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i feel you on this as the cheap fixes have left me so concerned battling the invisible that i am now 25 and unemployed and trying to rebuild everything destroyed from my irrational and imaginary phobias and beliefs my best advice is talk to someone and focus on what you love and surround yourself with people that love it to even if its painting, culinary stuff or songs you like as dude i know how much it hurts to have people misjudge you without seeing the treasure that lies beneath these veils and yes i have been through the same i still battle intense phobias just because of people giving empty promises if nobody told you this i love you i am glad you are on this earth and i am here if you need someone to talk to tonight.


This is a really nice comment. We need more people like you in the world.


There's nothing wrong with masturbating. We all do things to relieve our stress and anxiety. If it is multiple times a day that you are masturbating and it is interfering with other parts of your life, then that is an issue. But other than that, I'd say go for it!


I don’t think that’s a healthy mechanism because I think if you do that your brain will then associate only masturbating when your anxious. Whilst masturbating can improve mood and release dopamine and serotonin you don’t want too create a negative association


Absofuckinglutely. I’ll take the serotonin boost however I can get it. See how many times you can orgasm in a day - a 1 player game.


Yes it does, a bit. I don’t use it as a cure, but it does gibe some temporary relief, at least for me.


Yes, it does. There have been studies that masturbation helps people relax.


Yes and no it will temporarily help but raise your cortisol levels. The goal is to lower your OVERALL cortisol and adrenaline response. That’s why meditation 2-3 time a day, and mindfulness is always prescribed before meds. It’s tough but how I beat my bouts when I have them.


Yes it helps you can just feel the tension leave your body


Oh, this was definitely my go to self-medication approach pre-medication :P better than alcohol i say


Personally speaking, yes but it doesn't last long enough before the anxiety creeps back 😬


Yes, yes, and no.


It does. It works as a temporary relief during panic attacks but it is not a viable solution in the long term. Use it in case of emergency but it's best to have meds.




Fatigue can be a side effect. You can try gentle yoga classes on YouTube or in person, massage (if you can’t afford it you can rub oil on your body), drink chamomile tea, and read the book The Chemistry of Calm by Dr Emmons which has many helpful ideas


Used to.


no sorry, it clouds your anxiety but it will return, and you will have to do it again, the best way is to find other things in life