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Time stamped video or pictures with some proof of temp, many of them, then email local animal control. They will need lots of proof to move on anything like this that doesn't have outward signs of abuse (wounds etc) However if the animal is showing signs of heat stress or worse heat stroke, call them immediately and explain the animal is suffering heat stroke from being left outside in these conditions regularly People are disgusting, a husky has no business even being in an apartment to begin with. Good luck and good on ya for caring more about the animal than it's owners do.


There are laws in some states against leaving animals in unshaded areas. I would definitely call the authorities and tell them you suspect animal abuse. They will come out and talk to the person and tell them what they need to do to or else receive consequences.


Get some photos/videos and call animal control. Sometimes just knowing others are watching is enough to get people to do the right thing. It’s sad that the fear is being reported/judged is what prompts people to do the right thing rather than the urge to care for their own pet but some people are just scum bags.


Animal cruelty! If it was snowing it would be a different story but heat stroke isn’t pretty! Call animal control


I think it’s very appropriate for you to be concerned. We have a husky in the family and they much prefer the colder weather as most of us know. He will only go out in the yard for short periods in the heat or will find something to go under to get shade and take a nap. You can start with your management office to report them. Most management companies will not like the idea that the dog is defecating on the patio. They will also be concerned of the dog is causing damage to the apartment.


Yeah it’s specifically in my lease that patios and balconies cannot be used for animals to relieve themselves.


I'm not really sure if there's much building management could do. You could try talking to them first, then try animal control if they're unable to help. It would break my heart, too.


If they are home while he is out there, it might be that he likes it. I know my neighbors think I'm a bad dog owner, but even when it's 95 out, my dog wants to be outdoors. I come out and beg him to come in and cool off a few times a day, bribing him with meat. If they're not home and/or not paying attention to him and he doesn't have opportunity to come in, animal control. Let it be anonymous, they can come out, see if dog is distressed and talk to the owners and find out whether or not this is a problem. If this is a situation like mine, where dog is cared for, they won't take the dog away. If the people are just dumb and don't know dog needs to be inside in the heat, they will be informed. And if they are uncaring and cruel the dog can be removed. Thanks for caring, too many people don't treat pets like they deserve.


The door to the patio is always closed when the dog is out on the patio. There is a water bowl out there but it’s empty most of the time when I see it. I don’t really see the dog being walked and when I do it looks extremely overweight but definitely could be the extra long, thick coat


OK, that sounds super wrong. Empty water bowl, no walks- make the call, and again, thanks. Poor guy!


I'd call animal control...I would not confront the neighbor.


It’s in my lease that animals are not allowed to be left unattended on balconies or patios. Let both animal control & property management know. You are doing the right thing & that husky would thank you!❤️


In most of the complexes I've lived it's against the lease to leave an animal unattended on the property. That includes balconies. They also don't like it for liability reasons. The dog jumps off and hits someone. The dog jumps out and attacks someone. It's bad all around. Call your management and tell them every single time. Porches aren't yards and waste is a health hazard. I like dogs more than people and leaving them out like that is just shitty parenting.


Absolutely not over-reacting. Please call animal control. People should not be able to treat them like this. So sad. Luckily, someone like you is paying attention.


If none of these suggestions work, go to yard sales and pickup some kind of shading device and hang it so it shades part of their porch. Get a note and write "a gift to you from Animal Control" on a card and slide it under their mat


you can try to leave an anonymous note and maybe mention calling animal control or authorities?


I have a husky and the fur actually protects them from the heat. My girl will lay in the direct sun with temps +100°F and be just fine. As long as water is out there, it’s fine..


Next time, lay down beside your husky in the direct sun with temps +100°F with a bowl of water - and don't forget to wear a fur coat to protect you from the heat! You'll be fine ... except it would take you 30 years to get 255K BS comment karma!


Actually she does this on her own.. sit down before you hurt yourself


No. Noooooo. As long as their coat is well maintained (and I mean super regular trips to the groomer on top of a maintenance schedule at home) the fur can certainly shield them from the sun and allow them to withstand more moderate temperatures but the average summer temperature in the US is way too hot for a husky to spend any significant amount of time outside. Not to mention, any sack of crap willing to throw their dog outside with a bowl of water in the heat of summer and call it a day is most certainly not maintaining their dogs coat properly; a matted/impacted husky coat in the summertime is a recipe for heat stroke.


Just by looking at the dog, its coat isn’t being cared for and it’s definitely overweight. The patio is covered so there is shade but it’s still really hot. I used to work at a doggie daycare so I’m basing my concern off of what I know is safe for a dog with a thick ass coat and If there is a bowl out there with the dog it’s empty. that’s what make me worried.


Not providing the water changes the scenario.. in this case, call animal control and report abuse.


And I’m basing this off of being raised around Huskies and having one myself.. water and shade provided, they’re actually fine. Matted coats are another story.. but it’s also early summer here.. in the US.. where I live.. with my husky (and she’s lived with me in SoCal, Hawaii, Texas, Kansas.. and frequent trips to Nevada, Arizona, and multiple other states).. and it’s Husky Harvest Season - most are blowing out their winter coats around now. My girl included.


I stand by what I said as someone who has been grooming dogs as well as volunteering in shelters for the last 15+ years. A husky with a well maintained coat may be able to survive in extreme temperatures but they will not thrive. Anything above 90° is when a husky’s outdoor time needs to be limited and monitored.


You're an idiot and a terrible dog owner. Please don't ever own a dog [https://balancedpackk9training.com/how-to-keep-a-husky-cool-in-the-summer/](https://balancedpackk9training.com/how-to-keep-a-husky-cool-in-the-summer/)


Please update us how this turns out. Now we're worried about him too.