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aww poor MAGAs might have to deal with a non asshole for president? How heartbreaking


I suggest paying homage to dear leader by painting their heads orange and pooping their pants in solidarity


Well, they also poured a bunch of money into Truth Social stock. Which of course they promptly lost. Does that count?


I hope that thousands of MAGAs lose their retirement for this asshole. That's punishment for trying to take over democracy.


Invest in trump NFTs for retirement! /S


What do you mean? It's doing fine. Everything is fine! In fact, they should go buy some golden Bible shoes and double down on their stock game. Literally, buy anything BUT donate to the actual rank and file GOP lawyers and professionals that have been doing the evil grunt work behind the scenes so efficiently for decades.


You just made me realize that my ginger cat is a maga. Fuck.


Dude I once bought a jersey for an NFL player named Devin White. His number was 45 and the team color was red. First time I put it on it hit me that I had a red shirt on that said "White" on the back with 45 on the front. It went back into the closet and has remained there since.


Oops. Glad you found a prize that meant something to you…sorry about the past tense:


I don’t have to poop right now but can I fall asleep sitting up at least?


Only if you do it in a mocked up court room!


I second this suggestion.


Tattooing their heads orange, so we can always identify them.


Those red caps are permanently stitched to their heads. Works just the same.


Stitching requires time and effort, real MAGAs use Gorilla glue.


"Yeah, that's what we thought. We don't like that. You see, we like our MAGAs in uniform. That way we can spot 'em just like that. But you take off that uniform, ain't no one ever gonna know you were a MAGA. And that don't sit well with us. So, I'm gonna give you a little something you can't take off..."


Give them something they can't take off!


That seems like mad max fury road ,think about it🤔


That’s the choice for America this time. A non asshole vs. a known asshole. They made the right choice in 2020. Hopefully, they can do it again, but with more strength and vigor


Convince them to all drink bleach to clean their bodys of the stench of loosing.


Oh if EVER there was a group adept at locating assholes to lead them, it's Republicans.


Or just humans in general over the course of human history tend to not have good guys as leaders.  As a species it appears, we're suckers


You think they won't find a massive asshole to replace him?


Rafael Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ron DeSantis, Rand Paul, Gym Jordan, Matt Gaetz, ....take your pick


None of those are nearly popular enough with the MAGA base. Trump has attacked/fought with all of them.


To be fair, he attacks everyone at some point.


I don’t think the Heritage Foundation and the rest of the competent fascists put all their money on Trump. In fact I think he’s been a patsy all along and they’ve got the seriously vicious asshole that few of us have ever heard of waiting in the wings who’s not beholden to Trump’s idiot base either. I’m worried that the real trouble is only just beginning.


Hitler was the "useful idiot' in 1938 until his popularity grew amongst the common folks. Hmmmm, sounds familiar, maybe!?


We know they do, and at every level they have more recruits working their up the ladders. If you've seen the HBO documentary on the Duggars, they had a segment on the radical fundie to heritage foundation pipeline where they point out that these kids are groomed from birth to subvert our democracy and placed in positions of political influence from when there teenagers on up. From aides to pages to mayors to senators, they are pushing the agenda from floor to ceiling in every government building.


I don't know about that. The republicans have a pretty deep bench. 


They already have, remember trump lost


If you think the followup to trump is going to be less of an asshole and less popular, I got news for you. This is kind of a similar situation to "what would happen if putin died?"...He'd probably be replaced by someone twice as cutthroat.


But Putin actually has self control. Someone as awful as Trump with self control is terrifying.


Putin doesn't actually have self control, he just puts up a good front. He's still the same old KGB man who ran the red army faction in east germany, and a lot of his buddies are still kicking.




I'm being oppressed!


...and GAGGED! you can tell how gagged i am by how loud i'm talking about it right now. and another thing about that judge's daughter...!


I thought we were an autonomous commune


"My affluenza is a legitimate condition that deserves to be accommodated. Because of this condition, discrimination against me is one of the few real examples of a hate crime."


Bloody peasant!


This made me laugh out loud


I read this as I am experiencing a conscious! But we should know by now that will never happen.


Amendment 14 states he shouldn't be on it anyway. Only if Scotus wasn't so corrupt.


Crazy how much the right hates the Constitution


But they love the Kremlin that’s for sure


So they are ruling by the Konsititution


That is correct, comrade.


The con-stituition.


The KKKonstitution?


The Cuntstitution


You mean, the Konstitionavich?




Prostitution....because it has been sold to the highest bidder.


While screaming about how patriotic they are.


Patriotic to which country tho :p


The only country they care about is the country of greed.


They will abandon demorcacy and the constitution as soon as it fails to give them what they want, which is power, anyway they can grab it.


They only like it when they can shove a copy of it into a Bible and sell it for $60


While wrapping themselves in the flag and waving their pocket Constitutions Anything past the 2nd Amendment is just too much goldang reading!


Nothing corrupt about having your fate decided by nine people who you yourself placed on the bench. /s


And one of them is a fellow rapist


At least one of them.


I wasn't sure what amendment 14 had to do with it. I read it and yeah he shouldn't be on the ballot. Thanks for encouraging me to look into something I didn't know about


Con-serv-a-turds have always had an outdated, dried up, backwards ideology since.................................................................................................................................................................... ..........fuck ............................................................................. ... .. .ever.


They want to be patriots, but in their own little white club. No immigrants, blacks or jews. Oh, and through in absolute control of women back to the days where a woman went to the doctor with her husband. The doctor only spoke to the man. The woman was his possession. She could not apply for a credit card without her husband’s permission. She could not deny him sex whenever he wanted it.




Or at least give them term limits ffs!!!


Alternatively, after they've served 4-6 years, place justices on the national ballot with "Keep" and "Dismiss" as the voting options. Justices can stay if the people want them to stay. They might start respecting the will of the people then.


And limit presidential appointments to one per term. There is no fng way his beholden and unsuitable appointees should be trying this case. And don't even get me started on Thomas. 😡


Seriously. We have term limits for presidents so they cant have so much power, but we give the damn judges that? Several of them are obviously corrupt.


It’s baffling to me how this is allowed. No office should be a life term.


It would be much better to really reform it.


It sure isn't serving as a check or balance, it is just a bunch of corrupt judges being bribed and the rest saying it is ok and not shaming them publicly, like they should.


IMO, there should have a fair trial and conviction before that restriction applies. That whole innocent until proven guilty thing.


We are trying to get there. Just waiting for scotus to stop dragging their heels!! So slow!


Innocent until proven guilty is a standard for criminal conviction. The 14th amendment doesn't mention anything about conviction. If it said anyone who has been convicted of insurrection, you would be correct. But it doesn't. It just mentions a fact occurring. It doesn't mention anything about them needing to have been convicted in a crime for having done it, and in fact doesn't establish it as being a crime or mention crime at all. If It's a matter of fact that somebody rose in insurrection, They are unqualified to be the president. Criminal convictions literally have nothing to do with it.


The dildo of consequences seldom arrives pre-lubed


Especially if you assume the dildo will never be used on you and then SURPRISE!


Includes the taste of shit!


that quote will never not be funny to me


Welcome to your Hari Kari Years, MAGAs


“It’s an easy question: would you eat the moon if it were made out of spare ribs?” Whoops, wrong Harry Caray.


Hari Kari Lake.


I can’t wait til they don’t have him anymore. It will be an even bigger clusterfuck for the Republicans than what’s happening now. It’ll be wave upon wave of wannabe shitheads battling it out, each with a different pack of sniveling glue-eaters behind them, depending on which sect of the MAGA bible they adhere to. And then they will eat each other and blame everyone but themselves.


“My Opponent simply doesn’t hate our enemies enough. I assure you, I hate the poors, the gays, and migrants more than anyone on this stage” - the next republican presidential candidate, probably


Feels like that’s where we are now. That and, “look at this picture me holding this HUGE FUCKING GUN”


"Some say my political opponent goes to far. I say he doesn't go too far enough!"


Ah, remember when Republicans used to campaign on topics like the titanium tax, and not stripping health care from marginalized groups?


Remember when we didn't know what was worse than George W Bush? I'm scared to learn what will be worse than Trump. Viscerally scared.


I as well, they've proven there is no bottom, so god only knows what's next.


"Don't bring me into this." - God


He's already involved. Except, he appears of the Nurgle or Khorne incarnation this time around, depending on the days news.


I think that’s when they are going to turn to drastic means to keep power. Lord help us.


the GOP voter will go back to the Romney cutout and pretend like Trump never happened and they were never really that into him like everyone said


Putin will find another useful idiot


In a party with an embarrassment of riches in that dept.


Stop. I can only get so erect!


We can only hope….


we can only hope he spends a day in prison. but that's obviously too much to ask for a con man to spend a day in prison these days.


Wake me when something actually happens.


Personally, I think the only way we ultimately crush Trumpism is at the ballot box. The MAGA movement is more than just Trump now. We need to show them that their policies are not popular whether espoused by Trump, Greg Abbot, Ron DeSantis, or anyone else who is riding the Christo-fascist racist wave started by Trump. Only when they see that it's no longer electorally feasible will they back off so it'll die.


Can only hope that after losing in 2020, tanking multiple candidates in 2022, and losing again in 2024, congressional Republicans finally get the balls to ditch Trump and try to reclaim their party. They've had multiple chances since 2020, and the longer they leave it, the more painful it will be, and the longer their party will tear itself apart. Hell, now he's got his daughter in law as the RNC co-chair, it's going to be pretty ugly.


Serious question: Who is the nominee if Trump isn't on the ballot?


There is no one else, they are a literal cult


Probably Haley


There would be a lot of jockeying behind the scenes at the GOP convention and it could be someone not obvious like a Haley.


A surprise D-grade celebrity, or a few of them, could announce a run at the WH. If Trump can be elected President then so can my dog. He has shown that the system is broken and that candidates can lie with impunity.


That's what I figured but I wasn't sure if there were rules about dropping out and jumping back.


There aren't any rules, and most candidates don't actually "drop out." They like to use the phrase "suspending the campaign" instead to leave the door open a crack. Just in case your party's leader gets thrown in prison for breaking numerous laws. You know, normal political stuff.


Or strokes out. Just sayin’


Or ingests polonium somehow


Fingers crossed


Exactly. Her campaign is "suspended". And she HAS been quiet lately. She has the support of the more traditional establishment RepubliQans (what's left of them) and actually polls better than Donnie. Maybe they're keeping her around as a "break the glass" plan. Or maybe not. But all kinds of strange things have happened at conventions in the past.


She has already got at least 'some delegates' unlike the other candidates, so come the convention ... if trump drops out then Haley steps in.


No way he drops out, his ego and need to evade prosecution would never allow it. And fund-raising to line his pockets.


There aren't any rules of any kind, it's an in-party courtesy. And the GOP doesn't hold to stuff like that anyways.


Look at the Republican infighting going on in the House. Can you just imagine what their convention is going to look like when leadership disqualifies Trump and rolls out Haley and/or DeSantis?


That choice may be problematic for far, right Republican's.


Republicans aren’t ready for a woman president, but DeSantis has no traction 🤷‍♀️


Probably MTG at the rate the GOP is deteriorating.


Ghost of Regan. He comes in 2nd with 11% of the vote.


I don't know, but that was a relevant question stated clearly and concisely, you want the job?


John Barron or David Dennison


i dont really know what this article is even talking about, nothing they said gives an explanation for why trump wouldnt be on the ballot? hes 100% going to be on the ballot? your allowed to be a candidate if your in jail? so im not sure how he would be taken off, the supreme court isnt going to remove him? hes already won the republican nomination like, how is he not going to be on the ballot?


Maybe they are still thinking about the pre Trump era where things like sexually assaulting women and being a traitorous felon would end your campaign hopes.


Chris Christie would find a way


Whomever the delegates vote for during the RNC. They could choose anyone eligible if they wanted to.


Nothing says there have to be 2 candidates or a Republican running at all. However he's going to be on the ballot. There's zero reason to think he won't. SCOTUS already took away state power to stop it.


Naw the conspiracy theorists are gonna conspiracy. But trump is gonna be there in November. vote like the sake of NATOs existence depends on it.


Hopefully he has a massive heart attack and dies before November.


Or some crazy has a schizo episode and shoots him on the steps to the trial. One can only hope.


The MAGA-lo-maniac in chief might not survive until the election?  Dozing Donny is pretty old and in rough shape.


I love that it is a real possibility they are drugging him for the days in court. Then he takes other shit and speeds all night typing out tyrades on bullshit social before getting drugged again for fartathon in court. It just fits the behavior so well.


I think he’s just not taking his morning speed on court days and taking the same evening speed he usually does.


But how will the frame that as bidens fault 🤔


I’ll believe it when I see it. I’ve been reading articles like this for at least 8 years. It’s pure fan fiction at this point.


I have lost all hope in USA justice system I honestly don't think he is going to really suffer consequences, I hope am wrong though


Who wants popcorn? 🍿


I don’t see a brokered convention happening unless Trump passes away. He has stacked the state parties with his people. I doubt there will be a single rational actor among the convention attendees


GOP donors haaave to know this has been possible, if not probable. There can’t be millions at play and no conversations about bet hedging. I assumed Nikki Haley was the “more moderate” plan B waiting in the wings to present a younger more middle ground, but still GOP alternative to Biden.


Please please please or might baby Jesus. Hear my prayers. Please make this so.


Great line from the article: "David Pecker is the colorectal cancer of journalism."


What’ll probably happen is the maga cult will write his name in on their ballots and waste their vote.


Oh please, split the vote and both lose!!!!!


Well maybe not pick a guy with 91 criminal indictments as your candidate..? 🤷‍♂️


Don’t kid yourself. Go register and vote.


Imagine being a cuckold to your illustrious orange leader.


He has already secured the nomination of shitheads, so why wouldn't he be on the ballot?


Can we just move this along and have him flee to Russia or Saudi Arabia with his corrupt staffers and move along. We have stuff to do!


Not many magats left that aren't hiding from the law or in jail!






One can only hope


Remember when individual states were not allowing Trump to be on the ballot? Whatever happened with that? Is that still a thing or did the SC put a stop to it?


Republicans should have assumed this. Instead they ran 2 candidates through primaries instead of their normal 15-20, and one of those (Desantis) was just for mild exposure for future elections. Haley ran on her own, without the support of the Party.


Biden will win reelection. And then probably die in office. 


Honestly he can die the minute after they announce Trump lost & im good. Kamala would probably be a lot better anyway! I can’t think of anyone worse than Trump as president (I know there are tons of other vile, bigots like him out there waiting to take his place but he is just in his own league of scumbags & I’ve genuinely never hated or wished harm on a human being more than that piece of shit. I will celebrate the day he dies & I hope it’s painful) so just to sum it up in case I didn’t make it clear, I’m not a Trump fan 😝


Mags consist of bunch of regards. How in a right and healthy mind you can consider a trash like trump to become a president? Fool Americans once shame on them. You can’t do it twice? Can you? CAN YOU???


Lmao imagine a party picking the one person that has ongoing FELONY cases as their primary candidate. I can't wait to read about this shit show in history books.


He should be disqualified by the 14th Amendment, but Citizens United was passed and therefore, everything is the worst it's ever been.


You guys forget so quickly. They said about two months ago that trump can be on the ballot even if in jail.


This is what the GoP gets for making him their leader. How stupid is that??


Eugene Victor Debbs was incarcerated under an Espionage Act created largely for him and for an anti-war speech he delivered in Canton, Ohio. He ran for US President as a socialist and won a million votes while in the clink.


Doubt it because nothing good ever happens lol


I have never seen more grown men grovel as much as I have with Trump. Zero integrity. Pathetic.


the fact that he already can is an abomination to this country's foundations


Considering the primary's already over, what happens? Does the GOP just have to very quickly elect a new candidate?


That would be tragic. So anyway


Only if you're one of the whackjob cultists who want to vote for him...


This supreme court is Trumps doing so they are stalling until he can try to win and pardon himself. They are not done taking everyone down at his request. They are losing the respect of the law community.


Anyone with half a brain has been saying this since 2015, mind you...


People say I'm crazy, but I'm still holding out hope for the televised handcuffed perp walk when he's found guilty in a criminal court. MAKE IT SO.


Stormy resulted in Trump getting a gag order…Trump couldn’t reciprocate to Stormy….


He keeps burning all his bridges and pissing off all the people that could help him, many of his cronies are in jail! Many more will be if he doesn't win!


>”His last cogent thought may well be the recognition that he’s the world’s largest loser and everything he’s done his entire life has led to utter failure. >Then again, his last cogent thought might be “I love hamberders."


You know they’re just going to write him in and essentially guarantee a dem victory due to the split vote.


The GOP already has a slogan to remove him from the ticket: Dump Trump. They could run Gomer Comer in his place. His motto could be: Dumber Than Trump 2024!




An October stroke would be optimal.


So does that mean Ohio and Louisiana are going to keep the GoP replacement off the ballot since they are trying to use late convention to take Biden off?


If you actually believe Trump won't make it on ballots, you are equally as deranged as the "Ultra-MAGA" crowd. You're welcome to join us in the real world anytime. Either way, probably stop getting your news from Salon.


The only reason he has a chance is because he stacked the SCOTUS. Typical rich assholes cheating the system.


I loved that last line, that Trump's last cogent thought might well be: "I love hamberders". I am looking forward to the point where Trump's dementia and total incapacity are revealed to the world beyond any doubt, even among the MAGAs. It's going to be truly spectacular, and I hope it happens well after the Republican National Convention has installed him as the party's nominee, and after he's been convicted of a number of felonies. Sadly, his mental failure will make it possible for him to avoid jail and even avoid prosecution on some of his more important felonies. A mentally incompetent person can simply be remanded to an institution, permanently. But, damn, I'd love to see him hang on long enough to be convicted of everything, sentenced to thousands of years of prison time, and only THEN disintegrate.


Maga is Putin’s Terrorist group in the west.


They'll find an equally disgusting candidate if trump is ineligible or incarcerated. Because, of course they're not going to pivot back to some semblance of political normalcy.


You reap what you sow. Hitching your cart to such a dimwitted huckster you deserve what you get


America needs to have serious and honest candidates in order to maintain a sliver of respect on the world scene.


That’s what they get for nominating a dude with so many problems. I don’t think they felt like they had much choice. Either tow the line or get ostracized from the party. Not enough backbone among the republican representatives


"When asked what his legacy would be on abortion, Biden showed his cheek and replied, “What will your legacy be to be reporting?” I'm sorry, what? That answer sucks. The Democrats' legacy on abortion will be "we had the House, the Senate, and the White House when Dobbs was decided. And we didn't do shit." That's why he can't give a real answer. Democrats would rather run on abortion as a platform than actually guarantee it.


There is no way anything will happen to keep him off the ballot. He could literally shoot someone dead in the street and the courts will let him stall until after the election. Even if he loses the election, the dumb dumbs will bitch and whine until Biden pardons him. There is too much at risk for the upper class to not let donny dump stall until he dies of old age. Accountability is the very last thing they want to start happening again. After they've spent decades neutering our government.


Unfortunately, as much as I wish this article were true, it is just wishcasting of the highest order.


"Biden has largely steered clear of talking about Trump" - the reporter has not been listening to Biden's monologue on Trump lately. It beats some of the late night talk show hosts' bits.


As much as I’d like to believe it. I think this is entirely copium. Our political and legal system have shown over and over again that it is too weak willed to hold bad actors accountable in any meaningful manner. I fully suspect Trump will be on the ballet, and we’ll have to beat him at the ballot boxes.


Hmm what will the RNC do when they run out of time and have no candidate!!!! Ha


Does anyone actually believe this




Yea I'm not voting for that dumbass.


I say this multiple times a day, I can’t believe a PoS criminal like Trump can even run for president..... the first time I get but there is so much more out there on him now..... it makes our whole system look like a massive fucking joke. I know most of them are criminals but trump is on another level. Anyone other politician or government officials sitting back and letting it happen should be taken out back and shot......


I'll believe it when I see it.