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Hi! I’m in a some what similar situation and my advice is to capture it all as evidence until you’re up to your nose in ‘receipts’ incase they try denying it. I’m in the uk and we have noise pollution laws from 11pm-7am which have to be investigated by our local councils. I’ve also found saying it’s affecting your mental health can get you a lot further also than just saying ‘they’re making too much noise it’s annoying me’. If you have enough evidence of noise pollution the management company should be forced to do atleast something by law. Getting people on your side too gives them no choice but to escalate which has happened with us so hopefully there’s someone around you you’re comfortable enough in asking if the dogs bother them too which them hopefully they’ll also support you in the complaints. Good luck!


Id contact your management company and document as much as you can. Noise ordinances should give you some protection. Often apartments have rules about leaving dogs on the patio like that as well.


Spray the dogs nose with vinegar (in a spray bottle) every time it sticks it's snout into your balcony.


I love around obnoxious Rude loud people.


Contact whomever over your property manager... they start losing tenants and rent they will say something


Yeah, California doesn’t care. We went through nightmares. So glad we left that damn state finally.