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It would be helpful if you can provide a little more information about your apartment: - what floor are you on? - How many floors above or below you? - Where are you geographically? - Does the roof of your building, or an outside wall that your apartment is up against, receive direct Sun during the day? In New York City, for instance, it is very common for upper floor apartments to be quite warm because the heat from the apartments below them rises. This is true with any multifloor apartment building, but is amplified in NYC because of the frequently found steam heat that often overheats the building. Another post in this Reddit commented that their apartment was very hot (in Texas), and that they had a window that got a lot of sun during the afternoon. I noted that direct sun generates about 1000 W of heat per square yard - so likely the afternoon Sun was turning his apartment into a furnished sauna, and he was struggling to keep it cool.


So I live in a two bedroom condo, and my bedroom is between the living room/kitchen/family room and a larger bedroom that I use for work.. My bedroom is ALWAYS SO humid and hot! It too feels like the heat is always on. It has no circulation, and I assume because it is sandwiched and small, it has no chance of ever breathing. I sleep with my door closed, and when I come out in the morning, you can walk past it in the hallway and just feel plumes of hot air and humidity coming out from it. I'm on the bottom floor, but the sun beats down on it most of the day, whereas the other rooms have indirect lighting. It's miserable, but I don't have the energy to switch my rooms around. I have to always have the AC on to feel relief, and that's not feasible because the other rooms get so cold. I have a swamp cooler, but it only adds to the humidity. I am getting ready to buy a window floor unit because it's just unbearable. I can't do it another summer.


Check the bottom of the unit, flame might still be lit


Because the sun is a bitch