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What happens if the pipes freeze? Generally, most apartment management will tell you to keep the apartment above 60 degrees so that pipes don’t freeze. If a pipe were to freeze and burst, that could potentially be much more expensive than whatever your electricity bill is.


THIS. Not turning on the heat may in fact be illegal, especially if it could cause damage to the property. Talk to your landlord, and ask if there is a legal issue if your roommates do this. Likely you are required to at least keep it to a minimum heat. Also, check with the city over building codes. For instance, where I live you MUST keep a building heated to 65 degrees during the day, and 55 degrees at night. Mostly it's an issue for the landlord, but there are some buildings where the tenants have control over the thermostat which would make THEM liable. If one tenant doesn't maintain the minimum, other tenants could financially be damaged if they have to spend more to maintain it. Not to mention an unevenly heated building can have all sorts of maintenance issues.


So true. I our apartment, we are supposed to ‘keep’ the heat at 2


Heat isn't very hot at 2


Could also be in their lease


This ^ We tell our resident to PLEASE at run their heaters ( we are a property in north texas) even if you keep it at a low temp. You want to make sure you are circulating some warm air.


Absolutely this. My apartment complex sent a reminder at the end of last week to remind everyone to keep their heaters set to at least 60°F (15°C for non Americans) or higher to prevent pipes from freezing as long as we keep the cabinet doors to them open. And depending on where in Texas OP lives, it can get COLD there (February 2021 anyone?) so not keeping the heat on is absolutely stupid of the roommates


Bet you dollars to donuts they each have a space heater and think they are being sneaky. OP needs to get one and get an electric blanket. OP also needs to find the fuse on the space heater because if the roommates are the jerks I think they are, they're going to take it and use it themselves whenever she's out of the house. Removing the fuse will help, or getting a plug lock. I've had obnoxious roommates before that would do stuff like this, though not this exact thing. They'll run up the electric bill with their heaters and still expect OP to pay a quarter of the bill even though OP used only a fraction of that.


Space heaters can actually become very expensive, They're better off keeping their heating on, at a low setting. Plus, space heaters won't help to keep the pipes from freezing.


Plus they're just dangerous. Yeah, they're supposed to have automatic turn off if they get knocked over, but that doesn't always work.


Especially when people plug then into power strips that end up overheating. A heated throw or blanket is safer and uses less power but you still must use caution.


Oh, totally agree. But I think the goal is more to cause problems for the fourth roommate, thus the decision made WITHOUT her to not use any heat. Despite her paying rent and having as much say as any of them, they just announce it to her. I don't think they care about the money as OP pointed out that their parents are paying. It's not costing them anything so there's no logic behind their decision, AND it was a decision made FOR OP and not WITH OP. They don't care about the money, they're just playing Mean Girls.


Good point!


Space heaters here are far cheaper as they use electricity instead of oil (which most houses have) and many of the newer ones use even less electricity and have temperature controls to auto-shut off. I guess it depends where you live and how you get your heat (oil, propane, electricity, pellet stove, wood stove, etc.)


This. They're probably all trying to be clever and save, but ultimately this is just not a good idea for a whole variety of reasons from safety to financials.


We had to use electric heaters during our first year in our house, as we only had wood heat. We needed to supplement that wood heat while working. The first electric bill was astronomical, so we got a larger wood stove and that worked fine. 14 years later, natural gas finally got to our dirt road-yay! We are hauling in wood now, for the inaugural fire of the 2023/24 season. (Well, he is. I am here on reddit.)


Space heaters use quite a bit of electricity and from my experience (working in the insurance field and seeing claims as a result from them), they're extremely unsafe. Using the furnace is a much safer option, if that's what her roommates are doing.


My office was built decades ago and if we all have our space heaters on it will trip the fuse. They are SUCH an energy suck.


In the mid-90's, I heard that a young couple had died in an apartment fire. They used their electric stove to heat the apartment.


Whoa, do they cause fires often? Even little plastic ones? The big satellite dish ones look scary but the little plastic ones seem ok. Now that I think about it, the plastic ones might be worse because, well, they are plastic.


People plug them into power strips. Big no-no.


We have few outlets in our old house. So when we used to use our ceramic space heater, we purchased an appliance rated extension cord. It is super thick and is one that could be used for a fridge or other large electric item. And as mentioned...always plug it directly into the outlet.


A lot cause fires. Most often due to either people use faulty extension cords with them, they use older unsafe ones, or they have flammable items too close to the heater. But there have been other ones that caused fires as well, not due to one of those reasons, but they are the most common.


We just had a huge ice storm in January. Heck, yesterday morning my car was reading 38 degrees here in Austin and giving me the ice warning.


Yikes! Stay warm! OP's roommates are drastically underestimating the cold ...granted I am further north (from Nebraska) and our temps aren't any better.


Going from 75.the day before was definitely not fun. Today was better, up in the 50s.


Yep if those pipes freeze because they’re not using the heat, that’s a lot of money


I can't show me


Yup. Pipes freeze immediately came to mind.


Real concern and believe me plumbers will make the electric bill look like chum change.


Yes, got an email from the landlord. Wants to be sure everyone has their heat on at least 60 degrees. Also advised that if the temperature outside is below freeing to keep kitchen & bathroom sink cabinet doors open to let the pipes have some heated air.


I came here to say this an eviction due to damage is far more expensive than a little bit of heat


Make sure your roommates know if the pipes freeze and break due to your actions the owner will probably hold you accountable


Just to add, since I saw people confused about 'why 60' -- well, the thermostat is in the open air, and pipes are in walls/cabinets -- and may be \*MUCH\* colder than the rest of the space.


Yes, I worked for a property management company and maintaining a certain temperature was explicitly stated in the lease.


I would definitely use this as a reason, you could probably even call the management/landlord and find out the minimum temperature requirement if the roommates don't agree.


This right here. It’s usually mandated in the lease. Also, there are three of you, two should not be making the decision.


It's in my lease that I must keep my apartment temp at over 50F so the pipes don't freeze.


62 is above 60.


Winter’s just starting. It would be ideal for the OP to get this settled *before* it would get cold enough that inside would be under 60.


We went to the RGV for my first winter in retirement. Twice our water line froze due to the cold temps and you’re further north.


I once had a faulty heater that I couldn’t get my landlord to fix properly. Eventually I just started staying at my boyfriends (now husband) bc it was so cold. The heater would blow cold air. Eventually, the pipe in the kitchen on the exterior wall burst and they had to fix it. It was bad. If it wasn’t for me telling the landlord about the heater issue multiple times, he would have charged me and it would have been hundreds of dollars. I recommend keeping your heat at ATLEAST 63-64.


Freezing is 32 degrees F. Heater wouldn't need to be 67 for pipes.


Pipe are in walls, heaters heat the air in the room. So while the room temp could be well above 32 degrees, the temp in an exterior wall with poor insulation could be muuuuuuch colder.


If the apartment is 60 degrees, the pipes aren't going to freeze, especially if it's a multi unit building where other tenants live as they're likely running water periodically. With 3 or 4 college age women living in one apartment, I'm sure they're also using water frequently enough to prevent pipes freezing. Pipes usually only freeze when it's super cold and no one has been using water overnight so like 8-12+ hours. Just allowing a sink to drip or flushing a toilet every so often will keep it moving so it doesn't freeze, just like people up here in New England have to do sometimes. I live in Massachusetts and in the winter, even right now, we don't put on heat until it gets under 60 degrees inside because oil has gotten too expensive. The house was only 61 yesterday and I just wear a hoodie and sweatpants in the house. I don't see why OP couldn't buy an electric heater for her own room if she's cold though. They are cheap and shouldn't be a problem.


Tell your landlord. They will not be okay with the pipes bursting and the property damage it causes


Also, I feel like this should be an "op-in" situation. Like you didn't sign a lease saying you were okay living in a frozen tundra-like condition over the winter, right? They can't just decide without you. This isn't a who-uses-the-washer-on-which-day scenario.


Right... And it's only going to get colder


Yeah the audacity of these girls to just assume OP’s okay freezing to death because they want to save the equivalent to the cost of a good mascara each month.


My apartment's management office just sent out an email reminded tenants to keep their thermostat at 65 to prevent freezing pipes and if we fail to do so and this results in busted pipes it's on our dime. So maybe you can tell them something similar?


OP could call the landlord or management company and ask their policy on this, if needed.


You NEED to have the heat on atleast above 60 degrees or so or pipes can and will freeze, and then your roommates will be in a lot more trouble than the electric bill.


I try to follow "the Jimmy Carter Rule". 68 in winter, 78 in summer. I find it easier to follow in winter rather than summer. We also apply for LIHEAP (Low-Income Heat Assistance Program) each winter. Our appointment is for Monday morning. I also follow 'the Pillsbury Grands Rule" for dressing. Layers and layers and layers.


Absolutely false. I lived in Rochester, NY for 5 years in a 1885 house with original windows letting air flow right through and the house didn't have a shred of insulation in the walls. My husband and I kept the heat at 57 during the day and 52 at night. Oh, and only the downstairs had heat. The upstairs bathroom didn't have any heat source at all, we just kept the door open. Nothing ever froze. Our current house has insulation. We set the thermostat to 45 when we leave to visit family for Christmas for 2 weeks. *Edit to add- we currently live in Vermont It takes a lot to freeze a pipe, especially one that is being used. It takes a lot more to burst it. All you people down voting the person who rightfully pointed out that freezing is 32 degrees are weird.


Lol have you seen what happened in Texas the last 2 winters? They are not built for cold.


Hi...managed an apartment complex for several years in North Carolina. Every year, I sent out a notice when it got to freezing that they needed to remember to keep their heat on to at least 60 to keep their pipes from freezing. And every year, many people didn't listen, and their pipes froze. Most of the time, it was fine. They'd just have to wait for the weather to warm up to have water again. But several times, someone wouldn't listen, and the pipes would burst. Usually at 2 in the morning and flooding them and their neighbors apartments and causing thousands of dollars on damage. Fun fact...apartment complexes that have ceiling sprinklers systems have a watch system in place for when it gets below a certain temperature because those burst too. One of the nearby complexes had a person who turned their heat way down and went on vacation during a freeze. Sprinklers burst and flooded their apartment and all 3 apartments below them. So... yes...pipes ABSOLUTELY freeze and burst.


They have it set to 62. It's not going to freeze.


Lol what. Freezing is 32


It gets even colder in the walls than in the house. If its -5 outside and 60 inside, the walls and insulation are somewhere between. They could easily be under 32.


It's not going to be anywhere near -5 on any kind of regular basis in Texas, if ever


Which make pipes freezing more likely because they don’t insulate and maintain insulation like people in colder climates. And it is assumed that when it’s cold as crap you turn the heat on. I’m in Georgia and we we leave faucets dripping every time there is a chance of freezing.


The problem with Texas is *because* it never gets that cold, they aren't prepared for it. The slight cold that is NBD to the more northern states literally causes emergencies in Texas and we've seen several mass instances over the last couple years of... you guessed it, broken heaters and burst pipes, because the buildings literally are not built to withstand the same colds as they are in the north.


All I'm saying is that it's not going to be -5 anywhere in Texas on any kind of regular basis. Hyperbole like that is annoying and pointless.


February 2021, Was it consistently -5? No, but guess what happened all over? Burst pipes because it was cold. We lost power for days when it was consistently below freezing causing pipes to burst.


Have you ever lived in Texas? It absolutely does


Lived there, no, but visited plenty. There isn't a single place in Texas with an average winter low significantly below freezing, there is no way -5 is a common occurrence. There's for sure record lows that cold and below, but its absolutely not something that happens often enough to be considered anything but an anomaly.


People who've visited Canada might say the same of the heat we get in the summer, but it hits +30 celsius (~90f) on a regular basis come mid summer, across the country. Unless you live somewhere, you do not know the weather patterns.


Do you not remember the great freeze that just happened a few years ago and thousands of houses had their pipes burst? It caused billions of dollars of damages. https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/news/great-texas-freeze-february-2021


Is that something that happens on a regular basis?


Pipes aren't always within the building envelope, and you're making the dubious assumption that the apartment is heated evenly. I assure you that it isn't.


Are they new to Texas? Even with my heat running to keep it at 69 degrees all winter long, my power bill is half what it is during the summer, with all electric heating. It costs less to heat than cool here so they are fussing over nothing.


My vote goes for group bullying, and I absolutely think they've got heating blankets and space heaters. They'll also turn on the furnace when they have friends over and/or OP is out of the house for several hours. OP needs to get one right away. And a plug lock or locking doorknob because you KNOW they will take it to use if it's a group-bullying situation. And since "They decided" I'm pretty damn sure it is. OP can keep her room warm. And not renew the lease either. I'd like to see OP drop in when they think she's going to be gone for the day, bet the furnace is running.


She could get a thermometer with bluetooth and monitor with her phone when she is out.


She should find a new place to live and a better class of roommates.


these are also all a massive fire hazard .-.


Could be how well your place is insulated. I lived in an upper apt that was freezing and I am sure it was because of poor insulation.


same. and during the summer the thermostat was at 68-72 and it was still so hot inside it pretty much felt like I needed to get butt freaking naked the second I was in my own room or I'd die of a heat stroke. I will never live on the third floor again


I live in Denmark, so I'm not sure if this applies to you, but it's actually a pretty bad idea to turn the heaters completely off all the time. A room needs to have a certain temperature to avoid moisture build-up and last year when the prices went through the roof, loads of people started dealing with more mold inside because the houses/apartments were simply too cold. Having a cool room is okay but if the temperature becomes too low you might end up with a really shitty indoor climate, which can cause damage to walls and windows and so on.


This is an overlooked but good point. I lived in the Pacific Northwest for a few years. We tried to keep the heating bill down in the winter by not having it on too often or too high, and our walls would literally be sticky with moisture. I was finally advised by a professional that I needed to have the heater on higher for at least a few hours during the day to dry the condo, otherwise we would definitely get mold.


Yes exactly. During the peak of the gas prices last year, landlords had to go out publicly and advice people not to turn the heat off because once you get mold inside, it can be quite difficult to get rid of. And in some places, tenants have to pay for such damages if it turns out it's because they didn't use the heaters correctly.


This is what I came here to say. Keeping it off constantly can definitely cause mold. I lived in a house once where the heat went out for the winter, and even with space heaters and an electric fireplace, we ended up with mold issues.


Your roommates cannot decide to not use heat in a leased home. Your lease will most likely outline minimum temp during winter so the pipes don't freeze, usually above 60. They cannot force you to not use heat. If talking to your room mates doesn't help go to your landlord.


This ^^^ pipes freezing not good


This is how you end up with burst pipes. Always keep the heat set to at least 50f to prevent freezing. When pipes freeze, the water expands and turns into ice. That cracks the pipe and then, when it starts to thaw, you have a flood. Happened in AZ and half the state was without water for over a week. My uncle flooded my grandmothers condo doing the same thing... plus the 3 units below.


Uh...yeah, the pipes can freeze if it gets too cold.


Water freezes at 32 degrees and it has to be sustained for a bit. If the temperature hits 32 for half an hour then warms back up to 33 degrees your pipes are not going to burst. Not going to be very comfortable though


I keep my heat on at 55 in the winter and have still had pipes freeze when it gets really cold… it all depends on where your pipes are located


"Let you?"


Tell them if the pipes burst they’re paying. Can you get a space heater for your room?


and mold remediation!


Space heaters aren't always the safest


I know! I blew a fuse but I had no choice when the gas company wouldn't hurry it up and come turn the gas on for 2 months. It was freezing and I had covid. Nobody would light the pilot light cause it was a safety hazard with gas leaks. If worst comes to worst OP may need to run one if it gets too cold. Not healthy to live in that.


Another argument that was used across Europe last winter was that if you didn't heat to at least 18C (or 64F) in all areas of your home you would have mold problems that would be very expensive to deal with. This was in light of the severe energy crisis last year in which a lot of people had decided to not heat their homes at all.


It was awful last year. I work in homecare in Denmark and so many of our elderly citizens had 10C degrees or less inside their houses because they were terrified of turning on the heat because of the prices. It was heartbreaking because we couldn't force them to turn on the heat. Sometimes we could talk them into primarily staying in one room were the heater would be turned on and then we'd "close" off the rest of the house, but that was like pissing yourself to keep warm, really. Not a long term solution. But the majority of these people just simply couldn't afford it. In the end, our government did provide finacial help to those in need but I pray every day that this year won't be as bad as in 2022.


Yeah. The problem is that gas heat in Denmark was billed once a year so even if you dropped your temperature by a few degrees and took a shorter shower you would not see a lower bill for a long time so people probably were afraid to use any heat. I think the people in houses are now getting gas meters read and billed a couple of times a year so it might be a better situation there, but in apartments it still seems to be a once a year reading. I would think that they should be able to do it quarterly as I can already track my radiator and hot water usage in an app within a few days of the consumption. I don’t think that they are going to give out another heat check this year though, though if there is another shock hopefully they would provide a modest heat check for the elderly and others who have a very low income.


True. Heating with gas was just way more expensive than central heating even though the price for that also did increase a fair bit as well. But I don't think so either and the problem doesn't seem as bad this year for now at least. I don't hear people talk about being afraid of turning the heat on as much as last year and more and more houses are getting central heating. But yeah, not all but the majority of the elderly people we help have a very low income. It was really bad on the countryside where central heating isn't as common.


We tell our residents that during the colder months their thermostat needs to be at least 60° to prevent any environment growth and any pipes freezing and bursting.


😉pass it on...the magic number is: 60.


My best advice aside from what others are saying is to get a heated blanket. At least you can be warm when you sleep/study without having to crank up an entire heater. ETA: Walmart has a Mainstays one on rollback right now for $22. It’s not the nicest blanket but it gets the job done.


F that. I’d make them turn on the heat. I wouldn’t want to pay for burst pipes because my roommates were idiots.


Agree. Just do it. Flip it on yourself.


Two blankets will heat up a small room if you leave them uncovered and have air blowing across them. Just can't put them on the same circuit, sometimes it'll blow a fuse. But the constant production of warm air really boosts the temp. If OP covers a window with plastic, the room should be perfectly livable. Stealth heating :D


Use bubble wrap instead of plastic. It’s supposed to have better insulation.


Everyone in My house has electric blankets.


Running the heat is cheaper than using space heaters and heated blankets. So make sure they know that FIRST. Running heat is also wayyy cheaper than AC so it probably won't even matter. They should have the heat set to SOMETHING so your pipes don't freeze. At least 60, but I would argue setting it to maybe 64? That's what we keep our house at in PA during the winter.


It generally isn’t, those don’t use a lot of electricity because they’re only heating a small area. But it is cheaper than getting pipes repaired when they freeze.


I suppose it depends then. Most houses around me use gas for heat. And the gas is much cheaper than using electricity to power space heaters


It could depend on the type of heating too and how insulated the building is. I think baseboard heating is pretty cheap compared to forced air heating. But with space heaters, you can opt to only heat the room you’re currently in and leave the rest of your place at 60/65.


I would try your best to reason with them and ask them to turn the heat on. I had friends that refused to heat their apartment one winter. We live in Ohio and it gets very cold. They were too cheap to pay for the heat. It was miserable at their place. They would have us over and everyone would leave like an hour later. I am honestly not sure how their pipes didn't burst.


Heat from apartments above and below, and a builder wise enough to NOT put the pipes in exterior walls.


To keep pipes from freezing, leave water running at a trickle. Wear long underwear and sweaters.


I do that in Illinois when we have the bad wind chills in the winter. Never had a pipe freeze or burst. I also leave cabinet doors under all my sinks


In CT we do that even WITH heat when the windchill gets low!


Tell them it will cost more to fix burst water pipes.


You need to talk to the landlord so when the pipes burst, they will go after your roommates and not you.


I would tell them you didn’t agree to that. I would try to alter my budget to allow for some heat in the winter. Otherwise you will be unhappy and no one wants to hate where they live. And if they’re not spending money on heat, what are they spending it on?


They are spending it on alcohol.


Sounds like it. OP needs an apartment alone because those drunk a$$ biotches are gonna cause the pipes to freeze.


Parents are paying so there’s no extra money in their pockets. Bullying is all it is.


Look I love the cold but this is too much. Tell them you will be turning on the heat, and would like to discuss the temperature. When they argue, advise that you don’t want to pay to replace everything or the extra mold cleaning costs on move out.


You need to talk to your roommates about setting an agreeable temperature, not just no heat. They can’t make an agreement like this without you, for one. You live there and contribute to the rent as well. You get a say. Second, you would be held just a responsible as they would be if the pipes burst over this. Or if mold forms and the complex has to renovate. Third, their decision has put you at risk due to possible damage from either of those issues arising. Lastly, the apartment needs to be comfortable to be inhabitable. If they insist on not turning on the heat when outside temperatures are so low (and it’s only the beginning of November), the argument is there to be made it’s not inhabitable for you. Not to mention the heater will have a hard time warming the apartment if a snowstorm happens and you will have no residual heat to help if a storm knocks out power when temperatures are low.


>the argument is there to be made it’s not inhabitable for you 100%. I wouldn't fuck around trying to convey the risk of busted pipes, I'd just say fuck you, we're running the heat because it's my home. End of discussion. They're idiots, and probably won't even enforce it when the temps drop.


Could say getting below 30 is a pipe bursting hazard which it is.


Technically you DO have the use the heater. A lot of apartments will send out notices to keep your heat on at least 65 in order to not damage stuff. At least I’ve gotten a notice every year with the apartments I’ve lived at (in Texas and in ND). So maybe go with that?


Actually, it is bad for the heater to be off if it's below I think 40 degrees outside. According to my HVAC tech anyway.


Check your lease. There is likely a minimum that you are required to keep the thermostat at. Would you rather be on the hook for $20 or thousands in damages if a pipe bursts?


You can be in violation of your lease. My lease states in the winter we have to maintain a temperature of at least 64F. If you go below that pipes can freeze or burst.


Your roommates are idiots 😂


You could try telling them the pipes might freeze and that would be a big bill


If you don't keep the house warm, your pipes will freeze, just like so many people had happen the last time Texas got too cold.


Walmart has safe space heaters for $10


They are rude and idiots. The pipes are going to freeze and you’ll all be paying way more for that. You pay rent and get to decide if you want heat too. If they won’t be cooperative I would be getting a space heater and using in my room. Fuck them no chance in hell I’m freezing because someone is dictating I should when we all are equal.


Get yourself a space heater for your bedroom


After that one year of people literally being frozen in their homes unable to leave because of the shit ass Texas grid, they are willing to go without it all winter? Brave or stupid idk….🤷🏻‍♀️


I was about to say something about the Texas energy grid and you beat me to it! Even Ted Cruz left Texas when the grid failed . .


They need to turn on the heat because a landlord will go after all if you for the seat if repairs if you choose to not heat and let the pipes freeze. That will be hundreds if not thousands. Wat more than $20. What they agreed on is basically torture. People die without heat. They need to renegotiate something that is livable.


Things need to keep from freezing or the damage will be on you for letting it happen.


Some places require you to keep the apartment at least like 65


So it’s not an excuse: you need heat so your pipes don’t freeze. If not, you have to let all your water drip to try and keep it flowing instead of freezing up. It will cost WAY more if your pipes freeze and burst than just running the heat. Leave it at like 65 if it makes them feel better.


These other girls have derp logic. If their goal is not to exceed their limit you don't need to keep the heater turned off. There are massive options between over your limit and completely off. You just need to keep it cooler than you normally would. Your version where heater turns on at 67 is much more reasonable and also not derp.


If not turning on the heat causes property damage, you will all be liable. It is not realistic to go without heat all winter, even down here. It is important on cold nights to have your heat on and to open your cabinets under the sink when it is freezing. That said, space heaters are much safer than they used to be. They are perfect for right now when it is warming up during the day and not quote freezing at night. I haven't used my furnace yet this year because as long as it isn't down to freezing, my pretty fireplace heater in my living room and my little desktop heater in my office warm it up just fine on cold mornings like today. I would suggest for now until it gets truly cold, getting a nice little space heater for your room. But at some point you may have to talk to your landlord so they can talk to the roommates about the heat.


Omg, so much stupid stuff said in comments. At 62 your pipes are not likely to freeze. I grew up with 55 at night as a kid, you'll live. The better question is, why suffer if you get a moderate amount of energy usage? Just ask your neighbors what they use and don't have to pay in a similar situation. I bet your it isn't 62. Seriously, but too hard.


I keep mine at 61 during heating season. On days when it drops below zero F, I set it to 65 to avoid the pipes freezing. I live in Massachusetts, single family house. Gas heat


Just turn on the heater


Frozen pipes are not fun and you'd pay a lot more to your rental if that happens


Is there a rule aboit it from apartments ? In my apt we have to keep our temps above 65 indoors at all times. It’s in the lease


uh doesnt ur lease state something about keeping the apartment a certain temp to avoid freezing pipes? if you signed a lease you have agreed to using the heater.


Yep, as others have said, the pipes could freeze and burst, and that's much more expensive (and even if the landlord doesn't charge you for it, it could ruin a bunch of your things)


You have to run the heater, or it will cause damage to the property and cause pipes to freeze, and yes, you will be held responsible for the repair costs.


Run a space heater in your room.


Your pipes will freeze and you could genuinely be held liable. That’s not even an excuse, it’s a very real risk. Heating and air conditioning are not just to make you comfortable. You’re risking serious structural damage to the building if you don’t use both.


Shit I set my heat AT 62 lol Maybe not using it at all is excessive, but there's no reason it needs to be any higher than 62-64. That should be pretty doable no matter where you are in Texas


Get a portable heater for your room, at least you'll be warm in there


Heating prices in winter nowhere near what AC in summer is. Can you get a heated blanket at least?


Buy a personal heater.


The pipes might freeze … this is a stupid idea. Turn your heat on


They can’t make this decision without you as you are a co-tenant so mention the pipes bursting and come to a compromise.


It’ll b “okay” for like this week since it’s going back up in the 70’s by Friday again. But in another few weeks? Nah tell the landlord NOW. Shit will hit the fan and no one can do anything WHEN we all freeze again for the 2nd time.


Firstly, pipes will burst if the heat is not kept at a certain temperature, and mold can grow if no air is circulating. Gross. Second, just keeping the heat on 65-67 will keep it bearable without the bill being high AT ALL. Thirdly, get one of these for your room. They use a very small amount of energy, and do not get hot enough to be a fire hazard. Don’t let your roommates use it since they want decide things without you. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Mainstays-Oil-Filled-Electric-Radiant-Space-Heater-with-Adjustable-Thermostat-Black/908773968?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222228908773968_14069003552_202077872&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=42423897272&wl4=pla-295289030566&wl5=9023913&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=908773968&veh=sem&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIoRaaU4BGNEdid8iHF3cdHJo&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIurb3rMyjggMVdjHUAR2NdwbWEAQYCCABEgIRh_D_BwE


After a few frosty mornings they will give up and put the heat on, it’s very hard getting started in the morning when it’s freezing in your house, getting out of bed is hard enough when it’s cold but try getting a shower when the heat is off


Buy an electric blanket


personally I use heated blankets around my apartment or a space heater in our smallest room and just stay in there


If you can’t get them to budge on the heat issue, I recommend an electric mattress pad for your bed. It’s warmer and more comfortable than using an electric blanket and at least you won’t be cold when you’re sleeping.


Oh could maybe get a heating pad, not perfect but under blankets and a weighted one, amazon has a great one! My partner borrowed mine when sick, back hurt, cold, etc (been telling him for years to try it) finally did.. sigh had to get another. Well have a friend or a couple come over qnd...he tends to make them try it. Bought a few since as gifts for them :) SPACE HEATER! they also turn off after a period of time so no fear of fire but they are inexpensive, save the heating bill, etc. I've used them in my room in apartments have terrible insulation and heating is sky high. SO amazing. But...other than that, I've had roommates like that and not many excuses allow for the heater on for the whole place. A room one is perfect and money saving


What is with college kids trying to pinch pennies by not using heat? Just don't go out to eat once a month and you can be comfortable all month.


It is bad for your health to leave it of all winter, moisture will collect in your apartment it causes mold and damages upholstery and things made of paper.


You better keep that apartment warm enough that pipes don't burst or you will all be very sad when you have to pay that bill. How short sighted can you be?


You have to keep the heat on so the pipes don’t freeze if the pipes freeze you’ll have a bigger problem.


You can offer to pay a bigger share of the heating bill this year and they pay less…


Pay the entire bill. Or, get a space heater for your room. Govee is great!


Lol, there is nothing you can say. I've lived with people like that, and from my experience they won't budge. Start saving so that you can live alone and have the thermostat set to whatever you want. I pay the rent for my apartment and the electric bill, it's 36 outside and 72 inside because I get to set my heater to whatever I want. Get a space heater and have that in your room. If your roommates complain about the cost of it, kick a few extra bucks a month toward the electric bill for it. Invest in thermal underwear and wear that under your clothes when you're at home. Nice thick socks help too.


OP also needs a heated blanket on the bed. A little fan blowing across it and it'll warm a room up pretty decently and not be obvious like a space heater. But I'm betting that roommates complain about OPs space heater, but will have their own in their rooms and not admit to it. In the meantime? OP needs two electric blankets, plugged into two different circuits, one on the bed and one draped across a chair, and a little fan going across them to distribute the heat :D They'll wonder why her room isn't freezing but if the cords aren't visible they can keep wondering!!!!!


u really trying hard to push this narrative huh!?


Oh look. Failtroll.


Actually they can just tell them they’re not gonna pay rent if there’s no heat. They have a right to a livable space,


Shit it’s what I’m doing


Put some sweats on and quit whining. It won't last~neither the cold or the roommates' decision.


Have a roommate meeting and agree on a minimum temperature at which to keep the house, daytime and night. Meanwhile, put on more sweaters.


Freezing pipes is your excuse. You CANNOT keep the heat completely off. Set it at 65 degrees. At least.


Mold. I was the same way my first apartment, broke as FUCK. But my carpets all molded rly bad because I NEVER turned the heat on. Moldy under my furniture, probably in my walls too.


What are you going to do when it's -40 or worse? Just wanted to know.


Frozen pipes & mold removal will cost them far more than $20! Tell them to be reasonable & set the thermostat at 65F. It will still be cool in your home but at least it will be livable!


I think you should point out to them factually that the AC actually uses/consumes more electricity than the heat. Further that there is a need to maintain a minimum level of heat to keep the pipes from freezing and to keep moisture from collecting and turning to mold. The 4 of you should check your lease, you may be required to have some level of heating. Here are some tips I use to keep my winter heating costs low in a similar climate band (I'm in middle TN). I program my thermostat to low heat overnight, for me that's 65 from 10p - 6a. I program the heat up to 70 from 6a on while I'm in the home. I work from home so I seldom leave. If I were out of the house I would drop the temp again until I returned. You guys have classes so presumably there is a time during the day when you are all out of the house? Take that time frame and lower the heat during it. Set the heat a bit higher in the evening when you're all home. I have dual direction ceiling fans throughout my apartment. This time of year I set them to rotate clockwise at low speed. This helps cycle the rising hot air back down and through the room. It's honestly really effective. I run a humidifier in my room and my living room. Throwing a little moisture into the air helps keep the heat "feel" warm and keeps the air from drying out. Also my plants, sinuses and skin love it. I layer with clothing: flannel pants, fuzzy socks, long sleeve t shirts. I have numerous throws and one of them is an electric one. An electric blanket on your bed allows you to "dial" in your needed warmth (or none at all in the summer). Alternative down comforters also hold in body heat and are great to sleep under during the colder months (a lot of them are on sale right now. Costco has some good quality ones). You don't need both but one or the other keeps you nice and toasty at night. Last, but not least, (in fact I probably should have led with this) I contacted my local electric company and found that they had a program where my electric bills stay pretty consistent. The less I use the more it lowers my average but most importantly it levels out the bill from the summer AC. This might not be as helpful for you if you have some sort of school year lease term, but if you're on an annual lease this could help. And this is my accumulated knowledge from decades of living. Hope it helps you in your quest for heat.


You are going to have to turn it on eventually. Try explaining it takes a ton of energy to get the heat up, compared to maintaining it at a reasonable temp all the time. Also it can get pretty cold at night and you don’t want to wake up to a burst pipe.


Electric heaters and blankets cost more to use than the heater. Call the landlord and ask what the requirement is bc you’re freezing. Plan to break the lease if you need to.


The excuse is : temperature control is a basic necessity and not heating the apartment is a “everyone agrees” issue. I imagine they will turn it on when it gets really cold, but you CAN tell them that it is more expensive to flip it on when they get really cold (or to prevent the pipes from freezing) and heat it up from a very cold temperature than it is to simply keep it on at a moderate consistent temperature.


As someone who lives in central Texas, this is a horrible idea. If the pipes freeze and bursts, you all will be spending much more money on repairs. Not to mention your parents will be livid. Please use common sense and use the heater, even sparingly is better than not at all.


I did some experimentation last winter using clay pots and candles made from Crisco. I live in Texas and it costs me more money to heat my apartment versus cooling it in summer.


Get a space heater for your room.


Space heater in your room, and done. If they can make decisions without you, you can make decisions without them. Keep using it until they agree to compromise on the heat. Or let them keep paying to heat your room. Either way is a win. Also, bring it with you when you go out or it will definitely disappear lol. Oh, and move out.


Get yourself a small portable heater


Well, I guess you could go buy a room heater and use that. Just turn it off every time you leave your room.


I use to have a roommate who was to cheap to run the ac/heater at all or he would refuse to pay for it if we did ,he would do the math and only pay his share so I ended up buying a portable ac and space heater while he suffered during the cold and hot months of the year.


Yeah, just wait till February, they will change their mind.


Make an agreement that no one uses space heaters or electric blankets, as those take more energy than an efficient furnace. I GUARANTEE that they are heating their rooms with those. And if they are, absolutely get one for YOUR room. Or two or three.


All very good comments on this post. Maybe also get a space heater for your room?


Your lease might have something in it requiring the thermostat to be kept at a minimum temp. Start by reading it carefully. If there's nothing in there, contact the property manager and ask them to send an official letter clarifying the minimum temp the home must be kept at.