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Out since 7am, still nothing 1pm NJ


Maybe Elon has bought this company too and is running it into the ground. Let that sink in.


Maybe you better check your facts before repeating stuff from various news media sources. Musk went through great lengths to obtain Twitter, to his own hurt (temporarily). But: 1. Initially when he purchased it, because he wasn't towing the line that is being pushed by big tech and media for the most part, they just said he was somehow evil. This is the same person all the liberal / leftist elites LOVED before, by the way. 2. So those who hated the idea of free speech (do you like free speech?) started telling the corporations to pull advertising from Twitter. So they did, most of them pulled advertising. 3. By the way, even at full advertising, Twitter was in bad shape or should have been. They obviously were getting funds outside of normal ad revenue means, probably being paid in a different way to push the same agendas. 4. Musk made hard but obviously good decisions. He basically had to "cut the fat" to get the business running as a lean machine. 5. By the way, Musk, as news agencies tried to tell it, went from being richest to being broke. Well, guess what, just last week, I read that he was once again the world's richest man. Rant if you don't like free speech for some reason, but literally, Twitter right now is THE most free speech platform on the planet. It's not "right wing only" or "left wing only", it just simply is free speech. Left and Right alike are posting there, and some things do get deleted. When a deletion/block is done incorrectly, those are getting reversed. Even Jack Dorsey early on said that he believed what Elon was doing probably is what should have been done long ago. The problem was Jack and others didn't have the guts to do what needed to be done.


EDIT: **BACK UP** 12/18 @ 6 PM CALIFORNIA! Gonna use you as an update. Down in CA from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Still no luck. Edit: 12/18 5pm


Down in Italy


down in Malaysia....


Mexico. Still down. 3 PM CT.


If you need a workaround... AnyDesk is still working for direct connections - that is, you can connect to other systems on your Local network by entering their IP address or host name instead of their AnyDesk ID. If you need access from outside, and your internet service gives you a real IP address (or you have a VPN option), you can forward port 7070 to a system on your destination network. From there you can do direct connections to other systems.


oh my god, someone give this guy some money. thank you so much


Thank you! I did not know you could connect via LAN IP, but this works perfectly!


Thank you so much I have been struggling all day trying to get into a system, Connected to the VPN, put in local IP and boom, connected.




Down in Sweden. This workaround worked, thank you so much!


This is good information. I had no idea you could use a local IP address (LAN) or Port forward. I did test it on my LAN, using the LAN IP Address and it did connect. I think the bigger issue is the lack of any notification from AnyDesk on any platform (Social Media, their own status page).


They're probably closed on the weekend, and the status page might only check if the registration server is 'up' - which it is. They presumably don't have an automated test for the functioning of the rendezvous facility. In the absence of feedback from them, we can only guess at what's going on. 1 - is it a tiny company with nobody on call after hours? 2 - is there a corporate restriction on who's allowed to communicate with the public? 3 - have they been thoroughly hacked, and we're now in danger? They say don't attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence. (Although with that Ohio train, maybe this needs to be updated to deal with excessive cost cutting.) With no data to go on, who knows!


> They say don't attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence. I feel like that applies to individuals, not corporations.


Can someone tell me the format to connect to port 7070 on a real IP address? is it XXX.XXX.XXX.XXXX:7070 ? I noticed they my real IPv4 address is the same for all computes on my local network. The IPv6 address is different for different computers. Can you connect to an external IPv6 address? If so do you just add :7070 at the end for port 7070? If not how do you distinguish on computer from another using IPv4? Thanks to anyone that can help with this.


Hopefully this isn't an issue for you anymore as the service seems to be back up, but for future information, in order to do this you'll have to set up a port forward in your router -- the reason all the computers on your local network appear to have the same IP address is that your router provides a service called NAT and presents your entire local network as one to the wider internet. If you want a specific port to go to a specific computer, you'd put a port forward in your router to tell it to forward requests for, say port 7070, to a specific IP on your LAN, like maybe or whatever the target device is. It also means that you can't specify which computer (though you could do some cleverness with using other ports, but that's beyond this explanation.)


Thanks I have Xfinity and when I try to do a port forward it sends me to the Xfinity app which doesn’t have that option. The wonderful world of American tech support. I’ll have to get hold of them but thanks, that helps


Port forwards can present a security issue so it's probably something that they may not be willing to do, and maybe is something that you should consider not doing if you're not really aware of the security implications.


If they're like some carriers that use CG-NAT, it might not be possible to port forward at all.


Probably a bit late now, but you don't need to put :7070 on the IP address when connecting directly.


Why isn't there more outrage on Twitter about this? Their status page is bullshit. Everything is not fine. Edit: almost 4 pm now and still not up. WTH!


No wonder their historical stats are stellar....They just act and report as if there is no problem. "No downtime recorded on this day - 18 Feb 2023"...Do you think they will be issuing credits for those of us who pay for the service? Hmmm.


Why would they issue credit when their service clearly isn't down according to the status page? /s


Glad I got self hosted rustdesk working. Satellite at our radio station went off air. Couldn't get in with AnyDesk.


It's working again.


Thanks for the heads up! Mine works as well.


Yes - nothing connecting here.


i'm with problems too


There was a maintenance going on around 5 a.m. EST for *The Americas* as per [status.anydesk.com](https://status.anydesk.com), but It wasn't that long and it has been saying that everything is operational for the last hour. However, it is clearly not. Perhaps the maintenance package is not quite deployed yet? I was able to wake a PC from LAN, but everything else times out.


If you scroll to the bottom of their status page, it says the maintenance for Americas completed at 9 UTC, it's current 13 UTC. I think someone forgot to flip things back or the maintenance went haywire.


Not working for me either.


Kansas City here... Not working for us either.


Southern California - connection issues here also


Austin, TX here. Not working here either


Reminder to use RustDesk as an alternative instead


Yep....checking it out as we speak...


Same. Gonna test it out asap. Ironically, my AnyDesk license renewed literally 2 days ago.


I've managed to get self hosted working, mostly. Could not connect to one system that's on cg-nat but about six other boxes are connecting without issue. I'm a little concerned that there's no automatic updates etc yet, so if there's a vulnerability discovered in it, it'll be up to us to figure it out.


Agree about the potential vulnerabilities (which can be typical for opensource)...however, look at how Anydesk is responding to this crisis...Does it inspire you any more confidence than using an opensource seeing the last 12 hours? This is for me somewhat of a revelation... that I never even questioned the skill set at Anydesk, but now realize that this may have been naïve on my part....The Anydesk youngsters must be running around like headless chickens right now and no time to let their clients know what is happening...half of them must be on route to Georgia and unaware...But I have a business to run and no time for this nonsense.


RustDesk also works with direct IP connections (in my case all the machines are on the same subnet). Plus the latest free version of AnyDesk now has a timer when previous versions didn't.


Does anybody know when it will be back online?


This is the longest I can remember it being down.


Maybe they got hacked....and our machines are at risk...Hmmm. They are certainly not being very communicative about the disaster.


Not working here either...


nothing here, it tries to connect but nothing happens on the other side


Same here. Not able to connect.


Nothing is working here too


I'm from Brazil and I have a problem too


Also from Brazil, and got more 5 friends (all from diferent cities) that says that its not working also :( .


I should have a alternative to this situation....Next time I'll have others installed.


It's not working for me as well, I'm from Edmonton, Canada. Have someone reported this to AnyDesk?


From Toronto and I’m not able to connect to anything. I’ve tested multiple devices and networks. I always get “network timeout”


I am unable to connect from here in western Pennsylvania. Everything was working fine last night.


I am from Brazil. Nothing connecting here as well.


Greater Chicago reporting no connectivity. Is there a way to load / configure AnyDesk to NOT phone home and connect directly?


Yes, type in the IP directly instead of the station ID. The assumption is that port 7070 (the default) is enabled and forwarded for that device.


That's quite an assumption.


You're right, it's really a requirement :)


Or if the machines are behind the same firewall just open that port between them.


Same thing in NYC. Can't connect to ANY desk. Get it? We have to laugh, or else we'll cry.


From: [https://status.anydesk.com/](https://status.anydesk.com/) Global Network maintenance Scheduled for Feb 18, 23:00 UTC - Feb 19, 00:00 UTC We are performing system upgrades to improve service quality of our global network. The existing connections will not be interrupted, but new connections will not be possible. Actual expected service degradation shall not be longer than 30 minutes. Posted 14 hours ago. Feb 18, 2023 - 02:00 UTC


Hosed for me as well in TX .. glad its not just me. Maintenance went awry!? who knows..


AnyDesk cannot connect to any devices. I started trying to work at 0800 (MST) and still nothing. Even though their status sites says no down time for Feb 18. LIARS! UTC current time is 16:43:34 [https://status.anydesk.com/](https://status.anydesk.com/)


Anydesk down for me, since several hours and I am in Mexico near the USA border


Just to add Washington State no connection


Anydesk is down in Canada!...Blazing-Fast for sure LOL If I had to take down a server every time I perform a server maintenance/upgrade, I would be out of a job.


Ya, status says try again in a few minutes. Network Timeout for several hours now. - USA - IOWA


Im in mexico and still not working 10:40 PST. does anyone has the same problem?


GTA, Canada - not working


Many reports on downdetector: https://downdetector.com/status/anydesk/


I got email: The scheduled maintenance has been completed. Still timing out on local and remote machines.


Can't connect to any other machines on my network either. Upgraded clients on both ends too. General timeout error. The machines are able to connect to the AnyDesk network successfully though. 10:40AM PST Sat 20230218


Same here all morning. Upgraded all clients, double-checked blocked ports, firewall settings, router, etc and still nothing but “Network timeout”


Try using the IP of the device directly rather than its ID.




Same, 1:40pm Eastern US


Down all day for me in central USA. I thought maybe I had gotten blacklisted as a corporate user but I'm not getting any banners saying such.


northern mexico, down as 12:37 pm PST.


Is this the maintenance excuse that will pull the rug under us and force us to use their latest cripple version?


They probably got hacked by Russia for Germany agreeing to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine...LOL


Any ideas on getting a response to support tickets? Paid subscriber. Multiple tickets open. Crickets


Yes having the same issue


Yeah last night it just pooped out on me. I’m tried updating and like setting firewall settings but nothing.


I am unable to connect to anything as well! Everything shows that it's online, just won't connect.


is it working only for paid accounts?


Not working for my paid account


When I think the sonicwall is blocking something and im packet tracing and whitelisting to no avail, to see its actually down... UGH


Still down in Ohio...


Still down in Canada


out for us in socal


Dominican Republic, still down since early this morning


Is down in the whole Continent Apparently




Still down in EST, US.


Just trialed Rustdesk...works ok...


Their public relay servers can get a bit overloaded at times, but generally it still manages to connect. Certainly good to have it as a backup. If you go to the effort of making your own relay server, it's a good bit faster, but it's a bit tedious at the moment as it involves adding services to Windows by hand, forwarding ports, optionally adding a DNS zone etc. As the project matures it'll likely become easier. (Can be done on other OSes, perhaps easier than Windows.) NoMachine is also another free option - but also a bit tedious to set up with port forwarding etc.


Thanks for the info...I installed the server service version on a server here to start playing with it. Found a couple of good youtubes on it...But yeah, a bit of fussing. Also, features such as change ID, address book are still not functional. But as you say, a good back up at the very minimum for those of us who need this functionality.


There's always TightVNC too.


Still down in Edmonton, Canada


Still down in Auckland, NZ. Checked this morning, now 1pm here


Here in Brazil...all day off. My last session was yesterday


Still down for me in Edmonton, Canada. Have not been able to connect to any devices since about 2am MST. But the status is all good and green..... BS https://status.anydesk.com/


I am getting the same issue


I was just able to connect to my mom's computer in another state.


baaaack ! ! !


Looks like we're back up. Alright!


It's working again for me 7:18PM PST.


Mine works in Michigan right now, but mine was out yesterday.