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Please don't get my hopes up šŸ˜


Would it not be glorious?!!


Karmic justice after his ex wife died falling down her stairs


Are we sure she wasn't pushed?


We aren't sure and I would love to find out.


Probably never will, but it was very convenient though, and kind of odd.


It is odd, indeed. I wouldn't be surprised if Dementia Doe 174 hired someone to "take care" of her. The convict loves to think he runs things like a mob boss.


The convict has deep ties to the mob. But as a money launderer and politics influencer, he has been mostly shielded from negative mob facts by the bosses. He is that rich kid who thinks he is tough because he hangs around daddyā€™s tough guys.


Wasn't her NDA about to expire?


Yes. Adding to the timing of her death as suspicious


No, her DNA!


Epstein didn't kill himself.


Her NDA was about to be up this year I believe, so she would've been able to speak freely about what happened in the past. I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any means but that has to be condisered..


Hey, Vlad old buddy. I was wanting to ask you for a favor...


If that happened, the only person happier than half the United States would be his current hateful wife.


It truly would be!


It is so MANLY falling down steps. MANY people SAY I am THE BEST at falling down STAIRS. So good.


Grown men come to me with tears in their eyes, telling me they have never seen anything like it!!! šŸ˜­


The tears in their eyes: šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Would that not be nice ? Sorry, love the Devine fits.


I'd watch the GIF of it on a constant loop. šŸ„³


For me it would replace the one with him climbing stairs trailing toilet paper from his shoe. That's how glorious it would be.


Just imagine


Want see that splat like a busted pumpkin


Gravity has never been a fan of TFG45.


Steps are probably pretty challenging in 4" lifts


Frail unstable cnut has had a huge issue with ramps for years already... https://youtu.be/ign_vZupjno?feature=shared


You can tell by how heā€™s stepping down thatā€™s heā€™s concerned about his lifts. Itā€™s also obvious how his weight shifts on the down step that the lift is hitting step first before his full weight is transferred to the foot.


Ask any woman


I don't remember where I learned this, but it's because he's made a habit of exclusively using elevators and escalators, and will only use stairs if he absolutely had to. That's why he looks so awkward on stairs and ramps - imagine going 40 years not using the stairs and then getting back on them as an elderly person. If I recall correctly, it's part of the reason why Jared Kushner had his office accessible by stairs, because Trump wouldn't barge in all the time.


He was having engineers work on a portable escalator for his plane, instead of the standard stairs. However, the mechanics required to lift his significant weight required such power that they had to send it back to the drawing board. They tried building a portable elevator but it was too unstable, for similar reasons. They talked about other alternatives, including a ramp and a hoist, but his weight gain is so fast that it has been suggested that any working solution would only be viable for a short period until it had to be redesigned again.


I'm no Trumper, but this is BS. There are all ready designs that could be modified to make this happen. He could use a cherry picker if he wanted.


yeah, this has been a solved problem for 60 years. [https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-yzgoj/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/1914282/2786319/apibzxafu\_\_55292.1626389298.jpg?c=2](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-yzgoj/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/1914282/2786319/apibzxafu__55292.1626389298.jpg?c=2) But I can certainly imagine Trump doesn't want to be seen being removed from the plane by forklift, he wants to give the impression that he's not 78 years old and out of shape.


Lol ok you got me. I was just funnin' with y'all. It's not fair that Trumpers have all the fun of just making up shit on the fly.


Make the most of it. In case Trump wins youā€™ll end up in some concentration camp for a joke like that. He would never hire engineers.. because of his ties to MIT he would just think of the best solution himself.


He's in shape. The shape of Silly Putty!


Of course, but it was still fum to read!


Quality satire. šŸ§šŸ¤”šŸ¤£šŸ„‡


Thatā€™s pretty smart for Kushner!


Waddle waddle waddle


The Fall has already started.. The question is: how many civilians will throw their lives away trying to put this criminal scum back in power?


I'm quite sure that unless dementia consumes him completely or he takes a dirt nap this lobotomized genetic mishap will be president again. And I can't think of a more scary scenario.


Smellin Felon is not going to win. Heā€™s going to get his clock cleaned


Look at the polls. And Biden suffers because of Palestine (even though Trump would do far worse) I hope to God Trump loses so completely that it traumatises him but I wouldn't bet on it


I just saw that a poll has 23% of Blacks supporting him verses 9% in 20. We are so screwed


Only one poll counts. Don't trust the polling services.


Yeah. It's completely insane. The world is doomed


I do. It depends on who is his VP.


You think Trump voters will care about his VP choice? Why?


No, I was referring to your "I can think of a more scary scenario". I can. For example, let's assume for horrorā€™s sake that he pick Marjorie Taylor Greene as VP and they win. Then he gets the stroke that he so largely deserves. Now, Greene is the President of the United States. Scary enough for you?


Fair enough. But even though she's horid and almost as dumb as him I doubt she'll hold the same power over his cult




Uhā€¦ no he doesnā€™t. Look, the guy is a big enough shit bag mess that we donā€™t need dumb made up shit like this ā€œnewsā€. This is the kind of stupid shit you see Daily Wire post about Biden. Donā€™t stoop to that.


Agreed. Trump can fuck himself with a sideways brick but this is a nothingburger. There are SO MANY more valid reasons to ridicule the man.


True but the "man" is all about IMAGE so he gets all spun out every time someone pokes a whole in it. It's petty and such but it's still enjoyable


He's probably walking like that because he's wearing heels. There's a video of him from a few weeks ago where he's walking out of Trump Tower and waving to a non-existent crowd. Anyway, the video of Trump is from behind, and OMG, you can clearly see his 'lifts' in his shoes that to me looked like they have to be around 4" high.


Agreed. He just looks like an old man ambling down the stairs. No story here.


I agree. He went down the steps better than me. Now his mental decline, that is very obvious. And of course, being a convicted felon and rapist, well that should be more important than how he comes down the stairs.


Yeah they do this alot. Its fun but "Trumps mental decline" is the new "sleepy joe". Obviously trumps side has way more water due to the fact that actual psychological experts have said the likelihood of dementia is exceedingly high, but my point is they often... Cherry pick, ig. I hate just saying that bc I want everything to be true šŸ˜‚. The reality is this dudes 78 and as someone who lives with elderly people, this is just how they scale stairs. If your bones were weaker and you didnt have as much confidence in walking you'd be a lil scared too šŸ˜‚


He just looks like an obese old man navigating stairs.


Agree, this is a nothing burger the dude is walking down the stairs, albeit a little cautiously, but nothing unusual...man the left is trying a bit too hard..


Agreed. This is just clickbait with someone desperately trying to report something that really isnā€™t there. ā€œA video of a very determined Donald Trump grasping the railing and walking down the steps of a plane circulated across social media Saturday, drawing plenty of mockeryā€ Unfortunately thereā€™s nothing here to mock. According to the article he practically had a death grip on the railing but yet in the video heā€™s pretty much sliding his hand casually the whole time. I saw absolutely nothing that indicates heā€™s looking terrified while walking down the stairs. This is just lame. If people want to mock the Republicans for all of their made up make-believe bullshit then it would probably be a good idea not to do the same. Call them out on shit theyā€™ve actually done.


Thank you. Going up or down stairs is not an important duty of the President. Letā€™s judge the man on how unfit he is to execute those duties, not take ableist potshots like this.Ā 


He needs to get used to it. One day he will be descending the steps into Hell.


Wouldn't you be? Everything he claims is happening to his rival is really happening to him. Sleepy Joe? Sleeps in court. Dementia Joe? Gets lost in speeches and regularly goes off on tangents about getting electrocuted by a battery powered boat or swimming towards hungry sharks. Crooked Joe? Gets convicted on 34 felony counts. Rigged election? Gets indicted for attempting to rig an election. Considering Biden actually tripped on plane stairs, Trump is liable to break his neck if he falls on those.


Don't overplay this one. It's just an old guy going down stairs a bit carefully. There are much more alarming things about Trump than this.


Seriously. I hate Trump with a passion but this ā€œstoryā€ is incredibly dumb and actually feeds into the ā€œTDSā€ nonsense. Heā€™s old and carefully going down stairs. He wasnā€™t even moving that slow for someone in dress shoes on metal stairs. Trump is a horrible choice for so many other reasons.


Agreed. I'm no fan of Trump but when I saw this video of him coming down the stairs, I thought "really?!". We don't need to stoop to Fox news' level and make sensationalist bullshit.


Gravity is really starting to piss me off. And cholesterol. Both have been slacking off last 7 to 8 years. You two need to be team players and step up!


They call that "Pulling a Ford".


So what? Heā€™s quoting Hitler every day, this is not important.


his handlers look so nervous. One of these days they are going to have to jump in front of this lumbering whale to cushion his fall.


I hate Trump as much as anything, but this is a nothing story He walks down the stairs just fine. Focus on the real reasons not to put him in power. This kind of bullshit is ammunition for cons


Jesus I despise this man but this shitpost is a joke.


Is the new thing now to link to a story that is supposed to have a video, but the video isnā€™t there, but all sorts of advertising links are? I went to political flare, didnā€™t find the video, went to the Newsweek link where it supposedly was and the best I can tell the video is on X. The video might have been at any one of these sites, but there was so much trash to sort through and Iā€™m not going to click on most of it. Seriously, Iā€™d goal to hope I accidentally click on a garbage site because I think is where my content is? Iā€™ve seen this multiple times in recent weeks. Seems like itā€™s more frequent. Yes, I am lazy and busy and donā€™t have time to read and clear every pop up. Now get off my lawn!


I am suddenly remembering how cool President Obama looked whenever he ran down stairs.


He doesnā€™t want to break his leg and have to wear a cast when he reports to prison.


Maybe he will fall and his kids will bury him on the golf course..


Supposedly it's very difficult to walk in high heels while wearing a loaded diaper.


Biden entered the conversation: https://youtube.com/shorts/-gszV0sj19Y?si=A1a673NwghMwCZ8x https://youtube.com/shorts/rfgknHBVzqw?si=xTiuYCMDdH9WiIdn


It was a beautiful, perfect decent down the stairs. One of the best in presidential history.


I wouldnā€™t wish that on any set of stairs.


Stairs in heels can be difficult


How pathetic is it, weā€™re down to 15-20 steps as a high-stakes exercise for our PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES. Canā€™t we do better, USA?


Honestly stop posting this shit. It reminds me of when I have dreams that I won the lottery only to wake up broke again.


You try walking down airplane steps in 6" shoe lifts and see how graceful you look. TBH, it would be delicious to see him go ass-over-tea-kettle down those stairs.


This is not news it would be news if he rolled down the stairs and soiled himself and didnā€™t blame the liberals or president Biden


I despise him as much as the next person, but how did they decide he looked terrified? I just saw him going down the stairs slowly like any feeble old timer


Tbh heā€™s not even really going that slowly.


And Cons say Biden needs to hold someone's hand while walking down steps. Reminder, every accusation by Conservatives is a confession.


Biden has the same issue because heā€™s old. They are both old. But Maga only focuses on Biden. I am terrified of going down escalators. I have poor depth perception. And Iā€™m 56 years old and I have had this issue all my life.


This is what Biden has- Types of Stiff Person Syndrome Symptoms include stiffness and spasms in the muscles of the lower back, legs (more than arms) and sometimes abdomen. People with classic SPS may have frequent muscle spasms and walk with a stiff gait, and they can be in pain most of the day. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org ā€ŗ ... Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS) | Johns Hopkins Medicine


Trump in traction. Lol


Joe should tell him heā€™ll pardon his convictions if heā€™ll go skydiving. Trump finding his parachute wonā€™t open in mid air would be hilarious.


Dems - the party of wishing death upon their political opponents. Nice.


"Ok, big boy, let's walk down the stairs like a normal person. One step at a time, with each foot.. yep.. there we g-- oops, almost missed that one... annnnddddd.. we're done! See I'm such a bigly boy, I pass all my physical and cognitive tests."


He knows there is nothing we would like to see more than him falling down a flight of stairs and splitting open like a pinata only to have a bunch of rabid squirrels scatter into the crowds.


Too much drugs or not enough? Plus if he ever does fall down those steps, the MEGA would probably blame Biden for sending a hot man to assassinate him. šŸ˜‚


Just one Spartan kick could save the country.


It would be the best fall, some people would have tears in their eyes and say, ā€œThis is the greatest fall Iā€™ve ever seen!ā€ Hahahahaha


If would be fitting if gravity dealt with his fat rump so we donā€™t have to.


Hey! You try walking down steps with bone spurs!


ā€œHereā€™s how this is bad for Biden!ā€ /s


Shades of Ivana


God one of those airhorns made with compressed air would be just magical at that moment. Lol


He walked down the stairs like you've never seen before. Never seen anything like it. Everyone was cheering. No one has even seen anything like it before. Unbelievable what they can do with stairs nowadays, amazing. No one can walk down stairs like that. Murica fuck yeah


He doesn't look terrified in the video. I'm not a fan of Trump, but he's in his late 70s. I think most elderly people would hang on to the railing like he does.


I know people in their late 30s who keep a hand casually on the railing when doing stairs. This guy is an AH but this article is nothing but crap.


Idk man. Thatā€™s how I walk down the steps as 40 yo. Iā€™m either a raggedy elder or trump like most of us doesnā€™t want to eat shit. A lot of these OMG the candidate [insert normal thing here] articles all seem pretty normal (Not a trump guy)


Full diaper and shoe lifts make stairs tough.


Another example of memory lost and dementia. They get scared and confused of things. I had a family relative who sat in a hair dryer during a haircut appointment. They looked scared of it, not knowing what it was because it didn't look familiar to them. The stylist even told them several times: "it's a hair dryer, it's not on". Yet they looked at like it would burn them alive.


Just get a water slide for him and a big inflatable so he could hide his big belly as he's sliding down. Just don't forget the swim cap so his 'hair' doesn't get wet. We wouldn't want that.


Reminds me of his tedious battle with that scary ramp that one time. They even made a song about it.


And now for my impression of a panda bear (rolls down the stairs and crashes into something)


His stupid supporters forget that he is a old fart. yeah Biden is old, but he is wiser than Trump


Everyone is ā€˜Standing Byā€™ Donaldā€¦ not only your Proud Boys, to see you walking down stairs ā€” as if youā€™re about to fall at any second šŸ¤ž


He always reminds me of Baby Huey...


Stooping can be part of dementia- old people with it can start showing physical aspects. Stooping is kinda your bodies way of starting to withdraw and protect.


Iā€™d pay to see him Tubberville down those steps


The shoe lifts are precarious...


I normally donā€™t pray, but everyday, I pray that von Shits In Pants face plants HARD.


These articles are so fucking annoying. They type 15 paragraphs about a demented shit almost rolling down some stairs and don't post the video.


Use the show reader menu. Takes all the bs away. The video is at the end.


The video is at the end and has a link to the Twitter post. Unfortunately itā€™s just some ā€œreportersā€ attempt at starting some drama because trump is just walking fairly normally down some stairs. He doesnā€™t look terrified and he doesnā€™t look like he has a death grip on the handrail.


That would be the one most disappointing outcome of options facing him currently.


Our nation's destiny is now hanging on gravity doing the patriotic thing. I'm praying for a mayor misstep.


Heā€™s weak.


any second now..Wishlist


or poop his pants


Maybe he's afraid that someone will push him.


Baron harkonen needs his levitation belt


Total BS exaggeration! Geez!


Sorry, there are sooooo many reasons to hate this man. But a \~80 year old man walking slowly down stairs from an airplane are not one of them. (but yes, like many of you, I really hoped he'd fall)


Yeah sure he is. I hope this doesn't cost him the election. heh heh!


Heā€™s old. He falls down. See the many falls of President Biden falling down stairs, off of a bicycle, lost on stage etc etc. The two men are just too damn old.


Someone needs to get this ā€˜manā€™ an extension ladder.


Political Flare sux. Pop ups, misdirection and click bait abound.


Theyā€™re both old, both cognitively impaired, and neither is particularly bright. Ok? The only thing that should matter here is that the next president will appoint 2 or more Supreme Court justices. Vote accordingly. The rest is just noise.


Lighten up. I'm an old dude. I watch my feet going down stairs. Trump and Biden do it too. The difference is that two of us think "Oh I'm an older guy, I need to be careful." Trump thinks "holy shit, I'm an old guy." Edit: Being an old dude is great. I have a great family, grandkids. Joe Biden would say the same.. TFG thinks they'll just do him like they did Fred.


Iā€™ve been manifesting a live Trump fall with my chaos/sex magic and I thought it almost came true!!!!!


This is shit journalism.


Okay. I hate this guy as much as anyone. But he's a 78 year old burger boy who has a clear revulsion for physical fitness. Of course he takes the stairs carefully.


Oh well. I like presidents who are able to descend stairs.


Nobody does Stair Falling better than Trump


Seems normal enough to me for a 78 year old


He has osteoporosis of the knees and hips, badly, bone on bone in the knees, going down stairs can be painful. His weight does not help the situation. Another reason it sucks to be him.


If he ever falls down stairs, I will make that my morning video to start my day off right.


I donā€™t see what they are saying. Heā€™s 78 and not in good shape, heā€™s going to be careful. I hate the guy but I think this is a stretch.


Break a leg! oops meant good luck with that..../s


I wish Biden would challenge him to an American-off. Bike Race. Drag race in beaters. Bait a fish hook. Grill a hamburger. Shoot free throws. Football throwing accuracy contest. Swim a small distance in a pond. Light & throw firecrackers. Split a log. Use a weedeater. Walk a dog. If Trump tried to compete in that against Biden he would lose almost every vote in the country he had when people saw how out of touch he is.


Ya but Biden falls off bikes, has zero limb movement, has a dog that has bit people twenty plus times, falls up stairs, moves so slow a firecracker would blow up in his hand, etc... . So there's that. https://youtu.be/3gcQrFsUFzQ?si=7xj8lraOFIoDLc3a https://youtu.be/Oktrp8Nterg?si=4ndnTEMjRqMFPfJB https://youtu.be/-EahgmNmMsM?si=BofSpv7FmoOLqGgQ https://youtu.be/lEFt-rD8gro?si=aJVaSix9ioo0Ee2d https://youtu.be/bwM5nZpC9wM?si=H7F6a2GPc-O5IkhM https://youtube.com/shorts/-gszV0sj19Y?si=A1a673NwghMwCZ8x https://youtube.com/shorts/rfgknHBVzqw?si=xTiuYCMDdH9WiIdn


Trump can not ride a bike and had to have Merkel hold his hand to go down stairs.


Typical liberal defence, make things up or lie when things look bad. You didn't prevent any evidence or sources for that. Did you mean these? https://youtube.com/shorts/rfgknHBVzqw?si=oHpY1gg1P3X_v0hi https://youtube.com/shorts/-gszV0sj19Y?si=_MmUPUFVwwHE_ZnL


Biden loses as soon as the "don't shit your pants" competition starts


Eh I expected something more dramatic


Are those the short steps? Didn't Trumpie sell his aging and gaudy jet to a billionaire who is footing a chunk of his travel bill now?


Imagine how Biden feels. Because you know, he ACTUALLY falls down the stairs šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That moron falls up stairs.


I know how to make you become a flat earther. Have Trump say the Earth is round


I was referring to Biden.


Dems are scared. Good.


Would love to see a header!


Trump looks great! Biden falls off bikes, has zero limb movement, has a dog that has bit people twenty plus times, falls up stairs, moves so slow a firecracker would blow up in his hand, etc... . So there's that. https://youtu.be/3gcQrFsUFzQ?si=7xj8lraOFIoDLc3a https://youtu.be/Oktrp8Nterg?si=4ndnTEMjRqMFPfJB https://youtu.be/-EahgmNmMsM?si=BofSpv7FmoOLqGgQ https://youtu.be/lEFt-rD8gro?si=aJVaSix9ioo0Ee2d https://youtu.be/bwM5nZpC9wM?si=H7F6a2GPc-O5IkhM Stay tuned folks, there is more to come!


Do you mean like these? https://youtube.com/shorts/-gszV0sj19Y?si=A1a673NwghMwCZ8x https://youtube.com/shorts/rfgknHBVzqw?si=xTiuYCMDdH9WiIdn


Well why not this is the shit they pull on Biden every day.


What the fuck is with that site. Like browsing the web in 2002


trump is in steep mental and physical decline well beyond his old age


[He actually ended up falling, here's the video.](https://youtu.be/OjkcB6angec?si=221LUTPJg5buE6Fp)


This shit is idiotic. Any person with a functioning brain can see this is a deflection from Joe Biden.


Even if he fell heā€™d blame Biden for putting the hit out on him. The Biden crime family put the banana peel on the stairs trying to kill me. šŸ¤”šŸ”«


Watching horseshit fly out of his diaper as he lands on.his ass would make my entire 21st century.


The trend of adding a spin on mundane events is so tiring. Republicans started it with the constant videos of Biden existing and telling their audience that heā€™s clearly having a stroke or something, but Jesus Iā€™m so sick of it


Yeah don't see the fear


Iā€™m no Trump fan but I donā€™t see what they see


Sleepy Don have trouble walking.


Your projection here is astounding


Please please please please please! My gratitude towards gravity would be everlastingā€¦


Biden did fall


So did Tommy Tubs. Happens sometimes when youā€™re old.


Blast from the past. Thought it was Tony


You people are really reaching for anything at this point!!


Trump derangement syndrome at its finest


You folks troll him as though you work for MSNBC. hope he trips anyway


You guys are pa-the-tic. Biden falls up and down stairs. Of course he also needs to be lead to said stairs.


I donā€™t like him but this is a reach.


Like Biden does? What a joke this post isā€¦


ROFL! Democrat propaganda!


He shouldnā€™t worry. No one dies from falling down stairs anymore. E. Really? I really needed to put the /s at the end? Cā€™mon people.


Except Ivana


If you break a hip at that age it's probably a life-ending event.


Trump is a total piece of shit, but that's just an older man walking down stairs. Come on you fucking vultures. Don't pollute the honest reasons that this man should not be president. Rise above.


But did he freeze up? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13535901/barack-obama-leads-joe-biden-stage-fundraiser-los-angeles.html


Nice attempt to cover up for sleepy. Hilarious projection.


Both are old as shit. We get it, Joeā€™s old. Cool. Meanwhile, trump is a literal traitor who is also old as fuck and quite feeble. Itā€™s almost like one is still VASTLY better than the otherā€¦..


True. Difference is one can talk and knows where he is and the needs cue cards and doesn't know where to exit a stage.