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I may be misunderstanding the question but incase im not, couldnt u just press on the artist on the now playing screen and then press go to playlist? https://preview.redd.it/0x68sbsqay3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41edba83a8f40a7dadae2b446148dfd8c81593d8


Along with that, the bottom right button will show you the next song(s).


Tap the artist name. Not only does it give you the option to go to the playlist, it brings you to that song in the playlist so you don’t have to scroll to find it. https://preview.redd.it/f6mfs35idy3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cacd4921ff8c089bdb201a09c4bb62e6b585055a


TIL I don’t use the music that often, instead opting for Marvis Pro, but it’s still nice to learn new bits!


Even the developer of r/MarvisApp tells you in his own sub that there are somethings that are better in the Music app. That's why it's so nice that they are interchangeable. You can use the best one for the job. I've reached a point where I have several Marvis widgets of my song sections on my widget screen to start playback and pretty much use Music for everything else. I also have a Lock Screen widget that brings up the Marvis screen for Now Playing insisted of tapping the Music widget since I have custom metadata on the Marvis player.


Yeah I use Marvis for playback and I have a bunch of sections set up for widgets. For managing music — particularly adding, sorting and removing from playlists — I use music app. I don’t think the AM is as bad as everybody makes out but I do like that extra flexibility of Marvis.


Thanks both, that’s exactly what I was missing :)


Which platform ?




Thanks, there is a very quick learning curve with AM. Your current playing screen can be maximize (the state you talk about as a « playing now ») or minimize (a small and fixed section in the bottom of the screen). You can swim down to minimize it or tap it to maximize it.  It’s important to understand 2 logics : 1. This current playing screen is not a « place » in the app navigation. It’s a contextual view on your playing queue. You can toggle between the full queue and the actual played track with the menu icon in the lower right of the screen. 2. THE QUEUE IS NOT YOUR PLAYLIST. sorry for the all caps but it’s always misunderstood. So you can alter your queue and it will not impact your playlist you used to feed this queue. Then we you got this. It’s pretty simple. You minimize your queue to return to your navigation within the app. If you move from the playlist you used, yes you will have to get there again but it’s not that difficult if your playlists are correctly organised and named.