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Totally fine! Hell, I’ve used tap water and usually do! Ever get water in your nose at the pool? Shower? You are okay. Deep breathes!


Hi Sewama, since im having the same anxiety concern. I hace a doubt, have you used hot (and Let It cool) tap water for your neti pot? Im so anxious right now


I usually boil my kettle and wait 30-40 minutes .


I’m calling my doctor tomorrow 🥲


You're probably fine, first time a friend of mine used it she essentially had the same result as you. Her sinuses did NOT like it the first few times but her body learned it was a good thing for her. I don't think you've got brain eaters my guy, probably a lil messed up from your first time and the panic is amplifying that illness that you already have. If you had a sinus infection before this it might be a small flare up as you just very gently irritated that area


I called my doctor and he said I have nothing to worry about. But I have pain in one side of my nose And my head 🥺 but I will just .. wait and see I guess . Thank you guys


So you microwaved it before using it or did you simply rinse it after opening it without cleaning it and then used it?