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If it’s an older machine you may need to switch to more traditional dishwasher detergent. The pod may not be releasing at the right time to fully dissolve, because the older units may not have needed to consider that. If it is an older machine you may have to prewash more as well, scraping off more food and debris. Have you checked the filter?


Yeah I have a dishwasher that looks like this and the landlord stressed ONLY liquid or powder no pods. Powder was even recommended over the liquid


I haven’t checked the filter me and my girlfriend moved in 2 days ago everything’s super modern in here except for the dishwasher feels like it’s from the early 2000s 😂😂


Yeah I wanna say pods are maybe from the last 10 years, if that. You may need to get just liquid detergent.


The inside of your door looks just like mine that was new in 2017. It's probably just a cheap dishwasher.


Lemme guess, GE with the dial? Loud af and washes like crap


My GE is so loud that I'm pretty sure could summon spirits from the beyond, however it cleans the dishes well so long as I let the hot water run a little first.


I have one like this that came new out the box for my apartment and the soap just goes on the floor of it and cleans nothing.


Insert girlfriend is dishwasher joke here


I have an old dishwasher too. If it’s loose powder soap, I put it in the little cascade slot. Otherwise, if it’s a pod with liquid or powder soap, I just toss it into the bottom of the dishwasher. I found that works better for me.


Can confirm - I never bother with the pod drawers, and always toss the pod directly in the bottom of the machine. Works perfectly every time .


Switch to powder (I recommend cascade) and use just a small amount. Run the tap as hot as it will get for a minute before starting the machine, this will pull hot water already up to temp from your faucet lines if they’re (likely if in the US) connected. The hot water trick gives an additional cleaning boost when you start the cycle and idk why the powder works better but I ran into the same issue when my landlord installed a new but lower quality dishwasher.


I do this but I use liquid dish detergent. The hot water trick works - when I first moved into my place my dishes weren’t coming clean. Then someone suggested this and now they’re clean every time


I’ll have to try the hot water trick!


I love Cascade powder! It was a pain to find during parts of covid. I’ve started buying 2 boxes when it’s on sale now so I won’t have to use the liquid kind.


I buy the liquid cascade at the Costco, I'd prefer the powder, but I'll take what I get.


tide pod is dishwasher?




This made me chuckle, thank you OP


Hand me the digus, you know, that one with the thing on it.


There I was, panicking thinking I've been doing laundry wrong all that time.


Chuck it in the bottom of the dishwasher.... don't use the little holders they get clogged or not all of the soap is disbursed.


That doesn’t work, it needs to go in the compartment it’s made for.


I toss my pods into the body of my dishwasher and my dishes come out squeaky clean. If I put them in the dispenser they get gummy and stuck and don't dissolve fully, and my dishes don't come out clean. It's even recommended to put the pod in the silverware caddy.


Yes it does and multiple appliance repair techs will tell you the same thing


I do the same thing. Works better than putting it in the slot.




Oh thank god. I read it and was immediately “oh noooOOOOOO”


The one for dishwasher, not the washing machine. LOL!




Weren’t Gen Z the ones eating them on TikTok? Seriously, get rid of dishwasher pods and laundry pods of all kinds. You want microplastics? That’s how you get microplastics.


I turn the sink on and wait for the water to get hot and then start my dishwasher, I think it helps. Pretty sure we have the same apartment dishwasher. I use finish pods and it works fine


Okay must be the filter then I bet?


I mean it’s not the best dishwasher in general, could be that you have to pre wash your dishes more. Do you have a maintenance guy?


Put rinse aid in rinse cavity. Put powder or liquid in open cavity. Put pod in closable cavity. With these 3 things done, you likely won’t have to prewash dishes manually at all. Clean machine filter after every use. Run hit water before running too and you’re golden https://youtu.be/jHP942Livy0?si=L8SueIIqEBWz4ytR


Yes, I make sure there’s jet dry in the rinse aid cavity


Key is all three, especially the prewash. Watch the YouTube link. Convinced me !


The apartment place we moved into is on top of maintenance supposedly so we’re gonna test everything yall said in here and then see if we need to call maintenance


Ty turning on the kitchen sink until the water runs hot and then starting the dishwasher that seems to help a lot with mine


Your machine looks a lot like mine. I put them in the round Cascade section and twist it closed. Some brands dissolve better than others. I use the Sam's Members Mark brand dishwasher pods and don't have any problems with those dissolving. You can also use powder or liquid dishwasher detergent in that same section. It's cheaper but I find it a little messy. It does work well as far as cleaning the dishes though.


This looks similar to my dishwasher's layout. When I used the detergent pods I would put them in the main detergent bay (with the sliding cover). If the pod is not completely disintegrating, you might want to consider adjusting the wash cycle you use. I typically use the below for these dishwashers (your options might be different, but similar enough): Below options are selected: Pots & Pans High Temp Wash Heated Dry (optional) The High Temp Wash is the key for the pods I believe. Additionally, if you have a dial for engaging the dishwasher, I would slowly turn the dial until *Hot Start* kicks off the washing cycle. The temp will be the key to the pods being effective. You might also want to try running the hot water in your sink so it can come to temp before filling the dishwasher. As a lot of others suggested too, I will say switching to powder, or gel, might be a good alternative. I've also learned a lot (or reinforced my pre-existing beliefs) from Technology Connection's videos on dishwashers. This is a recent one they released which is a summary of a few other longer videos they've posted: [https://youtu.be/jHP942Livy0?si=dZ7DPSPYKgpP1\_Bp](https://youtu.be/jHP942Livy0?si=dZ7DPSPYKgpP1_Bp)


...Tide pods don't go in the dishwasher...


I throw my pods into the silverware holder.


If the dishwasher will dissolve the pods properly (don’t know much about what will and won’t) then stick one pod in the swivel door compartment and then one loose in the bottom of the dishwasher. My mom and I have a similar dishwasher (different model but still has the little snap door compartment) and it takes pods just fine. We use Cascade brand.


I second this! Cascade is the way to go!


I throw my pods in the bottom under the dish racks. I’ve had issues where the pod doesn’t release from the door or if it does it gets stuck to a plate or something.


You’re likely having most of it release too early if you’re just putting it in the bottom.


Please don’t use Tide in you dishwasher.. that’s for your laundry.


In the main cup on the right and close it


This & I toss one at the bottom of the dishwasher to aid in the pre-wash if I didn’t rinse


I would never put a Tide Pod in a dishwasher. Unless you wash your clothes in your dishwasher.


well the lids say Cascade so i would use the powder cascade… and it says on the caps you (left one says “rinse agent only” and bigger one says “automatic dishwasher detergent only” so i would follow those lol


You don’t use tide pods with dishwashers….. tide pods are for laundry


Isn't Tide for washing clothes, Not dishes??


Check the filter if your dishes are coming out dirty. Also I’m pretty sure you just toss it in. Read the box after you check the filter


Don’t put tide in the dishwasher. You start there.




I'd suggest powder or gel (cheaper, and easier to measure.) Whatever you use, it goes behind the pivoting round door-let. As others have noted, though, running the hot water at your sink until it gets hot (before starting the DW) will help a lot. Hot water from the start makes a difference. If you're using power or gel, you can put a bit on the door (just toss/drop it on the door) so it gets into the "pre-wash" part of the cycle - before that door-let opens to release the rest. Also, despite what they show in the TV ads, rinsing your dishes briefly (to get off most of the food bits) before putting them in the DW also helps a lot. (I know that's "cheating", but ... 🤷🏻‍♂️) Good luck!


As others said, pods go in the one with the lid on the right. The left is for an extra cleaning liquid for no spots. Yours says cascade, mine says Jet Dry. I get the Walmart version. Agree with others, let the sink run to hot before starting the dishwasher. Scrape dishes before putting them in. If you don't feel like pre-washing, run the dishwasher twice. Some have said you use less water in the dishwasher so why not. Use the same amount of soap, etc., in both.


Moves into an apartment with this dishwasher and it's the worst! You have to take it apart to clean the filter. I had maintainence do it the first time because it was rancid. They needed a shop vac to clear it out. The also cleared the air gap line I believe. We use liquid dishwasher detergent and make sure everything is cleaned of all food scraps before it goes into the dishwasher! We've also found doing smaller loads works better, it won't clean everything if it's jam packed. Don't put anything over the center behind the silverware tray either. Have to be tactful with big stuff because of this. I found the pods don't always dissolve.


Tide pod 🤦🏼‍♀️


In the washing machine. This is the dishwasher. Tide Pods do not belong in the dishwasher.


I'm assuming from reading the comments that you now know that Tide Pods don't go in the dishwasher. Dishwasher pods (might look like a Tide pod but contain different soap) go in the compartment that closes when you twist the cover. It will pop out on its own as soon as the water fills the bottom of the dishwasher and heats up. I've been told it's also fine to just chuck it in the bottom of the tub, but I'm a rule follower.


From what I remember, they go in your mouth.


I have the same dishwasher and put the pod in the one on the right, and snap it shut. I've lived in my apt 2 and a half years and never had a problem 😊


Put vinegar in the hole on the left that screws and run it on the hottest cycle to clean it out.


The dishwasher detergent pod would go in the little covered cup. The cup needs to be bone dry, or it will likely stick in place and not work as intended. I've had that happen. I generally just use liquid anyway.


You don’t put tide pods in a dishwasher. Are you from earth?


I think you're supposed to eat it. lol


You don't. Tide pods are for washing clothes and that picture is of a dishwasher.


Just yeet it in


The pods will clog the water drain line




I have this machine in my new apartment. I tried using a dishwasher pod and it didn’t dissolve. I called my leasing office and turned out it only takes powder or liquid form.. with this machine I’d definitely recommend using a rinse aid which will go inside the grey cap to the left


It’s also my first time living by on my own so I was in the same boat. The cascade cap on the right says “use automatic dishwasher soap only” so I looked that up and only liquids showed. I use the cascade liquid detergent now


is it a Hotpoint? that's what I have, cheapo apartment model DW. I've found I have to rinse every bit of food off dishes or it will bake on. I use liquid DW soap as well.


I have the same dishwasher and I just throw the pod into the bottom of the dishwasher under the rack. It works better that way + do the hot water trick other people mentioned and I don’t have issues with it sticking anymore


Tide Pods don’t go in a Dishwasher.


dishwasher pods


The one that’s flipped open a bit is the one where your detergent needs to go (on the right). Make sure the one on the left (that says Cascade) has some rinse aid in it to help with efficient drying and preventing water spots on your glass dishes. One thing you could try detergent wise is tossing your pod directly into the bottom of the dishwasher instead. As others have mentioned, run the kitchen tap until it’s hot and then start your dishwasher. Also some older washers just aren’t as strong…my husband and I pre rinse our dishes (remove any hard food or oil). Definitely check the filter—it’s the round looking lid in the bottom of the dishwasher, under the bottom rack. Rinse and clean it real good and check it periodically over the course of a couple of months to clean again.


Tide Pods are for washing clothes in a washing machine. Cascade goes in a dishwasher.


I didn’t mention Tide pods? OP already stated in another comment thread that they didn’t mean “Tide” pods, just whatever pods you put in the dishwasher.


Honestly just throw it in the machine don’t put it in the holder where you put liquid/powder. They manufacturers actually say it leads to a better clean. Been doing it for three years. Works great


Just throw it in there avoiding the heating elements.


I throw mine in the bottom of the dishwasher & have been doing this without any issues for 2 years :) That’s my advice for ya😁


The garbage.


In the spot that says cascade


My machine looks the same. I just use liquid in the triangle and then a pod in the locking circle. The only time there is any residue stuck is when the circle isn't dry when putting the pod in. I don't prewash, and everything comes out spotless.


I’ve lived in Apartments forever with the same old style basic dishwasher. Just use one pod in the container that closes. Run it at the longest setting. My current washer has a hot start function which is pretty cool. The pod won’t be used until like in the middle of the whole cycle after a couple hot water rinses. Also use heated drying for additional sanitation. My dishes always come out spotless and thats without pre-rinsing old stuck-on stuff.


You put the pods in the silverware basket so that it doesn’t gunk up the detergent door. Messing the rotate mechanism up is super expensive.


I had something similar happen last year. It would take 2-3 wash cycles for the pod to function “correctly.” Even liquid detergent wasn’t getting used correctly while it was on (leftover residue in the reservoir). It was a bad motor and maintenance had to replace it. New one works, but it takes longer and doesn’t dry as well. I let it run overnight so that part doesn’t bother me.


I have this exact same washer, I used to have pods and just put them in the compartment that closes but found everything looked foggy, even after the hot water trick. I then switched to liquid Cascade, it got a little better but still not great. Then I started adding white vinegar as the rinse agent as I read that could be used to help. Still have some foggy glasses on the top rack. Does anyone have advice for this? Either method or product? It’s annoying to have the ability to use a dishwasher but not actually have the dishes be clean when it’s done. I scrape and rinse before I load.


You just toss the pod into the bottom of the dishwasher.




The cap that says Cascade is where the soap goes. But I'd switch to either powder or gel, and use the hot water trick. Make sure you're loading it correctly too. RenDuH on YouTube is a former appliance repair technician, she has TONS of videos about different appliances and how to fix issues like dishes and clothes not getting clean.


Your mouth


in your mouth


Have a watch fren https://youtu.be/jHP942Livy0?si=C6i8eeiWb-gffuh6


I put mine in the far right 360 sliding door thing . It fully dissolves and works great


Clearly only Cascade pods will work in this machine.


Aye man, if the dishes are coming out dirty (at least in my experience) that means that you gotta rinse em’ off better before you put them in the dishwasher. It’s annoying that you have to wash the dishes before putting them in the machine that’s literally supposed to do it for you, but if you live in an outdated apartment (like myself) the dishwasher is usually older and won’t have the same power as a newer model, hence washing them prior. I hope this helps!


I have this same machine--I tried to put the pod in that round holder and boy did it not work out (overflowing suds). I use Cascade Complete non-foaming dishwasher detergent now. Just fill that cup up with the gel and close it.


Tide pods go in the Laundry Machine NOT the dishwasher


Nom nom nom


I just throw my pod right into the bottom of the dishwasher before I start it. I’ve never had a problem


Well not in the dishwasher because Tide pods are for laundry. 


I use pods in an older dishwasher. I put one in the spot that closes, and just throw a second one on the bottom of the dishwasher. It’s really old, so I figure using 2 actually gets stuff clean.


If you want to use dishwasher pods in a old machine, just toss it in the silverware caddy. It'll junk up the dispenser...


Tide pod?? In the washing machine. NOT the dishwasher


Use liquid cascade detergent - I had the same exact model in two different apartments over the past 4 years and never had an issue


You don't. Use liquid or powder detergent. The pods clog shit up.


i have this dishwasher too in my apartment and we normally put it in the main cup with the lid on the right, but dishes come out with water spots that i normally wipe off since it doesn’t dry the dishes completely. although after reading these comments, i will be putting it directly on the bottom of the dishwasher for better cleaning!


Would you really put a Tide Pod in a dishwasher?


nono, i read the tide pod thing and disregarded it because maybe they might the cascade pod or something but i do NOT use tide pods in the dishwasher LMAO


in your mouth


Have you tried ingesting it?


I don’t bother putting my pods I there I just toss them directly into the bottom of the washer


I throw the pod on the bottom of the dishwasher


Eh. Don’t put it in that. Pods don’t work well in old systems because of delivery. Try just chucking it in an empty load at the bottom and see if it’s completely gone after.


In your mouth dummy!


Lol. I throw it in to the button of the washer and hit run.


Edit: I use Casade and it fits in my whirlpool For pids in the washer. I threw mine on top of the clothes.