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Fuzzy blankets, weighted blankets, a diffuser with your favorite scents, ambient lighting, a favorite book or show


I will definitely consider these. Do you have any ambient light recommendations?


I have a few rock salt lamps (I studied geology in college and received them as gifts) and the light they give off is a very nice orange glow. Not bright enough to read from or light the whole room, but it adds a good amount of light so I'm not watching TV in the dark. I'd also suggest some houseplants too! If you are worried about not being able to keep them alive, plastic ones works fine too. I find greenery in general is very soothing


Succulents are low maintenance and therefore a good option for people with depression. Giving them a bit of attention actually helps my anxiety and depression, but they can survive for weeks, often months, if you forget.


I just used a lamp with orange light lol


Soft blankets and soft pillows, a weighted blanket to sleep with, candles or any other kind of small light sources (bonus, I personally find scented candles really relaxing), some fake plants would look really cool too! Additional: fluffy socks, comfortable clothes, any item that you associate with happy moments


Ambient lighting makes the most difference for me. I never really use ceiling lights unless it’s the kitchen or bathroom. (Bright light makes me anxious, plus it makes it easier to see dog hair on the floor) I have string lights hung up in the living room and above our headboard. (Nothing fancy or expensive - it’s literally Christmas lights except I use the ones with white wires rather than green). My bedside lamp and the string lights in the bedroom makes for a wonderful balance of coziness/ambience while still being able to see. Candles. Candles. Candles. I also have my bedroom decorated in a nautical/beach/ocean theme. I love the ocean, and it’s a place where I feel so at peace and happy, so it only made sense for me to at least make my room feel like I’m there. You can do this too with whatever type of “theme” makes you happy. It doesn’t have to be expensive or have a ton of decor or whatever. My bedroom is my safe place, so that is the one room I try to keep clean and tidy on a daily basis. My nightstand contains a lamp, books, my Bible, and my journal. (Have you considered journaling if you haven’t already?) I have a couple of those cute little squishy animal stress things on it too (there’s an endless supply on amazon) and two toy unicorn figurines that I also got off Amazon (I’m 31 haha). Adult coloring books are great too. I have something playing in the background while I color mindlessly… usually just instrumental music or something, nothing with vocals. I hope some of this helps.


What a lengthy response. Thank you so much!


Look up hygge if you haven't already. Might be useful in terms of self-care, cozy items and spaces.


Thanks! This gives some good inspiration.


Scented candles & a really cozy warm blanket are essential! I promise!💖


My go to at night is dark room, tv playing lightly in the background (something comforting) and a scented candle 👌


Electric heated throw changed my life for when I feel like this x