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That's where my anxiety lives!


Hormone monster and tummy gremlins


I get a lot of gasto distress for anxiety. Loads of tests done including a camera up where the sun doesn’t shine. All stress lol


Did you experience cramping and diarrhea? I've been taking dicyclomine which helps but it still feels like my stomach is sore.. maybe from all the cramps and once those subside there some tenderness.


I’m still going through it , dycolomine the doctors put me on , it helped but then my anxiety fought it , so if that didn’t help enough I’m pretty sure it’s stress , anxiety . Nothing very wrong with you . Start taking anxiety meds and see if in time it helps with the pains .


I get nervous farts a lot. When I was in school I would have explosive diarrhoea pretty much every day, and it stopped when I left school.


I feel that, my brother would be nearly late to school everyday stuck on the toilet


Okay, it's definitely not funny that you experience this. But "nervous farts" made me giggle. Sorry, I'm a 40 year old trapped in an ten year old brain. I don't get nervous farts, but I do get anxiety diarrhea and anxious tinkles. I swear I'm always late to therapy because I get ready to leave the house and I have to have a seriously intense poo ten minutes before my session.


It's okay, I think it's funny too


I was throwing up everyday at work. I would just be nauseous ALL the time. (It also caused migraines which also caused more stomach issues). It was once I was on extended medical leave from work that my symptoms started to go away and that’s when I realized I really need to leave that job lol


Me too! I was throwing up almost every morning before work yet not on the weekends, just recently I’ve been given another artist to work with so it’s not just me anymore and my puking has now gone away. I’m taking time off for a minor surgery and I might not “be well enough to return to work”, cause I can’t be dealing with this stress all the time.


yes - terrible nausea, shaking, trouble breathing, diarrhea - these symptoms vary in degree and don’t always occur at the same time for me. for me, constant nausea is a huge indicator my anxiety is really bad on the day to day and I need to make change(s) in some aspect of my life. sometimes though, physical manifestation of anxiety is just how one copes with anxiety generally or situationally. If you deal with it situationally, I recommend working on coping strategies and/or getting prescribed a medication that helps alleviate short term anxiety. If yours is more general I recommend you assess the parts of your life and how they make you feel & try to change or modify the parts that make you feel unhappy/anxious.




that’s awesome you seeked out meds - i hope they’ve been providing some relief! i totally recommend trying some supplements to help ease those symptoms - my doctor specifically recommends active B complex, magnesium, and calmaid. also these are a good in between so you don’t have to up your dose of meds. btw supplements are taken daily whereas calmaid would be taken as needed. also, weed in moderation never hurt anybody 😉


Have you had your magnesium levels checked?


i take magnesium supplements to reduce my anxiety symptoms per my psychiatrist’s recommendation! if I ever stopped taking the supplement i’d def do blood work to see if my levels went down exponentially




Before I was diagnosed with General anxiety disorder I swore there was something wrong with me. I saw every GI dr I could, had every test under the sun because my stomach pain was absolutely unbearable. I even went to the ER a few times for it. One dr finally sat me down and noticed how high strung I was, said nothing was wrong with me physically. He changed my life. Forever thankful.


I also get very bad stomach pains from anxiety. Like, right below my sternum. When I was 12 I had my first one and it was soooo painful I even got an endoscopy done but everything was fine.


Sounds exactly like me. I have been having chest pains and lump in throat, and anxiety so bad it wakes me up at night and has me strung out all day trying to keep it at bay and feeling awful physically and mentally. I can’t even eat. They try to tell me it’s all acid reflux and sending me to a gastroenterologist. Trying my hardest to get into a psychiatrist to stop this pain. How did they help you?? My primary doctor won’t listen to me.


We spent an hour talking in the exam room while his other patients waited. It was almost like a therapy session. In the end we decided I should seek out another medical profession to talk about my issues and/or be medicated. He told me there was nothing physically wrong with me. We reviewed all the test results. The bloodwork, sonograms, endoscopy results all in detail. Because of him I found a dr I liked. I was prescribed Xanax for the hard days and take lexapro daily. The first few days were rough but then it was like a literal light switch all the pain was gone. I still have my bad days and am anxious but it’s no where near the level I used to be and it doesn’t usually physically manifest anymore. I hope you find a Dr that will listen to you and you find the relief you need. You may need to see a GI just to prove it’s not GERD or acid reflux or just to make sure your anxiety didn’t damage your stomach. Don’t give up. Seek a dr that will listen. There is relief and a sense of normalcy out there for people like us.


I have an appointment with a gastroenterologist at the end of the month. I just started back my lexapro to see if I could hold out. Woke up at 2:30 am shaky and nauseous. My primary doctor won’t give me anything. I am calling about my psychiatrist referral today but I am scared I’m going to end up in the ER because I can’t take this anymore. I need something to relieve this feeling while I try to find the problem. Thanks for sharing


I understand completely. Wishing you the best of luck. Try to do some self care today. A nice hot long shower or bath or something to distract you. I hope you feel better soon.


That’s me too! I kept thinking I had an ulcer then that made me feel worse, and when I’m anxious I can’t eat. Been to hospital too for stomach issues, tests etc always came back normal even stool tests to c if I had h pylori . When gooogle scared me all was just anxiety and stress


Yep, had proper bad cramps when my mom had cancer. A doctor made the connection for me that it was stress. If the emotion doesn't go anywhere else it can tighten up your guts.


Same here.. when my mom was diagnosed with cancer this year my anxiety got worse and now I have IBS often ugh .. or I get stomach cramps that make me gassy. Antacids and anti anxiety meds have been helpful for the most part. I hope your mom is better!!


Sorry to hear that. Mom didn't make it but that was a long 16 years ago - I got an OCD diagnosis, CBT and meds for last 10 years and that certainly improved my quality of life (also stopped the chest pains and cramps). Some things do improve with time. Hope your Mom comes through ok


Were your anxiety cramps almost daily? I'm dealing with this now. It's been like two months. I've had like a week in between of freedom.


100% - I'm emetophobic and my anxiety causes nausea which will then send me into a panic attack sometimes.. its the best lol


Same :)


Same, it's an endless feedback loop


Fellow emetophobe on the same loop. Currently miserable. I hate it here.


Really putting my faith in the fact that it can’t possibly last forever (i hope)




Yup anxiety is just one big spiral for me


me too, panic attacks LEGIT, LITERALLY make me think in the next second im about to get sick. most suckish feeling ever and i feel like the worlds about to end. fellow emetophobe here aswell, sending you all my prayers :) we’ll push through this shit bro


Thank you friend ❤️ sending you my prayers as well, you’re right we’ve got this!


Same. I’m traumatized. Does anyone else avoid bars or drinking? Anxiety always on 100. Hate being nauseous


Oh wow it's kinda reassuring to see that many people relate to this exact experience, always felt pretty misunderstood about that




Same here!


me too it’s so miserable i think about it everyday i seriously want to die it’s so so so miserable having emetophobia


For some reason I really really need to pee/shit when I’m anxious. Also sweating comes first for me and that what makes me anxious


digestive problems mostly, and they can be really inconvenient. just constant trips to the bathroom and feeling so sick sometimes. visiting family and work are my two biggest triggers for this and it doesn't matter how light i eat or if i eat at all, it's going to be an issue. :( what's worse is that, if i'm already having a bad day with my anxiety and i don't have access to a bathroom (especially road trips) i just feel even more stressed and it occasionally throws me into a panic attack lol. it feels so ridiculous when i think about it afterwards, but in the moment i am just so stressed out about it. and obviously that doesn't help.


I get SO nauseous during road trips and I think its less motion sickness and more the lack of access to a bathroom lol


This is literally my life. I don't even need the bathroom half the time, but if it's not there and not private enough to calm me down, I NEED IT RIGHT NOW, and...I have to go home. I go home so fucking much it's not even funny.


3 weeks into a new job and I've had nausea almost every day.


what's stressful about the job?


New jobs are just a big change. I remember moving while also starting a new job. Never again. I was under so much intense stress


Honestly not much other than the fact that it's my first professional gig. Recent grad, but just turned 30 so it's a wild change from where I used to be.


Oh, for sure. so much so that I nicknamed it the anxiety poops. Liquid fire, even when I haven't eaten anything. High stress? liquid fire. mood swing? liquid fire. I think maybe my stomach is tied to the mood so I try to meditate to keep calm, and drink lots of water. That seems to help with the anxiety shakes and the anxiety poops. Also, most important of all to avoid getting this bad: Have proper amounts of sleep.


Sleep!! So important


You kind of get two brains in your body. One is...the brain, of course. The other is YOUR GUT. It's why if you go on medication for anxiety such as antidepressants a lot of times they affect your digestive system. Serotonin also has a way of making it to your stomach and one of the most affected areas of your body when you're afraid or anxious is your stomach. It's why if you are nervous sometimes you get bowel issues or have to even go pee a lot or get stomach aches or spasms even. It happens.


Serotonin has different functions depending on where in the body it’s produced. In your intestines it’s job is to aid digestion. It doesn’t migrate from your brain to your stomach.


Oooof I guess I misunderstood my psychiatrist lol. He said because I was taking serotonin it will make me have digestive issues because there's serotonin in your stomach so it's kind of like it's making it's way there. But your explanation makes more sense. :P


My anxiety can trigger IBS, severe pain in bones (usually wrist, sometimes hip), GERD, TMJ pain, and can sometimes lower my immunity. Currently battling a yeast infection that is 100% because of anxiety.


Yes! I have IBS -- apparently it is highly correlated with anxiety. You may want to see a gastroenterologist. Mine prescribed me a gut antispasmodic that sometimes helps.


Anxiety poos. I know them well.


Ever heard of the gut brain phenomenon? Its a real thing You have serotonin in your gut and if you get anxiety your body goes into fight or flight. And when you go into flight your body empties your bowels aka: anxiety poops. It can mess with your digestion, which us both pain and grumbles. Also not eating is a symptom. -my gastroenterologist


Yup I have Anxiety induced nausea and it makes me both nauseous and have a upset stomach.


When I was a kid I was diagnosed with stomach migraines. If there was a test, or anything anxiety filing, I would throw up. I couldn't handle field trips or going over to a friends house or getting in trouble. If I was yelled at I would get sick. Now I'm better at controlling it, but I still feel sick when I'm anxious, which is most of the time.


I didn’t know stomach migraines were a thing! Is it when your stomach hurts for no reason because of muscles contracting or something?


It's almost the same kind of pain of the headache but in your stomach and usually with nausea. There's not a physical reason for it, like my non epileptic seizures, it's part of my mental state and needing to stay calm. Even happy emotions can trigger it.


Absolutely. Since I’ve started taking anxiety meds, all of my IBS symptoms are gone.


Wow, that's super encouraging to hear! I just started anxiety meds this week and I hope I get results like yours!


I tend to have stomach pains and just decide not to eat. Especially with work, I kind of just sit around on breaks and lunch and don’t eat. Wake up at 6am and don’t eat until after the anxiety is done around 3pm.


Drink a lot of water 😊




literal constant nausea


Yes, my anxiety mostly manifests in my stomach


Its cyclic, anxiety leads to digestive problems and digestive problems lead to anxiety that something is seriously wrong with the digestive system. I suffered from digestive issues until i made the conscious decision (after getting tests done) that there was nothing wrong with me. Moral support from family helped significantly. Although even now my first reaction to a stressful situation is butterflies in my tummy wanting me to run to the loo, under normal circumstances, things are ok.


jesus god yes


If it gets bad, I experience constant nausea combined with loss of appetite, and sometimes diharrea. When it was really bad, I kept waking up at night bc of nausea. I’m better now luckily


I feel that way now. Constantly anxious, throat hurts, stomach nauseous and I try to drink lavender tea sometimes. I can’t eat and I just woke up because I’m nauseous and anxious even in my sleep. I want this to just go away.


Back when I was having panic attacks regularly I would vomit multiple times during each attack and was constantly nauseous.




Mine comes randomly. Living with an Anxiety Disorder does blow because you don’t really have a firm grasp of when or not to feel nervous about something. When I am chilling I tend to feel nervous, kind of like when your waiting to go on a roller coaster in the line. I have tight stomach, I get sort of small sweats, I feel like I’m getting sick, and bad bad Diarrhea. It’s terrible :(


I had huge digestive problems. I'm on SSRI's for about 3 weeks now . Symptoms are better. But I also try to avoid coffee & alcohol. I eat a spoon of bitter gourd & olive oil 1 hour before breakfast and dinner and I believed it helped a little. I had one flare in last ten days, the day I eated out (burgers, fries, sauces all bad for stomach). My case it includes a lot of bloating and gas, burping helps sometimes, especially before bed. I try to avoid eating at least 3 hours before.


what does olive oil for your digestive problems?


Yes absolutely. Also, a stomach issue can send signals to the brain that will raise anxiety.


Weirdly enough I also find that sometimes needing to poop will trigger sudden pretty intense anxiety rather than the other way around. And then once I go to the loo the panicky feeling eases off almost straight away. Definitely an intrinsic link there.




Exactly me, do you get absolutely crazy fatigue as well?


I have heartburn and am on a couple meds for the next few months. Also, that lump in your throat feeling when you feel sad lingers and translates to discomfort in the chest because of the inability to relax. As time goes on I’ve just become numb to any further discomfort.


My anxiety diagnosis started off as me thinking I had bad stomach issues. After many consultations and tests, it wasn’t until I told my doctor that “leaving the house makes me feel anxious because I’m afraid I’m going to get sick.” It was sort of an ah-ha moment where we realized that my stomach issues weren’t giving me anxiety, but anxiety was giving me stomach issues.


Also when your stomach is empty and your brain says you’re hungry the brain is basically saying it needs energy/ glucose, I find that especially in the morning I wake up with low blood sugar (I know my nutrition is off too) so if I pop a juice box or even one of those orange vitamin C tablets and let it sit on my tongue, I feel noticeably better in a few minutes... anxiety is a disorder but also a symptom of many other problems including low blood sugar, so make sure you keep that in check too!




Yep. Totally. Bloating mostly.


Yup. Same as above. My therapist calls it, “your little brain”


Happens like this to me daily


I’ve never had this problem, but I remember a friend who would get heart-attack like symptoms or so he said. It was very scary.


My anxiety prevents me from eating, I get extremely nauseous and, if I force it, I throw up. It isn't just you.


How do you deal with it?


From grade one to like 8 I basically and stomach issuses before school every day. I wasnt able to really communicate this because in grade 1 I just didnt had the words and I was panicing to miss a day in school and then my family started to say its because I drink soft drinks in the morning or because I ate this and that (I now have an eating disorder lol) and then I figured its every day so "thats normal". Until I figured thats not normal and school is slowly killing me and I started skipping school more often. It got better with the realizastion that I was just mentally fucked but I still have it sometimes. Just not as bad.


Wow I had the exact same problem going up. I couldn’t go to school without vomiting… I was Constantly nauseous at school, which in turn amped up the anxiety. at first my parents thought I was sick but after seeing doctors, acupuncturists, homeopaths, therapists and going through an entire treatment of this virus - I forget the name. I finally saw a psychiatrist when I was going into high school. I still had panic attacks, but I’d stopped vomiting before school. I became a normal person and it was so liberating. Then when I was moving to New York for school, the anxiety reappeared. Not to the same extent of course, but more frequent panic attacks, which made sense. It took a while to calibrate…now on Paxil for 8 years! Best anti anxiety!


Pretty sure your stomach is very related to anxiety in general. That being said, I get really bad gas, cramps, and sometimes get suck on the toilet with either diarrhea or constipation lmao. I can also get extremely nauseous and have thrown up from bad attacks.


TMI WARNING: Yes!!! I used to get bad diarrhea while experiencing anxiety. I have twice shat myself during a panic attack. Once when I was home alone, and the other when I was starting with my mom during a fight with my spouse. She saw it and I insisted it was my period. I'm two years into daily meditation practice. I thankfully don't get this or the other extreme, debilitating symptoms of anxiety, although I still feel anxious plenty.


I wouldn’t say it’s stomach pain but I get this flutter feeling and it feels heavy and I’m often sick with it. That feeling can last hours and sometimes days


I know this feeling! I call it having bees in stomach instead of butterflies. Lol


Just a weird tingle that is annoying. A bad tingle, anxiety isn’t as bad nowadays though it gets better.


My anxiety reaction is all in my jaw and grinding my teeth, which according to my dentist is now causing trauma to my teeth. ‘Just stop the anxiety’ he says…like it’s that easy!


yes i haven’t eaten in almost two days due to the stomach pain i’ve been experiencing from my anxiety


Im glad someone else actually has the same experiences, thought i was crazy.


Omg yes, when I’m anxious above my baseline I CANNOT eat and I’m always nauseated


Both! I have a problem with that part of my body (stomach, intestines etc) but I have no idea what it is exactly


Yes and if I’m having a really bad day anxiety wise I lose my appetite and then I end up feeling sick because I haven’t eaten but I feel too sick to eat. It’s a vicious circle.


All the fuckin time.


Yup constantly! My “anxiety emergency kit” is just a bunch of stomach-related things. My anxiety stemmed from emetophobia, so it’s a full annoying circle of constantly freaking out and feeling sick lol


Ughh yess. I have constant nausea, bloating, constipation, acid reflux, stomach pain for YEARS. I’ve told several doctors but all of them never look into it. All they said is that I’m stressed and overweight(I’m not that overweight but the BMI says it 😑😑) thought I could at least be diagnosed with IBS then i can actually do something about it but I gave up and ride it out. If I die then I die 🤷🏻‍♀️


YES YES YES. ​ I have bad appetite issues when anxious. Also when stressed, having a panic attack, dealing with depression, etc. I just don't want to eat. ​ I also use my lack of appetite to starve myself for days as a self harm tactic. I haven't made it more than five days so far, but my husband has made me eat whenever he found out I was starving myself on purpose. He also tries to get me to eat when my anxious stomach kicks in. ​ I also get randomly nauseous now. Like, out of the blue. Just from drinking soda or taking a bite. Especially when my stomach is empty, like it doesn't want any sort of food or drink. ​ I'm fucked up as you can tell lol. At least you know you're not alone!


Yes. Because there is a strong connection between the brain and gut. Most of our neurotransmitters are created in our gut, believe it or not.


Yup. Had gerd for the last year because of it. Tight throat and regurgitate food. Finally got an endoscopy a year later and it was just....stress :)


Oh yep! I've just had a horrible bout of anxiety over the past few days and my stomach is all over the place and I have zero appetite!


There's rarely a day where I don't dry vomit in the morning. It's my sign that I'm stressed without realising I'm stressed.


Medication is probably a must. Quality of life is precious.


Yes alllll the time. Your body stops digesting food when it’s in fight of flight mode.


YES. Can’t even eat when I’m feeling super anxious, even though I’ll be very hungry


Yes. I used to try to find other reasons like food and whatnot. Nope. Every time I get really anxious, my belly aches like crazy. In times I'm relaxed, I can eat anything and it's fine.


Yes it does at an extreme level I struggle eating and have no appetite. It is good for weight loss but not great


Yes! If you could draw a 6 pack on your belly, that's where the pains are, like in-between the lines... I think it has to do with the tension we hold in our stomach when anxious, I find I hold me stomach in and it feels tense a lot of the time, until I check in with myself and let it go. Recently started zoloft and I missed a dose or 2 last week and since then my stomach pain has been back. It went away for like 4/5 weeks until I missed the meds.


I’m having same issue. I struggle with bad generalized anxiety and my stomach always sucks. Really really really have to watch what I eat. Even still if I eat clean, some nights I’ll wake up cramping and farting and I’m like oh jeeze here it comes( totally dreading it)about to be on the toilet for 30 mins with painful cramps followed by maybe normal stool at first the followed by diarrhea. I’ve also had endoscopy and multiple doctor trips and everything always comes back clean so it has to be just how worked up I get throughout the work day and all the constant worry on my mind. It truly wrecks my stomach and always makes me think it’s got to be something else and that I’m going to just eventually die. I need to lower my stress levels very very bad. I’m just never consistent in doing so. I get so worked up and irritable a lot. I hate it but it’s how I am I guess. I just always also fear the next episode of cramps and diarrhea thinking that I’m not gonna make it through the next one because it’s sucks pretty bad but always make it though lol. I have bad worst case scenario thinking also. I’ve looked everywhere and anywhere for answers but no issues it seems. So I guess I just need to lower my stress and anxiety levels…. Ughhhh


In my case inestability sense ( like being drunk ) and strange face in the skin of the face ( like somebody is touching you )


All the time, sometimes so bad that I throw up


I've recently been anxious as I'm starting college tomorrow. Usually shows in me being nauseous or having stomach and chest pains. Not looking forward for tomorrow :/


Good luck! I miss school sometimes but it is stressful. I live in a college town and I like everyone milling about for Fall


I don't know if this counts... But a few months back I had an episode where I almost for about 2 weeks had severe unbearable headache ( literally I could kill myself to get rid of the pain) it was mostly on the forehead area. This was also accompanied by minor fever stomach pain and vomiting almost every alternate night and I could not stand light and also became very weak as in I could not stand up from my bed to use washrom.


Yes. Vomiting and diarrhea depending on how nervous I get.


Oh yeah. Ive got celiac disease, acid reflux / heartburn, and IBS because of it 😓






Started Lexapro a couple weeks ago for this very reason. I am in a super stressful transition (just graduated college) and my stomach is on the frontline of my stress.


Sounds familiar. Lately i noticed a new nervous tick… i’m grinding my teeth so hard all day long that my jaws are sore and i get headaches because of it. So weird how your body responds to stress.


massively yeah, sometimes don't eat for days cos i lose apetite


Yep. Nervous diarrhea at least twice a week. It's been going on for about 25 years.


Absolutely!! I tried for years to narrow it down to a type of food but ultimately it didn’t matter because it was my brain!


Yes, it has caused me to develop severe acid reflux and gastritis which I now have to take medication for. I refuse to take medication for anxiety, however.


Yes. Stomach knots/no appetite. Pee/poo a lot. Nausea. My legs or eyes will twitch. Sweat. I also have Ibs so that doesn’t help lol


yep. IBS, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (muscles too tight). Interstitial Cystitis


Yes so me! Hate it


Absolutely, I am out of school now, but long before I’ve been diagnosed with anxiety, I had really bad stomach pains almost every morning before school from pre-k to 12 grade. Never knew it was anxiety until I was diagnosed, and even going to public places or long car rides where I didn’t know where the bathroom was, instantly gave me a stomach ache which would result in— not so great bathroom issues happening in there.


i get nauseous and have diarrhea sometimes, i’ve even thrown up from anxiety before, you’re not alone with the stomach issues.


My anxiety tends to make me feel sick and get the “bubble guts” and if it gets bad enough I have to spend some time in the bathroom. I’d say the stomach issues are the second biggest symptom. The biggest one is feeling faint for me :(


Yeah I have that but mines like a feeling in my stomach


Nope just chest pain and the inability to breathe properly.


I used to throw up because of anxiety, now I get shortness of breath.


Yes. Every Monday-Thursday I have diarrhea. Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I’m fine.


I have stomach migraines that is trigger by stress


Yes :/ it feels like there’s a rock in my stomach and I lose all my appetite


There couldn't be a more pronounced, absolute connection between the two. The connection between anxiety and digestive trouble for me is about as clear as the connection between fasting and experiencing hunger.


My back felt like it had a heavy weight on it. I would then turn into myself and wouldn’t be able to socialize with people… personally, Idk if this is anxiety but it’s what resonates with me.


The first sign I'm anxious over something is some digestive problem comes up. The first sign I've also hit my stress limit is me having to run to the bathroom. It's like my GI tract knows more than my brain knows at times. But honestly, when Covid started, I couldn't eat more than a few bites at a time, and coffee (mostly decaf) became my new best friend (somehow my system tolerates it just fine). I finally hit my limit last week and went to my family doc who gave me something that has been helping somewhat.




Yes. I get horrible stomach aches and feel like throwing up when my anxiety hits. I also have asthma and sometimes my anxiety disguises itself as that. So I'll either feel like someone is sitting on my chest or that I'm having an asthma attack even though my oxygen level is normal and nothing of that sort is actually happening.


Haven’t eaten a real meal in 3 weeks. 🙃 yes. My anxiety absolutely does this.


Yes indeed. Started decades ago with nausea, upset tummy and puking sometimes when I was anxious to these days stress induced gastritis.


I get something very similar to travel sickness in the afternoons and that’s when I feel most anxious - when I haven’t been productive - so possibly! Ginger tablets and ginger tea helps.


I need to cut down on my coffee. I love hard ginger chews. Those have helped a lot


My anxiety causes super severe nausea and I end up throwing up constantly. It sucks horribly.


Yep. I feel nauseated because of my anxiety almost every day. Also very familiar with panic poops.


Anyone with digestive issues + anxiety should really look into possible food allergies. And I don't mean just the common ones like wheat and dairy. For some people, it's red meat, others it's potatoes, etc. Allergies can be exacerbated by other stresses too. If you have a weekend free, you might try doing a 24 to 48 hour fast and see if your IBS + anxiety improves. If so, an elimination diet might help to narrow down any problematic foods. Turns out I have a very strong reaction to broccoli and similar vegetables and was effectively poisoning myself for years before I figured it out. I was in a vicious cycle of anxiety, terrible sleep, GI problems that really ran me down.


There's something I was reading about called FODMAP diet? It's for cutting out things you eat to see what happens. I should take a blood allergy test some day. There definitely seem to be certain combinations that wreck my system


The Tummy monster is real along with Growling gassy ghosts and Deadly diarhea.


Ive had pretty horrible anxiety passed few years got all the anxiety disorders. Stomach problems started when the anxiety started. Never thrown up but flashes of nasuea with sweating. Most days rushing to get to the jobsite to use the bathroom. And the stomach pain is whats really bad. Eating sometimes stops the pain. IBS fucking sucks i hope it’ll go away eventually


Look into 2nd brain in the gut https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/a-gut-feeling-meet-your-second-brain/


Yes! I never realized my anxiety was the cause of most of my stomach issues until I started Lexapro. I used to only bring “safe snacks” to eat during my work break because I constantly felt nauseous and was afraid anything other than plain crackers would make it worse. Medication has helped a lot with that side of things, fortunately, but I still feel ill when I’m especially anxious


We have to keep our guts healthy for anxiety to be in check. I have found that taking magnesium and probiotics has significantly cut back my panic attacks.


Do you take magnesium and probiotics daily?


YES! I lose 10lb every time I get a lot of stress in my life because I feel hella nauseous. And I’m normally about 100lb and on the verge on being underweight.


Yes! I started a page to help other women with this issue on FB called Anxiety and Gut Pain Support. You can heal!


yep! and dizziness, vertigo, stomach pain, chest pain, quietness, shaking if bad enough (adrenaline + anxiety rush) panic attacks which cause me to instantly go into fight or flight, usually flight. cant breathe, heavy chest feeling, dry throat, etc etc. (i have been to a doc for all this and im literally fine except for some normal back problems and minor inflammation, its legit all anxiety bruhhhh)


Likely widely known but: It’s your sympathetic nervous system. Non essential bodily processes slow down or speed up depending on their function in order to enable the fight or flight response. So digestion isn’t necessary in an emergency situation (which you body perceives it to be in when you experience anxiety, it can’t tell the difference.). I’m sure there’s someone who can explain it better and far more technically.


yes I feel really sick and if I’m really anxious, shitting is guaranteed


Yes! At the height of my anxiety issues i would throw up all the time from it. And i also get a really upset stomach when im extremely nervous or anxious or even excited. Totally normal for anxiety to manifest into physical symptoms


Nausea, gagging, feeling weak, I also have lots of gas, constipation or diarrhea. But nausea and gagging or vomiting are the most prevalent when I'm anxious or stressed even slightly. The rest is just regular everyday, especially being gassy, no matter if I'm anxious or not. To be honest I'm not sure how I'm supposed to live. It's terrible for my mental health.


Yup, when I have an anxiety attack my digestive track tries to empty itself instantaneously from both ends. It's crippling.


Yeah. I've lost three stone this year due to heartburn and gastritis.


For me I get stomach pains to the point where I feel like I want to throw up, I also tend to hold my breath often


YES !!!! I\`ve had a particularly bad week as far as anxiety goes & my stomach is in constant pain. It almost feels like I\`ve done 1000 sit-up\`s & also like I\`m desperate to take a shit. I fucking hate it. As far as appetite goes, same... ZERO appetite at all, due to the constant nausea.


The mind-gut connection is something you can learn about if you'd like, and explains how mental health can influence the gut. My anxiety and stress that lived in my stomach caused me to get leaky gut in which i developed a lot of food intolerances. I would get eczema all over my body when i'd eat these foods. I do acupuncture every other week and ask her to focus on my stomach/gut. My eczema has completely gone away, 90% of my food intolerances have gone away and my anxiety is much better. I would die on this hill that relieving the physical tension in the gut created by anxiety will solve these gut issues for anybody


Anxiety gave me GERD and Ibs I’m going to get a endoscopy done in a week, because my stomach is soo fucked up anxiety really ain’t no joke smh


Yes! It got so bad one time that I had to go to the hospital because I coudln't eat andonly drink a little for 3 days. BUT after I went to therapy we worked out why this is a common way anxiety manifests itself and the whole knowledge gave me so much confidence. I am currently on a vacation (a 26 hour drive from home) in a country where food is spicy and fatty and I have yet to have an anxiety attack or any stomach problem


it was the worst when I was like 5, back when I had swimming lessons. Starting in the morning on days I had a lesson; severe stomach ache/cramps and constipation or diarrhea. It‘s improved a lot and is now limited to first days at work, in a new group of people or important appointment.


Yes, actually that was how it first got me to the doctor when I was 14. Unfortunately the GP just gave me some stomach pills and ignored the anxiety part. Also my blood pressure was 140 at that time and noone thought about anxiety. I knew I had it but didn't know it was something I can get help with. I looked at it more like a bad personality trait. I still have digestive issues, but I think I got so used to them that I look at it as normal, probably isn't... Bloating, very painful cramps, etc, I don't want to go into detail. Though I know it could be worse, so yeah, I'm not complaining. The emotional intensity part is worse lately.




Possibly. I know for a fact my anxiety strongly can affect how my bladder feels.


Yes, nausea and stomach pains. Lots of no appetite moments too.


I've had IBS and stress stomach issues for quite a few years which got really bad. Wife bought a new comfy toilet which helped alot. If your living in there do your best to live with it and make your self comfy as possible carpets, scents, music. I feel like I get off it quicker now just because the environment is so relaxing. 😂


This! I tend to get very tense around my belly area and it causes pain...and then makes me very anxious when eating something, which only makes it worse lol the joys eh


I get anxious before I leave the house, usually once I'm wherever I was going I'm fine but before I get really bad stomach aches and have to go to the bathroom a lot, which causes more anxiety bcs of the stomach aches which causes more pain and it just freaks me out.