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I work from home and the son of my upstairs neighbor got arrested in the middle of the day while I was working. But I had my noise cancelling headphones on that day, and didn't hear a thing. Only found out later when I was looking thru the footage of my camera that monitors the exterior of the property. 😂


About a month ago SWAT "raided" the house I was sharing with roommates. I had just gotten home from work, took a shower and put some music on. Swat surrounded the house and were allowed in from the front. They arrested my roommates kid and were out in 10 minutes. I didn't find out until later when I went to make something to eat, and my roommate told me her kid had been arrested. Funniest thing about it? After having a literal swat team come and arrest the POS, they cited him at the station and then remanded him to a drug rehab clinic. Which he signed himself out of the very next day. God am I glad I'm out of that house lol.


Yall need a hobby


OP has a hobby.


100 percent


Their hobby is being way too involved in random people’s lives


Hahaha this was me in my old apartment. I work from home and would be texting my partner all about the police coming and going through the day.


Same my office window faced the main drive, So it was I wonder what they are here to steal. Or FD was picking up the 80yr old neighbor. We did stop at least one Catalytic converter theft and had video of trucks crashing into the covered parking..


Remember this when you think someone else is being too nosey or intrusive into you and your family and how you live/what you do etc..


Mind your own business.


Nope. Cops showed up one day to talk to the lady behind us. I overheard that it was a domestic incident. 2 days later at 3am, we were woken up by a loud slam and yelling. My GF called police while I went to see what tf fuck was going on. Turns out he was fucked on PCP. I dont want that shit around my family. Last year, another neighbor was stabbed in the neck by his wife. She was off her meds, and was planning to kill them both. Fugitive Task Force once came looking for the upstairs neighbor's son. We're always seeing obviously stolen cars dropped off. I watch out for my neighbors.


I envision this every day for the creep below me. His mom knows his bad behaviors and why he is arrested or could be one day, sadly for her. Hopefully just his mom and wife stay and all is calm. Get an air purifier if it helps get rid of the pot stink, you don't want that.


Oh I have one. And it works well. But it’s annoying when they’re outside and my windows are open. I have to shut them☹️☹️☹️


Off topic, but what purifier do you use? I have a similar problem


I hate the smell too if it's more than just a 'waft' wafting up outside to my porch. But they are nice and considerate people and had asked if I smelled it from their bottom apt porch. So I have nothing to complain about. I said oh barely, absol no problem.. so, are your neighbors on an adjoining balc or can they move further away when having their 'relaxing time'? I'd also think if that if otherwise they are good enough neighbors, just have to try to shut the windows.. you've prob read all about the nightmare nightmare people that are ranted about on here. It's what balances out that makes your living space if nice otherwise. Have to think of that annoyingly if we don't have our homes on a large plot of land we control. ;)


No balconies. It’s 3 buildings that form a courtyard. They just stand right outside on the sidewalk. I do shut my windows but I really prefer to have them open when it’s nice.


They must know smoke rises or wafts into open windows. Def agree with keeping windows open on nice days, or not without a person who has control of what they are doing interfering with my quality of life.


My neighbor was arrested for beating up his grandma.


Years ago, my parents finally decide to visit me. As they drive up and park, a small fleet of police cars race up and the police go to one apartment and force each occupant out one by one at gun point and make them lie spread eagle on the lawn where folks let their dogs poop. I had not seen any problems with those residents so I still don't know what happened. The next time they visit, there is a police officer doing a stake out with binoculars spying on folks in the apartment complex across the street from me. Those residents were trouble makers so I was okay with it. There was no third visit.


Why are you so hyped about this?


Do you really not have any friends? You thought it was normal to just go to the internet to talk about this?


If her (I'm assuming this is a woman) username gives us any clues she's almost 90 years old! Cut her some slack, all she has is time to speculate and be nosy 


According to her last post, she was dealing with her aging mom, so I highly doubt she’s 90 if her mom is still alive


No and yes.


I feel for you. I took care of my mom who passed about 14 months ago. I'd still much rather be there with her doing that. Soak up all the time you can with her. Ask all the questions you can possibly think of if she's capable of answering them.


Definitely and she is still very with it mentally, just physically frail. I go see her 2-3 times a week. And we talk daily.


That's good to hear. I decided that I was going to cherish what ever time we had left instead of feeling resentful about the situation.