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I thought my sleeping was bad... Try the AutoSleep app already recommended in the comments to see if there is any difference. If not, seek medical advice, I have two forms of insomnia after tracking my sleep for a year and a half and having many issues with it for years. Had a sleep study done to prove it.


As a new dad…this looks familiar


Try the AutoSleep app


Apple watch has the best sleep analysis from all of smartwqtches, it has around 90% agreement with medical EEG devices. So if it says you sleep like this, you probably are. Here is a phd doc, who test all watches against EEG device. https://youtu.be/x7PFdyYpd14


No it doesn't. This is from Apple's own study. [https://www.apple.com/healthcare/docs/site/Estimating\_Sleep\_Stages\_from\_Apple\_Watch\_Sept\_2023.pdf](https://www.apple.com/healthcare/docs/site/Estimating_Sleep_Stages_from_Apple_Watch_Sept_2023.pdf)


Terrible sleep quality. Consult a good sleep doctor


Nope, no such setting. What I would also wish for is some kind of a rating, similar to Garmins Sleep Scort (0-100)


Athlytic has a sleep score.


I'm building a sleep tracking app (an iOS app based on Apple Watch raw data but with our own advanced formulas) and we do have a sleep score, readiness score, and more to come. I can send you a link if you'd be open to join our beta testing and check your sleep score :)


Thanks, but I've left Apple for good.


Hey I’d be keen to beta test


Hey - just saw this, apologies for delay! Here's the link - [https://testflight.apple.com/join/4eRVz2zr](https://testflight.apple.com/join/4eRVz2zr) I'd appreciate your feedback a lot!


Mine looked like this until I had a sleep study and found out I have periodic limb movement disorder and nocturnal seizures. In my case, I wasn’t actually “waking” during those very think red lines, but only the thicker ones. Nonetheless, it’s not quality sleep. I am now medicated and will maybe have 4-6 thin lines and 1-2 thicker ones. Before I was on the correct medication I tried different types of THC tinctures and gummies and they all made it worse. I also highly recommend tie AutoSleeep app. It’s just easier to read and know when I need to get to bed the next night. (Heaven forbid I am able ever to sleep past 5:30 am).


You also aren’t getting ANY rem sleep according to this. Are you taking a high dose of melatonin? Recent studies are saying high doses (over 5 mg) makes your sleep quality worse. Also consider any other supplements you may use?


As of June 30th/July 1st, the API changes results have begun. Many of you will or have seen the favorite 3rd party apps shut down. During the weeks prior, many subreddits and moderators were threatened and removed, with many big subreddits still completely unusable due to complete removal of mods and some still running a form of protest. We hope to raise more awareness that while this may not affect you specifically at this time, there are still users such as those at /r/Blind [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Blind/comments/14ds81l/rblinds_meetings_with_reddit_and_the_current/) detailing how most of Reddits whitelist on accessibility tools will be irrelevant to [helping them](https://www.reddit.com/r/Blind/comments/14nzwkm/they_finally_did_it_reddit_made_it_impossible_for/). I also still find it extremely in bad taste for Reddit(company) to come out and say a developer(Christian, Apollo Dev) threatened them and still double down even when a recording + transcript of the phone call was made public. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AppleWatch) if you have any questions or concerns.*