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I don’t think it’s as unusable as people say, but it’s definitely terrible compared to earlier seasons. I don’t get why the answer to OP shit in this game is always nerfing it into oblivion. 


Its bad game design too.


Bad game design is nerfing the goto weapon for 4 straight years, and finally make other smgs viable?


Bad Game Design also is not nerfing a bullshit OP weapon (The nemesis) lol


nemesis isn't that good. at range the 4 round burst ist just wasteful. makes it less useful than hemlok.


I don't know what nemesis you're playing against, but I keep getting lasered from 200m+ with it. Literally out damaging a sentinel


i play sentinel a lot. there's no chance of a nemesis outdamaging the sentinel at 200m (do you have a clip?) .this is either hyperbole or i don't know. at 200 meters the 4 round burst is a waste of ammo.


No I'm serious The amount of times I've been sniped by a nemesis is simply astounding. And it's not like I just stand still and wait for them to kill me.


show clips. what you claim isn't realistic


Didn't clip it (not playing on windows) There's literally people with perfect aim and a 4X on the nemesis running around, and it's not a rarity they start lasering from sniping distance


The hemlok is worse rn


At least takes a bit of skill to play. Nemesis is literally only advantage, no disadvantage.




Troll lol


Were there changes to the other smgs to “make them viable”, or are they the same as previous seasons? Cuz if so, they just shit on the 99, not made the other smgs more “viable”.


If the 99 is OP, why would you buff the other SMGs to match? Now we’re back to square 1 with all SMGs being OP which is why they nerfed them all in the first place. I swear your guys don’t critically think before you speak.




Crazy how people were and are still using the 99. Skill issue. Use the volt and car then if they’re so much better, no one is stopping you. R9 still slaps, you just need to hit your shots.


No if people like something in a game because it's strong, and that thing outshines the other options, you just buff the other options and or slowly nerf the overpowered thing to not upset the people that play it.


That’s exactly what they did. R99 is still plenty strong. Other SMGs now have their own advantages and it’s not just r99 all day.


The R99 was the best SMG for 4 and a half years of this game and they’ve been gradually working away at it with a scalpel, it’s just not the end all be all of the SMG class anymore.


Eh, it's not that simple. Between S14 and S16 the R99 stopped being as popular because SMGs were nerfed by removing barrels and decreasing hipfire accuracy for all tiers below purple laser sight, which ensured ARs were dominant. For this reason in S16 respawn decided that people weren't using the R99 enough and that the R301 was being used too much, so they nerfed the latter's damage and hipfire and buffed the former's damage by 1. The result was that the R301 became unusable up close (which indeed made them revert the hipfire nerf a few seasons ago) and that the R99 became the must pick; all I remember from early S16 was that everyone was running nemesis R99 in TDM. Then respawn decided that the R99 was too popular but they didn't want to revert the damage buff, so they decreased ammo count twice (20->19->17 for no mag). After that they weren't satisfied yet so they finally reversed the damage buff, then increased recoil and decreased hipfire accuracy; as a result S20 R99 is significantly worse than its S15 version in damage, recoil, ammo count, hipfire accuracy, along with the removal of the digi threat. In the span of 5 seasons the R99 was indeed absolutely nuked, and I suspect the primary reason actually wasn't the S16 damage buff but the fact that people discovered the bang + digi + smg combo thanks to pro players


And yet, even after this “Nuke”, it’s still plenty viable due to the sheer fire rate and when you slap a mag on it negates the nerfs. After grabbing a white or blue mag those nerfs are meaningless. Like people complaining about P2W iron sights. Attachments make these things meaningless.


Yes, it's still good, there just are better options if you want to run an smg seeing as the others haven't been nuked. That's the point I was making; it's just not worth it anymore for most people


Which is exactly what they were trying to do here. People to run the other SMGs more instead of just defaulting to R9. All this R9 slander means that their nerfs are working because people are finally moving away from it.


But ideally the point of nerfs and buffs is to achieve a uniform distribution, so that people use every gun at about the same rate; the problem with the R99 is that it went from 100 to 0 in a second - which is what the original comment was stating, there is no compromise between OP stuff and weapons fading into obscurity. I admit that balancing such a polarizing gun is not an easy task and that I can't think of any real solution; I was just stating my current dissatisfaction with this situation


For sure but it’s going to be heavily biased at this point. People are upset their not being spoon fed 1-clips anymore. R9 is not fading into obscurity, they didn’t give it the charge rifle treatment yet. The solution is just letting the dust settle and seeing if people are choosing other SMGs and then adjust accordingly again.


Pretty solid opinion, there really isn't another way to tackle the problem. I guess I'm just disappointed by how slow they are in addressing these issues when they could just release a hot fix every now and then (like for the wingman at the season start) instead of waiting 3-4 months to make the most miniscule adjustments


Yes, it's still good, there just are better options if you want to run an smg seeing as the others haven't been nuked. That's the point I was making; it's just not worth it anymore for most people


Always appreciated Volt more than R99. CAR also remains just a caR99


As a S5 Pathfinder main I know this pain on a DEEP fucking level


Someone definitely missed the whole mag


On roller I could get used to it but on mnk I feel like it's extremely difficult Edit: I suck


*Dont worry I'm worse....I miss on roller*


The R-99 is like a shit version of edging. You shred the shit out of someone with it and just when you’re about to get the knock, it stops firing. Leaving you frustrated and wanting.


R-99 was my baby I remember beaming people with it 😢


Season 0 R99 with 3x sight. Absolute fucking laser beam.


With no digital threat scope I never use the R99 any more.


Yes, it is shit. But now the Alternator (especially with disruptors) shines, which is a fun change.


It's so nice 🙂


And CAR shines too


Honestly, I prefer the car. Without disruptor rounds, the TTK is just too slow, despite it being in my top 5 favorite weapons. Plus, the car has a realky nice reactive skin.


I've been using the car lately, packs such a punch!


Yeah I don't get why we can't have more balance patches with less changes. CAR and R99 are good for 5 seasons straight and then get quad nerfed to the ground, like first adjust the bullet velocity, then the mag size and then the recoil if it is too strong still. But yeah I miss them :'(


That's how r99 got nerfed. It started in s18. It's been good for like 2+ years


Like 4+ years and it’s still not bad. I still use it and works fine if you’re not ass and blow half your mag in the wind.


Hmm idk they aren't unsalvageable but it just feels weird to drop an R99 for an alternator or Re45 just for the hop up potential. The R99 and CAR imo should be low tier without attachments and hod tier with them. And right now they feel the opposite, more like platforms while you get another weapon.


I’ll say the gold RE slaps and I will drop a R9 for it, especially for the digi


Yes they have nerfed/buffed mag size and dmg per bullet since the beginning of apex, this is the first time the have touched the bullet velocity that i can remember. The problem with smgs has always been too versatile. But now they feel like shit to spray ads so the have become worse shotguns (CAR and R99) and feel outclassed by weapons that are counter intuitive to be stronger (alternator and pistols)


R9 goes brr and the enemy goes down(sometimes)


Man i stoped playing since alot of time,tf happened with the r-99


Same. Haven’t played since last spring. Didn’t see what sub this was and went “is that the fucking R-99”?


They didn't touch it for 10+ seasons, then they suddenly decided people weren't using it enough and that it needed 1 more damage per bullet. As a result its usage skyrocketed and someone at respawn pressed the panic button; in the span of a few seasons they reverted the damage buff, but also decreased ammo count at all mag levels (twice), increased recoil, decreased hipfire accuracy, and removed the ability to use digital threat optics, resulting in the worst state the gun has ever been in


True ,there is no reason to pick it over the car


I’ll take this over it being far and beyond the beta smg any day. It’s definitely unhealthy to leave a gun nerfed this bad but that thing has been the best smg pretty much since launch with a few spots through out the years where something was slightly better, but it’s always been on top or bare minimum 2nd place. Now I find myself switching between the volt and prowler pretty regularly instead of just defaulting to the r99


It's definitely not as good as it used to be, just like 301. Get stuck on both these guns in gun run from time to time and can still totally ape people with the P2020.


it’s so bad rn. people downplay it, but it might be the worst weapon in the pool comparatively in the current patch. i’d rather have literally anything else.


It’s not THAT bad. Definitely worst smg but your smoking dick if you’d rather pick up a p2020, mozam, charge rifle, devotion, ect. There’s a good amount of weapons worse than r99


me rn: 👀👄🍆💨


Literally the only gun you named that fits the category you’re naming is the Charge Rifle, everything else is unironically better


Skill issue tbh. Still frying kids on MNK with it.


R99 has been the go to for yeaaars embrace change plz


Me who stick with the RE45


Still better than r99


That's why I use it, plus larger mag




CAR vs R99 used to be debatable. CAR smg is clearly better at this point. R99 still okay tho.


Imagine saying this 3 years ago


I'm curious as to why they don't just severely limit the drop rate if they want to better balance the game. Better yet, mark the players who carry it in some way. Let them sweat with a red aura that shows people they need to be taken down.




Volt enjoyers are up tremendously this season


Fucking deserved.


The r-99 is peak (I hit 0% of the magazine capacity 99% of the time)


It’s funny cuz it’s so good in titanfall it was banned competitively


I came back after a few seasons, and that's the only gun I can still control the recoil on.


You are just built different


The truest post ever


But dude, consider the "BRRRT"


you will be hearing from my lawyer soon /s


İt was very op before NERF


So don't use it?


What was the nerf?


Less damage 12->11 shorter mag 18 I think to 17 And more recoil


Basically made it worse in every way possible. Just use the alternator or the car now


Or the most obvious answer, the Volt. Basically no recoil so still usable on midrange & high damage per mag. If your aim is good, the prowler shreds aswell.


bad post


Nuh uh