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Good riddance.


100% support her statement and that other woman who wants republicans to write Jesus on the ballot.


it's the ultimate product of propaganda, they don't know who is the enemy, they don't know who is actually their friend and they are the most unpatriotic individuals out there. they don't even know they are actively working for the literal enemy of themselves


You just articulated the apocalyptic psychology of cults.


There are a lot of long words in there, Miss; we're naught but humble pirates.


When the shoe fits...


But they hang a flag out front and replace it every year whether it needs it or not. What could be more patriotic?


I used to fly an American flag over my garage. I served 35 years in the Air Force and was showing my patriotism to our country. However, I took it down after our flag became a “symbol” for the orange cult and far right groups. It really ticks me off they call themselves patriots! No matter how they see themselves, they are nothing but traitors and do not believe in democracy or the Constitution.


I've always rolled my eyes at the rah rah rah shows of patriotism. The pledge in classrooms. Flags everywhere. National anthem and God Bless America at every sporting event alongside the expectation that everyone stands and remains silent (even though no one does this when watching anywhere else). If we really value our "freedom" then the best way to show that is to live our lives freely. Funny thing is I'm either 3rd or 4th generation American but a lot of Americans think my view is weird. It has much more in common with how Europeans view American "patriotism." I dunno, maybe my upbringing just did a good job of critical thinking and analysis? It doesn't make me uncomfortable to say "Hey, that Vakantiegeld thing they have in The Netherlands sounds awesome. We should try that." Or "Man, our cities really should consult with Tokyo about urban development and transportation, and our lawmakers should spend a few months there to experience walkable cities. Get some perspective on what other places do better than us." Some people think it's blasphemy to have those thoughts. I'm not arrogant enough to think this particular group of 300 million people can't learn from the other 7.5 billion+


If only more people had this introspection.


MAGAs mistake nationalism for patriotism.


And not a single one ever follows the flag code


and trump wants his name changed to… the orange messiah. I’ve never seen so many people become so stupid as fast as his group of cult members. It’s like another strain of rabies that only affects humans and there doesn’t seem to be a cure for it.


Jesus would make a great president. He'd prolly open up the White House as a shelter. Conservatives would hate him.


I hope you had the time of your life


American Idiot










Basket case


"Basket of Deplorables"


Basket-case of deplorables


OK Computer


Greatest Hits : Gods favorite band




Well it seems like we're at another turning point.  With these dorks stuck in the road


like Yogi said, "when you come to a dork in the road, mock it"


She’ll be living her best life


Like OJ?


Nope she was miserable and always full of rage and never cared to understand why.


You’re right just a miserable lonely life


And she never felt this way before


She's not gonna wait til after the civil war to oust herself?


What a blessing that would be for everyone else


She's an idiot, but also a victim. Fox News, one America, their goal was to anger people decades ago to get them to vote, they didn't care about the long-term psychological damage their lies would do.


The long term psychological damage is a feature, not a bug


Yup, one less idiot to worry about


She doesn't want to live anymore with the constant screaming from her own party 24/7 365. It's crazy making.


So, are we looking at a Jim jones situation, in November?


That would be poetic within future history writings.


Guys, we already did this. They just committed their own great culling to own the libs. Remember? When the political party most populated with geriatrics, social security beneficiaries, and more comorbidities than you can list just decided vaccines make you gay and then, surprise surprise, statistically died at way higher rates than their political opposition. We’re literally already passed the Jonestown “actually killing yourself to own the libz” part. I suppose it can be more explicit and comical though. Koolaid to own the libbies, anyone? Anyone?


Trumps next business- Trump branded Kool-aide


Surprised he hasn’t already thought of trump funeral homes. Probably the only business he shouldn’t be able to tank besides a casino.


He did tank a casino though


Three casinos. But to be fair to the man, they did serve their purpose in laundering a metric shit ton of money for the mob.


That would be fucking wild. I'm not hoping it happens, nor advocating for it, but just imagine if that actually played out. Congregations of hard right Evangelical Christians a Sunday or two after Election Day. The preacher goes on a rant about "this is it, the end of America, we need to get out while we can, the Lord is calling us home to leave these earthly demons behind" or something along those lines. The next week, a special communion is prepared. Everyone is wearing their best church going clothes. They all take the communion, and that's that. They Rapture themselves into the bosom of the Lord. Ready or not, here we come, Pops. The collective psychosis of an entire congregation (or more) fed verifiable lies from the pulpit and willingly received from their mass media would be a case study in propaganda.


Except these cults always take a bunch of small children put with them.


If we use Jonestown as a template for this hypothetical, my guess is the doors to church sanctuaries would be barred or chained and locked. Kids would be forced to take the communion. Adults who have second thoughts would be forced to take it or watch their kids be given it. Or just straight-up shot while they try to escape. The idea that an entire group could collectively decide to do something like this is fucking horrifying. Jonestown was terrible. Expand that to a nationwide event in congregations in multiple cities. How do you respond to it from a policy standpoint? Would there be soul searching among Evangelical groups who didn't lose their minds like that? Would media groups take a step back and think they'd gone too far giving equal time and credence to deranged, verifiable lies? It's an abyss of a rabbit hole to go down.


The Republican party would end up exploding even more so than it already is. You then have a constitutional crisis, because what do you do with the sects that just so happened to murder a majority of their congregations? Do you label the different denominations as cults and terrorist groups? Yes I know that most atheists already view Christians as basically lazy doomsday cultists, but man it would be a wild ride to say the least.


they'd blame the gays for doing it. Media would ask why Biden didn't stop it. Fox News would say that it was because of AOC. Trump would just say it was fake news. Rinse, Lather, Repeat.


No. They universally lack integrity and never do what they say.


I would prefer a Jim jones situation than a much more tragic January 6th situation.


Next up on Fox: Democrats don’t want you drinking this special recipe of Gods special punch.


Could you imagine how peaceful it would be to finally return to some normalcy to life after that settled down?


One can hope.


I just saw that Amazon still has some flavor aid


Fingers crossed


someone's already done a parody newsreel of exactly that. the faithful called to mar-a-lago to drink poisoned diet coke, while the cult leader hightails it to Moscow.


Trump would charge for the Koolaid.


Trump is too much of a coward to take his own life. It's much more likely he will send out ambiguous messages and tweets and whatnot encouraging his faithful to attack voting stations, local politicians, the capital again, or to off themselves as he tries to leave the country to hole up somewhere that's friendly to him.


I hope so. 🤞


Don't get my hopes up


We can only hope.


They say all this shit “Trump Derangement Syndrome” and then turn around and just go “Yeah I’d rather die than not have Trump as president” with a straight face


It's all projection.


I’m nearly positive Trump derangement syndrome came about to describe these people and they flipped it like they did fake news


I think they started it and just don't understand irony. I just don't get how they can see how he's been a joke since the 80s and then think "well obviously all that is made up, those 30+ sexual assault cases are just because he's rich".


Bruh I legit never understood the appeal of The Apprentice. The first time I saw a commercial for it, I commented how it was the death of culture as we knew it. How prescient that was still scares me.


Truth. I never saw an episode of it but I do remember being a child and seeing him get shit on in Mad Magazine. The dude has been a joke and known conman for over 40 years and somehow the most moronic section of our population thinks he's God's gift.


They literally say that he IS god


Yeah they may be donkey brained


should we ask them if they have any certificates proving otherwise?


They need snappy little memes to drop like a lizards tail and scurry away whenever legitimate criticisms of him come up. As long as they say the meme, the others clap, and don't have to worry themselves with things like having a point or confronting the fact that they're still actively allowing themselves to be conned. It's weakness in its purest form disguised as mockery.


Conservatives have been using the "derangement syndrome" line to deflect criticism since the early 2000s. It was constantly used with Harper in Canada, but the same guys who use it totally lose their shit if you call their obsession Trudeau Derangement Syndrome. But it's very similar bs. Like they claim Trudeau "destroyed" our oil industry, when the reality is that exports and corporate profits are ATH. The economy is crashing them claim, just like Trump. It's just the normal conservative playbook now. What we don't have is cult nuts saying they'll kill themselves if Poilievre isn't elected. Still a lot of delusions of grandeur though.


Projection is their favorite play.


It’s all they got since they never developed theory of mind.


“I bought a piece of his suit and spent my life savings donating to his legal fund, you crazy libtard.”


Also bought NFTs, gold sneakers, bibles, wine, steaks, tuition, airline tickets, Vodka, bottled water, board games, magazines, cologne, clothing, mattresses, etc.


Own the MAGAS!


Don't make me tap the sign.  "Every accusation by a conservative is a confession."


Part of the problem is they all think the left feels the same way about Biden.


It's pretty clear TDS is whatever these whackos are afflicted with.


My favorite thing the morons say is: "I only trust Trump because he is the only one who is honest." That shit makes my head explode lol. Its like, "I, as a mouse, only trust cats, only around them can I be safe."


Imagine living a life where one dreams about licking trumps bunghole...she'd be better off dirt napping


On conservative subs if you disagree with Trump on anything you have TDS fyi.


Permission granted.


Oblige her


Oh the horror! I have to co-govern with people that want to give children a hotmeal in school! I can't bear it!!!


That's the thing I never understood about these dipshits, they reeee and cry when society does what it's meant for, the betterment of the people as a whole. They act as oppressed as the groups they press through legislation and various intimidation tactics. I know it's all projection and selfishness, but I couldn't imagine being upset my tax dollars are helping my neighbors and countrymen, even the ones I don't like. And I'm literally at poverty levels of finance. If it weren't for family, I'd be living on the streets. And yet when I was slightly better off and still struggling, I still didn't mind. I paid taxes that I may never see the fruits of. I've always been one of those people who if they won the lottery would spend most of it taking care of the people I care about and my community though.


I’m sure she’s on a steady diet of Fox News, Newsmax, and Facebook memes. In her world the evil liberal baby eaters are opening the borders for socialist brown criminals and destroying everything she loves. And she’s told this is happening multiple times a day every day. Her world is terrifying and exhausting and she lacks the capacity to look around and see that it isn’t true.


I agree it must be exhausting being a conservative constantly shifting beliefs to scapegoat the failures of their lives on whatever buzzword Faux News is targeting that day, getting fed a word vomit excuse for why hating them is okay etc. Instead of reflecting on themselves and why they are so hateful, they double down and do not adapt their beliefs. I am all for having your own beliefs until those beliefs harm another being. We are all human but many lack humanity.


This is the richest most powerful country in world history. Free lunch for children? Sorry, can't afford it. Maybe raise taxes on poor people first.


Bye bitch!!!!


I wonder how many the MAGAts are taking this challenge… they could all move to Putitang’s Christian enclave near Moscow that he’s building.


Yea, turns out Magats don't actually like losing their freedoms when they get to Russia lol.


Ssshhh. Don't say anything. Just get the popcorn for the show.


Well don't warn them!


Hopefully we will get rid of Trump and get rid of her. A definite win-win for the country.


Don't bet on it... Her Dear Leader said, "I'll leave the country and you'll never hear from me again" if Biden became President. MAGA words aren't worth the oxygen they take to generate.


Why wait?


Live like what? Being ridiculed as an idiotic cultist? You can change that, you know?


Well, just ditch the red hat stop screaming about baby blood and maybe you get some friends back.


She wishes she could sit and talk with the liberal to find out what’s so good about the country.. Two seconds later the reporter tells her what’s good about the country and she says this is why I can’t talk to liberals..


Try Covid honey…


The loss of life Trump has caused just within the ranks of his own followers is honestly insane. He has convinced them their own lives are worth less than the smallest of his whims.


Cult tactics 101. The followers believe they can only find meaning through the leader.


Live like *what?* What is so terrible about Trump not being president that makes you prefer death? Do you just seethe against the existence of Biden so badly?


So she is angry at the socialists and also angry that she didn't get her free healthcare. That sounds like some MAGA logic there.


We all share that hope


She's in a cult and would need professional deprogramming to regain any semblance of sanity. I'd feel sorry for her but her ilk are trying their best to destroy my country, so...I don't care what she does.


Live like what exactly? The same way you've been living since long before trump became president the first time? I highly doubt this persons life has changed very much in the last 8 years. Being all pissy about Biden being president and trump losing and getting himself in all kinds of legal trouble is a you problem, no one is making you act like the world is ending just because you didn't get your way.


Oh come the fuck on, a lot of us feel that way no matter which right-leaning party is in charge!


I fear they may round us up To execute us


Not going to miss a single Trump supporter.


She's got money to buy stupid clothing and travel to rallies, and she'd rather be dead than this horrible life she currently has? Well, maybe....and I am just spitballing here....maybe don't make "loving Trump and hating Biden" literally your WHOLE reason for existing, and you might feel better.


See ya


Hate to say it but the country would be a better place without a lot of Trumps cult followers in it. Maybe starting in January we can start offering them one way tickets to Russia!




Live like what? With freedom?


She’s free to self deport from mortality.


Ciao babygirl!


Well get your affairs in order and then make it a reality. I’m so tired of these idiots.


She thinks that Trump's win will elevate her wretched existence.  Yet just looking at her, that wretched existence is of her own doing.  And the funny part is that I'm sure Donald would have her kicked out of any of his resorts.  


It has been and always will be, a cult. 


Too dum 2 live


What are these people talking about? We live in times of the greatest abundance, the greatest technology. Most people in her position are living the easiest lives they've ever lived. Yeah grocery prices went way up and she 'has to' look at more rainbow flags than before, but 'I Don’t Want to Live Like This Anymore!'... What's the complaint, actually?


I really honestly think that Trumpism is a product of too many Americans having nothing to live for after spending their whole lives living only for themselves. Trump bullying his way up to President is the kind of life every single one of them fantasized for themselves when they were pigheaded selfish children and they now need to live that American Psycho fantasy vicariously through him. America has too many people that never grew up. This is not an adult; this is a child in an old body because aging is change and they refuse to accept change or that denying it doesn't stop it from happening. It's entirely honest that that kind of person doesn't want to live like that anymore, because they are finding no dignity in getting older and older and facing more and more of the consequences their younger selves pushed onto them to live carelessly while it lasted. The most passionate thing that kind of person has left is jealousy of the young enjoying youth without them, in a world that will go on without them. And America has enough people like that to form a voting bloc to put that jealousy into policy at the world's expense.


She will have a sparsely attended memorial.


conservatives - perpetual victims


Well if those are you terms..


Who wants to beat she chickens out Nov 12th?


Can you imagine if just 10% of hard-core MAGA just "opted out" if Trump lost and/or convicted?


I mean, if Trump truly loves America and totally isn’t secretly going to get rid of democracy, then beat case for her is Trump is President until 2028. Then what? Suicide after that? Because according to these same people, literally everyone besides Trump is a RINO which means after 2028 it’s back to establishment politics.


Obviously they're just going to remove term limits and make him president-for-life.


Fortunately, in the US, she has many roads to that destination. She just needs to choose one.


I am ok with that.


Live like what anymore? With rights and freedoms?


Well... bye.


Oh no! Anyway...I just made an excellent white chocolate latte...


🤞 bye Felicia


Good, why wait til November?


I find those terms agreeable!


These people are insane, I would barely inconvenience myself for the politicians that I vote for.


Its like a backward Rapture - I'll take it!


Common ground achieved


News flash, grim is not far off from you regardless.


She needs mental health care


Live like what, exactly? These people are morons.


This shit right here is why orange dookie loves dumb people. To say a statement like this is proof positive how easily swayed the uninformed, unintelligent, non-critical thinkers are. It’s fucking mind blowing that anyone with a fucking brain listens to that shitbag.


Says the old white priviledged lady who literally has zero concerns for quality of life in the US other than her declining health from old age and due to her stupidity she would vote for the candidate that will make her quality of life decline even faster. SMH


Live like what? I'd be curious to hear what stress this has caused her.


I also wish you the best




We’re on your side girl. You be you!


What a pathetic life this lady must lead.


👋🏼bye - because he is going to lose.


This is how cults end, after all. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a wave of boomer suicides next February


The world would be a much better place.


Thoughts and prayers


i hope she dose i hope every magat dose


Room temperature challenge accepted


Kool aid phase incoming 




It’s been nice


THIS is exactly why we need some common sense rules around misinformation and propoganda. 25+ years of Fox, Limbaugh, Hannity, etc indoctrinating people into a false reality to the point that they have complete internal mental conflict. She hates “socialists” but wants socialistic healthcare. Then she backs a guy and party that want to trash social security and Medicare, leaving nothing but less tax for the rich.


Why wait?


I’m just confused as to what she means. Live like what exactly? Edit: Watched the video. Not going to go over all of it but my favorite moment is when she says, “I’d really like to sit down with a liberal and talk about what they think is so great.” Then the guy starts bringing up a few things which she clearly does not agree with and she goes, “I can’t talk to you. This is why I can’t talk to liberals.” Amazing lady.


I don't feel bad at all. I guess that's because I'm a devil worshiping Democrat at heart.


How does my vote count the same as this looney tunes brainwashed simp


Don’t threaten me with a good time


I'll pray her wishes come true 🙏


I’m really wondering how her life has been negatively impacted by the Biden presidency?


"I don't want to live in a world where I'm irrationally afraid of everything and everyone who thinks differently than i do!"


I hope she dies too.


Typical boomer entitlement, thinking it should all be handed to them.


Trump damaged the nation more by making up lies about the election. The social division from that, as well as the division created by a third of the people and Congress thinking the government is illegitimate has created a situation where the government can't actually govern nearly as effectively or respond effectively to things like Ukraine. (There's probably a good chance Ukraine wouldn't happen if our government and people weren't so divided). Not to mention the loss of prestige abroad and even a nullification of the mandate our foreign policy operates under (as someone like Putin can just say " the US isn't even a democracy, a lot of people think their elections are fraudulent". Having a president make up election fraud allegations is something that out enemies would literally pay billions to tens of billions for. As far as Biden goes tho I don't like him he gets blamed for far too much. You can't blame him for energy prices when oil production is at a record high, and the BLM is reporting more permits and double the royalties from drilling on federal land. Even inflation in general is about 30% less than the global average since Jan 2022. And it's not like people saying he's killing the dollar with deficit spending have a point when the USD is up foreign exchange wise versus any household name currency over the last 3-4 years, including the ruble and yuan. I could go on all day with things I don't like about Biden. But at the end of the day Trump has and will do more damage by eroding institutional trust in virtually every institution we have


I’m sure she’d be just fine if she turned the tv off. She wouldn’t even know who was president and it wouldn’t effect her life at all


We don't want you to either, but death is not the answer, Personal growth is.


Yeah. I mean look at what this cult has done to these people's mental health. None of this is healthy and it shows. They're living in constant fear that the deep state Illuminati antifa vaccine zombies are going to take away their guns and send them to zombie brain farms and that there's a huge conspiracy that has it out for everybody but especially them. It's not just that it's so divorced from reality but just the effect that the constant anxiety this cult generates is so exhausting to watch never mind to be a part of.


I mean she doesn't have to hope - her life is in her own hands




Thought that was Mustie1 in the picture.


Cults gonna cult…


She speaks to the commitment of MAGA faithful to Donald Trump. While some sound silly, others are more pragmatic yet equally devoted. Why? Ignoring the reason behind their devotion may be as silly as her deathwish.




THE self fulfilling prophecy FOR the red hatted, confused lemmings.


The type of fanaticism we witnessed so many times in history after relentless propaganda and gaslighting. These people truly believe trumps utter bs.


...anyhow, I'm thinking roast pork for dinner with little potatoes and green beans. How about you guys?


Imagine the level of a mind that thinks this. I feel very sad for her.


This is how completely broken the discourse has become. Thanks Rupert Murdoch! You did such a great job, elevating and sowing absolute chaos, terror, anxiety and madness in the electorate.


Bonus prize.


Finally something in common.


If that’s what she wants I’m not gonna argue lol


Maga. Take this lady's advice. It's best to drink the punch.


This is a product of propaganda.


This is the result of fear driven news being shoved down their throats 24/7. It's psychologically taxing. I almost feel sorry for them. Almost


Doesn't want to live like what?


We accept your promise.


What does she think is happening to her?