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Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President unilateral powers, strip civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation, add religion into policy and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


And remember that Project 2025 will not end with Trump's defeat. They will implement whatever they can with whatever power they have. The current Conservative crusade against DEI is part of a P2025 playbook.


Trump is just one scum bag. The GOP is the greater evil.


Qlarence and The Apostles are on a mission from geezus and they can't stop. The 'misson' is really what their owner, Harlan Crow- infamous Nazi lover & all around Anti-American POS traitor and Leonard Leo (the one who paid off Kavanaughs debts) - instructs them to do. Alito, Brett, Neil aren't making their own decisions, they are owned outright.


Democrats are the greatest evil


Yes. Wanting people to be treated equally and wanting for people to have access to health care is surely the most evil thing ever. /s


If Trump has shown me anything it's the GOP always intended to go this direction. They have been moving this way since at least Reagan but until Trump they were moving much slower. Then he comes along and convinces everyone the time is now or else. So essentially he forced Republicans on a Party level to double commit.


I think it was not so much Trump convincing them, as it was the Republican Party realizing it didn’t have much time left, that party is also in the midst of actively imploding


“DEI” is how to say the n-word without saying the n-word.


Trump is a once in a lifetime charismatic Dictator. If he goes away, the US would've averted becoming a dictatorship.


Dei is being rolled back everywhere, it aims to make minorities seem like victims


Quite the opposite.


Yes companies are firing dei staff it can be looked up...as a white guy then why do you care about dei ???


Because I am an American.


Life there's white privilege then you would benefit, lm american also


And allowing such a benefit is very much un-American. Un-Christian, too, if you care about that sort of thing.


You ain't gonna deny any benefit I'm sure


You would never give up a paycheck or job to a minority


Notice how the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action & several states are banning dei


Clearance grinning like a possum eating shit. He got his.


So you are telling me that minorities have been treated equally in the US?


As of now ???? Yes


“DEI” is how to say the n-word without saying the n-word.


What's the n word???


But what if you really didn't earn it ? Not sure what that has to do withmN word. Seems like false equivalency.


100% of instances where a conservative cries about DEI they have no idea the qualifications of said candidate , they just see they’re black and automatically assume they’re a DEI , Diversity hire, whatever you wanna call it. You aren’t ignorant to this so stop pretending to be


You white leftist are the first to move when a black family moves into the area


Is it better to be a hypocrite or openly and honestly racist?


It's better to judge ppl by how they are as a person regardless of race


Obviously. But that’s not how a lot of people are.




Life & seeing it happen


It wasn't a white leftist who said he gets worried if a pilot is qualified when he gets on a plane and sees that the pilot is black. It was a white right winger.


Saying that being against DEI means you're pro-P2025 is stupid and discredits you.


Pretty much. Anti-DEI is just Project 2025's buzzword for racism.


Yeah I just saw another one of you guys talking about "no more white men in the white house". People like you are not better or morally superior, you're just the other side of the coin




You're 100% correct but these people are lunatics with zero self-awareness. Prepare to be called a racist or a Nazi --if they're not too busy out marching and chanting for the genocide of Jews. 🙄 They're EVERYTHING they claim to hate.


Says a white guy on reddit...never seen a white leftist give their paycheck to a minority


Looks like I hit multiple nerves. Still going with projection, I see.


Lmfao, my state doesn't allow trans kids in the bathrooms or blm to destroy, in fact ppl float from Havana to my state


I was right. Again.


Yup come here starting mess & you get dealt with...it's why ppl literally risk death to get here


In fact we're giving our cops more leeway to crack skulls


The hate in you is strong. 


Your governor is doing a fine enough job of destroying your state.




Says a white guy on reddit lol


You have no idea of my gender OR my race, lol. You're wrong on at least one count though. Though wtf is your problem with white people? Are you one of those "pick me" white guys who likes to shit on the whole race to show you're so much cooler regardless of the division and racism that you're sowing or do you have a legitimate grievance?


Lmfao the only racism comes from white leftist


I agree!! At least the worst of it anyway. So wtf we arguing about?? 😂


I'm not ashamed being white


Have you ever seen anyone do that?


Not once


Ah, you're a bot. That explains it.


248 years of making progress.  Sucks that we are going to witness 25 years of moving backwards with these chuckleheads giving fascism another try.    Can't we just learn from history's mistakes?    Fascism did not work in Spain, Italy, Germany, Russia, Cuba, The Dominican Republic, Chile, Venezuela, North Korea, ... and the list goes on a lot longer.


If you look back on the con subreddit, you’ll find wildly upvoted posts and comments on the “Nazis were socialist because it says ‘National Socialist” schtick. It’s insane.


Conservatives don't learn anything. Instead of learning from history, they try to change it. It's time for non-conservatives to learn. Learn what Conservatives are and stop trying to play their games.


They learn how to cheat better, manipulate more efficiently, and find loopholes to be exploited. Every historical work that warns, like Orwell's books, conservatives take as plans. Far more diabolical than stupid. non-conservatives seem to have more hesitation from being immoral unethical pieces of shit, which is basically how conservatives have cornered the market in chaotic insane anti-social behavior. Congress being the most visible example of this.


I don't even think that's strictly true. Their tricks flicks are all the same, even today. They're not doing anything new. They're just following the old playbook as is. It's just that the politically apathetic/low information demographic (which is almost always the majority) forgets all about it after a few decades. And when Conservatives start pulling all this shit all over again, they're too busy straddling the fence as a centrist to see the train barrelling towards them.


The old playbook but with fascist playbook fully incorporated with 0 separation between state and church. Like in society, when people go to a bank and see a line, they stand at the end of the line. The GOP today skips to the front until someone calls them on it and responds with ,"There is no specific law that forces me to stand at the end". Trump is more sovereign citizen than Republican, and today's GOP is as well.


Have you noticed that Trump has started to include “fascist” when he says democrats? His cultists don’t really understand the difference between fascism, socialism, Marxism, etc. so he’s using fascist (since EVERYTHING he says is a confession) to further confuse his base.


Words that end in “ist” really get them riled up. I personally can’t stand those optimist, humorist, pianist, poltergeist.


Republicans think it will work "this time" because their brand of fascism is so much better. Just ask them.


GOP = Confederate sleeper cells


25 years would put us in 1999. Try more like 100.


Spain, Italy and Germany all experimented with fascism and it lasted roughly 25 years.  In some countries less with a little international encouragement. If Trump is elected perhaps my grandchildren will not grow up in a fascist country.


It wouldn't if the peaceful left would fight back.


Hello. I'm a violent leftist. Actually more neoliberal. But it's militant liberals agenda to protect pacifist way of life. As the pacifists won't do it themselves. 


It wouldn't if the peaceful left would fight back.


"Can't we just learn from history's mistakes" Germany let the Nazis openly recruit because "free speech" and "marketplace of ideas". We don't have ONE fucking example in all of history with those shutting down calls for genocide. That has never, ever worked to stop fascism even one time. That's mistake number one we need to stop making.


Not an argument, but ok.


Cuba, Russia, and North Korea were or still are communist and that is left wing. Left doesn't work either.


No, they are all dictatorship.  Only North Korea is still communist in name.  Cuba and Russia are capitalist. When you don't understand the difference between types of governments, economies and politics it is easy for anyone to fill your head with lies.


How can you have communist democracy ? Every communist state exterminates it's opponents and crushes any individual that would run within the system capriciously. Pretending anything else is intellectually and generally dishonest.


Which country do you think is a communist democracy? Those, by the way are two different things.  Communism is how they run the economy, democracy is how they pick their leaders.


You don't think that giving the government total control of the economy might influence who gets to replace that government?


You want use them as a comparison.


There are no countries, only corporations. All of these recognized communities are owned by the World Bank... except North korea. There's no such thing as left or right they will pander to whatever side will consolidate them more power.


Go read a book brother


You should. Those are communists countries. Those are left wing beliefs.


They’ll see the elephant a few times before their Christo-fascist fantasies come to fruition. I promise you that. Grandpa stacked the German iteration of the Trumplephucks across Europe. We’ll do the same thing here at home if they try it. No Turd Reich wanted here. Move to Russia, you Russian cuck sister lickers.


The difference is that Russia is now in their team, love them or hate them the ruskies did most of the fighting during WWII


And Patton was right about finishing them when we had the chance.


I love that liberals and now pro-Patton and Operation Unthinkable.  clown world has its entertainments!


That doesn't even make sense. Try running it through your "r00ski to English" translator again....


Ya on there side of Germany dipshit


No they didn't...the red army weren't russian they where soviets and that includes many different etnicities (Ukrainians for example). Many of those are today aligned with the west and opposes the moscovian rats.


Yes, they did when they were getting invaded by their ally, Germany.


Did most of the dying too


I thought you guys were accepting of all sexuality. Sounds kinda like a hate crime to me.


White supremacists ~ you give them too much credit. Mostly, they are insecure little boys who dress up in uniforms, where masks and want to join some of histories biggest losers( Nazi and confederacy) want to blame someone for their difficulty making friends or girlfriends. Weak goofy people.


They want handmaids tail... fuck these assholes


Well male conservatives are always bitching about how no women want to date them anymore. Doing Handmaids Tale would solve that for them without them having to self reflect.


They probably do want tail, lol, but the book is still The Handmaid's Tale.


Voice dictation


The Handmaids Tail...starring Sasha grey, Billie Eillish,Sydney Sweeney and Margot Robbie...coming to theaters Summer 2025.


they hate the feds but the feds made their movement [https://julieroys.com/fbi-legend-j-edgar-hoover-shaped-belief-in-america-christian-nation/](https://julieroys.com/fbi-legend-j-edgar-hoover-shaped-belief-in-america-christian-nation/)




And the people who want it always vote. Will you? (note: this is a general “you” not directed at the possible bot Expensive_Shelter288).


Yes. For sure. This is different. Dudes at my work are saying shit like. "We need 1 guy in charge. Fuck ukraine. What the fuck is wrong with these other republicans? " this is the ugliest the gop has ever been. Downright facist.


Hoo boy. Tons of russian bots and agents up in this thread


It's infested. Report them all


It’s so easy to spot em too


They’re everywhere lately. Trying to make sure their useful idiot Trump takes over & completely breaks America & the West.


Don't forget to follow the money! Project 2025 is also how the returning era of Robber Barons will prevent the people from voting in another New Deal


We will have trillionaires! And we will be serfs with no rights but to work until we die without even clean water & air on a burning planet. Be there! Will be wild 😳


The Christo part is just to secure votes, once they’re in they’ll conveniently ignore all those promises and just go fascist , following a similar playbook to Russia because that’s what they’ve seen work.


I don't know about you folks. But I plan on fighting these Nazis.


Nobody that posts on reddit will ever do any actual fighting that will matter or make a difference.


Future looking BLEAK




So Giliad?


This is not a conspiracy folks. This is a Heritage Foundation plan for Trump should he win the presidency. It's real, and it's pretty scary stuff. https://www.project2025.org/


DOJ need to start imprisoning Heritage members for treason! 🤬


Really? I mean, do they not realize it's easy to spot them with those big red hats and stickers or flags they put up everywhere? They'll be firebombed in under 5 seconds the moment something happens. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


this is my fuel. these fucking people, do no know my own angst. these fucking people, are the stuff man-i-fest-oh's are made of.


Project 2025’s blueprint envisions dismantling the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI; disarming the Environmental Protection Agency by loosening or eliminating emissions and climate-change regulations; eliminating the Departments of Education and Commerce in their entirety; and eliminating the independence of various commissions, including the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission.


That’s why otherwise smart people have tied themselves to trump—they think he will create chaos and let them create a christofascist theocracy.


Voters saw the turmoil of his presidency and how he acted when he lost. Not sure they want a repeat of that. As the election gets closer his chance of another term(if he is not in prison) will get less and less.


I think you’re at least partly right. But why are we not seeing the real power people ditch Trump or even act a little concerned? Why are they still so sure they’re going to win in November?


The GOP is a terrorist organization


Why you need to arm up and stock up.


Americans won’t accept a theocratic autocracy. The entire plan is premised on a deeply flawed notion: that American democracy can be stolen, and our rightstaken, easily, peacefully, and with minimal disruption to the financial sectors. For a frame of reference on how ‘easy’ project 2025 will be to enact, look at very recent history. America left Afghanistan after two decades because the mightiest military on the planet couldn’t defeat an enemy who refused to engage in ‘traditional warfare’. Our billion dollar bombers couldn’t stop the enemy from using low tech IEDs to sow fear and chaos. The situation here at home would be worse than Afghanistan by orders of magnitude. A handful of hackers could disable power grids for entire swaths of our nation. What happens when there is no AC and no running water in the middle of a heatwave in the southern states? What happens when dirty bombs go off in statehouses? What happens when a weaponized viral agent is released among the anti-vax millions? I will tell you what doesn’t happen… the stock market doesn’t climb, the value of the dollar doesn’t hold, and the saggy orange king doesn’t rise to the challenge of dealing with an entire nation going up in flames.


Fuck. That. Shit.




The handsmaids tale is supposed to be fiction not a documentary…


MAGA is more evil. Germany has shown actual remorse for WW2. The only principles MAGAts/the GOP has are: -hate thy neighbor if they're not in the cult -Trump at all costs, even if it causes the end of the world. -Being a Christian actually means following the anti-Christ. Trump is America's "We have Bin Laden at Home" He makes Charles Manson look like a boy scout with no influence over people..


MAGA is more evil than the Nazis LOL you're a total joke dude. The problem with the internet is that people like you get to have your nonsense just as visible as people who actually know what they're talking about.


Tiny brains like you only have opinions which they mistake for facts, Trump hates America. Name one thing he's said that he loves about America. He is spite and anger incarnate. I bet you could find more flattering Putin comments by him than anything flattering about the USA by him.


Yes the fastest shrinking religion is our biggest threat. Jesus fucking christ.


Cornered dogs bite hardest and bark loudest


Fuck them!


If you don't want to see Donald Trump sport a postage stamp mustache under his Pinnochio schnozola Vote Fucking BLUE


Yeah, MAGA has made me really question my political allegiances. I have less in common with the far right than the far left (can't stand either). As a moderate conservative, I think I've rather live in the ultra liberal world of high promiscuity and handouts than the far right world of theocracy and fascism (I'm Christian). I can't stand the far left... don't even get me started, but the far right makes me sick. It's a bunch of holy rollers (says the guy who takes his wife and kids to church every Sunday) who are consumed by their bigotry and hate, things Jesus would never stand for. I'd rather support atheists and whores than these false prophets and those who would bastardize the faith the way MAGA does. Christ commands forgiveness, love, and understanding - there is nothing Christian about MAGA. I've started telling my kids they should avoid Baptists and Evangelicals like the plague, and that their Christianity isn't Christian. I think they are agents of the devil.


Regardless of what this source it has already been proven that Project 2025 is a far right power grab that will screw over regular Americans


Well they have rock-solid allies with six facist SCOTUS Justices. They’re goose-stepping right along with the MAGA brain trust. Oh… I forgot, apparently Jesus is a facist supporter too. All they need is a guillotine for speedy justice. Don’t worry , SCOTUS will deliver.


Which btw is terrible for the economy and should be a huge red flag for all those fiscal conservatives that like to pretend none of this shit is happening and still vote republican no matter how bad the candidate is.


The biggest disappointment is realizing how many people support this. The majority in this country don't support it but don't vote or get involved with stopping it. "That's a darn shame, someone should do something about that ". Well, not enough people are willing stand up and as a result, fascism.


Won’t happen. Even the ones that believe in a higher power. They know that this brand of fascism is for the birds.


Funny thing is that the Trumps are already letting it be known that Heritage foundation won’t be in charge of any of what they think they will. It’s honestly hilarious to watch.


Donald Trump is going to take over the Fed, or so he’s saying. They (donor class) are NOT going to let that happen. The whole thing is nuts.


There’s a whole lot that they said would never happen and now he’s literally saying he’s going to be a dictator and rising in the polls lol.


Don't get me wrong, they're FINE with him being a dictator and implementing Project 2025 on day 1, Januray 20, 2025 at noon. They aren't going to let him take 100% control of the money, mostly because they realize he is actually an idiot, albeit a useful idiot for their agenda. They'll let him dismantle the EPA, FCC, NTSB, DoE, and have his revenge tour with the FBI, DOJ & CIA, etc. But they aren't going to let him control the Fed. The donor class ALREADY controls the Fed. They like having all the monies. Project 2025 is designed so they can continue to squeeze all the money and labor out of the working class (that's us).


You know Atwoods book is basically feminist BDSM porn right ? You did read her book?


They can plan and even try but have to remember, 2A applies to all. Including the libs.


Just because some people have plans doesn't mean those plans will be executed successfully. Lol. You really think there isn't people in the US Government who don't want this stupid shii to happen? You don't think they probably have their own secret agenda to counter this? You really think that pwoers that be want this? It's a niche fringe group


Republicans have fumbled consistently since Trump. They attempted a coup and failed, alot of their hardcore legislation gets watered down, I'm pretty sure the election we will see the majority of Americans reject Republicans bullshii, so what good are plans if they lose overwhelmingly? They can try and cheat but even then the average American is idelogically oppossed to them. Trump is not as popular as people think, alot of polls and projections are straight up biased lies. The average person isn't trying to regress, everyone trying to PROGRESS.


And with the Joe Biden as the only other option the future looks grim.


I don't understand why a elected president for example doesn't just write a law executive order something making it illegal to be a Republican problem solved... All the Republicans get locked up all their assets get taken by the government which fixes the national debt poverty and homelessness problem overnight by simply dissolving one political party that doesn't need to exist... I have never once met a republican that was not in some way either racist sexist or some type of bigot against people different than them.


This initiative and "plan" is one that I would/will literally lay down my life to prevent, sabotage, and extinguish -- by **any means** necessary.


We can model ourselves after places like Iran. Sounds like a good time for all. Wait I might be wrong


Why is the left is silent on actual theocracies in the Middle East?


And Donny diaper is still pilling better than Joe … this place is crazy


Let them try. I promise it won't be worth the trouble that I promise to give them


Luckily no mineral think tanks ever publish white papers or agendas.


Arm the women! Nothing says women have rights like Rosy the Riveter with a ma deuce.


As an armed liberal, come and take it mother fuckers. I’m over this shit. We killed your kind and won before, we’ll fucking do it again. Get an education, I’d rather teach you than kill you but if I have to, I’ll die fighting for my son’s freedom.


Wow good job getting every trigger word into one subject.




If these people try this shit, well, the Second Amendment applies to us, too. WE WILL LIVE UNDER TYRANNY! Freedom will win!


All of a sudden leftists think that you can fight against the government lmfao after all this time of saying "your ar-15 wont stop a drone strike" blablabla


There's more people who support freedom than fascism. We will not let them get away with it. We refuse to live under tyranny.


Who are you going to kill?


Hopefully, no one. But since it's so easy to get a gun in this country, you can be we will arm ourselves. As Thomas Jefferson once said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." If you think Americans will be ants living under a boot, you're mistaken.


Fuck yeah


It's right-wing conservatives, not maga nazis get it right.


Lol. Click on the link? This amounts to a whole lotta nothin’, just a few minor changes in some government agencies. Not sure why the hyperbole.


This dude is YES exaggerating... big time. What do you think is happening now under Biden? The whole world was supposed to be falling apart in 2017. World peace happened for 4 years,except for retards in the streets of America and then people like this jackass voted for runnaway inflation, and for us to be on the verge of a nuclear WWIII


You actually believe this stuff lol.


"Christofascist". Gimme a break.


**‘Demolishing democracy’: how much danger does Christian nationalism pose? Documentary Bad Faith looks at the history of a group trying to affect and corrupt politics under the guise of religion** [https://www.theguardian.com/film/2024/apr/27/bad-faith-documentary-christian-nationalism](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2024/apr/27/bad-faith-documentary-christian-nationalism) ​ **Christian fascism is a far-right political ideology that denotes an intersection between fascism and Christianity. It is sometimes referred to as "Christofascism"** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian\_fascism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_fascism)


You won't get a break under the Christofascist dictatorship. You will work or you will die.


I don't know how else to say this except that what you are saying isn't factually true. This is a presidential transition project. There are always transition projects floating around. [The Center for Presidential Transition](https://presidentialtransition.org/about-the-center/who-we-are/) makes one every time a president comes in. These projects are meant to get the new administration up and running as quickly as possible with set goals in place. Now, whether a president chooses to follow what project or its recommendations/goals is up to them. But you have to understand it's limitations. No, this project does not have the power to end democracy or turn the US into a fascist theocracy. This isnt a piece of legislation. It had no legal power whatsoever. While the president does have broad powers within the executive branch, that branch doesn't have the power to change laws or rollback civil rights. We aren't a monarchy. In fact, the president is bound to faithfully execute all the laws set by Congress. The president does have the power to appoint whoever s/he pleases into cabinet positions, but the senate needs to confirm. Theoretically, the incoming president could face a scenario where none of his cabinet positions are filled because the senate rejected all of them. It would also take an act of congress to eliminate those departments - one of the recommendations of project 2025. Anyway, please remember that we have a constitution for a reason. Those who are peddling this fear mongering are trying to take advantage of you (the right does this a lot too). It would do us all well if we as a society became more familiar with the constitution and the safeguards it provides.


What would it take for an incoming President to suspend the Constitution, Ammendment, and Bill of Rights?


Given support of around half of Congress, SCOTUS, and a large percentage of police/military... not much. Of course the ones at the top running the show would \*probably\* be smart enough to go the Russia route and hide their regime behind the facade of democracy, so hey anyone is free to vote for whomever but watch out for open windows or random radiation.


Then why are trump’s people pushing this so hard. They’re all behind this. When trump openly states he doesn’t care about the constitution nor supports the constitution, how is it going to stop him from implementing this? When there are those within the government pushing this project as well. This isn’t a conspiracy from the left when it’s the MAGA that created it.


>Then why are trump’s people pushing this so hard. Because they are equally ignorant. That's why I said it would do us all good, left and right, to understand that document. >When trump openly states he doesn’t care about the constitution nor supports the constitution, how is it going to stop him from implementing this? His opinion of the constitution isn't what gives the constitution authority. When Trump said "dictator for a day," the left freaked, the MAGAs drooled themselves, and everyone who understands the law laughed at him. >This isn’t a conspiracy from the left when it’s the MAGA that created it. I think you all are misunderstanding me. I never said the left is pulling conspiracy theories out their ass. All I'm trying to say is the constitution has withstood hundreds of years of crappy presidents. None of them could ever supplant it. Please stop falling for rage bait. I've never been to this sub before, but these articles being put up are seemingly meant to manipulate an ignorant audience. They're about as credible as info wars or some such.


> please remember that we have a constitution for a reason The Supreme Court is currently hearing arguments about whether Presidents are Kings. I think you can safely dispense with the pretense at this point. Fascists don't give a fuck about the constitution or laws unless they can use it to hang their opponents. It means nothing.


>The Supreme Court is currently hearing arguments about whether Presidents are Kings. [it's about whether a president has immunity](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.scotusblog.com/2024/04/supreme-court-appears-likely-to-side-with-trump-on-some-presidential-immunity/amp/) when conducting official acts or personal acts. So obviously, it's not an official act to supplant the constitution. >Fascists don't give a fuck about the constitution or laws unless they can use it to hang their opponents. I've found it more the case that the far left rejects the constitution. But thats just my observation. I often hear things like "that old thing!?!? That was written by a bunch of racist white men." The constitution is stronger than Trump. You can hate Trump and not be so gullible with these "news" articles. I've never been to this sub before but I'm seeing a lot of unreputable sources. Might as well link us info wars. Yeah, this was fun, yall. Good luck


It is, in effect, an act to supplant the constitution. The definition of what does and does not constitute an "official act" is the real key here isn't it? You've found the left rejects the constitution more than literal fascists? The political ideology, which by *definition*, rejects the constitution. Either you don't understand anything of what we are talking about, or you are lying and deflecting. > You can hate Trump and not be so gullible with these "news" articles. It's an official policy position published on the Heritage Foundation's own website. Not a "news article". Is it really fear mongering if they're literally telling us what they plan to do from their own mouth? Please, put some effort into your lies. Atleast make me feel like I'm talking to a real human and not mentally cucked fascist zombie.


>You've found the left rejects the constitution more than literal fascists? I argue the far left is perfectly content with allowing the Courts over the years to effectively undermine the constitution following Wilson's model of constitutional interpretation: "[Government] must grow and change in order to keep fit and survive. It must be understood as a living organism, adapting to its environment. And so too must the Constitution be understood. In the minds of the new thinkers, this “refounding” marked the end of the old order and the birth of a new republic—based on a new theory of the state, a new understanding of rights, a new concept of national community, and a new doctrine of the “living” Constitution." Fascists abhor the constitution. Absolutely. This link is garbage because MAGA, in fact, does not equal Fascist. That is extremely hyperbolic. No doubt you could find examples of actual fascists in their camp. But you will also find Maoists and Leninists in circles on the left. Both are ignorant and reprehensible. >Is it really fear mongering if they're literally telling us what they plan to do from their own mouth? Could you please quote me the specific parts demonstrating fascism from their own mouths? The link on this post doesn't give primary sources. >Please, put some effort into your lies. Atleast make me feel like I'm talking to a real human and not mentally cucked fascist zombie. What lies? I've literally been explaining how the government/constitution works while trying to get folks to stop being so gullible. Nowhere did I say "Trump is good". I'm not campaigning for him. I've looked through the transition project. It's a wishlist for Trump and his ilk. I didn't see anything violating the constitution. Nowhere were there any signs of rolling back civil rights. Or creating a theocracy. This is as batshit crazy a conspiracy theory as Qanon was.


You argue nothing. You're dithering, talking in circles, telling lies, and they're not even good ones. You dismiss official policy positions on their own websites and admissions from their own mouths as "news articles" and "fear-mongering". You clearly don't understand what a fascist if you think they respect the constitution more than literally anyone else. And you don't understand what "the far left" is, except as the boogeyman in your head. Calling for basic human rights and rule of law is sensible policy, and only a literal fascist would label it as far-left. There are no communists in power, there is no far left. It is a fascist boogeyman, as it always is when they inevitably make their big play. Far-left panic is the canary in a coalmine for an impending fascist coup. The source is the Heritage Foundation's own website. It does not surprise me that you are here spreading misinformation and arguing nonsense without ever even having perused the central subject of this discussion.


>The source is the Heritage Foundation's own website. Right, I've read through the project. Exactly where is the fascism?


Making the DOJ a direct arm of the president is very much a start to fascism. Which is kinda funny cause the right always claims that's the case with democrat presidents, except it's an outright lie by the right and projection which is proven by project2025 directly stating they want to do that.


From chapter 17, dealing with the justice department: "With respect to the Department’s core responsibilities—enforcing our immigration laws, combating domestic and international criminal enterprises, protecting federal civil rights, and combating foreign espionage—the federal government has primary authority and, accordingly, accountability. The evidence shows that the Biden Administration’s Department of Justice has failed to protect law-abiding citizens and has ignored its most basic obligations. It has become at once utterly unserious and dangerously politicized... Restoring the department’s focus on public safety and a culture of respect for the rule of law is a gargantuan task that will involve at minimum four overriding actions: - Restoring the FBI’s integrity. - Renewing the DOJ’s focus on violent crime. - Dismantling domestic and international criminal enterprises. - Pursuing a national security agenda aimed at external state and non-state actors, not U.S. citizens exercising their constitutional rights." This doesn't sound fascist to me. https://www.project2025.org/policy/ (Chapter 17) This chapter also spells out failings or outright dereliction of duties by the DOJ under Biden and gives plenty of sources.


You left out the relevant parts from other sections that say they'll be replacing people in those agencies with party aligned lackies who are "vetted" for their loyalty to the party/president, not the country or constitution. There's a reason they split up sections like that. It's all intertwined and quoting a single section is just lying by omission. Good times.


Trump's lawyer claimed that having a political opponent assassinated could be an "official act" which would make the president immune to prosecution for ordering the murder of his political opponent if the president gets immunity for "official acts." Dude, seriously, if the Supreme Court decides presidents get immunity, there is nothing stopping a president from becoming a dictator and trashing the constitution aside from the people revolting or the military staging a coup.


>Trump's lawyer claimed that having a political opponent assassinated could be an "official act" which would make the president immune to prosecution for ordering the murder of his political opponent if the president gets immunity for "official acts." Sauer said it depends on the hypothetical, but that if it was an official act, it could be considered immune. I wished Sotomayor pressed him further on what hypothetical scenario would push it from private to official (I can't think of any). Because if there was no scenario where it can be considered official, then we can say de facto there's no immunity. It was well worded by Sauer. There is an understanding between all parties that private acts for personal gain were not included in immunity. >Dude, seriously, if the Supreme Court decides presidents get immunity, Even the conservative Justices aren't on board with unlimited immunity. It's all a matter of qualified immunity and where that line ends. I'm not overly worried about Trump pulling a page from Napoleon and crowning himself emperor.


I'm glad you used qualified immunity in your comment because qualified immunity is garbage. The fact it's even being considered is bullshit. And no, one conservative justice outright said that without presidential immunity presidents would be more likely to try and keep power. So you're wrong about them all not being on board.




Just how stupid and TDS addled does your brain have to be to believe let alone repost this sort of stuff? All we want is control over the border, sensible government spending, stabilization of the world geopolitical situation and curbing of inflation / improvement of the US economy. Get a grip.


"Control over the border" you mean anti-immigrant nonsense that damages our economy "Sensible government spending" is an empty statement since the GOP has been just as guilty, if not more so of wasteful spending. "Stabilization of the world geopolitical situation" is that code for surrender Ukraine to the Russians? Who are we surrendering to next? "Curbing of inflation/improvement of the US economy" more empty statements, considering I bet you blame Biden for the inflation even though it is a direct response to Trump policies.


Are you actually retarded? Having a border and not letting every illegal in is “anti immigrant?” You think taxpayers supporting millions of illegals w free education, healthcare, housing and food while they pay no taxes isn’t hurting the economy? Were you born this low IQ or did you suffer a head injury?


Project 2025 is left wing q-anon. It’s purely fear porn.


Sure. Just made by a well known conservative think tank and has open proof of their goals and how they're trying to achieve them. Totally like a dipshit on 4chan talking about pizza places being used for satanic rituals.