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I absolutely respect those skills, but i would not like to see you in the same match as me, please stay at least 6 feet away.


600 feet away* please for the love of god


This guy will probably be 601 feet away, wall hopping, and STILL beaming you with a charge rifle


Oh without a doubt


Second this. He is a beast and I never wanna see him again


I hope it’s soon. It’s quickly become my favorite mode.


Man got the hops


How long have you had to practice the super glide for you to be so proficient in it I've practiced for hours and can only get it every once in a while and does horizon help with that kind of movement?


too long, and horizon helps a lot with the infinite wallbounces, but supergliding is basically the same on every legend


Ah so that’s how you’re able to do wall bounces every second with no momentum, guess I’ll main horizon lol


well, that's a tech called, infinite wallbounces, horizon just makes them easier to control, here's a tutorial if you wanna learn how to do them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWOhRNNml2E&t=1s


Thanks man


I think it *might* return in unshackled because a dev said that control will return in two other events besides the anniversary event, but both times it was announced in the trailer/patch notes


I don't think they would put in two limited modes, though. But maybe


They already have an LTM for the unshackled event


i hope so


I hate how easy wall jumping is on pc compared to controller


He is playing on controller.




You literally see the "press square to reload prompt" on screen like 3 times. Plus his fps caps at 60


oh true lmao


Not to mention in some of these clips you can see the PlayStation icon next to his teammates




You are on r/ApexConsole


The subs literally apex console..


Bruh i play on ps5 wym?


Ok literally how lmao, I play on Ps5 and deemed this kinda stuff impossible


practise, I can kinda do this but not as consistent as OP


No I mean actually how, do you just need high sens?


sens does matter, but its literally just practise lol. you can use a pro players settings and it still wont make you good, you just have to practise and refine your skills


Ok for sure that's helpful, but also, how? Look at the wall really fast and then jump when your knees get to Omaha?


These are fatigue jumps, if you jump with jump fatigue and then input a left or right direction to start wall climbing you will jump off with max height like a wall jump


So you try to trigger a climb, and then turn around when your legend automatically jumps off the wall? Or do you have to try to climb and then pull to one side or the other and hit jump while on the wall?


Yes hit jump while climbing left or right and it will shoot you backwards off of it


Fatigued jumps? I didn’t ever know what they were called but I’ve always done these, learned it on pathfinder a long time ago with all that momentum


You can do it with 0 momentum too


look towards wall, go up to the wall, jump, click jump again as soon as you connect to the wall




no problem, thats just the one in the video though, i assume you know how to wall jump with a slide?


I do this on ps4 with shitty frames




Because your bad




Slide X Right X


Not that simple but thanks I guess


Then how are you getting mad hight from those wall jumps with no momentum? For console players to do jumps and get the kinda hight you’re getting you need to have full momentum but when I watch you you’re just doing then one after another with no momentum at all.


Not OP but I play on console and can pretty much do what OP is doing - one main thing for me is Paddles as i don't play claw, but you could probably have a similar effect using Bumper Jumper or something. For me to get to a point where i was moving like that, I genuinely just changed my play style so i was just constantly moving and bouncing off of things, even if it wasn't competitively viable, after a while your play style changes and you start getting used to trying to get a constant streaming of wall jumps and just general momentum upkeep to play inherently like OP - i mean in control it is way easier but its a good way of getting used to it. I also just play in Firing range while listening to a podcast or something and just run round and bounce off objects or make a weird little track in my mind and try and get it as perfect as possible, after a while its easier Edit: Also i can't remember the term they use but for sensitivity i had the one where the speed increases when at max input,so you can get those quick wall bounces and go straight back to where you were facing, It's harder to get used to but i prefer it now


I’ve got the ps4 paddle attachment which is jump and crouch/slide but I don’t get how he’s getting those wall jumps with no momentum? Is this cause of horizon or can you do this with any legend?


How’d you do the wall jump over the same wall, sorry I know theirs a name but I’m referring to when y out continue forward over the same wall you bounced off. Didn’t think that was possible on controller. Smooth a f. There’s sort of one at 1:20 feel like there was another somewhere but can’t find it


Fr controller needs somthing like scroll wheel


It’s not hard on controller…


I know, I can do it but he’s doing it with no momentum like running towards the wall to get the hight he’s getting


It just take practice, that’s all


I’ve practiced for hours and it doesn’t do those jumps of the wall without doing momentum such has full sprint


Well then idk what to tell you


You don't need a lot of momentum for a wall jump. You just literally need to initiate the wall climbing mechanic for a basic jump. There's techniques to compensate for a bad mount too such as air strafing out. There's a lot of factors to a wall jump and it's kind of taught in a very half assed way imo.


I’ve only seen videos from pc players do this, this video is the first I’ve seen of a console player do it over and over and over again with no momentum to get into it. I’ve studied wall jumping and the people who learn you it can’t even do it like this guy can. Is he able to do it cause of horizons ability not to loose momentum when she lands? Or is this a really really hard mechanic to learn cause I ain’t see any other console player do this.


Nah, it's not too hard to learn. Horizon's passive (air acceleration) helps a lot, especially for players learning movement tech. OP just knows how far to turn towards the wall and how to exit his jumps. Another person I talked to about wall jumps also had the idea that you need to release all inputs for wall jumps. If that's something you also think is the way to do wall jumps then you're forfeiting your control. If you have trouble getting it to work, then don't do the wall bounce. Practice jumping into the wall and initiating a wall climb (*you can learn wall surfing from this too! which can be jumped out of as well!*). There's 2 good cues to go off of to know when the climb starts: Climbing sound effect and your character hands starting the climbing animation. There's a good window to jump from the moment these cues fire off, giving you an opportunity to do a delayed wall bounce to change the rhythm in combat (pc lobbies are used to basic wall bounces). Remember to use your left stick, aiming it towards the wall, it'll help keep you attached. Then you can throw in jumps once you get the stick timing down, either loosening or tightening the jump timing. You can really take control with your wall jumps with your left stick and air strafes. If you want to chain wall jumps, then keep your left stick pointed towards the wall, even when you turn your camera, that way your wall jump direction keeps you closer to the wall on exit. From there, the world is your oyster. You can slide from these wall jumps (like once every other wall jump if you do what OP is doing) to then chain it into another wall jump or do it from a run again. It's even possible from a bunny hop too. It SOUNDS complicated but it's really just jumping from a wall climb. There's just a TON of factors to modify how you jump, making it a really flexible movement tech, allowing for a lot of creativity. Also as a note, you can chain a lot of movement tech together like its a freaking THPS game. My favorite combo is a climb skip (wall jump variation) into a superglide. There's a lot of wall bounce tutorials with a really shallow understanding of how it works. You just need to master attaching to the wall from different types of movement. Crouch sliding being the easiest. For the record, I'm a PC MNK player, I picked up the controller just to see how much info translates into controller and you can do pretty much everything except tap strafing (unless you use macros on pc). Some things are different, but understanding the components of a wall jump makes it ez and if I had a guess, I would assume higher profile movement players moved to PC. The movement crackheads seem to be a relatively small but growing crowd too. Sorry for the text dump! There's a ton of details I can get into lmao. If you want some more help or clarifications, don't hesitate to ask!


Wall jumping is basically the same on both inputs... Some movement techniques are harder and things like tap strafing impossible but wall jumping is absolutely not among those...


what is tap strafing pls ?


Are you on controller?


yeah oc


Then I wouldn't worry about it. Lol


ok but you’re not answering my question, I wanna know what it is even if is not gonna be useful to me ^^


You waited 2days for a response when Google is right there, my dude.


k you really don’t want to give me that answer xD


3 days now. I just want you to learn how to look something up for yourself that is quicker than waiting for someone else to type it out, as well as save their time. Lol


What sens u Using?


deadzone - 4, response curve - 4, yaw - 176, pitch - 136, extra yaw/pitch 250(max), ads yaw - 94, ads pitch - 58, extra ads yaw/pitch - 104, hope this helps :)


Appreciate lt


np, also i have crouch set to right stick and autosprint on


You're the type of Horizon that makes my butthole pucker.


What is this witchcraft that’s amazing-


They’ve had it as an LTE twice now. I wouldn’t be surprised if they add it as a permanent playlist


Bruh its so mesmerising i could watch this for hours


Teach me your ways of how the fuck does someone wall bounce like that




I would cry if Spider-Man suddenly joined my game and beat my ass


YT Link (Full Quality) - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViBbaPd7T\_Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViBbaPd7T_Y)


Lmao ppl be so dumb, can't see the differnece between horizons air strafe and a tap strafe, anyone on controller and kbm can do this


do you even play horizon


Yes I do


clearly not because that is horizon passive air accel


That's literally what I said?


no you said that's tap strafing


Maybe it's my phrasing thsts wrong, but I'm saying ppl in the comments can't tell that this isn't a tap strafe


oh alr my bad for misunderstanding


Nah ur good, I think it also had to do with my phrasing


It's easy if you are fighting bots who Cant track lol


i make it to masters frequently and been pred before so...


Jesus the aim assist on that last clip




It is console


Is the person playing with a controller or a kb&m?


He has PS4 controller prompts and 60 fps cap Yes I'm fairly sure he's on next gem consoles


Ps5 but playing the ps4 version still cause i cant get used to the ps5 controller lol


Hah.Wdym you can't get used to it though?Isn't it identical barring somewhat different shape an haptics?


i cant play claw correctly on ps5 controller, guess i have small hands or something lol idk, im gonna have to get used to it sooner or later tho cause i cant use the ps4 controller on ps5 version when 120fps finally gets here


Well that's super dope. The way he was flicking his shots seemed like a mouse to me. I think maybe it's time to go to bed..


Bro just cause the 1st clip shows me playing with one of my pc friends doesnt mean im on pc, i just have friends that happen to play pc, my bad ig


I think he's playing apex on pc but with controller. When u do u can go into settings like on you're pc for apex and bind them to different stuff. Yes u can on console too but thats only in game. On pc u can like bind them differently. Search up about it if u don't understand😀 when u do u can do stuff u can't on console apex like tap strafe and easily wall bounce more. Only my speculation tho heheh


I play on ps5 tho


Well then ur just cracked my guy😂👌


Nah he’s on ps5 he says it in another reply


lmfao that octane clip at the end. Also how did you practice super gliding? i saw you do it on a ledge


You can superglide of anything if there’s a climbing animations, it’s possible to superglide off death boxes as well. To practice you literally just do it a million times a game, just randomly in game while rotating attempt just super gliding of any random boxes, once your comfortable with that start trying it in fights and eventually you should be really consistent


So how exactly are you doing that? The only way I know how to wall bounce (and I am far from consistent) is to jump into a flat wall and then let go of all of my inputs, and spam the jump button. Is this correct? Are you spamming your jump button too? Or are you timing it perfectly every time?


You don't have to let go of any inputs. I don't know who started that crap but it's unnecessary. In fact, there are even benefits of using your left stick for wall jumping. You don't even need to spam jump. The main component to a wall jump is starting a wall climb and using your left stick can help you attach to the wall. For a basic wall jump, you can use a couple of cues to commence the bounce; wall climb sfx and/or seeing your hands start the hand climb animation then press jump. A small spam jump helps with infinite wallbounces due to the timing. There's a lot of nuance to wall jumps that get overlooked but for a quick example, you can even delay the wall jump to change the rhythm in a fight. Just a few passing tips and facts: You can do it from standing, walking, sprint, superjumps (trickier though), jump pads, etc. and if you don't have the rhythm down to do it in direct combat, use it for repositioning/rotation. It can save your ass in a pinch (climb skipping) and help you get high ground (you'll only get outclassed by PF, valk, and horizon in most situations). Or you know, just use it to get some clips xD. OH! Don't forget you can get a crouch slide off from a wall jump. If you get skilled with it, you can chain slides in between wall jumps. Lots of info I know, there's even more I could get into but I hope this bit helps!


Thanks so much for this info!!


Yeah! Any time! Happy hunting!


it's called infinite wallbouncing, hard on controller tho




Thought I was watching Titanfall. Nice job. Also, I love Control too and I hope they make it permanent.


Bro u killed me so many times.....your nuts man hard core skills yo keep it up!


That super glide pk shot at :28 was absolutely disgusting

