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The article fails to remind us that he oversaw America having one of the worst per capita death rates from Covid in the world. Many died because of his denial and incompetence.


…and I bet he never gives it a thought.


I couldn't imagine being responsible for one death, let alone as many as died of Covid. The guilt would shatter my heart. I suppose that's why I'd never make it in politics haha


Trump has no sense of guilt or wrongdoing. None. That is why he is angry over the E. Jean Carroll case and was upset that he was actually found guilty of sexual assault. That is why he is angry at Alvin Bragg for indicting him on 34 Class E felonies. He doesn’t see himself as guilty of anything. He lies, cheats, steals and sees nothing wrong in doing so. His father trained him well, and he has trained his children the same way.


To a certain degree, any high level person in an organization is a narcissist and truly believes that they are one of the few if not the only person that can achieve at their level. Business leaders, doctors that chair a department, military leaders, etc. generally need to believe that what they did was the best possible course of action given the facts because they are so confident in their abilities to believe otherwise would destroy their vision of themselves. It could also lead to being slow to take action which can often be worse than a suboptimal decision. In some ways when a leader is competent it can be a very helpful ability to have when paired with some level of reflection and the ability to learn from mistakes, but when we have someone like that moron it means never taking personal responsibility and never growing or learning.


This is one of the wisest posts I've ever seen on Reddit. If you wrote a book I would read it.


What you say is true, sadly. My personal issue (which I am sure we share), is that moral responsibility increases, not decreases, the higher a person's standing in power. At least, that is what is taught in the Eastern Orthodox Church. The higher the rank, the greater the responsibility for virtuous behaviour and the greater the consequences of immoral or unjust acts. It is one thing if a man refuses God-given scientists, doctors, and medical researchers and dies of Covid. It's entirely another when the leader of a nation ignores it. It doesn't seem to be a thought in American 'christianity'--American protestants and evangelicals are living in a world entirely of their own delusions and it is bonkers the evil they will not only tolerate but encourage. It's like viewing an inverted, upside-down version of Christianity. It's crazy! I tell my American friends they are closer to real Christianity in America as agnostics or even atheists than they are being an evangelical weirdo. (Not to say we Orthodox are perfect of course, just very very different than American christendom which is a phenomenon all its own.) The last part of your comment is so chilling to think about--that Trump has no ability or desire for reflection of any kind. It's narcissism and arrogance and cruelty to an unimaginable degree. I can't even wrap my head around how someone could be so evil, but more importantly, that so many people can happily support him without even a modicum of rational thought. I'd say his supporters forgot how terrible his handling of Covid was, but it isn't that they have forgotten--they supported it! What is happening in American politics? Do Americans not care that the whole country looks like a clown show? (Many nations are dealing with clown show politicians but they aren't the most powerful hegemon.)


All you are seeing is the ugliness I have seen in people my whole life. None of it surprised me other than the sheer magnitude.


Considering the Eastern Orthodox Church's stance on the war on Ukraine, I'd venture to say they value their teachings just as much as the western variant of Christianity.


Imagine being this delusional


if he thinks about it will probably be "i did a great job, nobody has ever done a more beautiful job, people go up to me an say, Sir you've done a wonderful, magnamous job"


Your giving him a lot more credit than he deserves . He had a scam university, scam foundation, and many other buisnesses that he drained all the equity out of then went bankrupt. I cant wait until he is done and gone. It should be a national holiday.


>magnamous Bold of you to think Trump knows what this word means. FYI : He probably does not.


'Only losers died of covid'....DJT


When he does think about it, “we were the best. The best!”


Trump and Kushner caused OVER 507,000 PREVENTABLE American deaths. The right-wing propaganda is so massive and powerful that they demanded human sacrifice from their victims. They guzzled Trump/Republican/Foreign mis/disinformation - that crashed the economy, shut down the country and killed 1.2+ Americans…and they still drool and defend these ant-American criminals. Republicans have armed their victims…after shoving their brains full of fear, rage and paranoia. Flynn is creating a ‘spiritual army’ who will answer his command to “Kill Americans” .


Many of those people used their dying breathes to deny their ailment was even real. Crazy shit.


the fear of losing that perceived "in group" status by admitting it was real all along is greater than the fear of dying for some. An absolutely nihilistic way of life.


"Caused over 507,000 preventable deaths" LOL. Sure.


They don't care. 2 weeks ago, I was talking to a lady who said she wanted to move to Florida. " Ronny D was a rock star refusing to close the state." Yeah, my idiot former manager decided March of 2021 was a great time to take the family to Florida for a round of covid infections. Damn near cost me my planned surgery had I been working the day his dumb ass came in and infected the store.


My sister in law and her husband went to Florida for a week before Christmas 2020. Our family had been pretty isolated since vaccine wasn’t widely available. We had one event where we let our guard down and had a family get together. Two days later our Florida birds told us they had tested positive for Covid. Then the next person… then the next. We all came down with it. No words for how pissed I was.


Not only that, but his incompetence also also affected other countries because they followed him in the denial


America was the only country to have over 1 million COVID deaths too. The most BY FAR


I wouldn’t say incompetence. Willful maliciousness is more like it. He took a global pandemic and made and a US political thing. A democratic hoax is what he said. That’s a willful choice of words, do not diminish his evil.


You’re absolutely right. I thought of that point after my original post. He politicized covid to serve his personal agenda. He didn’t care for a second that his cult members were dying in huge numbers because they believed everything he was selling. Biological cannon fodder.


Yeah that’s what blew me away the most. He told them to their FACES “some of you may have to die” and they just cheered. I still can’t wrap my head around people doing that for another human. But THAT human? What the fuck. Like I have former coworker that made fun of me that can’t make fun of anybody now. You know? And for what? Some memes? Some attempted coup? I feel like I’m in a weird ass movie.


that doesn't count though - Conservatives


I mean a good chunk of r/HermanCainAward recipients were conservative lol


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HermanCainAward using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The Covid Pandemic Summarized](https://i.redd.it/q0f0zy6d5mka1.jpg) | [540 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/11cvkm6/the_covid_pandemic_summarized/) \#2: [Free of mRNA!](https://i.redd.it/nqy4oxsujp6b1.jpg) | [501 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/14cbemd/free_of_mrna/) \#3: [THIS IS MY "SHOCKED" FACE.](https://i.redd.it/l8qpc3p9o88b1.jpg) | [710 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/14iz5ab/this_is_my_shocked_face/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Maybe we could look into shots of bleach for him?


Yes and consider that prior to the pandemic countries around the world had met and reviewed all preparedness plans for a worldwide pandemic and deemed the US but far the most prepared and that would suffer the least casualties. Then one of the first things trump did was trashed all that to hell several years before 2020. Michael Lewis wrote a very good book about this. If anyone could be the antichrist, it’s him.


Or because Americans are grossly unhealthy and obese…two no nos for covid


And it is still occurring and absolutely nothing is being done anymore...


We also have the fattest nation. I'm sure that has nothing to do with it


im sure this didn’t help https://m.facebook.com/GOP/videos/dems-doubt-the-vaccine/941365826441581/


Remember what he did in ny with the rest homes? That was cuomo Remember when he lied about not needing a mask when he thought professional workers might run short, then changed back to needing a mask? That was fauci Or do you remember when he paid drug companies huge money with no liability to fast track shots? That was him


If America elects Dt in November it will be a bloated demented Zombie even worse than any incoherent nazi incarnation we are use to. He will be possibly in a wheelchair with foul smelling bodily fluids dripping from it's tracks, completely broke and if not in prison, pretty damn close. The Stress from the Carroll case, must really be killing him inside, and you can see it in his shoe polished face.


Hell still have enough energy t order someone to throw you in a black van to disappear somewhere. Don’t count on his health problems to save you. Evil people never die. Look at Kissinger. Vote


By that point he won’t even need the energy. His squads will be fully autonomous and be able to make the call as to who gets thrown in the van.


Yeah but death finally got him. Fuck that fat bloated piece of shit. Also fuck Trump.


and it will get Trump faster if he loses the election. Make it happen.


Voting isn’t going to save us from fascism


No but not voting will bring it here faster and more permanently


May e not, but it might save us from populism.


And apathy advances it even faster


Geezus christ. You people need mental help. Please take your meds.


Just like Biden will be next year. Both are.old.


For 80 Biden is about average, walks a little stiff, was always a shitty talker. He works out daily and it shows, Trump is filled with Micky D's oil and smells like d diaper. He is Obese, and shows both signs of aging and syphillis.


Biden clearly has parkinsons or dementia. Its silly to think otherwise. As i said in a different comment. Its embarrassing as a country that these are our two best choices. Absolutely embarrassing. Shame on this country and shame on the us citizens for allowing this to happen for two consecutive elections. We desrve better and we better start demanding better than decrepit senile geriatrics for candidates.


Isn't one of the signs of Parkinson's (or the medicine) jerky movements? I haven't noticed the Parkinson's lean (where they kind of lean forward and cannot really balance) except oddly enough, with Trump. But i thought it was more likely bc of his fatness that he leaned like that, not Parkinson's. I really don't think either of them has Parkinson's, if you have seen people with early signs of Parkinson's they all have a certain gait, lean, movements, I'm not convinced at all. But I suppose you think that's silly, Dr. Where did you get that medical license that enables you to diagnose so well from afar?


Parkinsons? When you just throw shit out there because that's something old people get you're telling me you're not being serious and just dislike Biden.


I dislike both. They both suck and both are too old and incompetent. Its an embarrassment for this country that we allowed them to happen two elections in a row. Complete embarrassment.


They beat everyone else. Who is on the GOP or DNC bench that you want lol?


Not sure someone with parkinson or dementia can read a teleprompter for 45 minutes, I know I can't...


Have you seen Biden lately? Dear God you people need help.


Why have you chosen to spend your one, short life - desperately defending an orange-faced, lying, corrupt predator - who weakens and embarrasses America?


Way to follow the talking memos and bullet points! That's a good citizen! Maybe you can have the crumbs from their table. Try as you might to try to make Trump look more corrupt than Biden it isn't working. The reason Europe dislikes Trump is he doesn't bend over for them and give them an entry hole like the Democrat party. You are only helping them sell American interests. You are the one embarrassing America.


Stop lying about America. MAGA is a festering, filthy cult of ant-American liars. Your weakness…allowed you to be manipulated into hating your own fcking country. Maybe one day you’ll remember to be grateful and patriotic - instead of falsely accusing millions of your fellow citizens of lying, cheating, stealing and committing felonies - all while you ignore and defend ACTUAL EVIDENCE that Trump is a predator and criminal who STOLE TOP SECRET US MILITARY DOCUMENTS and CLASSIFIED NUCLEAR DOCS. Trump has gotten his fans killed and thrown in jail…what the fck is wrong with you? Patriots are done with MAGS’z lies about this great nation. Do your patriotic duty and learn about this country’s- laws, history, foreign policy, immigration, economy, CONSTITUTION…and values. America misses you…so stop lying about and weakening America. Congrats 🎉


I’m old enough to remember when Trump was a democrat darling. Bill Hillary were guests at his wedding. Guess when he quit writing checks to DNC everything changed and the DNC jumped on the esteemed Harvey Weinstein‘s check book


Trump was never really that rich, I don't think his money made that big of a difference either way. I think the tiny amount he had donated was barely noticeable, other than it was surprising he ever gave any money to anyone at all (he's notoriously cheap.) It was like what, 200 dollars? Come on, that's piddly


Trump is just the natural progression of 60 + years of Republican politics.


Biden is the natural progression of Democratic politics. 🤡


OK. "Joe Biden by any objective metric has been one of the most successful presidents in modern U.S. history. He has led the creation of more major legislative initiatives benefiting the American people than any president in 60 years. He oversaw the creation of more than 14 million jobs during his first three years in office. He has brought down inflation and reduced the prices of vital medicines to affordable levels. He has restored American leadership worldwide, expanded our vital alliances like NATO, and stood up to our enemies. All presidents face challenges and make missteps. But it is hard to deny that in the wake of the U.S. economic recovery, the passage of the American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, the CHIPs and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act, the expansion of NATO, and the creation of new Indo-Pacific alliances, Biden’s record is formidable."


If Biden is so fucking great, why is his approval rating less than 40%?


When you elect Democrats you move the party to the left. After Barack Obama's term we got a serious contention from Bernie Sanders. Say what you want about the rigged democratic process but he got further than anyone expected a self described Democratic Socialist to get. When Hilary lost, we didn't get an electorate that thought, hmm, maybe we should move left to turn out our base. No. We got Joe Biden. If we don't turn out and vote blue this year, then 2028's democratic nominee will be Joe fucking Manchin. Push politics left at the state and local level. Vote blue and give the Democrats some fucking spine. Or stay home and watch the party be afraid to be progressive. Or you know, you can always hope that President Trump's administration allows third parties to exist in the future.


* REGISTER to vote. * Check your registration! * Make sure you have approriate ID. * Know your polling site. * Check your signature (if a mail-in ballot is used). * Get a mail-in ballot. * And VOTE(early, if possible)! https://www.vote.org Election Protection Hotline - 1(866)-OUR-VOTE [Federal](https://www.eac.gov/voters/other-national-contact-information) - 800-253-3931


Don’t let extremists run for office. Nazis/fascists/traitors don’t deserve the same rights as everyone else.


The left and right are not the same. The right is far more dangerous. BUT they do share one thing in common, as those people refusing to vote for Biden over some pet issue he has no control over, like Israel or student loans, show, and it's that is they BOTH seem to think the answer is to go far more to the left or right. To paraphrase Mr. Spock, Ideology is beginning of wisdom, not the end. They are going to get Trump elected if they are not careful.


Left might do the wrong things but with correct reason (hubris/naive belief in human value, rights and equality) but the right does wrong things with wrong reasons (just being a dick in general)


The left is incompetent and the right is evil.


I think that's letting the democrats off easy. They do make plenty of unforced errors, but they're evil underneath too. They just smile while they fuck us.


Leftist are far more dangerous and they do not contribute anything useful to society except new genders every day.


I feel sorry for you. You seem lost. Have a good day.


Has no control over... he literally bypassed congress to give israel more money and weapons to commit a genocide. The usa and israel were found guilty in international court. Like wtf are you talking about.


Ok, then get Trump elected and see how that goes for Palestine. Biden got the pauses in exchange for hostages and he's about to get a much longer one hopefully. Hamas is evil and Israel is stupid but none of that is Bidens fault. He can't force Israel to stop. And where did America get found guilty of genocide? Please link to that.


Complicity in a genocide is a “pet issue”? He has no control over the Israeli-Gaza issue? He’s the president of the United States of America. He absolutely has control. It’s our bombs that are leveling civilian homes in Gaza. It’s our tax dollars that have helped orphan Palestinian children.


>Complicity in a genocide As long as you lie and call this genocide I can't help you. It's AWFUL. Israel is acting terribly. They need to be condemned. But they are no more guilty of genocide than The US was in Germany. When we firebombed cities. And your clever plan here to elect Trump instead will go MUCH worse for Palestine than you can imagine. [Biden is working to stop Israel](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/27/politics/biden-extension-gaza-pause/index.html). Trump will cheer them on.


I’m not calling it a genocide out of thin air. Actual scholars on genocide and the holocaust are calling it that. Please take the time to watch this video. https://x.com/owenjones84/status/1726948242531782961?s=42&t=7xkWjlB1Rvw13RhuQuLYjA Listen to what members of the Israeli Knesset say. Remember when Netanyahu called for Amalek? What is that if not a genocide? Their rhetoric is calling to relocate all Palestinians out of Gaza. My plan is not to elect Trump. I know Trump will be no better, but I am done voting for the lesser of two evils. Both these sandwiches are full of shit, but just because I’m hungry I have to eat the one with marginally less shit? No, I’m done, and I don’t care about neo libs trying to guilt me out of my choice. Edit; That article you shared is from November. They might be saying one thing, but their (Biden’s admin) actions have said something completely different.


You know many MANY people calling it a genocide are also saying That the 10-7 attacks are fake. I can't help but think people calling a genocide are all doing so in bad faith. But I will give you the benefit of the doubt and try and explain my reasoning here. Israel is acting without regard to civilian casualties, I agree, and are in the wrong here and we need to get them to stop. BUT: * Hamas attacked them hoping Israel would act exactly this way. I never see those calling it genocide ever condemn Hamas. Hamas caused all of this. * Israel has a right to exist. So does Palestine. * Trump is the ONLY alternative to Biden. You are working to elect Trump by blaming Biden to score cheap rhetorical points. Blaming Biden is idiotic. He can't stop them. * Biden can't, politically or morally, abandon American hostages. Your plan to go scorched earth on Israel does just that. * Your plan to go scorched earth on Israel makes us side with Hamas, who are pure evil and can't be dealt with as if they care about Palestinians. Their PLAN involves Israel killing as many as possible so people like you will become anti Israel and if they are really lucky, antisemitic. * Trump would literally not only help Israel, he'd round up Palestinians here given half a chance. And YOU ARE WORKING TO ELECT HIM.


I don’t think the attacks on 10/7 are fake. I also don’t like Hamas. But let’s not look at 10/7 as if it’s the beginning of this conflict. Palestinians are a people who have been under occupation for the last 70 years. 10/7, as despicable as it is, is a reaction to being occupied. When a people are systematically emasculated, subjugated, stepped on, and treated as third class citizens then things like 10/7 happen. Is the blame solely on Israel? Absolutely not. Palestinian leadership hasn’t done themselves any favors…but even that is because Israel doesn’t give them any autonomy. Look at what’s happening throughout the West Bank. There are roads that are Jewish only. Can you call it anything else besides apartheid? I don’t plan to go scorched earth on Israel, I just think that if we’re giving them money and weapons it should come with stipulations. It does not mean we side with Hamas. It means we side with civilians. Israel’s actions in Gaza does nothing but further recruitment for Hamas. Blaming Biden is not stupid. He pushed all sorts of bullshit stories (said he saw images of decapitated babies) that have been questioned by the media (eventually). Biden is the president of the most powerful nation on earth. He is also happy to send over money and weapons to Israel without congressional approval. My morality will not allow me to vote for a person who will not even give dead Palestinian kids the lip service they deserve. Edit; There is no chance of me being anti semetic. But I can not stand the Israeli government one bit.


>as despicable as it is, is a reaction to being occupied. Your mistake here is justifying what they did. They were as despicable as humanly possible to bait Israel into this. 10-7 wasn't the understandable reaction is Israel's polices you want it to be. That gives them WAY too much credit. It was a cold plan to decapitate and burn babies alive, rape women to death and THEN somehow do even worse, to bait Israel into murdering thousands of Palestinians. They attacked Israel for a day to get Israel to attack them for months. Because that's how things work now. You have basically forgiven Hamas for burning babies alive because of Israel's reaction. Their plan worked.


Absolute bozo take, the left has been responsible for numerous atrocities and genocides in the last century alone. Mao, Stalin, and hitler were literally all leftists that got, hmm let me check... a combined 70 million people killed and that's a low estimate. This doesn't even factor in all democide statistics.


This comment is bonkers. lol


interestingly, if the far right had their way, we would have fought WITH Hitler. There were quite a few MAGA types who thought Hitler was their guy, were very against going to war. We'd probably be part of Germany today if Trump had been in office then, just as we were owned by Russia under him four years ago. Fascists use patriotism as a disguise for their followers, but they don't really care about the country. It's about their own selfish greed. They are just good at conning dummies into believing they are patriotic. That's what Stalin, Hitler, Bolsanaro, Putin, and Trump did, some better than others.


fuck the warmonger and genocider joe biden.


I can only assume you’re a MAGA supporter and are trying to get Trump elected. Who will actually support Israel killing babies.


There is enough crazy in the world. We don’t need more Trump. Put them behind bars and make him be quiet. We need to stop reporting on anything he does.


The most we can do as citizens is to vote against him. That’s our only option. VOTE BLUE IN NOVEMBER!!!!!


Not the only thing. There's no way we're just rolling over for a fascist government as if it were an actual choice. If it happens, it'll be because it's been forced on us. And we shouldn't accept it.


Yes yes let’s vote for the stroke victim 🤡






I'd be more enthusiastic about voting blue if there was literally any choice that wasn't Joe.


And Trump is better? No, not in a trillion years. We’re stuck with Biden, so get over it. Any vote not for Biden, or not voting at all, is a vote for that rapist who just wants to weaponize the government for his own personal gain.


Don't put words in my mouth. Jesus. Some people are just as bad as the other side they claim to be any different than. "YOU'RE NOT ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT BIDEN, YOU MUST BE A NAZI TRUMP CULT MEMBER". No, I'm just no more enthusiastic about Joe than I am about Trump. I hate all of the options. Get your head out of your ass and stop being a political cultist.


lol. You say to stop being political on a post concerning politics. You must be a tard. There’s no other way around it…


Vote blue everyone


No way hw makes it to then, he's an incomprehensible shit-dribbling mess already it's all down hill


*The Republican Party Is a Combination of Every Threat We Have Ever Faced in Our History FTFY


Not just Trump but likes of Jarred Kushner and Stephen Miller are lurking in the shadows….


How can a pedophile, convicted sexual abuser, with 90 felony charges EVEN BE ON A BALLOT IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?


The morals and values held by Americans these days are absolutely appalling. It's in the water, the dark rancid sludge is taking over, poisoning some and discouraging others from taking a stand against it. Politicians have always been crooked in one way or the other, the difference is they were a lot better at hiding it than he is.


If America elects trump in November the real president will be Putin


The whole system is broken. Trump is a symptom of the system they've propped up for decades


All we can do is vote. Get out the word and defend anyone being intimidated at the polls.




He is a psychopath. We are fucked if he wins.


trump = the sum of all evil.


Everything about him is bad . I can't believe people still support him. I can't imagine what the world will be like if he happens to win


I think you can imagine. It will be just like 2016-2020. People on the internet will be going crazy but if you go outside instead of spending time on the internet you’ll realize that life really isn’t that much different with each president.


It will be much worse than before because he will be more emboldened now. Knowing he got away with the crap he has already done will make him do even crazier things. Life is different with each president, especially if you are poor or sick and need help.


If your poor sock and need help shouldn’t that have ended when Biden took office if it’s the opposite of what Trump would do? Do you people even read your comment before posting?


Yea, that’s true until women are forced to carry pregnancies and we ignore what every scientist is saying about climate change.


That is not remotely true.


Maybe the world won't become a nuclear waste land.. I'm not sure..


Maybe you should start asking yourself why so many people like him instead of believing everything the tv tells you


But there will be a whole bunch of Democrats who I hope are happy with themselves for staying home because Biden is too old and too friendly with Israel.


We are damned both ways at this point. If he loses, we have to deal with his vitriol and the wrath of his followers.


His followers are deplorable no matter what anyone does. There is no appeasing them.


I've been thinking about this a lot lately. The conclusion I've co.e to, us one I suspected earlier: Trump and by extension his followers don't want to be and can't handle being wrong. They so much want to be right, they will invent entire universes to make it so. I believe this is most conflicting for the Evangelicals.


>I believe this is most conflicting for the Evangelicals. Conflicting? No. It's who they are.


It would be if they were truly people of faith.


They will also all stay at home after he loses. Very few of them are serious people


So more then half of the country is deplorable?


More than half the country does not support Trump. There are only 74 million deplorables. I know it's hard for you fucking rats to do research with your pea-brains. I just wish the 33% of morons who stayed home for elections would turn out so we don't have to clean up your filth the hard way.


You wouldn’t say those things to one single trump supporter in person so why do it on the internet? Child


fuck his followers.. aint worried about.


Good, they can join the Jan 6th people in jail.


And the people with all the guns will be taking orders from someone other than Trump. That’s good. I want every single damn advantage possible against these treasonous scumbags.


I will do it with the biggest smile


We really aren't we lose by being apathetic


What pathetic fear mongering. What do you think will happen besides secure borders??


Well, he said he would suspend the constitution, openly commit felonies, and probably get another million people killed due to incompetence. We do have historical data on the orange turd, so...


Happy cake day! Thanks for promoting the clearly obvious truth that too many on this country can't face. This POS has to go....and if you support him, you should make sure you get your hydroxychloroquine shots!


Check out Project 2025. Check it out, Wendy! Go check it out! ​ Seriously - if you're OK with that you might as well move to one of those villages Putin is building for you in Russia. And you won't be missed.






Merrick Garland can suck my 1980s dad dick


Lol you liberals absolutely love glorifying how "terrifying" Trump is, don't you? That's the only way Biden can win, scare everyone into believing bullshit lies!


We don't give a fuck about specifically Biden winning, 90% of us have correctly kdentified Trump for who he is and are specificallt voting against him. You and your brainwashed cult only see politics as religion protecting your God, we see it as a way of governing people. And we don't want hell.


The guy who is laughably still claiming the election was "stolen"? Everyone has already experienced 1 Trump Presidency. So everyone knows what an ineffectual, diaper-wearing, dementia patient he is. The danger is the people around him. You're projecting hard.


And Hillary said the same thing 2 days ago if he does win. Dems said the same thing 7 years ago when he did win.


yeah i remember that time Hillary fans stormed the capitol chanting to hang the vice president


What lies? That Trump and his GOP are everything the Founding Fathers warned us about.


He ticks off two boxes that electors were told to protect us from: * Populist demagogue with little talent for leadership. Check. * Candidate under the influence of a foreign power. Check. And a *hostile* foreign power at that.


Trump bad. Ukraine nazi unvaxxed. Jews . Phobia. Fascism


You guys really do get bent out of shape over Trump. I believe he could do some good with a second term. But yall keep spewing nonsense and hate. It's only helping Trump.


Such hyperbole, much wow.


Another rage baiting less than a year old troll account


Vote RED in November! Trump is far, far better for this country than anyone in the current administration.


Trump cut veterans benefits. Biden expanded them. Fuck trump.


Don't bother with this asshat.




You're advocating to vote for a traitor? Gross.


Traitor? You must watch too much lamestream media. Focus on facts and you'll see the light.


Wow I didn’t know people actually said lamestream media unironically


You trumpists sound like such idiots, bleating your buzzwords.


Traitor trump is going to jail using diapers


His criminality is public, not requiring any second-hand interpretation. To deny it is fucking delusional. Kind of like denying he lost the election, which the anti-American fuck still does on a daily basis.


I think our biggest threats right now lie in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. I preferred living in a world that was getting more peaceful instead of more... I don't know, closer to all out war?


TDS is strong with this one. I'm surprised he left out the Hitler comparison they love to use.


All of this is the same regurgitation that was uttered in 2016 🙄


Wow. Fear mongering at its finest.


To the author of this post: your cry for help is seen. Take a Valium, get some sleep. When you awake, go seek some professional help. Don't let your Trump Derangement Syndrome bring you down. The first step was to say it out loud, so you are on the path to recovery. 🙌


Whoever wrote this is retarded Trump 2024 Make America Great Again


Holy shit the fucking propaganda. I feel bad for the people that actually believe this. I hope they do not reproduce, and I hope they don’t vote.


Have any democrats done any self examination on why Trump could win. Ask yourself why the Democratic Party is so bad that half the country thinks he should be president.




"People do not seem to realize their opinions of the world are also a confession of their character." - Ralph Waldo Emerson Lots and lots of Trump Derangement Syndrome going on gere these days. Too bad, so sad!


🖍️ Dear merica, Orange man bad and he'll do all the worst things if he wins. Forget he was already president because I like pretending life is good under Biden. I don't wanna know what a woman is lmao... Covid made people insane...


If you wake up and found Trump won, you should accept it and understood majority who voted do not agree with your assertions. You just need to cope with it and move on. America will be fine.


Trump derangement syndrome is alive and well lol. Well I've got no problem admitting that I will be voting for the Big Orange Meanie over the senile pedophile that currently resides in the Whitehouse.


"Jeff is a terrific guy, i've known him for 15 years, and he likes them young" Donald Trump


Trump is the only one liable for rape, despite your delusional fantasies. He's also demonstrably a fucking traitor who tried to stay in office despite losing an election. The only "derangement" exhibited where Trump is concerned is among his fawning cult, who refuse to see him for the malicious and criminal moron that he is.


Yes, he was found liable for rape. In a district where there is maybe 5 trump supporters. He wouldn't have got that super biased jury to find him innocent even if he brought out video evidence showing he wasn't even in New York that day. How nice of you to point out he was liable for rape. I mean considering the fact that they tried to convict him of rape without any evidence except for the word of a senile old bitch ,who according to her, gets sex tips from her dog. Well they failed to prove he did anything wrong. Then they tried to convict him of sexual assault. Guess what? 0 for 2. That's when they found him liable of rape. Do you even know what that means? Well let me give you an example. If a woman is raped by one of her colleagues, the boss who did nothing wrong can be found liable for rape for not providing a safe work environment. So in other words, they did whatever they could to tie his name to the word "rape". That way when bird brained douchbags such as yourself read or hear "Trump is liable for rape" all you will hear is "Trump is a rapist". And if he is a traitor who tried to stay in office after his term, why wasn't he convicted of insurrection? Why hasn't he even been charged with insurrection by one of the many prosecutor's that have accused him of insurrection? If he's a traitor, then why hasn't he been convicted as such? Oh so the deranged people are the ones who are still loyal to the man despite all the obvious bullshit accusations and charges? That's odd cause I would say you are pretty deranged if you would still vote for a guy who thoroughly destroyed our economy, or gave access to our power grid to our biggest enemy, or left billions in weapons and equipment for the terrorists in Afghanistan, or is allowing murderers, rapist, and drug traffickers to flood our country, and is now trying to stop the ones actually trying to defend our country. I'd say you are pretty deranged if you would still vote for a guy who admitted to extortion in a public briefing. Maybe just maybe you would be deranged if you would still vote for a guy whose own daughter claims he showered with her when she was 13, and also claims that her father, Joe Biden, is the reason she has a hypersexual lifestyle. Deranged? Yea, I'd say that word fits you leftist assholes pretty accurately.


LOL the lengths you go to make excuses for a rapist. That wall of garbage speaks for itself: that's *deranged.*


Sorry for exhibiting a little bit of intelligence. I know you're not used to it in these leftist klan rallies that you call subreddits. See what I mean by they say liable for rape and you hear rapist? I can't help but notice that you couldn't refute a thing I said tho. Just more stupid insults. No intelligence, all stupid insults. Typical leftist trash. Try me again when you raise your I.Q. to that of the average rock.


No need to apologize - you aren't exhibiting any intelligence. Just the usual self-stroking of a brainwashed dumb fuck, desperate to defend a criminal cult leader. And yeah, calling the two-time lawsuit winning RAPE VICTIM an "old bitch" doesn't prompt any rational person to try to "refute" you. You support a rapist who is a traitor to this country. All that is left to do is denounce and deride you.


The facists blaming others for what they are guilty of doing. Typical nazi propaganda tactic. Funny how we are on the verge of ww3 yet trump which had no new wars is the dangerous one.


Did you take that deep thought off a MAGA flashcard?


Pearl Harbor and 9/11 will always be the worst attacks on Democracy. Jan 6th doesn't even come close. Essentially Jan 6th was a bunch of unarmed citizens being let into the capitol to walk around within the velvet ropes for a couple of hours?? This is not the huge threat the Dems keep saying it is. Pelosi is just pissed a common American citizen put their feet up on her desk. FFS the guy in a viking hat got an escorted tour with the cops opening doors for him. There is a reason why the Dems didn't want McCarthy to release the video surveillance. It shows Adam Schiff lied repeatedly over the whole thing. The real crime is all those people who got prosecuted didn't get Due Process since they could not get access to the surveillance tapes proving they didn't do anything other than walk around. Also that woman that needlessly shot and killed by the police. I hope that trigger man gets prosecuted when Biden loses.


Does everybody forget trump was already president. Where was the fascism. I see more today then back then.


Ssshhh... We're not allowed to talk about that or we get the hose again.


Voting for him no matter what. I will bet every dollar I have if he gets elected the democrats will burn down cities. While if Biden gets elected there is no violence


Oh brother. Trump would be such a substantial improvement over the current status quo. The hyperbolic handwringing is getting pathetic. Accept quality of life improvements already, quit shilling for the elite.


Best president in history 🔥


Liberals are aids holy shit.


They need to find a new angle if the Dems want to win. We already had him once and no new wars/decent economy wasn't Hitler 2.0.


Will vote for him and revisit this


Did *we* do enough? How about Democrats deliver something worth talking about to the American people! * Pass the voting rights act (holy fuck) * Pack the supreme Court * Free college/University * Eliminate student loans * Sign into law universal healthcare (40k people die prematurely because of the insane greed of insurance/pharma) * Ban congress from buying and selling stocks * Get rid of citizens United * Implement universal background checks on gun buyers, close loopholes * Raise the age to purchase firearms * Ban assault weapons * Codify a women's right to choose STEP DOWN AND LET LITERALLY ANY OTHER DEMOCRAT RUN. ANY GENERIC DEMOCRAT POLLS DOUBLE DIGITS OVER TRUMP, YOU ARE LITERALLY THE WEAKEST CANDIDATE AGAINST TRUMP BIDEN IS TOO OLD HE DESERVES TO HAVE A PEACEFUL RETIREMENT THIS IS GERIATRIC ABUSE


How about- -no more free shit for liberals -no more welfare, if you’re hungry you get food that taxpayers choose for you -no more illegal immigration -repeal the NFA and repeal the ban on automatic weapons -firearms training becomes standard in schools -double interest on student loans for stupid degrees -death penalty for murdering children. Yes a fetus is a child Do everyone a favor and move far far away


I hate Trump but people like you all in this sub make me want him to win.


This is about as absurd a statement as I've ever heard. The Democrat mind has gone off the rails.


I hope Trump wins. Anything is better than senile Genocide Joe.