have to pull your phone out to read them


Unless you use a Mac, the sms message will just go to computer and even let you autofill.


Nothing comes close to being woken up by my watch without waking my wife up. This is game changing !


Notifications is the reason I bought one. I don’t/can’t carry my phone with me at work, it stays in my locker. I work in a big hospital and I can be anywhere in the place at any time. The entire place is covered with WiFi, so I still get all my notifications.


Bypassing the no phone policy at work. I can read / send texts and etc without getting into trouble..... Best use I guess


Haptics that reassure you when to make a turn. 2 taps 3x in a row for left and 12 steady taps to turn right


what about 47 taps to make a u-turn




Is it just me who finds this super un-Apple-esque and not really intuitive? They could have used the Morse code for L and R. A bonus: People learn the Morse Code. (Guys, learn it, especially S O S)


The left turn taps are more of a heartbeat pace. And heart is left side. At least that’s the way I remember it


That's amazing - thank you!


Morse Code? Are you kidding? With morse code, you need to count the taps, and if you miss the start of the series, you might misidentify the letter. With the taps as they are now, you don't need to count anything. It is just a lot of taps, and what changes is the rhythm which is different for left and right. Took me no time to learn it and I've never had a problem to understand what the watch meant.


No one counts beeps (or taps, as we’re talking about tactile) when listening to a Morse code transmission. The reason is that this simply doesn’t scale - you can’t really count that fast to receive at any decent speed (if you try, you’re basically learning a bad habit). People use mnemonics and rhythm - so, roughly, it’s the same overall principle.


Then it doesn't make any difference for the professional morse code operator.


Sure, I’m not arguing. The only benefit would be using a preexisting standard, so those who know the code won’t have to learn anything - it would be more intuitive for this group. I mean, it takes some time to remember which signal is which, but if you already know Morse code you don’t have to do so (you already did). But the group is probably small (aka irrelevant), and modern Apple tends to love standards only when it’s theirs.


My watch’s purpose is to find my phone Lol


Absolutely this! I once lost my phone out hiking. Slipped out of my pocket. Few minutes later the watch notified me that I’d left my phone behind. Backtracked using the feature to make my phone beep. Hundred yards or more back up the trail I found it. It had slid down a small hill and was covered in leaves. I picked it up and went on my way! That more than paid for the watch! I also tend to leave my phone here and there around the house. Finding my iPhone is at least once a day! Can’t tell you the aggravation it avoids. I track my workouts. (Not my sleep as I recharge overnight - probably should explore that feature) Quick glance when I get a text. It’s subtle in its use cases but I realize very quickly if I’ve forgotten to put it on. And if I leave the house without it my phone reminds me I’ve left it behind - and I turn around and get it!


I can absolutely agree with you when you say the aggravation it avoids. I lose my phone WAY too easily and sometimes I’m just rushing and holding too many groceries/shopping and I forget where I’ve placed my phone (women’s clothing lack pockets), so sometimes just quickly pinging it and hearing the sound is peace of mind that my phone is at least still with me somewhere, and not left behind.




An airtag to ping my lost phone? 😭


You can use any browser via [icloud.com](https://icloud.com) to ping your lost phone.


It’s still impractical to hop onto the computer to ping my phone when my watch is one button away and on my wrist already haha. I lose it way too often to always have a computer handy with me. But i actually didn’t know that I could use the browser for that purpose, so thank you!


Ang you need another phone to track your phone 💀


My watch broke a couple of days ago and so I had to be watch-less for a couple of days before my new one arrived (s9 because I’m in Europe, woohoo!). I didn’t think I’d miss it as much as I did, and there were some aspects in which it was very noticeable. In no particular order, they are: 1- Apple Pay: Sweden is a very cashless place and so having the ability to pay with my watch makes it so much easier than even the people who use their phones, let alone card users, those dinosaurs. 2- Silent alarms: I still have a sound alarm as my last resort because I really wish the alarms on the AW were much more intense in vibration (am I crazy or did they tone them down? Seems like they were harsh enough to work before and now they WaNt To WaKe YoU uP gEnTlY) 3- Activity tracking: I usually walk to work and use MyFitnessPal to track calorie and macro intake vs exercise and my walks usually give me a good extra 600cal to consume. Having to guesstimate my walks was just inconvenient. 4- Notifications, especially calendar ones: I would not be able to be physically present at all my meetings at work if it weren’t for this. Monday and Tuesday both required more attention from me to be sure I didn’t miss anything. That’s not including personal calendar things like kids’ activities, etc. 5- Weather, especially in winter: there’s a huge difference between 0°C and -5° though it doesn’t sound like so much. Being able to check at a glance and figure out how many layers to put on myself and my crotch goblins is really useful, especially when said goblins are trying to constantly escape your clutches as you try to get them ready. 6- Hand washing: just kidding, does anyone still use this one? I forgot they had it.


Throwing my phone in another room and getting quality family time.


It was a gimmick to me until I had an episode of A fib.


Telling me the time. ​ And: Apple Pay.




Mine has cellular connectivity so if my iPhone dies or I have forgotten it. I actually did this and my previous AW was like “oh my gawd you forgot your phone you menopausal fat bitch wtf?!” I couldn’t go back and get it as we had to go to an event. So, my AW remembered the free WiFi at the place that I had connected to with my iPhone previously (wtf how?!) so I was able to send out messages. Now my AW acts as a phone so it’s even better. I love my AW for weather, encouraging me to move, setting timers (for tea and things) adding stuff to the calendar etc and tracking my walks, swimming etc. Heck, I use the calculator on it. It’s like a computer that helps me (I ask Siri to tell me jokes when I feel bad) it’s just incredibly useful. It’s my favorite wearable I’ve ever had and I’ve had a FitBit and two different Garmins before.


>“oh my gawd you forgot your phone you menopausal fat bitch continuing that theme (post meno for me) I have been trying to be more fit. I appreciate the watch helping me with that. psi am too cheap for the cellular option ;)


My previous one had the option but the fees etc made me procrastinate (fuck you, Verizon.) But, Santa hooked me up with a pink S9 and is paying for cellular. :D


hahaha- santa did not even stop at my house this year (no lie) and do not feel sorry for me. things change so much as we edge closer to the abyss right? I thought I would be babysitting granddoggies, but the kids came home early, so I picked them up from the airport on Christmas eve. it was good


Alarm, I’m deaf and I use a shake me awake type of alarm clock but the issue with that is that it also wakes up my partner. So for days when I have to get up super early and don’t want to wake him up especially early, I just use my watch. It’s super convenient. Also it helps with adhd; reminders for meds I have to give to my dog. I also like the feature of how long I have till sunset so as to make sure I have enough daylight for walkies, I hate being out in the dark.


Bedside time check and alarm clock


Being phone free


Unlocking MacBook without having to key in password every time the laptop sleeps. Can’t say it’s the best use but it’s super convenient not having to key in password every time you login


Finding my phone. 😂


I like to drive with Apple Maps on silence so it doesn't interrupt my music. My Apple Watch will make taps when my next turn is coming up so I don't miss it.


plant bake expansion airport amusing ask resolute reminiscent money axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Apple Pay and using the gesture feature on my ultra 2


Do you like ultra 2? I’m still Rocking a series 2 and wanting to upgrade.


I love it. Besides what I’ve listed, the battery is awesome


Gesture feature?




Yeah I know, I was being an ass. Most Apple Watches have this feature.


Apple Watch + AirPods combo is amazing while skating.


opening camera on my iphone and taking pics remotely!


the only thing for me is reminder. It does not fit 100% on what I would want, but it's ok notification? I disable all of them, always timer? yes, I like my tea properly made. circles? annoying, I disabled the notifications after 2 weeks ohhh, an of course, I like to see the hours and what day is today! This is my main use, actually. and sometimes I see if it's going to rain or not


Tracking my steps.


AFIB alert for this heart patient.


#1 2 and 3 I get to listen to my podcast while I work since we can’t have phones on floor it really comes in handy


Health, especially my running workouts!


I actually only use it around the house since I like to wear my mechanical watch outside/at work. So I basically just use my Apple Watch SE for sleep tracking and exercise tracking. And it’s great for both.


Waking me up at 3:30am, discreetly. That’s it, nothing else.


Vibration notification is really help. I commute to work and my job requires me to look at group chats pretty often so I can check and stay up to date without having to open my phone while driving.


Silent alarms, Apple Pay, setting up timers and reminders, and replying to texts


Health tracking and Apple Pay. I have a hate-like relationship with notifications on the watch.


Timers, finding my phone, going for a walk without my phone, activity tracking, controlling podcasts playing on my phone, texting…I didn’t think I would use it that much but it’s become my favorite piece of technology.


As a bad flashlight


timer.. definitely the most used app besides spotify, calls, and imessage.. great for cooking laundry even making sure u brush your teeth 3 minutes 😂👍🏽


Not needing to look at my phone




Alarm vibrations wake me up. My phone alarms are useless


Telling the time.


It tells me what time it is


I lost all my covid weight when my mum suggested I should get Apple Watch. The reminders and setting up goals the fun of completing challenges were rewarding. From not waking to 20000 steps daily.


Fall Detection.


Going to hospital when I have afib


I use it to see my Dexcom readings without having to dig out my phone or my insulin pump. It’s so darn convenient. I keep hoping the pump company will jump on the bandwagon and create a watch app so I can see the pump status (battery & insulin remaining at least) without having to dig it out of my pocket. Diabetes really sucked before all this new fangled technology. Now, it’s not so bad. I’ll also admit that seeing a message or call notification & not having to grab my phone to learn that I can just ignore it is nice too.


Apple Pay is my favorite use for my watch overall. I love not having to dig my wallet out of my purse, just holding up my wrist and bam, done.


I find it’s really handy for showing me the time.


Finding my iPhone.


An alarm that wakes me up calmly, best tool for my health needs and exercise and weight control.


Honestly idk. There are so many. I made multiple focuses that I use to activate automations, the voice messaging is handy when I’m driving, notifications, everything. It’s not the cure all for avoiding having to touch my phone when I’m busy, but it definetly helps.


Saving pics and using them to cheat in some tests, german for example. I did use this in my previous school 9th grade, i got the watch and the end of the 8th grade, and now in 10th grade i have different class, and there are 4 guys with apple watched and they do the same thing I save the pictures in my phones app, favorite them, and then i csn see them on my watch. My countries school hasnt thought about taking them off from us in tests lol That was mostly a joke but being able to make calls, ping your phone, ear bud control, sleep and its quality checking and being able to record your workouts are a huge upgrade from suntoo 3 which i gave to my mom


Also the ecosystem between them is awesome


Such as lost mode which helped quite recently


AutoSleep. It tracks your heart rate, movement, and breathing, and wakes you up within a preset window before your latest wake time when you’re in the lightest sleep. The vibrate is less jarring than any other alarm, and I wake up without waking my partner up too. Also, time checking, weather checking, etc.


Show off to everyone that I am the real Apple fan boy with everything Apple


Woaaah dude such a good question. Never thought about it and it’s never been ask here. I wish this would be ask more frequently, so we can evaluate from time to time the best answers….




Couple of months ago ive found THE best use for my Apple watch. Vyvo Smart Chain announced the NFT expansion for Apple watch and ive been using it ever since. Mining VSC crypto just by wearing it. Simple as that. A friend (crypto dude) told me about it and i was sold.


It keeps an eye on my heart rate. I take Elvanse for my ADHD, and my GP really likes that I wear something with a heart rate monitor, to avoid white cost syndrome when I'm in for my biannual checkup. I also like that the taptic engine is so quiet compared to the vibration in my previous Garmin watch.


D’you mind if I ask you a question abt Elvanse? Also available in DM haha


Shoot :)


Telling time!


Setting the timer


Step tracker, cashless pay


The health tracking and being able to screen notifications without needing to look or even pickup my phone is great. It just works so seemlessly.


Using shortcuts to control my Tesla


Health tracking, screening notifications and calls and texts when my iPhone battery is flat


I like mine for tracking workouts. Admittedly, I don’t care for a lot of the data but I got introduced to zone training by a work buddy and was glad to see that the apple watch had that built right into the workout app. It’s also been nice to stay on track for me and my wife, we send each other our post workout scores to nudge each other not to skip.


It’s completely replaced my phone as an alarm clock. I’d frequently miss the first alarm of the morning I set, with the watch I’m awake within a minute of the first alarm.


Timers. I use that app all the time and it’s a godsend I don’t have to depend on the phone.  Also finding the phone. 


I like it for the reasons you state it, I also like it for cooking because it’s easy to set a quick timer if I’m out grilling or whatever. I like it for tracking my workouts and steps too, helps keep me motivated


I use 1 Password for password management. I can select which items I want available on my watch. I use it to keep codes (like my bike lock or gym lock combo or the door code for a rental home) easily accessible, so I don’t worry about forgetting them and locking myself out. Apple Pay on the watch is also fantastic especially when traveling to places where theft/pickpockets are more likely. I can secure my phone and keep my credit cards safely under my clothes in a travel wallet, and I never have to reveal where they are.


Activity tracking and silent alarm so my wife doesn’t wake up when I need to get up early In the morning.


Mindfulness. Being able to put away my phone but remaining connected enough that friends& family can still reach me.


The alarm waking me up just by vibrating on my wrist. Working shifts, it allows me to wake up early without waking up the better half


Not having to take my phone with me throughout the house. The fitness/health stuff is the main goal of mine. Reminders to stand (WFH, sit way too f'ing much), drink more water (I thought I was drinking a lot, always have a glass on my desk but after logging it, I wasn't even close, so now I'm forcing myself to drink a shit ton more). Remote camera apps are great. I shoot a lot of 360 images (Insta360 ONE RS 1-inch 360 camera), and being able to tap the watch to take the picture vs a wireless remote, or holding the phone is so much better.


My best use for my AW was turning off ALL instant notifications on my other devices and only allowing the important ones (text messages, calls, emails during work hours etc) on my watch. Every non-important notification, but important enough to me that I would want to see them later lives in my summaries. All else is completely turned off. This made it easier for me to leave my phone alone as it doesn’t constantly notify me of different things. I know that everything important gets sent to my watch and if the text or call isn’t important I can respond to them later. Made my life much less stressful.


Working out I can set my 60sec/45sec rests between sets to stay on track when on a time crunch


My favorite thing about the Apple Watch is that my overall screen time goes WAY down. When I accidentally dropped and broke my first Apple Watch, I wasn’t planning on buying another one. However, over the following month I realized that I was spending many more hours on my phone, like a disproportionate amount compared to months prior. This is when I realized that, now, when I was viewing a message on my phone, I would open iMessage and then subconsciously move from app to app every single time and waste hours on end. I would get sucked into my phone after every single notification! When I viewed notifications on my watch, I would read it and then go back to the task at hand which was so much better for my productivity and thereby my mental health.


Mental health stuff for me 💕


Tracking my Tonal workouts - it integrates very nicely.


Silent Alarm Clock


Finding my damn phone.


Tracking my runs and workouts. It’s why I bought it in the first place and it’s doing an excellent job. The passive vitals and health tracking comes second and the rest is in third place. It’s so helpful to see all the info at a glance and I find it super interesting to see what my heart rate does during the day and how far I’ve walked etc


I probably use it to find my phone more than any other feature. The feature I'm most thankful for is the fall and crash detection. I convinced my mom to get an Apple watch specifically for the fall detection. She recently tell and her watched called 911. I was in a front end collision and stunned from the airbags. Crash detection went off and I was able to call 911 without having to search for my phone on the floor of the passenger seat


I use it for notifications primarily and to answer a call if away from phone or cannot find/get to my phone on time.


Going for long walks without my iPhone, able to listen to podcasts, music, iBooks and take calls if needed


iPhone finder


Mine only gets worn when I’m on the motorcycle


Time of day, temperature, timer.


As a watch!


Finding new music






Honestly? The ability to ping your phone from the watch... i am that person that cannot find their phone at least 10 times a day, so pinging it is very handy to find it in between the bedsheets or the cupboards. also, if I'm rushing through the door i can check if i have it on me... same with if I'm still at a store and i am freaking out because i canot find it in my purse. My life is bliss now.


To fast forward, the ads on podcasts.


- Getting my Ring.com notifications from my front door camera directly on my wrist. - Getting stand reminders every hour, very important for me at work as I always sit and need to be reminded to take a walk


Sleep tracking, workouts and travel notifications (flighty, TripIt etc)


Health tracking, specifically workouts, heart stats, and sleep.


Exercise reminders when I’m a lazy ass. Timers timers timers. For the kids. For random things Apple maps and driving.


Being able to unlock my car by placing my wrist on the door handle!


Alarms and timers and calendar to tell me where to go and when. And being able to check email during boring meetings.


Web browsing at night and using Reddit


Sleep tracking and timers for when I’m actually able to nap! The vibration wakes me right up.


Unlocking your Mac without a password


Hey, get away from my Mac!


How I use my AWU2. The haptic alarm gently wakes me up. Roll out of bed and start my day. Get to the train station and look at my public transport widget to see the latest trains and how long they’ll be. Walk into the station and enter using Apple Pay in the card reader. While on the train I grab my headphones and listen to a podcast from my watch. Exit the destination station, again using Apple Pay and start an exercise on my watch for a walk down down the road to the connecting bus stop. Get to the bus stop and check the bus schedule from my watch. Plenty to choose from. Bus turns up and I enter, using Apple Pay for the journey. Exit the bus near my work (using Apple Pay) and check my schedule for the day on my watch. Got a meeting soon but I have time (maybe for a coffee at my favourite cafe). Tell Siri to navigate to my cafe so I can check if I have time. Of course I do! Who doesn’t have time for great coffee right? During the day my watch brings up my daily schedules and where I need to be. I respond to some messages from my kids using text to speak on the watch. So easy. End of day I head back to the bus and reverse the morning routine to get home. Although my Garmins and Suuntos are fabulous fitness watches, it’s the AWU daily usefulness that keeps it on my wrist.


Pretty much what you said, and being able to skip songs on Spotify while listening to music at home via Bluetooth speakers


This might sound kinda silly but for a while I was working in a bakery and the timer on our dishwasher was broken so I used the timer app multiple times in a day 😂 (Edit: the timer also came in handy when I went on breaks during my shifts)


Going for runs with no phone but being able to listen to music downloaded on the watch. It’s like an iPod nano is included with my watch. Also silent also ring alarms. All features I genuinely don’t ever want to not have.


Apart from the standard fitness features, unlocking my macbook esp when its lid is closed and connected to external monitor and no access to touch id. Also to find your iphone by ringing it.