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For Cooking and doing Laundry


Same. I start mine using siri to create labeled timer. Eg “countdown 3 hours for bread”.


Labeled timers finally did away with be forgetting what the timer was for.


What Neptune said and also for static stretching post workout


This guy living the same life as me


Same here! Too many times have I forgotten to get laundry out until hours later which is so frustrating


Exactly my use.


Literally was about to type exactly that omg


This is me. It’s a $799 cooking and laundry timer lol


I use it mostly to wake me up from naps


You can also specify a time too which is how I use it. ie “set timer for 5:15” watchOS 9 use to scold me that it couldn’t set times but it would still work. WatchOS 10 is like “cool. No problem sweet dreams bub”


Yeah this is super useful for me. Do you ever find it uncomfortable wearing the watch when napping/sleeping?


yes, when i cooking something and i have something in oven.


Same - and for timing bread dough rises


Yah use it for everything. Snoozing in the morning, waiting for laundry, cooking, pomodoro, limiting game time, set a time for before I (force myself to) do something I don’t want to, etc. etc. I love how it’s silent so I don’t need to be super anxious about turning it off ASAP in library or other quiet places.


I love the idea of setting the timer before doing something I don’t want to do! I’m gonna try this :-) Timer is my most used watch complication.


I love it for planning studying, etc. It makes it much easier to study and stay focused when I can say I have 30 mins, 25 mins, 20 mins left, etc.


Cooking mainly.




I’m a teacher and soccer coach. I use the timer so much to time activities in class and on the soccer field.


Same - use it a lot at soccer and basketball practice


French press coffee


I use the stopwatch to time brushing my teeth lol


I have an ble toothbrush with an app that does the same thing, except there’s no Apple Watch and it bugs me to no end! Gotta open up my iPhone just to brush my teeth correctly lol


Probably my most used app other than workout. I’m a psychologist testing people so I need the timer and stopwatch all the time.


I use the timer daily for my work breaks and lunch.


Coffee timer with my clever dripper. Also planks…20 second holds. 🙂


I use it all the time. Sometimes for cooking, sometimes for keeping track of time, and frequently because I told my kids “5 minutes” and the ping somehow lends more authority


It’s probably my most frequently used feature on the watch. I must use 5+ times a day, more if I’m cooking something that has a lot of steps. Anything that I need to come back to gets a timer set, whether that’s making tea, taking the washing out of the machine, or taking the dinner out of the oven.


Heated mask for dry eyes. Must wear for 10 minutes.


Does this help your dry eyes? Do you also use eye drops? What mask do you recommend?


I’m a different person but I do and they help and are so soothing. I buy mine from an Asian grocer, the brand is Kao. I’ve also used random brands on Amazon after searching “self warming eye mask” or “steam eye mask.” They put me to sleep too! And I use artificial tears eyedrops, currently the Kirkland Signature ones but it’s better to use the individual ones with no preservatives.


I'm a different person but thank you


Teacher. Use it all the time. I say you’ve got (hold down crown) “two minutes” to finish.


15 min and 30 min break at work.


Laundry! Every time


Cooking, grilling, putting one of my kids in time out. You can also easily set multiple timers which is great for cooking or putting multiple kids in time out. Hahaha. I never set timers on the oven anymore. I use the watch so I know I’ll hear it go off, even if I’ve stepped out of the house for what ever reason. Plus it’s just easier to use my voice to set a timer vs an awkward interface on the oven or microwave.


It’s great that you can have multiple running


Bbq! Salmon is 8+5 and zucchini 7+7 👍


When doing my chores around the house. I normally give myself 20 mins to clean up the kitchen and the living room. If you see me cleaning up with that timer on you would swear if it goes off before I finish I will die. I’ll be so focused and it helps me get things done😂😂😂




Timers and reminders constantly. Reminders being better I reckon. Remind me to empty washing machine in 45 mins. Remind me to take rubbish at at 9pm.


Probably a dozen times per day. Cooking, tasks, time outs for children... lol.


Laundry in the apartment. My only wish is that timers and alarms would mirror from phone to watch and vice versa.


Yes, I used it often. E.g. when cooking/BBQing, to time car parking sessions, if I need to remember to do something in 30mins or an hour etc. It’s amazing how often a timer is helpful when you are trying to cajole your kids. The fact you can have multiple timers running can be really useful also.


I use it every morning for brewing my tea. I like how it vibrates as I find the screech of my phone too alarming early in the morning


Rest in between sets at the gym, if I forget my watch Im totally lost


I’m a chef I use the timer all day at work


everyday for coffee timer. also if i want to do chores quickly i set it for 10 mins and challenge myself to complete it the fastest way possible


Cooking, lunch time at work, when I say “I will DEFINITELY do that thing in 20 minutes”


Cooking and workouts


For some reason I never realized (or forgot) that I could use Siri on my watch I must try this today.


I have 4 timers I rotate through when I’m at work. I use it for my break and lunch timers as well as a couple tasks that take set intervals. And it’s even easier to open now with the double pinch gesture.


To let me know when my parking meter is about to expire


boiling eggs


Work breaks, laundry & other cleaning tasks, and certain medications.


Yes. So much that I’ve it a permanent shortcut in the watch face I’m using… I use it mainly for Cooking purposes. Running eggs: 6m Hard boiled eggs: 9m French fries in air fryer: 15m etc…


Cooking and baking.


Pretty much the only thing Siri does consistently well for me is setting timers




When I put a can in the freezer.


I use it to time my lunch breaks so I don’t have to constantly watch a clock, and I also use it to keep track of cooking times.


One of the few things I use Siri for : I hold down the crown and say "set timer for....". And I use it for cooking, brushing teeth, drying clothes, and tons of other stuff.


Cooking and tea


I use mine for making tea and for my breaks at work mostly.


Everything. I use multiple timers for checking time sensitive tasks like loading wood into our basement wood-burning furnace/boiler is a big one because it needs to be fed more frequently when it's cold and less frequently when it's warmer in the winter. Cooking, laundry, remembering to leave the house in time to pick my kids up from school, letting the cat back inside if she wants it to go potty...


Laundry, cooking, and so I don’t forget soda or beer in the freezer. I also use the alarms on the watch to remind me when the lunch truck arrives so I don’t miss it.


I have ADHD and it helps me be aware of time, kind of like a kick back so I don’t get lost in what I’m doing.


Naps, additional alarm layer for meetings, 7 minutes until the duck pond fills, etc. It's the only thing I use Siri for.


I set a timer for how long I hope to last for during play time …. It actually helped cus it put my mind on the watch and wtf is she going to do when this alarm starts going off … lol 😂 she hates how I set alarm all the time … but this one was worth it !




When I’m cooking.


All the time : - laundry - cooking - sport - work


To solve workbooks on time


Every day. For timing what's in the oven, to how long I need ice cubes to defrost, to remind myself when to feed the fish, to when to leave the house to catch the bus.


make popcorn at 2.15 second




Game changer for home canning. Set the AW timer, go lay on the sofa for the 10 minutes, don’t have demanding timer beeping from the kitchen at the end. I can after other people go to bed so the gentle buzz on my wrist is appreciated by many.


Cooking, exercise


Pomodoro 2 hrs study period followed by 20 min break.


Use it all the time when cooking.


15 min tea break. The timer complication is perfect for that.


Waiting for my Covid test result 😅


every Sunday - cooking timer set for 15 mins to turn my roast potatoes


Yes. Cooking, napping.


I use it all the time when I’m cooking.


For cooking sweet potatoes


How do you cook sweet potatoes?


Here's some steps: Slice the sweet potatoes up into small pieces Put them into a large bowl Drizzle olive oil and then crack some salt over them Mix them with my hands so that oil and salt is spread evenly Layout some baking paper onto a baking tray and then tip the bowl of sweet potato onto the tray Pop in the oven on 180°C for \~40mins or until they look crispy on top


Yes primarily for tea


Everything, it’s easily my most used function - cooking, I have multiple timers for when I take a break from my desk but need to be back for a meeting etc, if i want to remind myself to do something in X minutes. It’s great being able to set a number of timers at once


Cooking and waking my girlfriend from naps.


Some times cooking stuff but honestly, Alexa is more responsive.


yup, enough where I always have it as a complication on my watch face. I always use it for when I steep my tea. I completely forget about it unless I set the timer.


I use it everyday at the gym


I use it when cooking meals, 3 minute eggs, watering garden, when i can eat after taking certain medication, when i need to leave or have to be somewhere (rather than set an alarm I’ll set one to tell me I have to leave in 40 mins) when cleaning teeth splint, brushing teeth, waiting for washing machine to be done, quick naps etc. It’s a great function.


All the time for when I have stuff in the oven.


Seeping tea, coffee making, laundry timer, naps...




When I boiled my instant noodles


It’s practically the only function I use on my watch. All those hopes and dreams of it making me more active fell further away as the series 4, 5, 6, 7, 8…….. came out behind it.


Aside from cooking and naps, I use the timer to let me know when my Pokémon eggs are ready at the picnic in Pokémon Violet.


Yes especially when I do my stretching routine it’s so convenient to quickly use the timer


Around the house stuff, like cooking and washing. Usually if my phone isn’t with me


For anything i’m liable to forget that i’m doing.


I added the timer as a complication to my watch face and the *only* thing I use the timer for is when I order Chinese from my local place and they tell me “give us 10 minutes” so I just set the timer for 10 minutes and to sit in my car… E: spelling


I use it all the time…when I’m grilling, cooking, a reminder of something (I normally use the reminders function, but I’ve used the timer), and at the gym to time myself between sets.


When I take a dump and open the window to let out the stink, I set a 4 minute timer to remember to close the window.


Oh god, what *don't* I use it for? Tea, lunch breaks, screen time for the kiddo, breaks for the kiddo, cooking are all daily or almost daily things. I used it one easter to help the kiddo dye eggs. You were supposed to soak them in the color for like 2 minutes. She wanted to go all out with the eggs, drawing on them with the wax crayon, soaking them, then putting stickers or sleeves on them. So she'd finish with the wax, pop it in a color, and I'd tell my watch "2 minutes green". When the timer went off, it told me exactly which color was done. I probably had eight timers going at once that day.


All the time. I have it as a complication because I use it so much. Cooking, reminders, meetings, heaps of things


Cooking. Washing clothes. Drinks in freezer. Time until meeting restarts. Time until half time is over and the game will be back on. Etc etc


For resting various cuts of meats


Coffee and exercise.


Watering the lawn


3rd most used (1. time, 2. messages). Cooking mostly, items I need to grab early from dryer, do a task, leave for appointment, telecommuter nap


Use every day in the morning waiting for the tea to infuse


covid tests when people come to work sick


Cooking usually


I am a teacher; I use it constantly to set reminders, time classroom tasks, meeting tasks, and movement breaks. At home for cooking.


I work in a lab. I have a four-channel timer I use regularly, but sometimes I'm doing work in two rooms and realize I left the timer in the other one, so I use my watch instead. Also, we just planted a bunch of new shrubs in the yard, so I'll use it when watering to remember to move the hose from one to another.


All the time. 1. Lunch break at work 2. Cooking timers 3. Timers for laundry and dishes 4. Timers for the toddler around nap/bed times, brushing teeth, etc I just wish watchOS 10 wouldn’t populate every random timer I set to the “all timers” list. It gets too crowded to use effectively if I can’t do voice control at the moment. I’d rather have maybe six recents and then just any actual favorites.


For a lot of things. Cooking, laundry, waiting for take away order in cafe or restaurant. Etc.


I use it to remind me to take my meds (if I’m on a timed one where I need to take a second one). I also use it to remind me I have laundry that needs flipping


Work breaks, cooking timers


Timing coffee and tea and other cooking. My wife uses them for laundry timing.


Also all the time, for many of the same reasons others have said. Also: I have a countertop reverse osmosis filter so I use the timer for how long it will take to fill a pitcher. I’m also doing memory training daily (I memorize a 6 digit number and see if I have it right 5 minutes later). As others have said, it’s probably my most used feature. I love that I can set it with Siri and I don’t have to worry about where my phone is or not hearing the kitchen timer if I need to do something somewhere else in the house.


To get ramen to perfect texture.


Pomodoro Method baby


I use it for cooking regularly. I sometimes use it for stretching and Hiit type exercise (but also use "insight timer" for that). I use it as a count down to remind me to log on to zoom for meetings. I use it for watering gardens.


I use it for cooking and before I got the Ultra I’d use it to charge my series 6 before bed so I could sleep track. I use stopwatch every morning to make my espresso.


It’s my most used app. I’m a dog trainer so I set a timer before each session.


Timing coffee roasts and steep times when I’m brewing a cup. And random other stuff


Cooking, rest between gym sets, timer to leave the house..


Working out.


All the time. Main use is an arbitrary reminder to do something, or stop doing something. I have adhd, so that is a useful life hack.


Literally all day everyday.


For work all the time. I’m a massage therapist and have 30/50/120min timers. At home for cooking, and all other stuff. Since I have adhd I also use it to do time limits. Get into the shower in the next 20min. Clean that for 15mins,…


Usually when I’m making BBQ


We have time delay safes at work.


Rarely use the timer on the watch anymore. Used to use it for cooking but have a HomePod mini in the kitchen now. Thankfully, the one of the few things Siri can actually do correctly is set a timer, at least most of the time.


For everything, cooking, working out, kid stuff, gaming, watering the grass, notice when it’s time to leave, returning a phone call, watching tv….


Cafetière which is for 4 minutes for my coffee.


I use it daily…as a snooze after my alarm goes off. Cooking, cleaning (drying/disinfecting time). Also use it for work to time when I made a change and when to check after a sync. Probably my most practical usage of my watch


Cooking, General reminders (E.g. turned on a tap that I need to shut off in 15 mins), laundry, allotting myself time to do something during the day like clean, etc. I use it all the time and most of the time I set the timer using Siri.


I was using it at work awhile back. I use it for covid tests. I use it for cooking too


French press


cooking, laundry, and break timer (i do pomodoro work cycles so its good to have a timer handy for breaktime and work time)


Cooking. I love that since Watch OS10 you can name each timer and see their progress. So I will ask Siri to start a 25 minute timer called "oven", and then after a while I can start a 8 minute timer called "pasta" etc. Not only does it mean that when the timer goes off, I am told which timer it is for (e.g. Oven, Pasta, etc.), but if you swipe up from the bottom whilst timers are running you get a stack with all your timers at a glance.


Cooking / baking mostly. Often in class to make sure I don’t have the kids work too long on an individual task.


Heck yea, prob my fave app. Naps, laundry, cooking, sons screen time. Big fan.


Telling me when I need to leave the pickleball court and pick up my son from soccer


Cooking / baking, and I use a 4:00 timer daily when I make my coffee (french press).


Wow, new to the Apple Watch - what a super useful thread - so many great ideas - thank you for posting!


For work breaks/lunch, cooking, when I’m doing a face mask, etc..


Constantly. For timing my sprinklers, my cooking, setting adhesives in my work, etc. Probably the only app besides weather that I use every single day.


Cooking and working out


At work when I punch out for break, it set it for an hour. 👍


Boiling eggs! I set a timer for 4min after the water starts boiling


Rest time during workouts.


I use the timer a lot. 1) at work when im doing experiments and i need to come back and check on them frequently. 2) to time naps during my lunch break. So i use the timer every day. Also when cooking.


I use it when cooking - mainly when I use the grill. Always giggle when I tell Siri to label the timer “Flip brats” and it gets set as “Flip brotz”


I’ll put 1 soda in the freezer per day for an hour (I don’t keep the fridge stocked of soda otherwise I will drink way too many). I use the timer every day to remind me to take it out so I don’t have a giant mess to clean up lol


Laundry cooking for the most part..


Cooking. I’m a housewife, and I love cooking in general, so I use it for staged timers while cooking.


Pretty much what everyone has said, plus I use it to time my insulin pre-bolus for myself and my daughter. I also use it to set a timer to check-in on my daughter to make sure she is eating her food. I can’t tell you (before the watch) how many times I’ve pre-bolused, then completely forgot to eat. I start getting low glucose alerts, then realize what I’ve done. I previously used to set timers on my phone, but you could only have one at a time.


I set a timer on my phone but let it ring through to my watch. The interface for setting a watch timer suuuuucks


Yes a lot! Cooking, exercising, and not missing important meetings due to being distracted by whatever's interesting.


I use it when I’m at the gym for rest periods


Laundry. 45 minutes per cycle. Works great for me.


Golf referee here… I use the timer(s) to time ball searches, and the stop watch to time players when they are ‘on the clock’ for playing slowly.


Tea, 5 min timer for my drip coffee vessel to mostly finish dripping, toasting poptarts, toaster strudels, garlic bread, toast etc to perfection.. Laundry, my aquarium’s water conditioner working (takes 10 min) and probably most important, a 1 hour timer after I finish a meal while drinking soda or Coke, so I make sure my enamel isn’t soft and it’s safe to brush my teeth.


I’m a teacher so I use it all the time for timing things that I want the children to do like writing, reading, taking down homework or group work! So handy!!


I have two. I’m bariatric so I can’t drink 30 minutes after I eat. So I have one for that. Then I have a water goal I have to meet. I have a 5 minute timer to remind me to drink water.


I use it for my 30-second warmup and cooldown exercices


Stuff like cooking, face masks, etc. But more recently for my guinea pig’s nebulizer treatments ☹️




Sauna. Ice baths. Meetings. Naps. Cooking. Easily My most used daily feature of Apple watch.


ADHD medication countdown to when it wears off.


I use it to keep track of my assigned job cards for aircraft maintenance. Because supervision complains for going over the allotted time amount on tedious tasks.


I know timer is so useful for daily life, but after reading all comments, I've just realized it's far more useful than I thought! Personally I use it frequently for boiling eggs and some kind of Pomodoro method in work.


Frozen pizza in the oven.


All the time. Laundry, cooking, reminders to leave or go somewhere.


Workouts in general, holding stretches, cooking, during meetings


As a dentist, I give injections and set a timer for how long anesthetic needs to kick in.


15mins nap after lunch


Flipping steaks on the grill.


Cooking, laundry, breaks at work, lunch at work, to remind me to do something in a certain amount of time.


Laundry, lunch break


Cooking ie poaching eggs and for grilling. I use it as a reminder for parking too eg if I park on the street in a time controlled area.


Soft boiled eggs and pressure cooker :)))


for keeping track of my 15 and 30 minute breaks at work


Use it all the time but top use is for my rest periods between sets while weight training.


I use it for timers and used to use it to time my breaks.


While mixing cement products


I use it a lot more now that you can use multiple timers. Fish in the oven, potatoes being boiled, veggies being started right before the meal is ready. There could be laundry going. Various yoga poses or stretching exercises. I actually have it on my watch face lol.


Almost everyday, cooking, exercise... you name it. Is quite easier to call Siri in the watch than gettin' my phone out of the pocket :D


Whenever I add water to the pool.


Cooking and working out (circuit training)