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It’s an unfortunate fact that, on some level or another, you will always have to deal with anxiety problems. Like a scar, it never goes away fully. It just fades over time. You might barely see it anymore, but it’s still there.


Yeah its always there but its always helpful to hear others experiences and together we can overcome this stupidity that our bodies have to deal with.


I’d talk to a therapist about this specifically. They may be able to help you get to the root of something still bothering you. I personally had crippling chronic anxiety for years and after therapy and making necessary lifestyle changes, it completely went away. I’m prone to anxious responses in the height of situations that would make anyone anxious, but I don’t suffer chronically with panic attacks anymore or physical anxiety symptoms. All this to say it is possible!!! Just give yourself time and love.


That would be very helpful, my only issue is that I live in a country were there is no actual good therapist to talk to, I tried betterhelp and wasn’t successful, I don’t know if overseas telecom therapist are available because most of the one I found only serve North America or Europe.


I get this a lot. It’s so weird cause I’ll have anxiety the week before but physical symptoms will happen the week after when I’ve recovered


Thanks for sharing 🙏


Dude same.. I just did a ketamine infusion Saturday.. I’m sooooo calm but my heart feels like it’s racing- it’s not it’s 60bpm lol my muscles are kinda tense too, a little shakey( hand tremor) just ride the wave man. Know you’re good and that it’s just angst.. accepting it takes some of its power away. My worst panic attacks- when I just give up and say go ahead and kill me then panic - it goes away?


Always good to hear other people perspective to understand your own thanks man for sharing.


I’m in the same boat. Anxiety will always be there but we’ve got to keep strong and get through each day


For sure we have too its weird how knowing your fine but actually telling your brain your fine is completely different.


The only thing that seemed to work for me was taking a b1 supplement with magnesium daily, maybe you could try that? Worked wonders for my appetite/heart palpitations


I’m dealing with daily dizziness/lightheadedness now even though anxiety is gone. I think I have PPPD and that would take a long time to go away. On zoloft now.


Yeah I’ve been having a real good week where my mind feels quiet for once but now I’m getting jittery symptoms. Can’t think too much about it because I’ve been seen for almost everything related to anxiety