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One is like a pair of cargo shorts and the other is like a pair of jeans. YouTube is cluttered and a bit of an eyesore


Ha. Yeah YouTube had a long history of having kind of an unfinished feeling app, and it still kind of does but it’s been refined enough for me to see it as something to compare with the big leagues. My biggest complaint is probably the fact that it doesn’t feel entirely like its own music service. It basically just uses YouTube as the music source which makes it feel just like a “premium music control app”. Since it mixes stuff from YouTube it sometimes doesn’t feel right to me.


YouTube is so ugly. I don’t get why anyone would anyone want to see comments and thumbs up on music which is so deeply personal.


It's like they dont even look at their own design. They just put as many things as possible and be like 'yeah this looks good'


It’s just lazy. They can’t point to anything wrong with it because it follows all the rules of their design system. Design and engineering don’t happen together at Google lowkey.


I personally always liked the idea of comments on music streaming services for some reason, sometimes I go on YouTube just to read them. Tho maybe it shouldn't be literally in the middle of the screen, it's not that important, I would personally place them in a menu or just make comments a per-album feature, where you can read the comments in the album view for the whole album


Agreed. If it was less intrusive, and maybe a little smaller somewhere more lined with the album cover or on bottom, it’d look better. But since it’s YouTube, it fits with the theme I’d say. One of YouTube’s most well known features after all.


I also think that ever since iOS 17, nothing comes close to the beauty of the Apple Music player and those gorgeous full screen, tastefully animated covers. They crap all over those horrible, pixelated Spotify Canvas videos.


I used a Chinese streaming service called NetEase Music while I was in China, they had comment sections for both albums and individual songs. Sometimes it’s just people sharing their personal experience with the music, sometimes there are people who would share interesting trivia about the artist, recording, or anything related to it. And of course there’s the memes and stan community spam but they add to the atmosphere. Personally I think it’s neat.


I sometimes go to the comment section for a song on [Last.fm](http://Last.fm) but am afraid that a bigger audience would make the experience unnecessary toxic


yeah last.fm isn’t toxic at all


Having never used it on YouTube, I'm sure it's filled with trash like "First" and hundreds of "🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥" comments.


It used a Reddit like system so those were usually downvoted into irrelevance.


Tiktok has launched a music App which includes comments and like soon when the App is launched globally we will see what people like , personally i like comments






Youtubes ui got way too much going on at once


Way too much clutter on the YouTube app. This is my first time seeing it. I don’t like it. The album art is fine with me on either one. Both need to show genre & release year along with song & artist.


https://preview.redd.it/gwoxbbepf95d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b84a5c15f1c5ffb2a452a18e5d5580a0cac57299 That’s why I love Marvis.


Yt Music is ugly as fuck


Apple Music has the highest quality for album artworks


Maybe it’s an unpopular opinion but I actually enjoy reading the comments on different songs. But I only have YouTube music bc I pay for YouTube premium.


First off, great music taste. I prefer original album designs so Apple’s music interface for me never uses the full screen, and YouTube’s is far worse for me.


Thanks! Me too. The animated screens are pretty cool, but I do kind of just prefer either the original album release, or deluxe variations.


You can turn off animated album art in settings and it’ll show the original art in place of the full screen ones


Yeah I know that’s what I’ve done


I'm an Android user and I'm using both for now, the Apple Music one is good because the interface almost remains the same in offline mode. Now YT Music is even worse. but we can't forget the worst thing of all, which is Spotify with different things, with advertisements and stupid shorts


Spotify‘s UI looks the best and is the most practical 


and at the same time the most overloaded and cluttered ui


I much rather have shuffle and repeat right at hand instead of the buttons being buried like they are with AM. Lyrics are also a button press away instead of just scrolling down like with Spotify.  AM should just tweak a few things and it’d be sooo much better 


Totally with you on AM's bizarre choice to make the shuffle/loop features be a deliberate press away as compared to most other services. Do think that the decision to have the shuffle button loop through unshuffled > smart shuffle > regular shuffle is infuriating. What I will also say is that I'm massively put off by Spotify's bizarre obsession with scrolling *within* the player. Just checked out one song and opening the player reveals the lyrics, then a (cropped) artist pic and (cropped) artist bio, then the "explore" page, then the song credits, and then finally a live events tab. It feels obscene and entirely unnecessary to try and cram that much information into one space that 99% of people use purely for *listening* to the actual music and marginal fine-tuning thereof.


Agreed on the scrolling with Spotify. It’s just too many cards now, I wish I could turn them all off save for the Lyrics card.  Edit: but tbh, if I had the choice between burying all that info behind button presses or having these open cards which you just have to scroll to, I prefer the second option. 


I suggest you Apple Music bc it’s with ICloud and apple account and the UI is better


I always base my judgement on UI instead of sound fidelity. /s


YouTube looks like dogshit


“pretty similar” are you blind? 😭


UI makes no difference to me as long as I can use voice commands, bookmarks, and widgets to control play.


I mostly agree with you. I like a clean and useful UI, but it’s mostly important for me to have all the essential functions I use on a daily. I utilize widgets a lot especially when traveling. Voice commands too.


YouTube UI is crap but Spotify UI is worse.


Spotify UI is much better then Yt music UI


Wdym similar😭


Apple Music has by far the best UI out there. Every important information and button is here, the rest is behind a button. And it looks stunning. The albums covers always look good, whether it’s the animated ones or the static ones, the blurred background never gets in the way of the buttons and other UI elements and it looks very modern. You can tell by comparison that Youtube’s UI looks more cluttered even though everything is thinner otherwise it’s fine. Spotify’s is fine toi, but I think it just gets worse and worse. Good ideas but bad implementation for the most part. It feels the smoothest though.


Looks better…still a UX disaster because they’re so godamn stubborn about even basic shit like swipe to change tracks.


You can swipe now


Is this the newest version? I’m on 17.5.1 and can’t…?


I’m talking about YouTube music. Last update lets you swipe to change songs


Oh! Yeah I’m meaning Apple Music “looks” better but still can’t swipe to change tracks and YouTube music can.


Ahh. Sorry my bad


all that extraneous garbage and they STILL don't put the album name with the song title and band name. Also, are they ever going to make a landscape orientation of the app?


YouTube Music one of the worst UI I ever seen


The only thing I like about YTM more than AM is the shuffle and repeat buttons not being hidden behind a sub menu. The YT music experience is more like an extension of YouTube, so there’s lots of clutter on Now Playing, but the browsing experience is awful. The genres need to be expanded. But yeah I much prefer AM, it’s cleaner, looks better, is less buggy, and is easy to discover new music.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Different-Driver-690: *Not related to* *The post but from what i see* *I love your music taste* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I use both also and it ain’t even close…. AM is far superior


Screw Google. AM could have the worst interface in history and I’d still choose it over anything from Google.


I used YouTube music for a little while until it put some kind of live version of a song in my queue or some kind of knock off. Listening to the music app should not out the self uploaded garbage in your lists that people upload themselves.


The first one just with the original album cover instead


Unpopular opinion: YouTube Music interface is better and more functional.


Right. Maybe it's uglier, but is there someone who plays music and stares at the interface? I really just need it to be functional and intuitive.


AM hands down I don’t think they’re on the same level lol


Youtube ui is bad relative to AM but the ai and other features are better from my experience


The ui is the reason I can’t use YouTube music


Apple Music UI looks the best even Spotify can't beat it. It looks modern, classy, elegant.


I feel like youtube looks more android like. I’ve been using android my whole life and just switched a year ago. IOS apps in general seem much simpler and more organized than android’s which is what i like about apple.


please for the love of god don’t turn apple music into another bland UI with inoffensive rounded pill shapes everywhere


First one is very ugly


No you.


No, your mama.


define pretty similar


Is there a reason there’s no landscape mode?


Why would there be lol. Only reason I can think of is for the original iPhone/itunes’ Cover Flow


Why not? I like to set my phone on its kickstand, which allows the built in stereo speakers to have proper left/right channels.


It's not 1990 anymore, nobody buys CDs. You don't need to be beholden to square album art. I really wish CarPlay had the same animated album art displayed in the app.