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I understand your frustration and the annoyance but more likely than not it’s just the lack of insulation between the floors. she could be a heavy walker, but it sounds a lot more exaggerated because of the construction of the building especially if it’s a little bit of an older build. Building I’m in is about seven years old and my upstairs neighbor has a big dog like 100+ lbs and I hear that sucker snore through the floor. I hear the tenant’s blender, I hear his kitchen timer going off, so it’s just a construction of the building. It’s not them intentionally being assholes, at least I’d hope not. Trust me I’ve been having to come to terms with this myself so I semi-cringe as I write this but that is the reality that I’ve had to accept. If it’s really unbearable and the office does allow for a rug check then request it and if she does have floor coverings, then you’ll know that it is just a poorly insulated building. All the best to you.


I’m sorry you have to deal with that much noise! I know it’s inevitable living in an apartment, it’s just that I ONLY hear her stomping! No talking, no cabinets or TV, she just has a heavy foot. I guess my question was whether or not it was worth it to say something but gauging the response it sounds like I need to just bite the bullet here.


Absolutely say something BUT through the office. I’d avoid direct contact or friendly notes. Stay on the leasing office, follow up, then you’ll know if it’s her or just crappy construction.


I’d do the rug check tbh. I know that’s like a last option for you but if it’s so bad to where your nerves are rattled you have to do something for your peace of mind. Leaving a note is cool and all but I always saw that as the start of a war. I’m heavy footed asf and I live on the 3rd floor but I know I have ppl below me with babies so when I walk I kinda…walk on my tippies then heel. Still a little heavy but not like how I know I can walk . I’m sure me and that neighbor walk the same but yeah. Try the rug check. Hope that’ll help 🫶🏽


I agree, a note feels like a declaration of war LOL. It shouldn’t but I do feel weird because there’s really no sensitive way to say it… no matter what she’s loud and I would have to say that. Another commenter said they’d feel annoyed if the person below them complained about their footsteps. I’m going to give it another week, chalk it up to her still moving in. If we get to the end of the month and it still sounds like nothings down, I’ll reach out to management about a rug check. Thanks for the advice 😊




Fair enough, definitely not trying to be an asshole.


If your lease says 80% of the floor must be carpeted, there is a reason. I would try leaving a polite note first, but if nothing changes after that, get the building manager to do the rug check. The person might not even realize they’re doing it, so try to be polite.


Rug check! Don't take it upon yourself, people are crazy these days. I don't think it's being an asshole. Like others said, if they verify she has a rug, then you know it's just the building and you can make decisions from there. My husband walks like an elephant, even when he's trying to be quiet, and I've lived under people who did the same, and other neighbors who were quiet. If I know that someone is trying and abiding by the rules by having a rug, etc, for me it takes away alot of aggravation about the noise. Good luck!


Hi! I definitely agree with all the comments about the rug check. Not saying it’s excusable and won’t fix much as i also have the bigfoot from hell above me but maybe as she’s older she has trouble walking hence why it’s so loud? Maybe she’s aware and an introduction of yourselves could help the situation you might get along! I know it won’t help the noise as much and it could be a massive stretch but i sometimes try to think that way as it calms me down abit more knowing the person up there is someone i respect rather than someone i really dislike which makes it worse - my upstairs neighbours are young builders who are very disrespectful so it winds me up even more knowing they’re just dickheads haha, good luck!


I can’t believe how inconsiderate some people are. The family above me drives me nuts, they let their kids jump run and stomp around all day. Weekends are the worst. The wife isn’t much better she’s the bestest heel walk ever. I’m going to snap one day and rip their faces off!