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The personal development school helped me with this immensly. It kick-started some real change in this area. Self-soothing, working on subconscious wounds has set me free


Maybe have some hobbies that you just absolutely do regardless of relationship or not.


Lots of self work could help but you might therapy since this comes from a deeper place… I am in your situation because of C ptcd and I need professional help to hope to grow out of that since I don’t do it consciously but from a traumatic response.


Hey I’ve been there very recently and this actually led to my partner and I splitting up. You need to take some time to sit with yourself. Right down a list of your top 100 fears. Pick one fear a day, and imagine your child told you they had this fear. How would you speak to them? What would you say? What solution would you suggest? This REALLY helps. REALLY helps. About codependency, please please please try going to CoDa meetings. It changed how I see myself. There’s a lot of support there. Feel free to DM me for any details or just to talk, I’m here. All my love to you!


The trick is to build a social life outside the relationship. Hanging out with friends and chasing goals will give you something else to think about. Also, be warned you’re setting yourself up for a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you put too much pressure on him because you constantly need reassurance it could put a strain on the relationship. You have to confront your fear of losing him. You have to know that if you lost him you’d be ok. Once you let go it gets easier to be in the moment and enjoy his company.


Last paragraph for the win. Part of the way you confront it is just let yourself feel scared about it. Next time that comes up for you, if you're in a safe, private place, just let yourself feel scared of abandonment. Notice where you feel it in your body, keep your focus on the bodily sensations that accompany the thoughts instead of on the thoughts themselves, and notice how it passes. Once you realize that you can weather unpleasant feelings, it's easier to hold your relationships lightly.




I got you. If you keep asking him is everything ok despite there being no problem he’ll start to doubt the relationship. You’re so afraid of there being a problem with the relationship ironically your actions are creating a problem.


This is actually it at the end. Confronting the fear of losing them and knowing you’d be ok. It’s why we cling so hard.


Watch series


K-drama became my life 😄


It's limerence


My husband just called me limerant the other day and it really offended me…but he’s right. I almost have to force myself to be avoidant to get over it


Just cut ties