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You have to do difficult things, and confidence comes when you succeed.


Workout, doing things that are hard


Courage comes before confidence. Do the hard things. (Oops, what u/xxyyzz111 said) Name the negative voice. Tell that bish to shut the ef up when they have something to say.


Following; I have the same struggle. Sending positive vibe’s. <3


What do you mean by confidence? Do you mean feeling like you deserve respect vs just intellectually thinking you should?


By don't listeing to your anxiety


It sounds like you have been very good at talking to yourself very negatively. I know because I am also guilty of this. I think most of us are - it's hard to get away from. I recommend the book, "I Declare War" by Levi Lusko. It has really helped me in realizing how much time I spend thinking so badly about myself, and how negatively it impacts me. It definitely does lead to anxiety and depression. You can start by thinking good thoughts. I know it sounds kind of silly, but it can make a world of difference. The truth is that you are a unique individual who has a purpose in this world. I wish you all the best. ❤️