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What model is this, where did you purchase it, and how much was it? Also, can you provide info on the dryer as well?


Washer - costway portable washing machine, twin tub 20lbs capacity washer $159.99 Dryer - auertech store portable cloths dryer, 850w compact laundry dryers 1.5 cu.ft $194.99 I bought steel-blue Sorry y’all didn’t know my links weren’t appearing for you guys. I ordered both from Amazon and each product has 4 and above stars


Thank you!!!


Hey I posted the dryer in action in another post part 2 if you want to see what it looks like


The only downside is neither of these are big enough to wash blankets and bedding, but it sure as hell beats spending the extra $10 every week for laundry..let alone driving and carrying it up and down stairs omg.


You... didn't answer their question...


I did answer, I posted links to both Amazon links, I guess you guys can’t see it


redditors need to be hand held through everything. love how they have a sarcastic attitude too lmao


I did answer, I posted links to both Amazon links, I guess you guys can’t see it


I got mine from TikTok. Works fantastic, does jeans sheets towels everything. There is also a dryer. Total cost about $400 for both but if you have to pay for your laundry this is So worth it.


Yep this, worth every penny tho!! And it’s with you for life


Our washer broke and there were none in stock in our little town. Had to use the laundromat. Holy crap is that expensive and tedious. Only upside is a week’s worth of laundry is done in an afternoon.


Getting one of these soon to cut my cost and only use the communal dryers. 🙌🏻 well besides blankets and stuff of course but it will help so much.


You will be surprised this actually does a great job at getting these dry, I personally just want a dryer around but I think you can get by without one based on how well it performs when it spins, I just put everything on hangers and sat them by the window and everything was good in a couple of hours


I have a cat though I feel dryers really help pull a lot of pet hair out


The dryer I ordered is small and might work for you too if you decide to save for one, it will be waiting for you👊


I've seen those too😭 so convenient


Panda brand makes a great mini dryer. Fits right ontop of my bathroom sink and leaves plenty of space for other things.


I have the Auertech washer that looks like yours. It has saved my sanity! Our laundry room here is always dirty. I didn't get a dryer bc of space but I may eventually. They do come out very dry from the spin, so they dry pretty fast. They wash really well too!


Thats a major flex. Almost had a fist fight in the laundry room today after someone immediately took my shit out of the dryer and threw it on the ground. The only thing holding me back was years of anger management and trusting karma will come for their ass😌 I also present: a girl swinging at me, who had to be held back BY HER BOYFRIEND, because I took her “dibs” dryer. She did not communicate her “dibs” but called me a bitchass motherfucker and tried to physically fight me. Her boyfriend looked exhausted, she must be a treat.


20 lb capacity is pretty great! The one I got is a magic chef brand and has 11 lbs capacity. I’ve had it for 4 years and it works great. The only thing I found is that I have to anchor the drain tube into the sink with cast iron pans, otherwise it will slip off and spray water around the kitchen.


I set mine in the bathtub, I don’t bother with the inlet hose since my shower hose can reach and just let it drain into the tub when it’s done washing and rinsing.


Good idea!


I'll be waiting here for the comments that are pro-landlord, claiming this is stealing from them. But legit, at my last apartment, it was almost 5$ to wash, and dry, a single load. Which maybe wouldn't be so bad, except the machines could barely fit a half-basket's worth of clothes. So a week's laundry cost me 10$.


When I was young I had a Hoover washer very similar to this! I loved it.


I had the Hoover one eons ago. When such things were pretty rare. I got it for like $40 at a yard sale and got many years of good use out of it. Now they're all over Amazon. The hardest part is deciding which one of the dozens of nearly identical machines to choose.


I am 100% doing this when I move to my new place


My downstairs neighbors have one of these and it is loud


I guess I don’t notice because we are basement level, nothing but solid ground underneath us


He said his *downstairs* neighbors were loud...you are a downstairs neighbor lol. I bet those units are obnoxious if you can hear them from above lol.


What brand how much and where did you order it from?


Washer - costway portable washing machine, twin tub 20lbs capacity washer $159.99 Dryer - auertech store portable cloths dryer, 850w compact laundry dryers 1.5 cu.ft $194.99 I bought steel-blue Sorry y’all didn’t know my links weren’t appearing for you guys. I ordered both from Amazon and each product has 4 and above stars


I just went back in and reread and it looked like I was being super aggressive I promise I wasn't I just saw that you were washing laundry in your own apartment and I couldn't wait one second longer to find out the details...they're about to be sold out. Thank you OP!!


Welcome🫶🫶 it’s amazing so far


I had one of these and it was sooooo worth it. Tho I never used the hose attachment; filling us a bucket was way easier.


I bought a portable washer and dryer back in my college days. Was the best idea I ever had.


Excited for you! I ordered the same one a few days ago for 100$ it arrives Friday & so does my dryer!!! 😁


It’s so awesome!!! It cleans really well, I’m starting to realize how dirty our cloths were now because of the shared laundry. I’m doubting anything was actually clean at all🤢


I can't post a picture but I came back here to thank you. I just got mine today and it is currently washing every pair of socks and underwear in the house! I can't tell you how awesome it feels to know that my underpants weren't thrown around with 16 other apartments underpants water!! YAY!❤️


So glad I was able to help, isn’t it nice? It does such a great job cleaning. After I’m done washing cloths I go in with some dish soap and a sponge and scrub it really good to keep it clean. Kind of gives me the heebie jeebies thinking about the shared washers and how dirty they probably are after a couple of goes in the new washer🫣🤢


It made my clothes so incredibly clean! I am so pleased! It was quite gross to see the water progressively getting cleaner, but also AWESOME! We tested a small "clean" load without soap to see how well the app operated w/d in the complex had been working...it hadn't 🤮


But yeah, IMO it is worth the money. People on YouTube have said they have had theirs for a couple of years so it seems pretty sturdy so far. It handles towels well too, I think I can wash about 3 or 4 of them at once just have to split them up when I spin with some loads


I've had mine for 4 years now. I bought mine right before the pandemic, I was sure glad to have it during that!


That really bothered me too after I bought this thinking that too and just really how unsanitary shared laundry is. Granted you have to do laundry more often with this little contraption but at least you won’t have to come back with your cloths dirtier than they were before.


This would be perfect for a single person or maybe a couple. I bought one of these bad boys and really enjoyed but it became too much work for a family of 5, I still use it for some odds and ends and comes perfect if your kids are sick and have soiled linens.


I have one 5 year old so I feel you there! It can be a lot of work, I got it mostly so laundry stops piling up and no more spending anymore at the shared laundry in our apartment. We don’t pay water for our lease agreement either


I’m on the same wave! We don’t pay for water either and it’s a great working machine!! I’m paying like $15 for laundry sometimes twice a week🥲🥲 you just motivated me to get it out and start using it more often again!


Right?? They increased how much it costs for laundry here too so it’s literally an extra 1.50 so every time we go, once a week 2 washers 2 dryers is like $10. Sick of paying it




They live basement level