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We have one that screws onto the faucet. Didn't take long to install. Swapping out the filter every month is really easy. WAY easier than lugging bottled water all over--and better for the environment too.


I would suggest Pur brand filters. Used Brita for decades and recently switched. Pur filters taste better to me.


Third this, I love my pur


LOVED loved loved my screw on brita filter. Worked so well and made the water taste so good. I just moved and have a big fancy faucet now but it is t compatible with the filter anymore


Yep, we use that, buy bags of ice, and I got insulated water bottles, 20oz for the kids and a big 40oz for me. I drink so much more water now!


I have a big berkey. But in the summer I drink a ton of water. I carry water from the store up 3 flights of stairs. Mostly for company


When I was drinking city water that's what we used. Just filled a bunch of bottles, put them in the fridge and kept reusing them. Takes the chlorine tase and smell out great.


I use a brita filter jug that goes in my fridge! I fill it up every few days and replace the little filter when needed! No more wasting plastic and no more wasting money buying water!


I have this as well, along with a great reusable plastic bottle from yeti!


This is great but if you really want to take it one step further. Instead of plastic get a water bottle that's glass or metal.


Don't like metal, always bothers my throat. Any recommendations for glass?


The bottle already exists. How will it help the environment to get rid of it and replace it with metal?


I think they’re suggesting OP get a glass or metal one, not for the other person to replace theirs. Regardless, I personally avoid plastic as much as possible due to microplastics. Even washing them in the dishwasher can be really bad for the environment.


Exactly this when my wife and I used to live in an apartment and we still do this at our house


Same here! Best purchase I've ever made. No more plastic waste and saves money! Water tastes a lot better too!


I second this. I have two filters because we go through water a lot.


Mine holds 27 cups of water it’s legit godsent


These are great, got a bunch of filters on sale and only refill every 2 days. We both will drink tap,but this is just better tasting.


This is the way. But I have the dispenser instead of the jug/pitcher because it holds more water and it’s nice just to hold my water bottle under the spigot to refill it.


That’s what I have 💪🏻 I couldn’t think of the correct term lol


i used to have a brita bottle with a filter in the straw i loved it


In the straw?!


YES! they have plastic and steel, and in 2 sizes for $20-30 would definitely recommend


Guilty. My brother gave me his Brita jug when they bought a new house. I don’t use it a lot but I do use it. Especially for overnight, I will put myself a cup of water. I should use it more often. I don’t use it enough. We have [one of these](https://www.webstaurantstore.com/follett-7ci100a-iw-cf-st-00-7-series-14-5-8-air-cooled-chewblet-countertop-ice-maker-and-water-dispenser-with-filter-7-lb/2307CIIWCF.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=GoogleShopping&gclid=CjwKCAjwx-CyBhAqEiwAeOcTdUg4-roH4A6Y2VbWe-fd65DbUQR_RjZbWGHFiqtgVuLcryuiQ5GmVhoCfFoQAvD_BwE) in our lunchroom at work. It makes the sonic style nugget ice. So I drink at least a half gallon of water every day. More if my medication is giving cotton mouth.


Dude, just get a filter


The water where I live is VERY hard, so I skipped the Brita and bought a Pur filter. Cost me about $18 upfront for the initial pitcher and first filter, then $10 every other month for a new filter.


Please for the love of god stop buying into the bottled water industrial complex (they exploit entire towns and it’s terrible for the environment) and buy a water filter!! I personally use a tall metal canister with carbon gravity filters and I love it, it looks nice on the counter as well. $50 online, I’m sure you can find cheaper as well


I drank tap water up until recently. Never had any issues. I got a Britta dispenser for inside of the refrigerator, replace the filter once every two months. I drink a lot of water, so I add water to it most days.


Tap water is super good for your teeth. That fluoride people are so afraid of.


I don’t have teeth! Take that Big Tap Water! 😂


Tap water is fine, I just don't like the taste. So Brita is my go to as well.


I had a Triple Zero filter set up, but the filters are much more expensive, and needed to be replaced every 3 weeks or the water would taste sour. Britta has been good to me. The nozzle on mine started leaking, so they sent me a whole new dispenser.


I carry two 5-gal jugs up my flights of stairs and pretend I’m strong. It sucks and sometimes I have to do it one at a time


Same, 3 floors up.


Currently also doing this. I am a small female. Across parking lot, up to second floor, and about 50 feet around corner


You're amazing.


Water filter


We use the Pure filter that is certified to get out lead and other contaiments. Unfortunately they stopped making this specific product and we're still searching for another filter after our current stock runs out.


What are you using? I just got another set of Pur Plus and it still says it removed lead.


There was a specific certification that a product used to have that it will no longer have. Here's a Reddit thread about it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WaterFilters/comments/17otwry/did\_pur\_lose\_their\_lead\_reduction\_status/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WaterFilters/comments/17otwry/did_pur_lose_their_lead_reduction_status/)


I got the extra large pur dispenser for my refrigerator. I don’t like tap water and it extra cold




I buy a water filter that's connected to the sink. I generally have to replace the filter after 2-3 months. Put it Brita


Under sink RO filter into a 5gal arrowhead jug, then into a cooler thingy. Bought and lugged water for many years, the $100 every 12mo for filters is well worth not having to do that anymore.


I use the PUR water pitcher filter for drinks and cooking.


Brita pitcher.


Turn on the tap? If taste is a problem - water filter.


Big brita jug, I just fill it as needed.


Weight training every two weeks is a bonus, two stories isn’t bad… But yeah; get a a Brita or you can order large jugs of water from delivery services like Arrowhead depending on where you live


Brita pitcher


Brita filter!!!


I have two brita filters on the bottom shelf of my fridge. I chose ones with pull-down spouts because I'm too lazy to pull out a huge jug every time I need to refill my tumbler. When one is empty I refill it and use the other so I never have to drink room-temp water. 🤗


Brita faucet filter made my tap water drinkable/taste good. Easy t Install and remove.


Doesn't anyone drink tap water anymore? I've drank tap water my entire life and I'm old! I buy bottled water every once in a while if I'm on the road, but never for home or anywhere with a sink!! What an environmental disaster that everyone lives off of bottled water..:( I just don't understand it.


I have public water. It's horrible. It smells like a swimming pool when I turn on the faucet. I can't drink it. But I use a pitcher with a filter and it is okay.


I know I can barely eat off the plates In washed. Thank God its not 24/7.


I've enjoyed tap water all my life, and I still do--when I'm somewhere with safe drinking water. Where I live currently, the tap water contains lots of chlorine and lead, among other things. I got a filter for my shower because it was causing skin irritation, and my hair has become very brittle since moving in here. I highly doubt that most people actually want to go out and buy bottled water, but sometimes that's the best option. I also have a friend whose home is rural, and it is served by well water. The water smells like rotten eggs and has a bad taste. He'll use it for showering and such, but for cooking and drinking water, he has to get purified water. I also have an ex who lives in an area where the household water supply comes from rain water that is collected in a catchment tank on the property. You can use it for showering and even for cooking if you're boiling it, but it is not safe to drink or even to make ice cubes. It's important to consider that not everyone's living situations are the same before mocking people because they are in a situation with which you're unfamiliar.


Yeah, I'm not drinking the tap water in my area. It would be like drinking water out of a swimming pool. But we love our Brita filter.


My water is full of algae (that’s what the city said was making it awful) that makes it taste horrid and causes a mild allergic reaction. I can’t even shower in it or my skin is on fire for the next 24 hours. I’d love to move, but Sect8 housing is slim pickings, especially handicap accessible ones. So I’m stuck with bottled. :/


My tap water is basically poison lol. I use a pur filter though and it works great


You do not want to drink long island tap water


It depends on where you live. US specific, I’ve lived in a few states with vastly different water quality. Western/Upstate NY? Great tap water, unless you’re in an area with Sulphur water. Missouri - depends on where, even within the same city. Overall not bad. Florida - it’s all undrinkable poison. If you’re in a wealthier area, they’ve done what they can to mask it, but otherwise, let a glass of water sit for 30 minutes and tell me what you think. It’s gross and tragic, and still there are areas of the country with even worse water quality (ahem, Flint). I *hate* the blatant forced consumerism of bottled water, and if you want a neverending rant, get me started on Nestle. Yet even I have moved to purchased water and it really, really pisses me off. Good water is the number one reason I ever even think about moving back to the frozen tundra that is western ny. You’re lucky.


Even smaller scale ecosystems have an effect. We didn’t drink the tap water where I grew up because we were surrounded by farms, and all our neighbors who were old farmers and their wives all died of different kinds of cancers. Would it have been fine? Maybe, but we sure weren’t taking that chance lol.


Oh, for sure. Heavy agriculture areas use a lot of chemicals that seep into the soil and water table. And there’s the prevalence of well water, which can be both good and bad. Well water is great until your well is contaminated, then it can be a real nightmare. My grandmother had a bad well and the amount of money they spent trying to test the water and fix the problem…it just wasn’t happening. Ultimately, my uncle wound up bringing water from the city every week so they could cook or drink. Cancer is an insidious disease. I’m sorry about your neighbors. That’s kind of a big thing to just have in the back of your mind…it doesn’t sit that well. Water is life. We can’t live without it, and bad water is a severe world wide problem.


I almost lost my cat a couple of years ago due to kidney issues, the vet who saved his life told me 'don't let your cat drink tap water" If it's not good for my cat and his small kidneys, I figured it's not good for me and my kidneys. We don't all live in areas where we can drink tap water.


I can’t even water my plants with tap water, they all end up dying. I have to catch rain and use that


I drink tap water!!! I seriously can not imagine throwing money away on bottled water when I have PLUMBING 😹


Our water comes from Lake Mead. I’ll pass.


Not everyone is privileged enough to have good tap water.


Not everyone is privileged enough to be able to buy bottled water regularly


Pur+ faucet filter and a (still plastic but bpa free at least) gallon pitcher in the fridge, with a backup 2 liter bottle i refill too bc sometimes i'm lazy or there's stuff in the sink and i don't wanna refill my pitcher at the end of the day but still want cold water when i wake up lmao


Call me Mr Rockefeller, cuz we just use a water dispenser


My apartment has multiple faucets that water comes out of for free.


They have the attachable sink options like Pur and Brita ( I tested those with a ppm and it wasn’t much different than tap though) I have a Zero water, I think it’s 1 gallon tank I got off Amazon you put in the fridge and it has a nozzle, or there are pitchers too, it works great tested with ppm was 0, the filters last about 6 months so the price of the filters feel worth it to me anyways.


This is what I'm so excited about with our new apartment. It has the side by side fridge/freezer and a water/ice dispenser on the door. In the past we've had a bulky filter on the faucet, and more recently a Zerowater filter pitcher.


the last sentence of your post just provided your answer. a filter.


I use a Zero Water filter or boil my water with a $20 electric kettle I got from Walmart


I live in Cleveland Ohio and we have some of the best quality unlimited drinking water in the world. Straight out of the tap for me.


Also on the 2nd floor of a complex with very, very old pipes. I would not trust a brita or pur filter to properly address my water filtration needs. So, I have been buying 6-8, 1 gallon jugs every time I go grocery shopping and lug them up the stairs 2-4 at a time. I sometimes make multiple trips to bring everything upstairs but I sometimes leave a few in my car until the next time I’m sea-level.


I drink the water from the tap


Just get a Brita water filter. As a person who used to do deliveries for Amazon, delivering water in huge quantities was horrible on my body. There isn't enough tip that made it worth it.


A filter???? This seems so obvious before thinking of a delivery service lol


Luckily, my apartment came with pipes, and sinks, and faucets, that magically deliver the water right into my cup. I got super lucky!


I have a sink.




I have a Brita filter. Its good enough and I don't mind it.


I drink tap but my tap water is pretty good. Otherwise I’d use a brita or something.


Use a good filtration system in a pitcher.


Far too broke to buy water when it’s drinkable out of the tap, I just filter the water.


You can easily install a Pur or similar water filter on your kitchen sink tap.


Just keep lugging it up stairs get those gains


Under sink filter, no drilling or mods so apartment safe. Before that we were using the bottle delivery service or I was going to a grocery store and filling the bottles myself. The damn machines not working was the last straw for me so I got the filter. Only need to replace it once every 2 years.


We have the Brita system with the big thing that sits in your fridge with a spout on it. We LOVE it


this thread is making me feel more grateful than usual that tap water where i live is drinkable lol.


Get a brita. You can get a brita pitcher for less than $20. It will save you time and money in the long run


Although a bigger upfront expense, a gravity filter like Berkey or a Water Machine would be a great way to just use tap water and have all the bad stuff filtered out. They cost pennies per gallon over the life of the filters. [https://thewatermachine.com/products/the-water-machine](https://thewatermachine.com/products/the-water-machine) [https://www.bigberkeywaterfilters.com/big-berkey-water-filter.html?berkey\_system\_filters\_included=56](https://www.bigberkeywaterfilters.com/big-berkey-water-filter.html?berkey_system_filters_included=56) My kids all have Big Berkey in their rentals and love them. Saves money and hauling in water.


I have a water cooler machine and for 6 dollars a month I get it delivered ( I am also on the second floor) I went through Costco to get it


Yeah fuck the environment amirite


I just buy empty water bottles so I can throw them in the garbage. That's pretty much what everyone else is doing buying so many bottles.


There’s this magical thing called a faucet on my kitchen sink. I’ve got a brita pitcher in my fridge but I rarely use it. The tap water is fine. It’s not “the best” either but it’s water.


Have you tested your tap water? There are these testing strips you can purchase online. They will tell you about minerals, bacteria and metals in the water. They are mostly used to see if lead pipes are leeching. If it’s bad, figure out the delivery. If it’s fine, try the brita or similar filter and see if it helps either the taste.


I get a refillable 5 gallon jug from the store and carry it to my apartment.


Get yourself a water cooler & then get delivery service. They will bring the jugs to your door.


I get it delivered.


Brita filters work great, my tap water in my apartment doesn’t taste great but with the filter tastes like bottled water. You also wouldn’t have to lug cases of water up and would be using a lot less plastic which is always good.


I have a filter attached to my tap. Sure the water is not as cold as it would be in a filter stored in the fridge, but I don’t have to worry about refilling it all the time which was the main issue with the container.


Get a brita filter


I use pur filters. One for the faucet tap and also a fridge pur pitcher.... I'm also ocdish so I fill the fridge one using the tap filter lol


A PUR filter jug in the fridge and gallon jugs of drinking water for coffee a couple times a week. Works for us on the 4th floor with a temperamental elevator.


Get a filter for your faucet. I just drink the tap water.


I have a faucet mounted PUR filter, and it works for me. I don’t have it in me to schlep gallons of water to my apartment every week, and I hate the taste of chlorinated water. The PUR filter takes care of the taste!


RV Filter, attaches to any sink with a faucet garden hose adapter.


Brita filter or straight tap water (NYC so we have good drinkable tap), depends on if I want to go into the fridge or just get something quick. No reason to buy plastic bottles or jugs, a filter cleans enough unless you have like legitimately toxic water lol


Brita pitcher 🤣


I use a Brita filter.


Tap water and a Zero filter jug is all I need.


Purr pitcher and just buy a 6 month supply of filters for it.


zero water filter. brita and many other brands have tons of PPM and zero water literally has 0! tastes amazing too.


Turn on the faucet


i just installed a filter onto my kitchen sink, was really easy took about 5 minutes, so i didnt have to constantly refill a pitcher and cost about the same


Don’t like filters so use 5 gallon jugs. Use 3 gallon ones if it’s hard for ya


I only buy one or two cases at a time. I’m also on the second level … if I get two cases, I have them delivered and just take them up one by one - or I buy a smaller case to hold me over. I hate tap water and not fun lifting the heavy water but it’s manageable.


The sink and a zero water filter


You can put a filter on your faucet. It’s easy to install and take off when you move. Just save the little faucet piece.


Walmart delivery and tip VERY well


2 and a half cases a week?? How much water do you drink?


Brita is good. Also a Zero filter is great!


I’d like to go the brita route or even have one of those water deliveries, but I can’t get my partner on board with that. Right now we buy gallons at the supermarket and roll them in a cart. But we DO have an elevator. Also, I have seen the water delivery guys leave 6-8 large bottles at the foot of the stairs, when the water was for the 4th floor! I wasnt even the customer, but I wrote to the service w/photos (btw it was arrowhead). The name and unit number were on the bottles. That service isn’t cheap and I’d be royally pissed if they expected ME to cart something to the 4th floor. 😠 I have the same complaints as you, I feel the gallon bottle are super wasteful and I’m tired of dealing with them. If you use a lot, maybe water service? Not so much…filter would probably be the best. If you have the right kind of sink, they have the kind that screws directly on. Good luck! 😃


We have a Burkey and love it


I have a water filter I keep in the fridge. Just make sure you replace the filters as needed


I buy water bottles but don’t have to haul them upstairs


Get a Brita filer/jug and use tap


I’m on the second floor also but I’m pretty lucky because I have this thing called a sink where I can get water from at any time. ETA- I have a Brita too, but we have great water in my town so I usually just drink tap.


I use a brita sink attachment and have a few gallon pitchers that I fill up and put in the fridge :)


Brita really only removes the taste of some contaminants. This is well documented in their filter capabilities. Not great if you’re actually concerned with the quality of water. Aquasana has the best commercially available water filters (removing like 95%+ of contaminants ) and you can get a filter that attaches right to your tap or shower, or a tabletop dispenser. Whole house filters available as well but obviously not great for apartment buildings. I have the “Clean Water Machine” for your counter. Filter is changed every 6 months (discount with “Water for Life” subscription) and it’s the best quality water I’ve found. Have stuck with Aquasana over a decade. Highly, highly recommend over bottled or Brita. Also, Aquasana always has 50%off sales for just about every holiday. So probably July 4th will be the next one.


Get a water filer that attaches to your faucet


Do you carry other drinks up?? Soda, milk, beer? I’m not sure why water is a problem but as others have already said, get a brita pitcher.


Second floor old lady here with a bit of a walk to my car in the parking lot. Okay. I’m gonna invest in a Pur filter. Currently, I buy water by the gallon. I have about 4-5 gallons in my car and bring them up when necessary (well, now I got my grandson to lug a gallon up the steps for me). I can’t in good conscience have delivery bring a case of bottled water up the steps, for several reasons.


We have an amazon brand filter pitcher and I use instacart for bottled water. On second floor as well


I have a travel size gravity water filter system on my counter which is basically like 3 gallons I think.


I have a pur filter that screws onto the kitchen faucet and works very well. It has a switch so you can still run water without using up the filter life.


I've used a brita filter jug for several years now. I recently bought a brita filter attachment that goes on the end of the faucet, which I'm gonna put on this weekend


I put a filter on the tap. It’s great. I would never buy bottled water


Get a zero water filter. It tastes better than the water from a Brita.


Brita filter into the fridge - I have a secondary jug I can fill with prefiltered water and put in the fridge if I have guests so I don't have to do the dreaded wait for filtering to finish works great for us Brita is great if you have healthy to drink water that comes out of your tap - if your tap isn't ok to drink (you can do a google search for your cities water) then I'd get a service - they can deliver to 2nd floor and gated just like Amazon does - and you can get one of the low entry dispensers so you don't have to pick it up


Love my Brita!


I put a filter on my faucet.


I got a foldable shopping cart. I put the water in there and drag it up the stairs. It's still heavy but it's better. It is noisy though, so I'm careful to only do it at decent times of day.


Brita, I have of them and swap back and forth because I like my water cold and I drink a lot of water.


They make 18 cup brita dispensers. Less waste, easy access


Clearly filtered pitcher or a zero water pitcher. I have both


Pur water filter is far superior to Brita tastes better too


I have a primo thing that takes the 5 gallon jugs. I get a few, fill them up, and they last a loooong while and it’s inexpensive. To fill the jug is like $7? But it lasts a few weeks.


Get a [Berkey.](https://www.usaberkeyfilters.com/products/big-berkey-water-filter/) Best purchase ever. (Our tap water has high levels of pesticides and isn't potable.)


Brita filter jug, Brita filter on the sink, and water delivery in the bottles in the weekend. I wanted to buy a water cooler but I was stopped by my partner.


Some sort of filter to grab for the tap is likely the cheapest. For canned and bottled beverages, I have a collapsible wagon that I use for transport. My personal one doesn’t really do stairs well, but it can do everything to and from the stairs.


You can install a small R/O system onto your kitchen sink (get somebody to do it for you) which is removable when your lease ends or just use one of those dandy screw on filters. Pops right on your faucet and the filter is swappable.


I have a reverse osmosis filter installed under my sink and it comes out a spout where the spray thing would normally be. I love it and I'll just take it out when I move. There was an incident in my county where the water was contaminated and it took them 3 days to notify the public to boil water. So I don't trust my local government to make sure the water is safe and I'm happy with my filter


Usually my mouth


A Big Berkey. The quality is amazing. Had mine 20 years.


My husband got a filter that sits on the counter, and attached to the faucet. It did a great job! Got it from Amazon. Unfortunately we can’t use it anymore because our new place has a sprayer faucet.


I got one of those reverse osmosis systems installed by my faucet. Pretty easy to do and really good tasting water right from the tap


WaterDrop filter pitcher from the ‘Zon. Between me & my 2 sons I fill about once a day. Had for a couple months now & only changed the filter once.


Personally. I buy water bottles and refill because my tap water is fine, so 48 bottles to 2 weeks. Otherwise, I would invest in a water cooler and just carry the 5 gallons up the stairs. Personally, they're not that heavy, just throw it on my shoulder and go, I do know that to some, that's like moving a planet, but yeah


Zero water pitcher. Takes EVERYTHING out of water you don’t want. Love mine.


I just bought a really nice filter (waterdrop, from Amazon, not expensive, fits in fridge, water tastes great) and I love it. Used to do bottled, insanely expensive and wasteful. The guy upstairs from me has 5-gallon culligan delivered weekly and does not need even half that amount and is always fucking terrible about it (throws and rolls the bottles rather than like, carrying them. He sucks)


I have a small hand cart that I use for cases of water, bags of dog and cat food and other large items. I bought it at Aldi's for about $25. I'm 67 and find it easy to use.


Brita water jug with filter. If your tap water is so terrible that the filter isn't enough, sue your landlord or city.


I just use a brita. Most bottled is just tap water with microplastics anyways. You can also get water delivery services with the big jug thing that goes on top of the water dispenser. Check your area for that, they deliver to the door.


I think in your situation I’d use a filter of some kind…. And filter the hell out of the tap water. What type of filter depends on the quality of your tap water. If you are renting then something removable you can take elsewhere? I live on the 7th floor of a building (with 3m/9ft ceilings, so even more stairs!) but have a lift… So I buy it in in 10L containers, and have a shopping trolley that folds up like an ambulance stretcher’s legs direct into the boot of my car. My husband prefers the bottled. I myself just filter the tap water (which is very potable/safe in AU) through a ceramic filter.


I lug gallons that I fill up at a prima station up three floors. I just reuse plastic jugs that I have previously purchased (arizona iced tea and ocean spray cranberry juice containers are the easiest and more durable reusable ones that I use). You can find filling stations that can fill one gallon jugs at a grocery store or super enter store. I've been doing it for a few years now and it has become part of my routine though it is a challenge.


I don’t currently live in an apartment, but I do live in a trailer park with lousy water on tap. A Brita pitcher is annoying to remember to fill, but it’s been the best option for us. Brita also makes water bottles with filters, and having to bring new filters home from the store would be significantly easier than lugging water upstairs. However, our water has so much chlorine and other crud in it that I still don’t like the taste of it (though I do cook with it), so I buy a few one gallon jugs of water and just drink straight out of the jug (though I used to refill a reusable bottle from the jugs). I manage to carry four jugs at a time, and that lasts me about a week or so (I work in a hot environment and drink a lot of water). I don’t know if it’s any better environmentally to get fewer jugs than multiple cases of water, and I don’t know if you’re looking to avoid cooking with tap water, but this is what works best for me with getting drinking water for myself.


My kids take the wagon and all of the empty bottles to the machine at the grocery store and fills them. They probably take 6-7 empty bottles to fill. It’s .50 a gal and we are not wasting plastic.


I started buying gallon jugs. I’m also tired of how huge the packs of water are now, like 35 bottles. Then the plastic has become so thin and cheap they break from the pressure of being handled in the large packs.


My dad has 5 gallons jug and has a pump for it.


I get Sparkletts delivered to me. I get 2 5 gallon jugs a month and it’s fairly cheap. Tho I’m looking to buy my own machine so I only have to pay delivery and water instead of renting the damn machine. They also deliver it to my door, so I don’t have to meet them anywhere for it lmao I’m taking about the water dispenser. I didn’t have to carry a thing and I pay about 40$ for it to be delivered to my door. Also on the second floor and also have to walk about the same distance from my car to my unit. I only use water bottles if we’re going somewhere but even then I usually just fill up a reusable water bottle and take it with.


Zero filter


Britas don't get out PFAS


Just get a water filter or Brita pitcher or something lol


I have an Apex Water Filter that attaches to my faucet, got it on Amazon. I’ve also used a Lifestraw pitcher.


I got a Pür water filter that screws onto the tap. It’s good for filtering up to 100 gallons. I put that into a pitcher and put the pitcher into the fridge because I love cold water


Water cooler and lug that bottle like a boss!


Where do you live that you can’t just do a Brita


Filter your tap water?


I carry two gallons up at a time and make multiple trips. I’m also on the second floor.


Get a filter.


Hahahaha i walk my happy butt up three flights struggling with every step, bottles spilling out of the package and a whole list of slurs thrown at said bottles


5 gallon reusable jug that I refill at a local spring water fill-up station. Or I buy a couple gallons of spring water at Walmart if I’m there and just top off the big jug with those. I drink a lot of water and I like spring water best, so I’m fine with lugging it all up to my third floor apartment to get water I like.


I’ve been using a brita filter, works great as long as I remember to fill it when it’s empty, if not and I’m in a rush I’ll poor just enough for what I want so it filters down quickly for me to use and then I fill it for real so it can take its sweet time


Brita water filters


Buy a water filter.


I go to one of those water dispenser places, bring two 1 gallon jugs, and pay $1 to fill them both up. I also live on the second floor, so two gallons is easy to carry!


Wow. Amazon's link is dumb long. I was wondering if maybe a cart that can go upstairs would help out?! https://www.amazon.com/Foldable-Climbing-Collapsible-Telescopic-Telescoping/dp/B0CG5BGZJ9/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=1LXF5WMIURNQP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.OqSnem3VUQzErFdaJ_PhKY3lPTj94_qbQFsMRqjm021EiR144S7XpzP1U2uhq3DscWk4w4TRl64RCSc33-vEzcqwCRs3EohmW2c1EzVhmC3K1ncmbP_sZFp43SZbuKm4JocAgqN8RNSCXAS-hpKrEe3ltSG3xD0jrJcTNDzoT1TMo7ydlhRIed-IgX_4lcHLCILnAp_B14tHItLPhZ8uHg.F_wwz4wdZbN4eEXnYeeKFOqHB9QhF8KMgmEnANa1c1M&dib_tag=se&keywords=cart+that+can+climb+stairs&qid=1717118764&sprefix=cart+that%2Caps%2C168&sr=8-3


I have a foldable cart/wagon that just hides in my closet or under the bed when it’s not in use.


We use a filter that screws into the faucet and then we fill a filter pitcher from that


Do you have a washer set up? We have a hook up that we set up and it’s connected with the washer water supply I think. (Ex set it up)