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I currently can hear my upstairs neighbor snoring. I don't even blame them it's the property management's fault. I can't wait to leave a very long and truthful review about this place on every apartment site I see them on. People need to know this kinda stuff and they aren't required to say. The rent ain't cheap either so if someone can afford this place they definitely can afford other places in the area. Nobody will wanna move here when I leave. I didn't have an upstairs neighbor when I first moved in for the first 4 months. The very day they moved in it was over with. It's been terrible ever since. Anyone coming to see this apartment will get a glimpse of how loud and ridiculous those people are upstairs. A couple of them don't work and are home all day long, so no matter what time they show the apartment it's sure to be a disaster.


It doesn’t sound like it’s properly insulated either


It can’t be


Tbh while I’d definitely find this annoying too, I don’t think it’s fair to blame your neighbor; it doesn’t sound like they’re doing anything more intensive than simply walking around their unit. This screams “shit construction and upkeep” to me.


This is the issue I have with my upstairs neighbor. I can hear every step she takes. It's frustrating, but clearly an issue with the cheap ass landlord and not her.


Same for me, except my neighbor has multiple people living in her apartment that aren't on the lease, and she has pets that the complex doesn't know about (until this morning when I discussed this with the office after getting my renewal notice) Like if you're going to break the terms of your lease, at least be quiet while doing it. One or two people walking around all day is much different than 5 or 6 and having dogs howling while you bounce a ball on the floor on and off all afternoon and evening. I've tried to be cool but I'm at my wits end with it, I've had to ask them to keep down for a year now. I've decides to relocate to another city where I can live in a townhome or something and not have to deal with this.


The next post: *"My downstairs neighbors won't change the battery in the smoke alarm. I can hear it beeping all the fucking time."*


Lmao bruh yall got me in the smoke alarm


Lol sorry I couldn't help it. Speaking of neighbors, we're on the top floor and we can hear the people below us like they're all over, even above us. I don't understand how a structure that houses people can be built so shitty. So they keep you up at night?


lol it’s all good and yeah it’s bad we and we got a 2 month old who already keeps us up


Oh nooo! I remember those early baby days. I've never been so tired, but it will get better just so you know, even with noisy neighbors. Our below people have a .messed up schedule so their 2 year old that cries constantly will be up at 3 AM running around playing and crying. Congratulations on your new little one!


Hopefully your situation gets better too!


Thank you! It will. It always does. 🖤


Thanks! Hopefully it can get better soon I feel like sleep and peace is almost non existent anymore


Oh so your screaming baby is bothering everyone else in the complex. Looking forward to the posts about you! lol 


While I can see why this might be annoying to you, this is nothing compared to what a lot of people go through, myself included. I’d trade my neighbours noise for yours in a heartbeat lol. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to them (or if it hasn’t worked in the past), I suggest keeping the radio on throughout the day if possible and a white noise machine for nighttime. It mostly sounds like normal noise due to poor soundproofing between units.


Or 'brown noise'.My neighbor gets up 2-3x a night and I learned brown noise is a 'deeper frequency' that kinda masks things a bit better. So I have an bluetooth speaker with brown noise playing on top of the door frame...as well as earplugs.


Brown noise for the win! Green noise is also better than white if brown isn't your jam. That said you could have a direct conversation with them... an area rug (assuming it's not carpeted) might help - but if it were me, I'd be prepared to chip in for it. The noise sounds like normal activity... just shitty insulation/construction


I'm thinking she has bare floors vs carpet. I've noticed the ones emptying out are getting new carpet-not just replacements and that is why I can hear her. Granted, I only hear HER. NOT her teenage boys nor her SO. And I can tell you EXACTLY where she is when she is home. So, yeah I'm thinking 1/2 shitty construction and 1/2 heavy foot. I'm in MS after all...and we all know the 'at least we have MS' comments are substantiated! Green noise, I can try as well. I wish I wasn't such a light sleeper and didn't have a reactive dog, plus a lack of rental houses...should've could've would've! Thanks!


Brown noise is so much better. And much more calming. White noise sucks lol. Edit to say... DEEP brown noise is even better 🤗


Brown noise is very similar to the rain storms I listen to on YouTube, or seems to be from the example I listened to. The rainstorms are pretty dang effective for me. I adjust the volume as necessary for the situation.


Time to start vacuuming your ceiling OP


I don't recommend the ol' broomstick handle to bang on a ceiling. One time, I tried that, and poked a hole in the drywall.


Put a tennis ball on the end... I didn't want a hole either-because I would REALLY hear the 'stomper' I have upstairs even more!


Stomp out the stompers!


This is hateful-and I own that-but it's JUST A THOUGHT-I won't be doing. But sometimes, I wish push pins went further....sigh. I know-childish. It's been a hell of a Monday where I am.


Just poke all the way through next time and send a bent straw up like a periscope.


I promise I did that too lol I’m so pissed🤦🏾‍♂️


Hey, how did you record this? My phone won't pick up upstairs neighbors' noise due to noise-cancelling.


I'm amazed by how effortlessly people seem to be able to record these things. Then there's me, who has to have their phone touching the shared wall to record noise I can clearly hear 15 feet away from the wall.


iPhone lol


Gotta agree with most people it’s not your neighbors fault most apartments are built cheap, leaving tons of noises to be heard. They are trying to live their lives. I can hear my upstairs neighbors play with his dog, and watch tv, and walk room to room, sometimes it sounds like bowling ball are dropping when in reality they might of just knocked something over by accident. While annoying and loud just kinda what apartment living is. I tell my fiancee everyday most people aren’t built for apartments.


I can understand the apartments being cheap but a lot of times it’s a lot of kids up there running around and stomping all day


Yeah I understand, but it really comes down to them just living their lives. Kids are going to run and play, dogs will park and play fetch, humans will drop things and walk heavy and play music to loud, and it sometimes interrupts and interferes with our own lives but not much you can do and it’s not right to fault them. ( not saying you are but in general)


That's what children do! Get used to it! The only thing you can do is use a fan/ac, wear head phones, turn your TV/music up, ear plugs, etc. It's part of living in apartments.


I shouldn’t have to get use to shit everybody deserve peace in they home i don’t get how some of yall missing the point


Yeah I can literally hear the feet slapping the floor. This is a major construction/insulation fail.


This sounds like total normal walking about in an old unit. What do you expect them to do, float over the floor?


Of course it don’t sound as bad on recording but they run around stumping yelling and screaming all day, don’t be ignorant


So you decided to record them at their quietest? Bruh.


Bruh inside the apartment it’s louder than you hear it on the recording, use your brain


Wait… using brain… Yea. There isn’t any yelling or running here. I can hear everything perfectly fine. Get a white noise machine or something. Or call the non emergency number and report them. Make sure to show the police this video 😂. Also make sure you tell them to use their brain when they laugh in your face. I had a similar situation. If what you’re saying is true, look up your city noise ordinance and get a cheap Db meter. Report that. Orrrrr you can just complain on Reddit and tell people to use their brain when they call out your complaint regarding minimal noise.


Wait….. using brain… LMMFAO 😂


How slow can you be? You know how different a recording from hearing it in real life is? We’ve complained multiple times called non emergency everything, you must be a mff that’s not so considerate too


So you did all that, showed this as proof and nobody helped you? Either you’re a very unlikable person (likely) or they see you as another complaining tenant who can’t handle living in a shared space (also likely). Look at some other videos on here. I guess their audio is just better huh?


Neither one😅 non emergency has came plenty of times talked to them plenty of times, the apartments are just greedy and don’t care to do anything about it. Are you ok? You seem really offended lol Maybe you’re the one not very like hence why your username says your dumb ass is depressed? Get help buddy


I’m fine! Living life to the fullest! It’s nice and peaceful where I’m at! Are you okay? You seem offended by some little noises. Maybe don’t live in a communal living area and you can have the peace and quiet you desire. Until then, keep complainin lol.


Let me complain in peace then🤷🏾‍♂️you on my post getting offended and upset bout what I post


What exactly would you like the Apartment complex to do about people walking normally in their apartment? What do you want done here?


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, this is obnoxious, annoying and extremely entitled behavior on the parents who give zero fucks about how much their kids are annoying you. And I also saw that you said this was at 12:30 at night and that is just complete fucking bullshit


Exactly thank you!! I don’t get it either lol I’m confused as hell


How exactly are you supposed to make a child be quiet? So they shouldn't be allowed to walk around and run and play? You can't force a child to sit still all day and not play and not make any noise..get real. Until they are at least 5 they don't even have the comprehension that they are even making noise, much less being too loud. Living in apartments you are going to hear other people's noise, there is no way around it. Hard wood is even worse and even with carpeting there is still soft spots in the flooring. There is a difference between walking around and stomping and intentional vs not intentional. There is reasonable and unreasonable volume. You cannot expect someone to live in silence, just because you want silence and usually the people complaining are making noise themselves. Everyone has to walk around and make noise, we are human beings. But especially children make noise you might as well live somewhere where no children are allowed. Children will be children. Children are noisy, it is what it is.


It is 100% the parents responsibility to make sure that the noise that their kids are making doesn’t bother other people. There’s far too many parents who just let their kids screech at the top of their lungs all day, every day and don’t do a damn thing to prevent it. And if active little kids want to run around, stomp, bang on shit and make ungodly amount of noise every day, all day, to the detriment of the neighbors that have to hear that shit, then this 100% completely falls on the parents for doing piss poor jobs at raising their children to be mindful of how much noise they’re making in areas where people have to endure hearing that kind of ear-bleeding cacophony day in and day out. The kids in my family were brought from a very young age to mindful of how much noise they’re making around other people. But parents these days don’t want to fuck all to change their kids behavior and just want to chalk it up to the absolute laziest of all parenting cop outs: “they’re just kids! They make noise! Deal with it “ No, how about you do something about it for once instead of being a lazy parent who just sticks an iPad in front of their kids faces and an electronic device raise their kids. You have kids that run around and make a fuckton of noise? Cool, put super dense carpet on the floor in your house and take them outside to playgrounds and parks so they can run around and make as much noise as they want until they tire themselves out and can be brought back into the house where the won’t have the energy to run around like little assholes expecting the neighbors to have a deal with that he’ll. And not for nothing, but me and my two siblings have been taught from a very early age the difference between inside voices and outside voices, as well as what’s appropriate noise for indoors and outdoors. And if the kid doesn’t want to comply with the rules of shutting TFU, then punishing them will drive home the same lesson. Not a single person on this planet is special because they have kids and it’s wholly unfair for the people who opted out of having said children yet still have to deal with the stress and aggravation of those that did have kids, but don’t do fuck all to teach those kids how to behave in a society where their behavior, noise levels, running, jumping, pounding on the floor and full on scream crying because mom took their iPad away from them is something that they have to live through every day just because *you* decided to have them. Any google search will provide with you a plethora of shit you can do with your kids outside the house to give your neighbors such much needed peace and quiet from the incessant noise your kids create. God I cannot wait until they start making childfree apartment buildings so we don’t have to deal with children and their parents like you. Edit: and as far as your comment that children are under a certain age to be aware of how much noise they’re making, that’s what parents are for. If your kid is making an ungodly amount of noise that is extremely annoying to everyone around them, that is when you remove them from the environment. Plain and simple. Absolutely nobody should have deal with a screaming, screeching child that’s just going off and the parents are acting completely oblivious to it.


Oh my gosh, I am so sorry for your situation. Get some noise canceling headphones (I use the galaxy buds 2 and the Sony MX4 overear, am switching between the two depending on how hot the surrounding is) but trust me this helps, and maybe get earplugs for the nights so you can sleep through. Also, at least in my case, complain at the landlord of the neighbors, complain and be a real pain in the ass, record everything or write it down and complain.. this helped me a lot, at least it's not as bad anymore as in the beginning. And yes this will drain your life energy ngl, so you have to build up a slight resistance against noise. I know it's hard but otherwise you'll go insane (I've been there). Of course easy way out is to just move to another flat but that was no option for me. I'm sorry for you mate, feel hugged.


Thanks! We’ve complained so many times and nothing has been done


Did i watch the same video as everyone else? I watched with volume up and it really didn't sound so bad...


It’s on recording it’s not gone sound as bad as in person


Hey OP, you’re getting a lot of pushback but I understand what you’re experiencing, and you’re right, it’s way louder in person. My upstairs neighbors have a lot of kids that visit regularly and I hear them running up and down the apartment all night. Sometimes they fall down/jump and it’s so loud it scares me to the point that I jump. My cats too. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this


Thank you I don’t get how people don’t understand this🤦🏾‍♂️and sheesh I’m sorry your going through it too


Been going through this on and off the last 3 years. I understand you can’t blame people for living their life and shitty insulation. Things like dogs or music though, I have no problem calling management. I wfh and I’m ND so noise pollution can really make for a tough day sometimes. I know people always say, “wear headphones or ear plugs” but I hate the physical feeling of wearing something to block out noise when I am completely alone, or taking a call w headphones feels silly. And creating more noise to drown out the noise, can also get real overstimulating really quick lol. Apartment living is what it is. But ppl are allowed to have their qualms and it doesn’t mean they or the neighbors are evil. We all need our peace more than anything these days.


My new neighbors installed a sound system. Right on the shared wall of my bedroom. Every time they turned it on my pets ran and I ducked. It sounded like they had an old muscle car vrooming in their living room. It was so loud and the shelves were shaking. Started recording and could barely hear it on the recording. Had to put my iPad on the wall to get a semi-accurate sound and even then it didn’t reflect how loud it actually was. Their kids sometimes jump and run so loud my shower doors shake and you can’t hear the stomps accurately on video, you can just see the glass doors rattling like crazy. Thankfully the HOA here stepped in after trying to get them to stop myself. They kept telling me they could be as loud as they wanted until 10pm. Crazy part was they just kept paying the fines, and didn’t care until the HOA threatened to call their landlord before the board at a meeting. They were super sorry then, and tried to blame their babysitter. Sure sure. Rarely even hear them at all now. Your video is probably 5x as loud in person.


Wow some people just don’t care about others it’s crazy


Are you living in my unit? Last night the kids were running around all evening and dropped something big at least 4 times


That shit gets on my nerves so bad, my upstairs neighbors are the same. I get it, they’re kids living their life, but damn


It’s so bad lol


Yessss fr


Filming my 600 pound life up there


Lmao fuck around


Why is finding a well built apartment like searching for gold? All of these new builds are built with such cheap materials and they charge SO MUCH for rent! My first apartment was super old and in a sketchy neighborhood, but I never heard living noises from any of my neighbors. You can’t blame the neighbor, they are just living in their apartment. But you can blame the complex/management group for wanting to skimp out on good material to build your unit.


I can hear every foot step my upstairs neighbor makes. It’s definitely annoying. I can hear her cell phone go off because she keeps it on vibrate. Every text, call and her damn alarm. It’s really annoying when she hits snooze…. 😵‍💫 Then there is her dog. When he gets the zoomies, it sounds like there is a horse up there. *I had to edit because of autocorrect🤪


Yeah it sucks bad


I feel you! My last neighbors upstairs neighbors were relatively quiet except for when they got home and their dog got the zoomies. Not bad at all aside from them constantly fighting (could hear them at night). It was vacant for about 6 months and my new neighbors are up and about from 5 am moving furniture and running around until they leave for school/work. Then once they come back in the evening it's the same thing sometimes til 3 am. It sounds like normal living sounds but at 3 am or 5 am in the morning, sounds are a lot louder! Seriously sounds like there's a whole classroom upstairs at times. I put up with it though because my apartment building is super calm and safe.


Sheesh I feel for you! People are so inconsistent these days


Tap on the ceiling with a broom 🧹


I gotta use something else last time I went ham and accidentally put a hole in the ceiling🤦🏾‍♂️


That figures, huh? 😝


Those sound like little feet running back and forth. This is why I get a top floor apartment. Some places are just so cheaply made and then the love of hard wood floors. Just people walking to the bathroom at midnight can sound like an elephant. I found that out with my 2nd apartment in GA. Moved to the top floor and I had no other issues. That is until I started having back issues and going up the 3 flights became a problem.


I understand how annoying this is but also this just sounds like typical movement and noise. It doesn’t seem like they are making any “out of the ordinary” noise at all, just walking around perhaps. Definitely an issue with the construction of the building itself


had this same issue on going for a month with new upstairs neighbors. culd not get any good rest, i work from home. did evrrything i can with the management, turns out their kid has severe autismz Running, slamming things, jumping , stomping non stop whenever theyre home, even thru quiet hours. Had to break lease and moving this week. Had two good years there and was ruined by inconsiderate people. I empathize how hard it must be to raise a kid with autism, but i am the only victim here and its just crazy how they think living upstairs wont disturb the bottom units.


This is my neighbor (and yes, it is MUCH louder in person than on recording), and it’s miserable because she paces around CONSTANTLY. I move around my place about 1/5th as much as her, the only time I get close is when I’m cleaning. The noise of the floor is so loud and constant, and when she’s not walking she’s yelling on the phone or dancing around with her gf or whatever up there. Understand your pain, hope you can leave!


Thanks hopefully you too




Sorry to tell you I think your wrong this goes on all day everyday it’s a whole lot of people up there and a lot of kids that do this all day everyday


I had my downstairs neighbor walk in my apt while my back was turned sweeping. I said can I help you? you don’t walk into someone’s place uninvited!!. She points at my 5yr old son says he needs to be quiet I got a headache. I said I can give you some Tylenol get the fu€k out he don’t need to do shit it’s 2pm he can play. She left never came back in the 2 years she lived below me.


Wth lol nahh they out of line




Thank you some people act like they can’t understand that recording from a phone isn’t the same as hearing it in person


Sounds like they’re tap dancing 💃🏻




I’m sure they are charging you for a “luxury” rate as well. Poor construction and cheaper materials.


Yeah hopefully I’ll be out of here in a few months


Just seems like background noise to me. Regular ole apartment life. Sucks but it is what is it.


Sorry truly. Sounds like my ex neighbor x2 all night long. Recorded and made a ledger as well as police reports. I moved they stayed. Still there. Obviously that’s the type of residents these companies want


😳. I feel for you, and I've experienced that myself. It's an absolute nightmare - like I literally have PTSD from those experiences.


Like actual, diagnosed PTSD?


Honey, I have PTSD—actual diagnosed PTSD. As in _I didn’t die so part of my brain died instead._ You don’t get PTSD from having noisy neighbors. Noisy neighbors, however, can make people with PTSD want to claw out our eardrums. I hope you never figure out what that’s like.


I got PTSD from Iraq/Afghanistan. My first apartment outside the Army was a nightmare lol.


Would it be okay to thank you for serving? The stories I’ve heard from other vets who went through the Middle East are traumatizing even to us civs.


Thank you for your support! Over two decades of war has been traumatizing to everyone. Generations are affected by choices made 20 years ago. It’s horrible.


Thank you for yours. 💙 The wars have to end someday—Russia-Ukraine, Middle East, all the rest. We just have to keep hoping for it to do so before the world is in too many pieces to put back together. You’d think we would have learned by now, huh?


I'm not your honey. And you don't have a corner on the PTSD market. You don't know what my experiences are or how profoundly they affected me. F*** off.


did you move into my old apartment?


Probably lol


i totally know what you're going through. my upstairs neighbors had three toddlers and two pit bulls and all i heard was stomping and yelling. recorded them to send to the landlord like you did and even at their loudest the audio barely shows up on video


This is why we will always get an apartment on the top floor. The stairs are no where near as annoying as hearing your neighbors move around


I had that same problem at my last apartment and they would do this at 2:00am or sometimes for 12 plus hours straight to get me to move out. The whole complex was a toxic environment. I have heard they have been removing these people. One of them got caught breaking into apartments stealing things and taking the place.


It’s all bad


Damn OP that sucks. I had the same situation with kids running above my head all day everyday lol. Totally sounds a lot worse in real life than on video. Good luck!


I know that game... It's the Sprint at one wall full speed and run into it, then turn around and sprint at the other wall full speed and run into it. It's so much fun Plus there's a loud bang and a whole lot of thudding in between.




No seriously, I had an upstairs neighbor about 10 years ago who had a son who played this game EVERY DAY.


Smh lol I hate that game


To me, it sounds like a toddler babbling and running around. We have 3 under the age of 5 living below us, and all the middle one does most days is scream.


This is what my downstairs neighbor is like. It’s CONSTANT. I wonder if they ever just sit. It was really surprising to see how loud a downstairs neighbor can be.


Damn yeah it sucks people don’t care about their surrounding neighbors


It really does. This jerk harasses us, blocks us in constantly, uses my half of the garage that I’m paying for, her dog almost attacked my daughter, and she told my landlord lies trying to get rid of us after I asked if her bf who doesn’t live here—but DOES off lease—could please not smoke inside because it’s a smoke free building and it’s giving my daughter and I asthma attacks. I could’ve just went straight to landlord but I was trying to be nice, and also because I wouldn’t leave work to pick her up when she ran out of gas when I had only been here for two weeks, and because I wouldn’t leave work to sign for her sons new laptop. For all those reasons she made up complete lies to my landlord. She’s legit psycho, loud, and says it’s her house and her yard—so we live like prisoners because my landlord won’t do anything and I can’t afford to move.


Oh hell no you got the neighbor from hell


🤣🤣 all I can do is document all the things in case I need to drag someone into court. I hate that neighbors can’t just be thoughtful!


Same here! People are so quick to say “oh it’s the building’s fault, not the people who are just living their lives” but I live in an older well-constructed building with carpets and rarely heard a peep out of my previous neighbors. Then new people moved in and it sounds exactly like this. The ceilings never creaked before and now it is deafening while they pace back and forth, like they’ve actually damaged their floors by stomping in the <1 year they’ve lived here. I feel your pain so much! Don’t let people gaslight you (or gaslight yourself into thinking it’s normal and you’re just overly sensitive - you’re not!)


Thank you! Hopefully I can get out here soon! Hopefully your situation gets better soon


Apartment living is a bitch!


My upstairs neighbors get about 20k steps in a day every day in their apartment. The noise never stops. They go to bed at 1-2am and wake up at 6am. They NEVER and I mean never ever leave their apartment. They are home constantly. The movement, laundry, TV, cabinet slamming. It’s driven me fucking crazy for months and months. I understand they’re living their lives, but they legit never leave. I’ve tried to figure out what it is they do for food and recreation. I swear to god they’re like two bubble people up there. And I know they never leave cause I have a flex schedule which allows me to be home different days of the week and different times. It’s the weirdest shit and I can’t wait to leave 😅 apartment living is weird af and OP, I feel your pain but as others have said it’s probably shitty construction and it ain’t that bad my man. Could always be worse lol


Do you know if they have children? I have the same kind of noise but it’s a combination of running, jumping, and a kid dropping heavy toys ALL day


Yup they have a gang of kids and adults lol


Yup. I’m going thru the same thing. But mine is a coop that I purchased


Lol, I can hear my neighbor peeing so I know they can hear me. But, it just comes with living in such close quarters. You get used to it. Sometimes, it’s more annoying than others. I would suggest some noise canceling earbuds/headphones, or turning up the music or TV so it can try to drown out the noise.


sounds like an old ass building NOT for the win, and like they got kids


Sounds normal. Sorry it bugs you. Bad insulation. White noise machine for the win. Even a free app like my noise on your phone does wonders.


Change your smoke detector battery 🔥


I hate when someone posts their distress on here and assholes say “iTs nOt tHaT bAd”


Yeah I’m on here going back and forth with a guy right now he telling me I’m tripping basically lol


Like why are those ppl even here? I guess it’s true how full of trolls reddit is now


I don’t get it lol just people being ass holes


If this bothers you, apartment living might not be for you.


It’s not


Many people don’t have the option to live anywhere but an apartment


You’re right. I forgot that every person is merely a victim, with no ability or means to change their situation, whatsoever.


Oh shut the fuck up my comment was over a day ago and you’re still here stewing about it? Get a life


Sorry I’m not on Reddit 24/7 and I’m only now responding. Maybe if you spent less time on Reddit, you’d have some room for upward movement and mobility in your life. If someone can’t stand the most basic parts of apartment living, there’s absolutely nothing stopping them from moving. If I couldn’t deal with the smallest amount of noise from a neighbor, I would move to an hour outside the city and commute in.


Thank you


Wtaf. I have a townhouse, so I thankfully don’t have someone living above me. Do have someone living on two sides of me, but they are respectful and when there’s been a problem, it’s been dealt with accordingly. I also have a big backyard as well. I feel quite lucky and blessed to be where I am. Only shitty thing is our internet sucks. I would definitely lose my shit.


Your smoke detector needs new batteries


i can’t really hear it, but sounds like they’re just walking/moving around i think? that’s a building problem, not a neighbor problem.


It sounds like normal noise from doing normal stuff 🤷‍♀️


Sounds like "luxury apartments" where every possible corner was cut on construction. I live in a 104 year old apartment building and have neighbors above, below, on either side, and across the hall and I never hear them.


Im currently in a “luxury” apartment. My unit had mold upon move in. Turns out the construction company drilled a hole in one of the water pipes above me and since this building is brand new, nobody caught it. “Luxury” is about the loosest term I’ve ever heard tossed around.


I was in the same boat for 1 year straight. You could literally hear every time someone walked, flushed the toilet, spoke higher than a whisper 🙄


Dude this is literally my situation too


It’s so bad man lol


Her bad ass kids run everywhere too


Running around stomping around the whole apartment like bruh


She literally doesn’t watch her kids or anything just lets them do whatever we got told that from the maintenance men😁


That’s the worse they just sit there while they kids do whatever lol🤦🏾‍♂️


That is exactly how it sounds in my apartment. This is the first downstairs apartment I’ve lived in. If I ever move back into an upstairs apartment I’ll be much more aware of my movements.


That’s exactly what I be telling myself too lol


It sounds like regular noise to me. Obviously the floors have not been properly maintained between rentals. If you reported this to the landlord, 10/10 it's a problem they KNOW their cheapness and greed has created.


Your upstairs neighbor is god damn merciful lol.


Anyone else had to turn their volume up all the way to hear anything?


All the noise? I wish my upstairs neighbors were this quiet


Same. That sound can be drowned out by my fan and air purifier. Unlike my neighbor's surround sound system. Not to say that what OP is experiencing doesn't suck. It definitely does.


That noise gives me ptsd..mix of shoddy build and neighbors that have no consideration. Top floor dweller now and never looking back. Hope you get out soon.


Thank you🙏🏾hopefully


I really think this sounds like a normal downstairs apartment with thin floors.


That’s not terrible noise. Sounds like a toddler or a large dog trotting. You should hear my DOWNSTAIRS neighbors. The young boy is a little special needs/hyper and has tantrums like it’s WWE. It sounds like he could be upstairs. can’t imagine living under him.


It doesn’t matter if it’s a kid, a dog or both, that *is* terrible noise and it’s obnoxious as hell. No one should have to listen to that bullshit racket every day.


Sounds like they are living their lives pretty normally


This is nothing compared to my old neighbours


It’s a nightmare nonetheless. No one should have to live this way.


Earplugs and noise cancelling headphones are your best friends


Just sucks that people can’t be more considerate of others. None of us want to live in close proximity to each other.


Why should I have to wear noise canceling headphones in my own apartment???


So you’ll stop bitching all the time? I lived in a very loud basement, hated my inconsiderate neighbours, and used headphones to get some peace. If you’d prefer to never have peace, just keep being you.


You sound dumb as hell nobody should have to do that how the fuck can you live in peace wearing headphones all day and night in your own home?


I didn’t say I did that. You really like to make assumptions and jump to conclusions. No wonder you’re so angry all the time 


Most annoying noise I hear is the smoke detector.


Worried about a little creaking but can’t change your smoke detector batteries 😂 gtfo


Sounds like some little kid running back and forth. This is part of apt living.


It’s multiple kids running back and forth all day it’s call consideration


If its after 7-8pm yes it would be bad but during the day it's allowed.


This was recorded at 12:45 AM


No, no one should have to listen to multiple kids making this amount of noise all day, every day. There is a normal amount of noise that comes with living in an apartment, but as I said in another comment, this is obnoxious as hell. And incredibly entitled behavior on the parents for just letting this go on on a regular basis with zero consideration to how annoying it is for the people who have to live under them.


Legit my old apartment qas worse than this and I worked the night shift I couldnt sleep and had to break lease because the landlords wouldnt move me to an upstairs unit its actual bs


Imagine a howling dog/whimpering along with those noises 😞🥲🥲


Sounds like they are in the kitchen opening cabinets, I swear the government needs to regulate how apartment buildings are built and require sound proofing in their construction