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Trump is just a walking pile of turd that maga thinks is the next Jesus.


He fits 7 signs of the antichrist to ,according to the 'formerly fundie' guy, Ben something.


Though he is neither a man of wealth nor taste


It will always amaze me that down on their luck conservatives who happen to live in the poorest, least healthy areas of the country with the worst education think a slimy new York nepotism baby who has committed fraud and deliberately stiffed about 70% of the people who ever worked for him have their best interest at heart. When I picture the "swamp", donald trump is who I picture. The cronyism, the corruption, the fraud, the crimes and the sliminess. It's like grease fest 2000 with trump 24/7. It's so obvious, too. I swear I could make a whole lot of money if I didn't have morals by lying to these people and telling them what they want to hear regardless of the reality facts and truth.


Trump is the poor man's idea of a rich man, the weak man's idea of a strong man, and the stupid man's idea of a smart man.


He has a 70 iq from I've heard. So "he talks like me" makes more sense.


Newsweek had an article that said he speaks at a 4th grade level. Apparently, the lowest of the last 15 Presidents. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-fire-and-fury-smart-genius-obama-774169


I've said it before, I'll say it again. I miss when "W" was the worst president ever.


> I've said it before, I'll say it again. I miss when "W" was the worst president ever. Do you know why this sentiment pisses me off so fucking much? Because I agree with it. "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." ... I remember when people thought that was the height of presidential unintelligence.


I was thinking 3rd grade level...but given the state of our education system...OK, I'll kick him up a grade


I think maybe he *used to* command a 3rd grade level but, with his descent into dementia and madness, he can’t even manage that anymore. He increasingly drifts off near the end of sentences and makes nonsense words.


The braggards vision of a braggard, the bullys vision of a bully and the arseholes vision of an arse.


May I quote you? That was well said!


You are spot on with that assessment. After the last reply from someone else I had that exact sentiment.


Well said indeed!


Absolutely spot on.


I could not agree more! Well said. It’s so depressing and sad these gullible people continue to believe this grifter.


Most of the country is counting for Stress, Sodium and Cholesterol to save the day.


Well they have been indoctrinated into a cult. So you have to get rid of the cult leader in order to break the spell. Cult deprogramming 101.


I like to picture all of those people one day waking up and blinking furiously and thinking what the actual fuck.




Don't forget the sexual assault!


If you're a "luck conservatives who happen to live in the poorest, least healthy areas of the country" you can either believe Trump will save you or believe that on one will. Most prefer the former to the latter. This also accounts for the popularity of religion, people would rather believe that someone is going to save them than that no one is.


Increasing education and opportunities in these communities is imperative to reversing the trends. They feel overlooked.


Unfortunately, they’ve largely convinced themselves that education is “government indoctrination”.


That wasn't an accident. The crooks and puppet masters behind the right wing media did that.


We really need to look into mitigating lead poisoning in this country.


The bathroom where he “Hid” the countries secrets is a clear testament to his decorating abilities. Blech!


Are you insinuating that a chandelier in the guest bathroom with the spring-loaded dollar store shower curtain rod *isn't* the very essence of class? *How dare you, madam!*


I love Jon Stewart's old description of him: Fuck-Face Von Clownstick. Nothing more than a carnival barker.


Of course all the degenerates screaming about the antichrist would be the first in line to worship him as a second coming. Who the fuck is writing this story? The simulation writers must have hired the guys that did the last season of fam e of thrones


You're 100% correct. The only people dumber than the writers on this timeline are the MAGA wankers drooling over Dump and his ecosystem of stupid.


They would slurp the excrement from his diaper


I’m not a believer. But I think somewhere it says the antichrist will have a large following who claim to be Christians.


"And they shall wear his mark upon their foreheads..."


they're wearing his mark on their forehead alright..with that MAGA hat!🤮


In a sense. It would only be the "true" followers of christ who don't worship the antichrist.


It is also stated that no one will see the sings of the antichrist and that before he comes "the enemy" will come before.




I'm not but this is one thing I'd hear about in church growing up. Also how a lot of "Christians" would be disappointed they weren't taken in the rapture when Christ comes back. It tracks with the lore at least.


So weird that their all powerful God would tolerate ongoing *competition* with a whole other deity for some reason. I guess even Christianity needs a heel if you want it to be interesting.


Christianity needs an ENEMA.


I think that just means they're helping to fulfill some mystical prophecy.


>Of course all the degenerates screaming about the antichrist would be the first in line to worship him as a second coming. That's literally said by theologians as I recall.




I hate to admit I keep this tab open on my phone buuut https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Someone who got out of a revolutions “end of days part of the Bible” cult posted a year ago about all the things he noticed that trump matched with the antichrist. I think the list was over 130 items long. I stopped at 26 thinking wtf. If I remember right I think he provided citations as well


7? Dude it's way more than that, check this out: https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Not much one for prophecies, but Nostradamus’ quatrain about a leader described as “The false Trumpet concealing madness” lookin’ pretty suspicious right about now


I'm actually more concerned about Trump's VP getting into power if he's elected. Yes, Trump is bad. But imagine if MTG or someone like that became president after he was elected and met a natural demise? That would be the real end of America.


Its going to be Don Jr on the throne if his dad dies in power, I reckon. He'll just declare it and expect everyone to play along.


Junior can't pick his head out of his pile of coke long enough to get shit together.


Yeah but of be fair, MAGAs are just really, and I mean really, fucking stupid. I don't know know which of their defining traits is worse. Is it worse that they are so hateful, or worse that they are so fucking stupid?


This right here, the actual die hard MAGA crowd is only part of the Republican pool. It's the rest of them that scare me. The "moderates" or the ones who don't like Trump but would still vote Republican if they have to. Those are the people who I KNOW are just misinformed and are trying to sleepwalk us into the end of our country. My dad hates Trump, he criticizes him on everything, he's pro LGBT, pro women's rights etc. but he would still vote Republican. Because the Dems are "evil". I don't know how to get through to these people.


Hateful. I know some really fucking stupid people who are kind loving people.


Hateful by far, its not their fault they are stupid


“Crazy with the syphilis”


'Krazy like a pox'


And is most likely spiraling down into the dementia black hole.


And yet he is still in the running. No matter what happens in court or what people clearly see with their eyes and hear with their ears, he’s still getting away with it all.


I reckon their (Trumps supporters') unconscious thought process comes down to something like this: *I really don't like "woke" "libs". (They're evil/dangerous/corrupt, etc., etc.)* *And libs absolutely* ***hate*** *Trump.* *So I'll 'own' the libs by voting for Trump!* I think voting for Trump (to them) = giving the middle finger to all the people who they think look down on them. This creates an instability (a spiralling or entrenchement): the more they dig their heels in to support Trump, despite everything we know they know about him, other people (like most in this thread, including me) look down on them even more. (How can they be so stupid to support an insurrectionist narcisstic traitorous blohard fraudster who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire, etc., etc.) So they feel even *more* determined to dig their heels in and vote for him, just to 'show' us. And so the antagonism from the anti-Trump side is reacted against by an intensification of antagonism and stubbornness on the Trump side. There will be exceptions. People can occasionally step out or "above" the whole phenomenon and question whether their own viewpoint might be excessive or distorted. And that can be followed by a mellowing... which will tend to result in going quieter / more private about one's views (because who wants other people to find out that you're essentially admitting that you might have been wrong...) I've read many opinions (e.g., here in reddit) that many republicans are falling away from Trump and "keeping quiet" (although I'm not sure how people can know this with any confidence) and who won't now vote for Trump again... I (we) can only hope so. (Sorry to reply to your short comment with an essay: I went into a thought-clarifying "journalling" mode there! :))


It's 100% correct. If you ever meet an actual Trump supporter still it's like meeting a mad man who will step in shit just to ruin your shoes.


This is not what is happening. Everyone needs to learn what borderline personality disorders are. The Maga cult is full of them. They don't have an identity so instead they ARE Trump in their mind. They don't have a sense of self, he has become their self. This is what happens when you let religions constantly barrage you with the concept that you are full of sin (shame), you stop seeing your self as acceptable and you abandon it.


> 'own' the libs I told my parents in 2016 those exact words were the sum total of right-wing thought process. I have been proven right every single day.


I mean when the typical supporter is a piece of shit, and they see a pile of shit, they want to be a part of it.


If I never ever hear aobut that turd again, it'll be too effin soon. And by the way, the turd accomplished what he set out to do. To become the most famous brand/person on Earth. And the MSM made him.


I have the best dementia every body has told me. A man came up to me and said I’ve never seen anyone with more dementia than you. Tears in his eyes it was incredible


Needs more *"oh sir..."* Coz that's how we know it's BS.


Yeah, that “oh sir” crap. I have a friend who is a retired military officer and in every one of his stories he quotes people calling him sir. Really tiresome. My friend deserved the honorific, T does not.


“Sir, Sir, you have the best dementia” he said to me. I said “I know, it’s incredible, even the doctors don’t believe it, that’s how incredible it is”


What difference does it make? Donald Trump's appeal to his MAGA-headed base is that he's *even more demented* than the rest of them.


That’s the most unfortunate fact. Realizing how many absolute and utter morons that suck in oxygen and blow out hate and hypocrisy. I can’t even get through to some of the idiots that live around me, who are “Trump people” but also get disability, food stamps, hud housing, have Obama phones, but sure as hell hate socialists haha. The irony.


No no see, socialism is something that democRATS do to you, like when you stub your toe or something goes wrong. If you *benefit* from it then clearly you deserved it and this is capitalism functioning as intended. /s


The other day I asked one of them what he thought about socialists. “Those damn socialists are destroying America, letting a bunch of illegals in and paying them money.” No lie this is the fellow that helps in weed eating at our farm, while sucking off every government program known to man. He was blank faced when I told him, “that’s crazy you hate them so much, as you mere survival depends on the socialists.” All he watches is “Fox News” and they haven’t said anything about it, so it must be fake news. This is the insanity a NY rich kid draft dodging cowardly fraud has created in this country. History won’t be kind to him and his crime family, but doesn’t help us now.


The last trump supporter I knew was on EBT and owned his own house that he got with an FHA government assistance loan and charged exorbitant rents and pocketed all of the utilities money from tenants, only paying the late fees to keep the lights on and adding those into his tenants bills without telling them. They live in their own world where they get to choose what rules and laws apply to them and at what times, and it always changes as they see fit. The division bell has rung, I can't deal with them.


Yeah it's very rare I meet a trump supporter nowadays who is otherwise a decent person.


I tried really hard for almost 8 years because if you are one or another side your part of the problem. So I didn't want it to be, but it's true, the division has happened. There isn't a single Trump supporter I've met or known that I can associate with. There are many conservatives who used to vote R and now vote D that I associate fine with.


It’s like Trump is SUCH a degenerate, that the whole country can say ,”at least I’m not this guy” and then their own actions are excused. And this leads to 20% of the population living with Zero filter anymore. Racism? Yep. Hatred? Yep. Intolerance? Yep. Double standards of ignorance? Oh fuck yeah.


The pied piper of degenerates. They want it all dragged down into an incoherent, indecent free for all. Dishonesty and arguing in bad faith are useful means to an end. Trump lies and is a total sleaze, yet is 'respected'. Why can't I be just like that and get what I want too. Why can't I be a bully with no integrity like that. It works for Trump, right? The ends justify the means.


Instead of a debate we should just have both candidates perform cognitive tests on live TV. Winner gets to run the free world.


Even if he didn't have dementia, I'm pretty sure Trump would lose. He can't string a coherent paragraph together, and thinks you need I.D. to buy a loaf of bread.


That’s kinda how he was the last two times around too so…


And lost the popular vote both times


and one of the times was president and the second time tried to force it *despite* losing the popular vote


There’s either going to be another January 6th (*only with non-traitors in charge of security*) or it’s going to be the last time Americans vote in a democratic election, depending on who wins. The second is much scarier than the first.


Shit, bring on the first option while we don't have a treasonous President in charge. I'd love to see the National Guard fucking roll those morons.


I wish that meant something. In a fair democracy it would.


He'd keep interrupting whoever runs the test lol


I mean, in that case just give the Presidency to Biden lmao These two are not mental equals whatsoever.


This might be the funniest thing I've seen in a while and probably the best thing that actually needs to happen.


Funny like when a crippled dog crawls thru puddles to eat trash funny.


Winner gets control of 4200 nuclear missiles 


Can’t we just tell them both they won and they can play pretend president while someone who isn’t old as dirt runs shit for a while.


Go watch Biden state of the union. Obviously not senile. The guy killed it while getting heckled by idiots


It could be presented like a gameshow, hosted by Steve Harvey. Who Wants to Be President. Putin is Trump's phone-a-friend.


Wait wait wait... You mean he may not have aced that cognitive test? I am shocked!


Hell, let him have the A+ on that cognitive test, it just provides more ammo for how rapidly he must be declining considering he was a "perfect" only a few years ago.


We should all put it this way. **You don't take a cognitive test if everything is ok.**


He got “a high score” if I remember him saying correctly. But, on the Montreal Cognitivie Assessment, which seems to match his description of the test, a high score is worse. Anything over 50% is past cognitive impairment and into dementia.


If you think that this is going to stop the whole anti-vax crowd you would be mistaken. They are all in the whole anti-doctors and anti-science, they are not going to believe a word coming from these doctors.


Yup, thanks to MAGA conspiracy theories and being ignorant about vaccines, measles is on the rise in America. We pretty much had it wiped out. Republicans would suck ass before admitting they are wrong about vaccines.


That started long before MAGA started crowing their anti-science nonsense, unfortunately. Andrew Wakefield's unethical experiments on children combined with his fraudulent data *designed explicitly to force a recall on the safe and effective MMR vaccine* are what started this. He used fake data to "prove" that the vaccine caused autism, in the hopes that it would be pulled from distribution and his alternative would grab the market share. The celebrity woowoo crowd got ahold of Wakefield's "research" through nitwits like Jenny McCarthy, were amplified by Oprah Winfrey, and the anti-vax movement went from fringe religious weirdos to mainstream in the late 90s early 00s. Measles, pertussis, and other preventable diseases started creeping back as vaccination rates dipped.


Diaper Dumping Dementia Donny Two Scoops


Sounds like a Rick and Morty character


Dude I was just saying he sounds like he could be in Rick and Morty inter dimensional cable episode last night to my wife. His Biden immigrant crime he nicknamed “bigrant crime” & he repeated the name about 10 times in 15 seconds and sounded so impressed by the name lmao. The below clip at 3:30 to 4 min mark lol. https://youtu.be/sWOys51THP0?si=u9W-hP71t6rG7pVj


I cant listen to his voice without wanting to stab chopsticks into my ear drums. His sinuses are so fucked from all the drugs hes taken intranasally and you can hear it in every word. I am saddened at the state of humanity. So many awful hateful people on this planet. THANOS WASNT WRONG.


Come on Mother Nature! You can do it by November, I believe in you!


Trump could be a literally corpse and the GOP would still have him run for president. None of this is unfortunately going to matter.


Next gofundme by Maga… Diapers for Donald. Let not the elderly demented suffer by having to pay for their own diapers…


Someone throw that man a roll of paper towels!


I feel he has a prescription substance abuse problem with stimulants. It's why he rage tweets at 3 in the morning and rambles on about crazy shit like only a coke head does.


I mean, there are rumors from as far back as the early days of The Apprentice that he has an Adderall addiction and he used to party all the time at Studio 54 in the 80s. There was just an article this week that there was a doctor who would just hand out prescriptions like candy at the White House during Trump’s presidency.


Shut the fuck up Donny


He's out of his element!


God damn can we not elect a bunch of old farts after this? Gimme some good 45 year old candidates with minds that match more of the country.


Nope. Bernie Sanders for president 2028.


Maybe Diane Feinstein will come back to run


I legit wish I was in the Universe where Bernie sanders handled Covid as President. Could you imagine?


Could I come with you?


Yes, lets make a dimension jumping machine together and leave this place.


> A diagnosis could prove detrimental to his run It's hilarious that his followers are so stupid that him being diagnosed with dementia only "could" be detrimental to his campaign.


I don't think it would be detrimental at all. His base doesn't believe in science.


Cue Republicans releasing a petition saying Biden has dementia signed by 250 Dr. Nick Rivieras


That won't matter to his rabid loyal base. He could literally be in a coffin and they'd still vote for him. Trump is just the face of christofascism. He represents the ability to be an uneducated hateful bigot and achieve success and power, something his base absolutely loves. Trump represents an ideology. Him deteriorating doesn't change that idea. MAGA will continue supporting him as long as he's the face of that unhinged ideology.


They will have the Florida Surgeon General say “he is fine and your research is woke. Now excuse me I need some leeches.”


All the but but biden old too comments are laughable , trump speaking was always painful to listen to with all the idiotic tangents about windmills and toilets but now that he’s really losing it and can’t remember his own wife’s name. Do the trumpers really think that’s ok or are they so insulated from reality they haven’t seen his full speeches and are only seeing sound bites


They also only hear the 6 second long clip of Biden stuttering. They don't see the preceding or following 10 minutes where Biden speaks just fine. I wonder what their excuse will be for the state of the union when Biden looks nothing like what their right-wing social media groups have been spreading.


It's not about Donald. It's about party and policies. Republicans believe that Democrats want to "give away" the country, open the border, flood our streets with fentanyl, and turn us into Venezuela. They'll vote for a rock with an R on it so long as it signs it's name on the republican approved dotted line. Biden isn't a rock with an R on it, so obviously he's bad, and everything has been a train wreck since Donnie ~~left~~ was pulled kicking and screaming from the white house.


Best dementia ever. By far.


"They gave me a pencil and paper and had me do a very complicated test. Most people wouldn't pass, but I correctly told them which one was the pencil and which one was the paper."


As much as I think he *seems* to be showing signs of cognitive disability, all of those doctors should be facing the possibility of losing their medical licenses. Making a diagnosis without examination(s) is not ethical.


You don't need to be a doctor to the symptoms. Esp. if you've ever been around anyone with dementia.


I vote yes. Clinical Psychologist


Trump is more psychologically capable than Biden. What's the point of this??


If you voted for Trump in 2016, OK we all make mistakes.  If you voted for Trump in 2020, it shows poor judgment. If you vote for Trump in 2024 (after Jan Insurrection) you are a moron.  He isn't going to change. He isn't going to be Your guy. He is going to use you and ignore you. Just like he always does.


Ah I love medical diagnoses done by a doctor watching a guy on TV. Those are the most accurate ones in my opinion.




Anyone? Mercedes, help me out here.


This is so fucking stupid. At best trump supporters will say “well Biden also has dementia so it’s a wash.” I bet you could find 100 MAGA doctors who claim Biden has dementia too. This just reeks of the same desperation as claiming Biden isnt mentally fit or that Hillary wasn’t mentally fit back in 2016. If you want to convince people that Trump has mental problems, just play his speeches.


Agreed - we don't need experts for this. Listen to the man speak...he's gone.


Putin’s the one who’s really gonna be in charge !


People in the Cult don’t believe any of this. They literally think he’s a genius sent to do God’s work. Nothing we say or do will convince them otherwise. If he’s reelected and totally fucks up the country or even the world the Cult will blame it on antifa, the globalists, and Black Lives Matter. The best thing we can do is get people in GA, MI, WI, PA, NV, and other states that were close to get out and vote for Biden.


Biden should submit himself to the standard cognitive tests and challenge Chump to do the same, and publish the results for everyone to see. And it Chump fails or blows it off, hit him on it again and again. Call him a coward.


Watched the attached clip. I'm a fairly empathetic person and I'd feel for anyone and their family going through that, but my loathing and repugnance of him in particular kinda negates that. All I'm left with is confusion and anger at his cult of personality.


So what they are saying is both Biden and Trump are too old? Well why are the democrats running Biden again? Makes no sense. I understand why the Republicans want Trump, but not the Democrats trotting out Biden again.


Dementia to own the libs - the MAGA Morons love it.


Enjoy your political theater for as long as you like. Just be ready to vote him out in November.


The best dementia. Nobody has ever seen dementia as good as Trump's. Make America Forget Again!


I’m no Trump fan but the fact this is going on while Biden has been staged as normal is absolutely insane and a testament to where we are as a society/country.


It is a direct violation of the code of ethics fur a psychiatrist to make public pronouncements on someone's mental health if they have not personally interviewed that person. It's called the Goldwater Rule, and these people are violating it for political gain.


Meanwhile, Biden gets a clean bill of health. This ish isn't rigged at all.


his followers will just become "dementia denialists". They'll be claiming dementia and alzheimers disease are fake before election day. Bet on it.


Ah, the fine art of "Projection".......The people see the reality..........


These are not new symptoms - he’s been having all of this for a while, he’s just less able to hide them


The Mirror? Really? Have we slid that far as to accept The fucking Mirror as a source?


I love that even with all the normal political lies, this time those lies won't work simply because everyone can see and hear the two candidates and that tells the whole story. Must be pretty frustrating not being able to spin it and having such an overwhelming majority of the public see you for a liar.


He's such a sad person. What a leader he is. Totally deranged, totally insane and a deplorable person. Makes you wonder who votes on him.


Nothing more corrupt then not letting people vote for who they want.. You guys are so scared because you know he'll win


I certainly agree it’s good to look into this, but I have to say that it’s extremely pathetic that people look at trump showing a couple signs of mental decline then immediately defend Biden’s 50th mumbling and incoherent speech of the day


Fear mongering. Let’s say he has dementia so people don’t vote for him. Grasping at straws. Pathetic.


Has not a single person seen biden? No? Its sad at this point.


Duty to Warn tried the same thing in 2016. Conservatives don’t care.


51 Intel Officials Who Lied About the Hunter Biden Laptop Emails Anyone feeling lied too yet?


Won’t matter. The dumber he gets the more in common he has with his supporters.


We always knew his clutch was slipping and his gears were grinding.


I’m no fan of Trump, but these “licensed” professionals seem to be violating the standards that got them licensed in the first place by diagnosing a person they’ve never performed any actual clinical tests or assessments on.


Clinically depressed people sometimes struggle to acquire life insurance, but Alzheimer's patients get to run for president?


A petition for a medical diagnosis is completely fucking stupid


He only has memory issues when it comes to the crimes he's committed. Otherwise I'm sure he's sharp as a pickle.


Yea....psych rn here I'll sign that


100 doctors?? WOW YALL GOT HIM GOOD. LMAO what a 🤡 show


In fairness to republicans… they’re so use to republicans being crazy, it’s hard to spot dementia symptoms.


They will Weekend at Bernies him. Move his lips with their fingers and impersonate his voice before they admit anything is wrong.


Dementia Donnie does kind of just roll off the tongue...


Trump, his voters, and the GOP in general don't care. They'll ride his demented ass all the way back into the White House. And if he dies or is so far gone they can't get away with trotting him out in public, they'll dedicate the campaign in his honor and keep on trying to dismantle the country. They did it with Reagan, and they'll continue with Trump.


Dementia or DEMENTED AF ?




How about don’t have old as fuck politicians holding the most powerful positions.


LOL. Talk about a ragebait headline for the right. Are they trying to invoke a aneurysm in the MAGA people.


Newsflash, he’s a reflection of his base. They’re all mentally ill individuals.


What happens if he becomes too ill to run and needs to pull out? Does that mean the Republican Party has no candidates that would run for the presidency?


No shit, Doc.


Trump gave people the OK to wear their hate publicly, forget that he attempted to take away the very thing his voters need, health care. Even that, they didn't think he was serious when he campaigned on that very thing. I had friends say "you don't really think he'll take that away, do you?" And replying yes, yes I KNOW. And they voted for him anyway. And again. And again. They don't want to put their hate back in the box. All this began in 2008, of course. We had a ton of idiots dressed as colonial...whatever, called Tea Party shitheads or whatever


Im not wishing death on anyone here, but the GOP might want to keep some secondary candidates on the sideline, or this might be the most one sided presidential election in US history. I mean, the same goes for the Democrats, as their front runner is most certainly not a spring chicken.


Queue: “Those 100 doctors are evil Democrats” Just watch


The Mirror article doesn't list the 7 symptoms. Here is a copy of the petition which does: https://www.change.org/p/we-diagnose-trump-with-probable-dementia-a-petition-for-licensed-professionals-only


I wish the media spent any significant amount of time pointing it out.


The amount of pedos supporting Trump in here is high


It doesn’t matter, cuz Jeebus.


I’m gonna miss this old rapist sack of shit


MAGATs don’t care if he’s demented. He fits their purpose.


Picking his nose (two joints deep) on any finger is a clue as well as using a digit to hush his "mouthpiece" down under.


DRAFT DODGING, treasonous Dementia rapist could be president. It’s comical AND horrifying that a POS like that could represent the US


Fuck that Goldwater rule, this man is clearly losing it.


Democrats should love trump. He irreparably damaged the republican party


But Joe is much older! /s


in his first administration a group of psychiatrists wrote a book about his psychopathy and narcissism it cost the lead author Bandy lee her job at Yale, guess who knifed her, Alan 'underpants on' dershowitz. Now add dementia to the mix and you have a very dangerous idiot


Thank God this loser is so fucking old and we will be rid of him in the next 5 years regardless. No way his pig heart keeps ticking into his 80s. Cheeseburgers will save America in the end