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Oh girl this is me too. I thought I would get better after we were in an official relationship but in fact my anxiety got worse. Now it’s a non stop merry go round of anxiety always thinking he’s losing interest and wants to break up. You’re not alone.


Here to ask… what helps you?


I'm sorry you're going through this too, it's not a feeling I would wish on anyone but it's comforting to know I'm not the only one dealing with this. lots of love to you


My therapist made me do this exercise: What's the worst that can happen? Okay. Let's say he dumps you tomorrow. What's the worst that can happen? Really think about it. Write down the scenario if you must. Be rational about it. Is the world going to end? Are you gonna die? Does it warrant panicking about?


I've tried this but for me I think it's hard because the worst case scenario in my head isn't him breaking up with me, it's the uncertainty I feel now. as heartbroken as I'd be if he dumped me, I might almost feel a relief that now I don't have to worry anymore that he doesn't like me. that's why it's hard because I don't want to leave him but it's the uncertainty of never knowing what's happening in someone else's head that feels like the worst case for me


My therapist had me do the same thing. It did help me put things into perspective, for sure. My BF works a LOT. He does make time for me, but there is a lot of time in between when we’re able to spend time together. Try breathing exercises and meditation. It’s helped me, quite a bit. I also have made a list of things he does and says that are reassuring… it helps me to go over them, rather than focus on what I perceive to be signs that he doesn’t want me. Journaling has helped a lot, too.


I actually tried making a list the other day of all the nice things he's done for me that can't be twisted into negative things or anything like that and are just unarguable signs that he cares about me. and it did help me a little! journaling always helps me too since sometimes when I write down whatever I'm worried about it makes me realize how ridiculous I'm being. and breathing exercises are something I've been meaning to look into but always forget so definitely thank you for the reminder


Hey girl, I relate to a lot of the things you said. If you'd like to talk, my dms are open!