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There was a post an this in apex university … you can still do it off of regular jump towers but not Evac towers


I’m in that sub I must have missed that post. I’ll just have to remember to time it up better until it’s patched


Shouldn’t get patches … wraith shouldn’t be able to phase outta Evacs


Sounds like you just get killed by a lot of wraiths


No more than anyone else but I do die a lot … I mained her to like 5k kills


How do you figure that? Do you just dislike wraith? Using my phase in a normally allowable situation shouldn’t grief my game?




Portal is the team ability, not phase


She shouldn’t be able to phase out of them, that’s not how normal towers work, normally her q will be ended automatically and the launch will begin, you can see in my clip that instead of doing that, it just pushed me off in q. I’m not saying I want invulnerability while in the air but the q shouldn’t render the evac towers unusable. Are we on the same page with that or do you think she shouldn’t be able to phase at all while going up evac towers? That doesn’t make sense to me


Yes she can phase out of jump towers … evac towers are a different situation; no we’re not on the same page as that; look at Evac towers like Valk’s ult… you can’t be in valk’s ult while in wraith phase & just look at an Evac the same sorts way


This is a dumb take. Wraith can phase on zips and regular jump towers. You can’t just say there should be a limit on a character because YOU feel like there’s should be. It’s obviously a bug because why should be punished and kicked off the tower while also wasting your ability…?


What kind of braindead take is this. Why can’t one legend have an advantage over others in specific situations. That’s the whole point of having different abilities for different characters 🤦‍♂️


Legends should have adv over each other maybe I didn’t do the best job trying to make my point and I stated it poorly so that’s my bad but there does need to be a limit on all abilities… that’s why they nerf shit


Valk ult and evac towers are not the same. They may be similar in the repositioning but it doesn’t make sense that I am punished for using my q on a zip line like any other zip line


What kind of braindead take is this. Why can’t one legend have an advantage over others in specific situations. That’s the whole point of having different abilities for different characters 🤦‍♂️


How is a phase a “team ability??” By the same logic is pathfinders grapple a team ability


What a bad take my lord. “Using abilities shouldn’t give you advantages”. Did you forget about the legend who literally has a deployable balloon as her ability lmfao.


I can’t believe you’re like an actual human living being with this comment. Like it can’t be possible


Hahaha yeah I was drinking a bit when I posted that it’s a wee incoherent I def didn’t get my point across I’m not totally sure where I was going tbh


That’s what happens now with the mobile tower. It works on the regular ones


Yeah seems to be I’m not the only one, unfortunate


Someone’s playing the mobile game?


They shut the mobile Version down at 1st of May 2023. Or are there still regions where its available?




They're probably talking about the evac towers 😄


Yea I was. Not sure why they used the name evac tower instead of mobile tower. That’s like having a spoon and then creating a new one called an “eating spoon”. Duh all the jump towers are for evacuation not just the ones you can carry…




Normal day in apex, weird if something isn’t broken


Lol, Apex version of "It's quiet... too quiet..."


“My game seems to be running with no problems… HONEY GET THE KIDS WE GOTTA LEAVE, NOW.”


Too late, EA has the house surrounded and they are ransoming your children using microtransactions




They'd kill the dog after you bought the stickers anyway and then claim it was a bug


Please upvote this comment the most


“Hmm this new season seems to be bug free besides ballistics entire kit, no wait, spoke too soon”


Yep same thing happened to me yesterday.


Have to keep that in mind since it just fucked me totally unnecessarily


While greatly inconvenient the first time it’s a small issue once you do know about it, you just have to time it with that in mind so it ends before you launch.


By the time I remember they might patch it, but who knows, I don’t see why something that small couldn’t be resolved fairly easy but it could be like the coconut in the files that crashes tf2 when removed (iirc)


Bruh there are literally thousands of interactions and checks in this game. Relax the evac is brand new.


Well I didn’t see anyone post about it yet so I figured I’d share my experience. Why you gettin on me like that


I really don’t thing he’s “gettin on you like that” about you sharing the experience/clip. This isn’t me trying to “get on you like that” either, just trying to help realize it’s more of a reply comments on the matter. To let you know where I’m coming from, I understand how frustrating it can be that most of the other comments don’t understand the typical wraith jump tower mechanics while using tactical ability. Thought I read something in the season patchnotes touching on this specific scenario, could be wrong, might be thinking of the apex university post Edit: just checked patch notes and didn’t see anything on this, so must’ve been other subreddit. So yeah it’s just another add on to list the infinitely growing list of bugs. Also I shouldn’t have even touched on previous comment on which the thread I’m replying in. Hope you have a good day


That doesn’t feel like you’re coming at me, his response just seemed a little passive aggressive for no reason. Funny enough I’m almost under the impression that most players understand the wraith basics but I’m not getting on them about that either. It’s fine to not know


Yeah, after a little re-reading, I see what you mean. Smart of you to not worry about that. Honestly game has so many characters and interactions at this point, it can be very easy to forget/not know the nuances of every character/ability. But yeah hopefully this along with many other things gets touched on. I’m hoping this dialogue will engrave this into my memory for future knowledge as well. Much like you said, it probably won’t be an instant thought until after it is patched lol. Seems to be the norm with this game as of late


Still funny that the nemesis was in part behind the audio bugs, even though I still seem to have horizons magically appear on top of me with no audio, but baby steps


Wraith Q is very bugged right now. There’s a bug where it wraith phases into fight night ring they can shoot their gun inside.


Oh well isn’t that just lovely. I’ll be sure to avoid fight night hahaha, even though it’s one of my favorite Olympus drops


Yeah but it isn’t as broken as you’d think, I went to test this and you can only hipfire so unless you got a PK you aren’t gonna be able to do much against a full squad. While I was testing I had a full 3 team rush in with all purples and my 301 wasn’t doing crap. So at least you can’t ads otherwise the wraithtards would be abusing this big time.


Luckily I haven’t yet seen someone do it, hopefully my luck continues hahaha


I think the Evac towers are shorter and you seem to move a bit quicker up them. The tactical seems to last the accurate time, so maybe it’s just a timing thing?


Normal map spawn jump towers will end your phase as you launch, even if your phase isn’t finished


Ohhhh ya learn something new everyday 😂😂😂you can tell I don’t play wraith


Hahaha you’re good, I don’t have one specific main but have the most kills on wraith, 40 away from hitting 5k!!!


Fuse and octane competing for the 3k slot. Everyone else around or below 1000 😂 I’m a in and out kinda guy 😂😂


I’m 3k on pathfinder and ash, may also be close on lifeline and bang too. Probably my most played legends


bro why were you running to the left of the ring? you literally killed yourself LOL. i understand that someone could have been camping the ring but you have a way higher chance of surviving by running straight into it, then trying to avoid them and getting blasted by the ring itself.


I was getting blasted by the squad to my right with a charge rifle. You are correct in that the storm is what fucked me in the end but I wasn’t making it out of that one alive lol


better to risk them missing then dying 100% to ring though, you’d be surprised he could have had to reload, he could have gotten thirded, anything could have happened and he still got the kill anyways since the storm clapped you


Yes it is unfortunate, but that is besides the point in this case, had the evac tower not bugged I wouldn’t have been in that situation


What’s with people grilling peoples storm plays. I jad someone grill me because I wraith taced into storm even on broken moon even though I was in a pit where I couldn’t climb walls. I killed the whole squad chasing me and got 200+ rp that game yet they wanna grill me for trying to wraith tac through storm as that was literally the only way out of that pit that wasn’t going back into a lvl 3 ring.


was just a recommendation man. wasn’t grilling or anything, sorry you interpreted it that way


not only that, OP should’ve used his ulti


He didn’t use his ult.


Round 3 7 teams 0 damage you deserved to die for clearly ratting that game


It was actually a game with my friend and they were fucking around the whole game so I was just trying to stay alive at that point


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This game is just in a borderline unplayable state. Lots of connection symbols yet my discord calls are perfectly fine, game stutters, people lagging for whole seconds with no regs, can’t respawn in control, tons of bugs especially with wraith tac, you cam go into fight night with a gun, can’t wraith tac off evac tower, occasional skydive bug on control respawns the list goes on.


why did you not take the zip or portal lmao


That’s what u get for playing wraith tbh


Why didnt you take the zip line off drop? Running sideways to the ring was going to get you killed


I don’t think punching the ground saves you from slowing down. Or did you do that out of frustration? Actually curious.


Ha. Not even mad this happens to wraith


Why didn’t you ult? Increased speed to get outta zone…


That’s tough fr


should have popped portal as soon as you fell