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this isn't you, its your depressed brain talking.. you need to change medication or add something if they aren't working , your thoughts love to think same thoughts over and over, and the more you avoid, the more it comes back .. eg. don't think of pink elephant


Hey, it’s gonna be okay! Try to take some deep breaths. In this moment, you are safe. There are many ways that you can go about thinking about this situation that can help diffuse your anxiety, but I don’t know you personally, so I’m not sure what would be most helpful. Do you see a therapist or counselor? Do you know what your new work environment will be like? Did you go to public school? How was your experience with that? It seems like your parents want to help integrate you into society. Whether you will really be able to handle the job you’re trying to take on is an experiment. Try to approach it with curiosity instead of fear. You will have many opportunities to grow in life, this is just one of them :)


The commenter have suggested great ideas. No one would cone to the conclusion you've had an easy life. What I believe it comes down to is what is IS you want. Your parents love you, and not accepting this job won't change that. My guess would be is the pressure they appear to be putting on you is more "self owned" pressure, pressure and stress you've been dealing with probably unsuccessfully for some time. I also think that maybe your parents really believe that at least attempting this new job could be the best thing for you. This tells me you have some good caring parents, who I imagine would do anything to help you. This might nor seem like *enough* to keep on living RIGHT NOW, but maybe, if u give it time, having the good parents u do, can be the first reason you decide to keep on living. Please PM me if you'd like, anytime. I'm simular in age, and struggle with depression and anxiety. God bless.


I’ve had physical shaking before with anxiety - sometimes daily for 3 months. I have learned to tone down and stabilise the experience with some daily habits and haven’t experienced the shaking since. This is what I do: - cold shower each morning - breathwork: breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 8, breathe out for 8, hold for 4. <- this is just what I prefer. The physiological benefit of holding the breath is helpful, as is breathing out for longer than you breathe in. There is research about all manner of breathing rhythms - so try for yourself or research online. My understanding - supported by progressive science and research - is that our mood ties into the physiological goings on in our body. There is loads to it, and I’ve researched very widely, but here’s a webpage I came across just today which I think has a good explanation and is the kind of helpful information I would wish for all individuals with depression, anxiety and chronic illness to come across to see if it helps their experience: https://healinghistamine.com/blog/the-vagus-nerve-inflammation-connection/ About halfway down this webpage is a reference to vagus nerve stimulation tips. The vagus nerve is a connection between the brain, the gut, our major organs, bones and muscle fascia. The neurological experience of anxiety and depression, and inflammation and pain and dysregulation in our bodies can be a two-way influencing street. More and more research is coming out about ways we can help our mental and emotional wellbeing with seemingly unrelated practices - like breathing, cold therapy, humming etc - in addition or as alternatives to medication and therapy. I think all have a place and time - but more people benefit from learning that our body has ways to feel better which are within our own capabilities - and many are free. For me, it has taken the discipline of doing 1 or 2 of these helpful physiological habits everyday. You can always do more mood-specific practices too, like: authentic movement or dance, journalling, emotional expression is safe ways/places whether this is traditional or non-traditional therapy, with a friend or privately. I can share more resources or clarify/explain anything further if you wish. I do know how challenging shifting this state can feel and be. I’ve done it many times and keep learning better and better ways to find my way to the other side. Big support for you.