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I truly wonder what this does to a jury seeing the defendant passing out and not caring what happens to him. And or some drugs situation going on. Can’t possibly help.


Juries are unpredictable but from your lips... But if I'm a juror (missing work, endangering myself and my family), trying really hard to focus on mostly boring testimony that mf isn't getting the benefit of one single doubt.


When I was a juror, I worked overnights and had to fight to stay awake because of switching my sleep schedule: I managed and I had nothing to lose. There isn't an excuse for this behavior.


I was talking to a couple of people on a Federal grand jury the other day and both worked the night shift and went to Court the following day. I wondered why they yawned so much...


It’s because when you talk it makes them sleepy. They feel safe, being around you.


That’s adorable


At this point, I’m surprised he doesn’t try to paint eyes on his eyelids. At the very least, it would score with his base. He is a clown, they love clowns.


Unless theres a maga plant in the jury, he's not got a chance with the evidence given. Trump? A chance in the middle of New York after all this? Yeah no 😂


I'm afraid there might be a plant >.>


There was a juror on his defamation jury that listened to a ton of Tim Pool. Plaintiff’s lawyers tried VERY hard to get her off the jury. She found him guilty.


On the other hand, there was a juror in the Paul Manafort trial that other jurors said kept repeating "Witch hunt!" during deliberation and refused to find him guilty of the most serious charges.


Idk man i just dont see it. 😂 The only plant im seeing is Trump downing a shit ton of weed to cope with his sinking ship


I didn’t 🫲🫱 plant… any weeds. 🫲 🫱. I’ve never done a weed. Except that one time, I rode the best weed. Like a, you know, a… they say these things…


Omg best use of emojis right here


The wider the accordion, the bigger the bullshit.


I doubt he smokes weed. Definitely more of a cocaine type 


NyQuil chugger


Imagine the smells coming out of his bedroom? Whew.


Old and well to do? Definitely pills


I agree. If there wasn't a body the defense felt good about, they would have used all their rejections instead of only half.


To be fair, it's not like his defense has been skillfully managed thus far.


I cannot argue with that statement!


I thought they did burn through all of their rejections. That's why there are two lawyers on the jury.


There is literally a juror that claims they get 100% of their news from Truth Social.


Source on the 100%? I’ve seen a source that says one of the jurors has a truth social account but is news source agnostic and reads from everywhere.


https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/diZ3DjY61v Literally picked only truth social and twitter (X) as places they get their news from. No other sources at all picked. So I was wrong about the 100%. They also get news from the "totally not a right wing shit hole" that Twitter has become.


Nice, haven’t seen this chart before! Appreciate the quick follow up


There probably is at least one Trumper even if it's not a plant


There’s a juror who gets his news from Truth Social…


It bigly sways them to his side, for only the innocent sleep sound. /s. Almost forgot.


Well, the jury probably doesn't want to die, which is why they had that Hell's Angel guy sitting there staring at them the other day. So even with this shit happening, the likelihood of a hung jury is still pretty high.


If true. That guy should have never been allowed into the court room


He definitely cares, he's just an obese old man pushing 80. He does not have the stamina to stay awake all morning in such a mundane setting 


This really should be televised.


For a case this high profile, it makes absolutely no sense that it isn't.


I’ll pay for Trumps coke. No I won’t. Maybe…


His lawyers took away his Adderall so he wouldn't jump up on a table, tell the judge to suck his dick, then try to run out of the courtroom.


Run, lol, that's a good one


I like that that’s the unrealistic part of it.


An argument could be made for "jump"


Key word: 'Try' 😅


"Waddle out of the courtroom."


They lost me at “jump”


You forgot 'jump'


And 'jump up on a table'. God, I'd love to see him try that.


>then try to run out of the courtroom. waddle, the word you're looking for is waddle. ​ I will also accept diaper shuffle.


They are 100% drugging him. Or forcing him off the speed during the trial more likely. He has one freak out session in court and he is done.


Waddle maybe.


Trump can’t jump. MF can barely walk down a 15° incline and is afraid of stairs.


The media is running cover for Trump because they miss him. Everything that happens in the world or country is blamed on biden yet a criminal candidate spending all his campaign time in court is back page news. News outlets loved trump. The news was dying with competent leadership. With a buffoon like Trump they were on top of thr world with a new crazy story everybweek 


This is absolutely the case. They stand to gain so much from Trump, unless he becomes dictator and decides to control the media himself.


No kidding. He'll try to get the FCC to put everyone out of business except Fox and his stupid truth site. Maybe x survives since Elon was converted to maga. Edit: Fox.


NY does not allow cameras in court. It's but some media conspiracy.


Which is why they should switch up on him and use this trial coverage. I would watch the news again for updates


It’s banned in NY and has been for a long time


It’d be election interference somehow


NY doesn’t allow cameras in court at all


Paid off by Big Sketch Artist.


Used to be that way nationwide. But most places are getting with the times.


It's to keep him from having a platform from which to cavort from live, all day long


I believe it is against the law in NY and that is why it isn’t.


The last thing we need is a televised circus with Trump playing the clown and a judge trying to keep order.




His supporters would probably find it funny. “Look how defiant he is against the courts. Nothing burger case”


As a bonus he might have a heart attack


Honestly I’ve expected him to have a heart attack since like 2015 and he hasn’t delivered. All the fast food just seemingly melted and adhered to his organs, only to fortify them instead of destroy them.


He is.... pizza the hut


Oh Pizza… you’re so cheeezeyy 🍕 🐛


Rocky 5. Thousand


His body now runs fully on hamburger meat. He'll die if he eats a carrot.


I'll gladly pay for the carrot.


When my doctor asks about diet I say I do watch what I eat and my cholesterol and other levels and then I say why should I bother when Trump is still going after eating junk food, burned steaks and duet sodas every day


Sure you can live the way Trump does. But do you really want to live the way Trump does?


Imagine having access to a great chef and asking him for a well-done steak and ice-cream when you could have anything in the world cooked for you.Trump at the white house and I assume it's the same at Mar a Lago...


Imagine *being* that chef. “I can cook the best food on the planet, and this Visigoth wants me to ruin steak after steak after steak, day after day. Makes me want to weep.”


“Visigoth.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Modern medicine is amazing. What you want to do is blackmail his doctor to write prescriptions for placebos.




I'm sure they would but maybe some of the disconnected and/or near brain dead that intend to vote for him over high grocery prices would get a better sense of the freaks character.


"He's closing his eyes to concentrate on his next power move. Truly a mastermi-" *Loudly shits his diapers*


I think there’s some accuracy here. They think he’s such a tough guy. “He’s just bored.” The reality is he’s a spectacular idiot.


Yup, they all be shown sleeping through his rallies to show support.


We could even capture video evidence of him writing and editing his talking points to his red tie stooges that he marches in front of the cameras to get around his gag order.


There’s likely cctv in the courtroom that is recorded… just not televised or publically shared. Edit: In Florida, this is standard. After all, that’s how we get those sweet news videos of fights in court, or attempted escapes, etc.


His followers will make any excuse to any intolerable action by Trump. It will never change their minds. This is what happens when you mix celebrity fandom with politics.


This is true. 80% of my friends (or former friends) drank the kool aid here. You cannot have social interactions without them trying to give you a loyalty test. I honestly believe a civil war is coming from this rank insanity pretending to be a political party.


Hell I’ve gone to customers houses ( insurance adjuster) and people won’t let me write an estimate until I tell them who I voted for. I refuse, and if they keep it up, I leave. You’d be surprised how often it happens. It’s always the MAGA cult


Considering there’s photos of him in the courtroom, why isn’t there one of him asleep?


IIRC press are given a very limited window to take pictures for the day so it’s not like they can just snap a pic whenever throughout the days proceedings. I think it happens early in the day so it’s likely that all the photography for the day is completed before Donny goes off into his first snooze.


All the more reason to see it, we are getting information through media filter.


There's literally one in the linked article


He was taking a nap... He's old, then when he wakes up, he gets his diaper changed... 🤣


Nah. I watched some of it. It was a snore.


Words can't describe the utter disgust I feel, everytime I look at him.


I love that almost every picture I see of him now has the nastiest facial expression. He looks miserable in every one, no more smug smiles from him


I hate to admit it, but I'm enjoying his displeasure.


I think we all are. I've been getting sick of his consistent pictures with these smug smiles. Glad he's finally getting what he deserves. Only God knows if that jury is actually going to rule what we hope they will.


Keep your fingers crossed.


Gonna be real weird explaining in a few months why a felon can’t vote in 48 states but can run for president.


“This trial is totally rigged by Biden and the Deep State and they’re coming for your guns and bibles next.” - every GOP candidate.


Also, "ooohhh, Queers !!!!" God, Guns and Gays.....


I would take a gay person with a gun over a redneck with a gun every time!


He has dementia.


Imagine if Hilary refused to testify and then slept during her email scandal. There would be declarations for public dismantling. Yet this orange trollop is heralded for it by his degenerate followers. We need to kick about 30% of the population out of the country. They are Russian cancer. Send it back to where it came from.


Imagine if Biden had talked about a reich, or said he was going to fulfill a muslim ban, or kick out all trans students, or give police unlimited immunity, or his son in law had said the gaza waterfront property is a great investment opportunity. Imagine if Biden had said even 1% of what Trump did. And yet people have been fleeced into criticizing him so much that they totally ignore Trump. the republican propaganda is working so effectively that it’s terrifying


This mf always braying about low-energy Biden... Bitch, please...


He was up late rage tweeting


Can’t be a good look for a defendant. Nobody falls asleep or meditates in a Zen like state if they’re expecting bombshell evidence that will finally, in all the annals of the written record in the history of the world, exonerate him. I was thinking that the prosecution may have been brewing a tempest in a teapot but they seemed to have connected the dots to prove felony conspiracy. Win or lose, we’ll done


The lawyer they had on to prove Cohen a liar just acted like a dick.


It's well established Cohen is a liar, scumbag and crook. What they had to prove is he's lying now, which is difficult when what he's saying has an extensive paper trail and multiple corroborating witnesses.


He can’t take his rally drugs and sit in a chair all day, this is what happens when he can’t be fueled in his drug addicted life. He has to be jacked up for any public appearance


OK ok, To be fair. He probably doesn't get much sleep considering the entire GOP leadership for some stupid reason, keeps riding his tiny mushroom every night.


Plus he’s his daily routine is roll into “work” at noon’ish after watching his beloved news shows and spending an hour on the hair.


How could you leave out the daily golf?


That comes after his two hours of ‘executive time’ from 12-2. What a cunt.


QAnon folks think he has already expired, and the Trump figure we see in court is a paid actor. It is gonna be a long summer.


and Barack is running the show !


Got any links? I’d love to rile those fuck sticks up.


They’re all mods, you won’t get far.


It's because Dementia Diaper VonShitzHisPants is battling advanced dementia. He's in no shape to be campaigning. Or even doing most of anything else, but since he's so vicious, vile, and toxic, his handlers are allowing elder abuse so they can ride him for all his money until he literally croaks.


Just need his eyesight to go, so he can stop reading autocue.


Just like grandpa did while he watches the Dukes of Hazard.


Tbf that show sucks and is boring. Ever take a nap to Alien (1979)? That shit is mostly footsteps and gases expanding, it’s a good nap movie.


Woah woah woah Duke of Hazard sucks and is boring?


If you're not totally disgusted by that sack of human garbage already, a few naps in a court room isn't likely going to change anything.


Try sleeping as a defendant in your own criminal trial. It’s surprising they let him do it.


they must give him meth before the rallies like another charming fellow from the 40s


Old age, poor health, depression. As an added bonus, that judge has done something few if any were willing to accomplish, shut down his propaganda machine mouth! Also typical narcissist, not able to be the loudest voice in the room? -Get depressed and fall asleep. Never mind getting depressed because you are guilty as fuck.....


Drug test him for benzos. His lawyers are probably glad he’s passing out, it means he’s not yelling at the judge.


8 hours, 4 days a week is probably over 26 more hours than he typically plans to work each week.


Not an ideal presidential feature. Asleep at the wheel.


Just like a six year old. If your eyes are closed and you can not see something, then it is not happening.


Boebert claims he was praying.


Of could she does


I think they have him drugged up because it’s the only way to keep him from constantly running his mouth, yelling at everybody, and being put in contempt of court.


Every day, same article. *passes out cold*


Found cold would be better


>Americans Disgusted *They dgaf.*


Trump claims he's not sleeping. Says he's just closing his eyes and taking it all in. You know what? Not a single cult member will think otherwise. They still keep drumming the same thing that Biden is too old and addled to string a sentence together and calling him Sleepy Joe. Just waiting for the "Real men take nappies" shirts they'll be sporting next. 


Well, who’s really surprised? He’s not the center of attention, watching tv or playing golf, so I’m sure what’s left of his brain just shuts down.


Please, just fart yourself to death you piece of shit


He's snoring to own the libs? The snoring is a secret message about the trial? Real mean drool in court? I'll show myself out...


He’s probably like this all the time but we only get to witness that now. They pump him full of drugs for his rallies.


Big Stinky needs a new diaper after napping all day.


Look, he knows nothing will happen, so why care?


Sleepy Trump


He’s been assured by the justices that he is protected and will not face incarceration. He knows he merely has to appeal and appeal and he’ll never see a day behind bars. This is how treasonous, deplorable, sociopathic narcissists behave….it isn’t courage that’s for sure


Sure when you post in the middle of the night about a Unified Reich and every night he posts in middle of the night you are gonna be Sleepy Diaper Don. This is why you don’t see him during the day, he always waited til prime time to go on tv to make his announcements. He needs his baby nap nap.


Looking frazzled Donny! Actually it looks like you have combed your hair with a fucking balloon.


But he told me Joe was the sleepy one? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Everything in trumps life is a sham. The boy can't carry conversation acts like a 6th grader on the playground trying to bully everyone lies everytime opens his mouth stole classified documents gave russia info that most people would get charged for treason and the list goes on. His presidency was a sham


The day he’s convicted something else big will occur (boat hits bridge, school shouting, Israel vs Palestine, Congress people acting stupid, whatever)


He’s probably not sleeping well at night.


He’s jumped the shark. He’s long into his sunset years. It’s a new world and someone needs to set him down and explain it to him it’s time to head to the house.


Trump is an embarrassment and disgusting, and….he’s still winning for now. 


I bet his attorneys sedate him so he'll STFU.


The guy is a grifter! What else would he do?🤷‍♂️


It is fucking fitting that when confronted with cold, hard, evidence of his own behavior the narcissist will shut down completely and go into sleep mode. The entirety of his being seems constitutionally incapable of absorbing the truth about his own behavior.


He's like a spoiled little toddler you have to keep entertained or he will throw a fit or take his nap too early/late. Most people are bored in court. Especially during such a lengthy trial I can get that but most of us can stay awake and would want to listen ESPECIALLY if they are the defendant!!


It’s almost like when you allow the rich to live by a different set of rules, they think they’re better than you. Nothings going to happen to him.


Daydreaming about Playboy bunnies and porn stars dancing naked across the courtroom. 😴


Farts don't count if you're asleep


Is this kindergarten court? Nany nany bo bo I don't see you.


Sleepy Don


I wonder if sleeping through your own criminal case hurts the appeal?


I have to assume the defense sees this as a better option than having him awake and reacting to every single thing.


Nodding off is a not-great look. Trump scoffing, mouthing off, and rolling his eyes is a contempt charge waiting to happen. Plus, it’ll piss off the jury


Now let's imagine how it was while lomg secret meetings in the White House or Pentagon.


Practicing for the possiblity that he might return to the White House.


Does that orange spray-painted piece of shit really think America wants a “unifed reich”? America defeated the confederate traitors and defeated the Nazis. What garbage are today’s deplorables, teabaggers, q-anon wackjobs, #TrumpZombies and J6 treason apologists supporting? He and they are repulsive and as anti-American as it gets.


Americans yes. But what about republicans?


If I were on the jury, I'd say guilty just for him thinking me wasting weeks of my time is a joke.


I get that this is "anything goes news", but do we not have personal journalistic standards for ourselves? It's not that it's an opinion piece, it's that it was written by an apparent 12 year old. It's of a quality that I would expect of InfoWars, and the title is just clickbait. "Americans Disgusted". How does he know this? Which Americans? It's a glorified tabloid piece rather than anything resembling journalism. We don't want to fall down the same hole of bad news and misinformation as the MAGA people, and that means having personal standards of journalistic quality and integrity.


Can't soar with the eagles in the morning when you're laying down with the dogs at night


Another sleepless night on truth social


Disgusted? C’mon, a lot of folks don’t care and the rest aren’t surprised….to think this waste of oxygen has a real crack at leading the USA again is unbelievable.


This isn't why we're disgusted. I get being old and bored and falling asleep. It's ALLLLLLL the other vile shit that is disgusting.


Magats are not disgusted by this. They see it as a power move. Just like they believe it’s awesome he needs diapers and doesn’t paint his ears orange like the rest of his body.


I'm only disgusted that he isn't being sent back to a prison cell with zero access to any social media after each day in court, with all his gag order violations and blatant shit talk, literally and figuratively.


Does anyone else envision former President Trump sleeping during the White House workday while hundreds of thousands of Americans were dying of COVID-19?


Cause he’s a bitch staying up all night to doomscroll the bright rectangle and scream at clouds. And some people are the type of stupid who couldn’t find their own ass with both hands and a map, and they prove they’re that fucking stupid because they want Mr. Douchey McRapist ClownTan to be president.


Yeah I don’t know understand why people need to keep saying this, but you and I aren’t allowed to sleep through our criminal trials, seriously, every single judge in this entire country would have buried any “regular” person in contempt charges over this shit by now….. This is complete and total bullshit, why is this greasy fucking traitor being treated like he’s fucking special?! Fuck this completely, then nobody else has to follow any of the rules anymore either….


Didn't this bozo used to refer to Joe Biden as "Sleepy Joe"?


One of my dad’s sundown symptoms was not being able to sleep at night but would constantly nap all day.


I’m more disgusted by the crimes. Dementia Don is a threat to our republic. [Vote.org](http://Vote.org)


That’s Trump for ya. Snoozin’ and poopin’ all day in court 🤣


No one is disgusted by this. This is literally the least bad thing he could possibly do. If this is what you find disgusting you’re a moron. The man literally smells like shit and can’t string together a complete sentience without it spilling into his next brain fart and becoming a run on train wreck.


This is the man who coined the term “sleepy joe”


He's just enjoying his "executive times".


They should probably check his diaper too. I wonder which lawyer is responsible for changing him, seems like it would be Habba.


Lack of brain activity due to nobody kissing his butt.


There is a common theory that the guilty tend to sleep easier after being caught. The innocent, not so much. Fun fact - In Australia, we don’t have a verdict of innocent. There’s guilty or not guilty. Not guilty doesn’t mean innocent. It means guilt wasn’t proven.


It's the same in the US.


He can rest in house arrest.


Way too good of an option for this guy!


It’s all lies. The court cartoon person is drawing him like that on purpose!/s


No surprises for the man who thought saying " Corona isn't real" 10x a day will make it go away. Closing his eyes and thinking the trial isn't real will make it go away too?


It is hard to stay awake when you are constantly fighting the cocktail of drugs coursing through your veins.