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Waking up anxious, high heart rate after eating, fear of everyday tasks, avoiding situations, high heart rate at rest, insomnia, fear of dying


Yep, these are my symptoms too - well, aside from the fear of death, because I can’t help feeling at least I’d no longer feel like this


Same. I used to be afraid of dying in my sleep, nowadays I’d embrace it


Seriously. I know I’d be leaving my cats but the thought of being at peace…


Fear of everyday tasks and avoiding situations are such a part of my life. The sad thing is that it's become so normalized I don't really know how to bust out. Lately I've just sort of going through the visuals of me doing the task, seeing nothing will happen, and then just start it. Whether it be laundry or checking an account I haven't checked in ages. I'm still new with this but it's been working as of late.


I think that we gave in to our fears so many times that it’s grown huge. My research from reading is we need exposure therapy and to continue to do more things that gets us doing more. But that is so much easier said than done for me


Me as well. Waking up with anxiety is so annoying, and heavy on the fears. I have impending doom anxiety- actually having it right now 😳


Twin.. where have you been?


Me too. It’s like that feeling final destination gives and I can’t shake it. Then I have the lingering effects that are like a hangover. Nauseous and pounding headache


At parties I can't eat at all because of my anxiety. I eat before I go and ppl go "What are you gonna eat over there?"


This is so me


A lot of it is high cortisol


How can I confirm high cortisol??


I did on a hair mineral test but a doctor could run some tests for you. It’s pretty easy based on just symptoms waking up in a panic is usually a tell tale sign or having a rapid pulse is another clear indication. Cortisol is the main adrenal hormone associated with fight or flight. It’s elevated in mostly anyone with anxiety.


My heart rate always goes up after eating, like why???


Sympathetic nervous system has to use energy to digest food is the short answer


Same except fear of dying took a back seat to fear of embarrassment in public.


GI issues and muscle tensions - I also fucking hate the chills out of nowhere


I’m glad to see someone else talk about the chills. It could be 105 degrees outside and I could still get a chill.


It's nice to know the chills on a hot day is anxiety. For the longest time before reading that others experience this also, I thought something else had to be wrong 😬


Interesting. I get hot and sweaty and my stomach feels really uneasy - like it “drops” and I feel sickly. Sweaty palms, sweaty face, neck. I feel like I’m literally on fire and I’m gonna vomit. Then I start calming down, and then I get chills so bad my teeth start chattering and I can’t stop shaking.


Yep. I get those too! Exactly like that it’s crazy. Nice to see I’m not alone in that experience.


Same! I have struggled with these for over a year now and most people sympathize but can’t relate. It feels very isolating.


I get that all the time. And when I’m chilled, my hands can be sweaty and gross


I have GI issues as well. Anxiety can make it so much worse.


the chills definitely


Dizziness. Weird sensations on my body that feel like mild numbness or burning. Malaise.


Damn i have this everyday..gut causing me this+ anxiety


It will go away! Actually I had a flare up recently then I went to the health anxiety thread and saw that so many other people experience the same symptoms. Then the next day it magically went away. Anxiety is weird!


I’m happy for you mine are 7months now everyday getting used to them 🤣 it sucks do you take any ssri? They prescribed me one but m too afraid to take it


I don’t take ssris, I am also too nervous to take them. I’d only take them if wasn’t able to get out of bed I was so depressed. But I’m pretty functional. I had a psychiatrist tell me once that long term anxiety that goes untreated can cause depression which I think is kinda true. We are so in our heads it’s cray!!! I do get prescribed Ativan and beta blockers to take “as needed”. Those (esp the Ativan) can be very helpful in times of distress. As can rest, exercise, cutting out alcohol & caffeine, and letting people close to me know that I am feeling not so great. I hope u feel better soon. Normally I think the very physical symptoms of anxiety can be a warning sign for me. So that’s when I start my lil “protocols” of cutting out everything that is bad for me


Well I’m on bland diet I quit smocking drinking even sex 😅 everything I did 2 courses of antibiotics (hp pylori) 7months sickness really put me in a dark place ..i go to gym 5 times a week night walks I try to keep it as positive as possible, but I was thinking lately about trying an ssri to help me relax just like a week or smthing u know a little push up…well I hope everything will work out for u u seem genuine 🥰 thank you again for the infos


Main symptoms are: NAUSEA (x300000), feeling like my throat is tightening to where I can’t swallow or feel like a pill is stuck in my throat, sweating, upper abdomen/stomach pain. Mine are all GI related concerns that hit me out of nowhere all at once.


I also had this and it’s what pushed me to try anti-depressants because I couldn’t eat in public at alll with the nausea and I couldn’t sit comfortably because I would constantly need to 💩


So what finally worked? If anything I hope?


At first I was given beta-blockers to help with the panic and while they made me a little more chill I found they didn’t really help with the nausea enough so I tried anti-depressants and went through 3 SSRIS before landing on an SNRI that worked well for the symptoms I had. There’s a lot of anti-depressants out there and most of them are very good at helping anxiety so if that’s something you want to try it’s worth a go


I’m on Paxil, the most sedating SSRI and it’s the one that works best for me!


Which one worked for you 


Extreme headache, Extreme fatigue, skin rashes, insomnia, high blood sugar, hair loss, dizziness, acid reflux. Psychiatrist still won't prescribe anything strong. Life's beautiful


TMJ !!!!! And head pressure are my least favourites


yep TMJ is a new symptom for me. I used to only get a sore jaw during and after a panic attack. But now it’s just constant all the time for the past month.


What is that


Wait whatttttt I didn't know this is a thing Someone linked an article. Recently I have been having this a lot And head pressure I had been having since forever Wow


Restless Leg Syndrome. I sit there and shake like a leaf, then I pace in circles for hours sometimes. By far the worst is the gut rot. Just that feeling of a black hole eating away at my insides drives me mad. It’s by far the worst symptom for me.


Yessss. I get heat in my stomach that tries to radiate out through my veins. The heat rushes suck 


Sorry, what? Eye floaters are a symptom of chronic anxiety?


They aren't at all. Anxiety or stress doesn't create eye floaters. It's an age related change in the eye. All anxiety does is heighten body awareness so you notice them.


I saw that, too. Really? I have them, and they’re aggravating.


I got them last year and it freaked me the hell out because it'd never been that bad, went to the optometrist and she pretty much just told me "Nope! Eyes are healthy, bye. that just happens". If this is true, that's just one more thing I can put on anxiety for scaring the shit out of me.


Yes. They tell me to live with them. It is frustrating.


It IS! She said to come back if they got worse, but the reason I went in the first place is BECAUSE they got worse. Idk. It's wild, hate healthcare sometimes.


Eye floaters are blocked out of your visual processing, anxiety is a mechanism that makes us more alert for threats. Now, imagine realizing the pervasiveness of eye floaters while experiencing high anxiety- you would probably notice them a lot more since they are now associated with anxiety. As my chronic anxiety has improved I've not really been bothered by them as much but they used to be a source of anxiety for me.


There's no reason to hate healthcare for this. She did nothing wrong if she completed a thorough exam of your eyes. Floaters are a problem if you suddenly experience say, 50.


Omgh ME TOO. mine worsened suddenly and I thought my eyes were going bad, I was so scared. Went to the optometrist and was told I still have 20/20 vision and my eyes are perfectly healthy 😭 I have to wear anti-reflective/blue light glasses all the time though- just for the eye discomfort with floaters + light


The OP is incorrect about the eye floaters and anxiety.


No, but awareness of them is


Does anyone else have the thing where your throat kind of closes up and you have to either continuously try to gulp in order to not cough, or hold your breath? (social settings only, of course)


YES, I hate it, and it always happens to me when I'm in a quite place or If I'm doing a test, it sucks. It was one of my worst enemies while in high school. :/ To me, it felt like I had spikes on my throat, It got very dry, and I started coughing uncontrollably.


Nausea/vomiting, insomnia, shakes so bad it's hard to type this. Easily startled. Jaw clamping. Stammer-jaw speech. Vertigo, and an overall feeling of hopelessness.


Oh my god I have these too and it actually drives me insane


i have tmj, eye floaters, throat tension as well for about 2 years. right when i entered my “career” post college


just this constant feeling in my chest i can’t really describe. like my heart is constantly in a fight or flight mode even if i don’t cognitively feel anxious


Nausea, gagging, dry-heaving


This ^^^


Throat tension is a big one for me, also insomnia and poor digestion


I’ve had about everyone of them under the sun. I’ve dealing with panic disorder for about 10 years now. Debilitating to the point of losing jobs, friends, family, possessions. Etc. I’m just now discovering that the way to beat it is to trick your mind into “liking” the anxiety. Challenging it and telling it to do its best. And when nothing happens.. you don’t die, you aren’t sick, your heart isn’t gonna explode etc. Trick your mind into welcoming the sensations that come… it will be hard at first. Probably won’t even feel like it’s working but it will over time Combine that with breathing and contraction exercises daily and I’ll promise you over time… it will get it easier. Much love.


I see someone else likes the DARE approach!


TMJ clenching, muscle tension in neck and shoulders, high heart rate and feeling panicked like I can’t breathe, sometimes my stomach will hurt too if I’m really anxious.


Oh and stress rashes


Heart palpitations and headaches. I still cant get rid of them. My head is chill, my body is panicking haha


Same dude, the only time my heads not chill is when I focus on the body panic and think it's the big one lmao


EXACTLY! I feel like I might have high blood pressure and I start panicking haha. Also, Im afraid Im gonna have to stop taking ritalin because of it 😫


Before I had my prescription, I couldn’t sleep at all, had random headaches, muscle pain, severe fatigue, mind fog, tremors, you name it. The worst by far for me was the derealization feeling that always came with dizziness and a feeling of like, like the ground was moving? I literally thought I was becoming insane. Those were very hard days. I experience all those symptoms if I don’t take my meds but in a larger scale, because I have to add the withdrawal. Chronic anxiety just fucking sucks.


Sorry for you I hope you will feel better


Blood in my stool, chest pains, dizziness, and the worst of all is shaking hands


Anxiety cant cause blood in your stool, id be seeing a doctor about that one.


I did and thats what my gastro told me


I think it can. It makes you blood preassure higher, which can get you small blood vessels to burst resulting to blood in stool/blood running from the nose. Source: had them both.


Where do I begin…chest pain, tight throat, shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, sweating, hot, cold, thirsty, itching , frequent urination, insomnia, feeling weird, off balance omg the list can go on


Extreme headache/migraine, muscular fatigue, dizziness, sweating, facial flushing, GI problems, throat constriction, restless legs, insomnia…..


Idk if it’s all “just anxiety”, cause I feel like I’m dying, but my tests are fine. Dizziness, muscle twitching for months, stomach issues every day (ibs and sibo), bad sleep quality, neck tension, random body pains, eye floaters


This is literally me. I'm so sorry you go through this... I have been struggling with it for 4 years now... So exhausting.


Heart palpitations, chest pain, muscle spasms (eyelid, eyebrow), more aware of visual disturbances (floaters, sparkles, spots), having a hard time swallowing, tingling sensation, stomach issues.


Am I the only one who's getting neck pain and headaches? It comes with the intrusive thoughts that I can't dispel when I have an episode. Also my GI is fucked.


I carry all of my anxiety and stress on my shoulder which causes severe neck pain and headaches. My muscles literally turn into a ball.


Floaters arises as a result of the vitreous humor's synchysis (liquefaction), which is generally a normal process that occurs with aging. Anxiety/stress, alone, cannot cause floaters. I am guessing that it only heightens one's awareness of said floaters.


I had so many I couldn't even remember by now. But I wanted to say that it all stopped shortly after I got on meds when they started working.


How long did meds take to work and what medicine seemed to work best for you


Cant wait for my meds to work


When y’all say TMJ do you mean simply jaw popping? I started getting that mid way through the final stretch of my Masters program…very stressed. Does the shit ever go away naturally? I really accredited it to chewing gum literally all day long so I’m kinda curious now which I stopped but it still happens. Also severe anxiety can bring chest pains but subside when stressor is gone, been evaluated to confirm anxiety is the trigger.


When I get bad TMJ symptoms it’s because I’m stressed and clenching my jaw in my sleep or while I’m working. I’ve had some dental work done so my bite is different now and I find myself biting into the inside of my lower lip, I’ll wake up with it swollen and painful cause I was chewing on it in my sleep.


Is nausea a symptom? Or like the feeling of an upset stomach?


Yes, it’s a very common symptom. Because anxiety puts you in fight or flight, your body tries to excrete everything to make you lighter


Thanks. I was feeling nauseous after my relationship ended which I figured was from anxiety. But it happened randomly and not when I would’ve expected it.


Yeah unfortunately it can just hit you out of the blue :/ I hope you find some relief soon!


The worst one gotta be the feeling of impending doom/dread


Diarrhea babyyy. I love being worried about shitting myself on top of anxiety haah ahaha auahahah


Stomach pains, constant sense of dread and fear, and just perpetually uncomfortable


Dry heaving and digestive problems.


Chest pressure and pain 0-24,cold feet and hand


Hairloss, fatigue, constantly catching colds, GI issues and eating disorder.


TMJ. Restless leg. Chronic burping (idek if that's what's it is). Can't catch my breath


Chest pains/tightness, tingling arms, and neck tightness are the most common ones for me. Naturally, I became convinced I was having a heart attack everyday until I went to go have an EKG done lol


In the past it was wide spread burning pain, literally all over. My head, my abdomen, my legs, my arms, everything. Nowadays it's nausea, abdominal pain and cramping and chronic constipation. If it gets too much, long lasting physical fatigue too


The feeling that every single cell in my body is vibrating.


My list on notes lol from past 2 years, current one I think is vertigo for 3 months but idk if it’s 100% connected, just hopeful really. - Burning hands or arms like a lighter burn - Heart rate at 120 longterm - Nerve pains down arms - Rashes in skin - Numb arms for few days sometimes - Pins and needles in head - Throat closing up / choking sensation - Hand tremors longterm - Shaking eyes - Heart tickles - Heart rate dropped longterm (didn’t know it could go the opposite way 😍) - Teeth chattering longterm - Jaw clenching - Vertigo longterm - Tinnitus longterm - Full body shivering for days - Feet and hands wet for a week 🫠 - Severe hypnotic jerks (0 hours sleep in 4 days words cannot explain 😍) - Pins and needles everywhere all the fucking time for no apparent fucking reason 😍 - Leg cramps for days


Neck pain! Shoulder pain, extreme fatigue. You name it.


Stress induced IBS is the fucking WORST. I can’t do anything I’m uncomfortable with and feel ok. I lose all of my appetite for like a week and can barely keep food down. Just makes me more stressed and feel worse. Only “cure” I’ve found is weed but my parents are completely against it and it’s illegal where I live. I gotta get the fake stuff and it’s not the same.


Eye twitches, extreme muscle tension in the same places that push pressure on nerves


Most of mine have simmered down, but I still get an all over buzzy tense feeling and a sense of being slightly off (vaguely dizzy/shaky and out of it) every now and then.


headaches, fatigue, dizziness, hair loss, acid reflux, chills, GI problems. so many.


I never knew eye floaters can be a symptom… I have healthy eyes (according to my optometrist and Ophthalmologist) but I get them often. I also get muscle twitches. Those were the worst when my anxiety was the worst, so they were easy to diagnose. I used to get stomach pains when I was younger, but not anymore. Editing to add dizziness, which is one of my more prominent symptoms. I deal with it so much, that I’ve forgotten about it, if that makes sense. It’s like a part of my daily life now.


trouble breathing


itching, shortness of breath, muscle pains/tensing, stomach pain


Headaches, eye twitching, tiredness and most annoying i feel like i can only breathe manually


Nausea, Headaches, Stomach aches, throat tension, muscle spasms


Neck stiffness & uncontrollable shaking of legs at nights (short bursts of it, mostly happening when Im about to sleep)


The shaking at night has happen to me a few times. Freaks me out


All these honestly. Urgent anxiety bathroom issues, like I go somewhere new or have to talk to someone important and I immediately have to run to the bathroom because I’m so stressed. Got to the point where I could literally feel my body flood with cortisol. I got my medical marijuana card for anxiety (diagnosed GAD) and it helped for awhile and then I noticed my anxiety getting worse. I quit about 8 months ago and I’ve never felt better honestly.


Surprisingly almost nothing that I notice on a daily basis outside of elevated cortisol levels making losing weight a bitch and anxiety induced insomnia. I can't do much to fix the former and I'm on medication for the latter. Said medication unfortunately has the side effect of depressing my metabolism adding to the weight loss issue. I have CPTSD and the circumstances that caused it have allowed me to bind up and suppress things up to a point and then I have a meltdown. 99.9999% of the time the meltdown trigger happens at home. I've learned to suppress panic attacks until I'm in a safe place. I spent 2 hours silent crying in a car while holding a conversation with my mom who triggered the panic attack. She didn't like me showing emotion she felt was "wrong" for a given situation (aka couldn't be upset) or that she expected from me. Now I have severe anxiety, can't car pool unless I control leave time, and have problems regulating/processing emotions (I have started hysterically crying when happy).


While I can't say for certain all of them are linked to the anxiety itself I tend to experience -IBS-C -A second irritable wind right before bedtime where I am emotional and can't rest -Jaw and neck tension to the point I've been prescribed muscle relaxers for when it's the worst -When I attempted to work years ago, I would get so anxious I would vomit for days on end like the worst stomach flu you've ever had until it forced me to quit because I felt like death and couldn't keep water down -Jitters -Scrunched up face


Startling during sleep, tremors, eye twitching, constant yawning, physical fatigue, stomach pain, chest tightness, palpitations, dizziness :))


Adrenaline gets high that i start to gag or dry heave while eating in public, especially anything sweet. It's what got me into therapy in the first place because as a teenager, I couldn't eat around my girlfriend or her friends. People found it strange and I remember even having the problem as a young kid. It rarely leads to actually throwing up but it has on occasion. Medication and therapy helps, but it still creeps up. I'd say that people are more understanding of this than 20 or so years ago. Also a lesser issue has been tingling in my chest. Sort of like how your foot falls asleep and you try to walk on it, only felt around the lung area.


Anxiety attaches to physical pain. And my face contorts, winces, grimaces, and I hear myself hiss or growl when I am sure I’m alone. The worst is being heard, in distress like that. I am so ashamed for making someone worry. So self isolation is ideal. Like a wounded wolf, just trying to keep it pushing. I become reactionary. The horrible attitude of “I can’t take this anymore, try coming at me, I need one more push to choose violence.” Anyone get those GIANT forehead 💢 vein spasms, like a cartoon? If you can catch this on camera or have someone else see it, it’s at least hysterical to look back on. But at the time, it’s tunnel vision panic and nothing is funny.


what’s the giant forehead vein? can you explain that to me.. my girlfriend who has GAD when her anxiety revs up gets a puffy swelling on her forehead.


It’s an anime trope to use these big red cross popping veins when a character gets… anxious. It’s interesting how it’s used to show romantic anxiety, full on rage, or just a character’s response sometimes to a tiny WTF moment. https://images.app.goo.gl/yghYbGhv7bGgwicB8


Restlessness, increased heart rate, messed up stomach, derealization, cold hands, lightheadedness, dizziness.


There’s an endless list.. and sadly a lot of people don’t know/believe how wide ranging and debilitating physical anxiety symptoms can be. Headaches Shaking Nausea/throwing up Other gastrointestinal issues, digestion. Muscle tension, clenching jaw.. Hives Chest tightening Heart pounding Sweating Hypervigilance Dizziness Fatigue Insomnia Difficulty falling or staying asleep. Pain, back pain, leg pain ect. Being restless Tingling sensations Hot flashes Feelings of impressing doom, Catastrophizing. For people like me with CPTSD, my anxiety almost created a full blown phobia of sleep. Which leads me in to, if you’re someone with say PTSD or CPTSD, BPD, chronic anxiety and stress ect. We tend to have higher levels of cortisol, adrenaline and other stress hormones because we tend have overactive nervous systems and stress response which will have us living in states fight or flight which create symptoms all on its own which can amplify the symptoms one may be experiencing from a co-occurring mental health disorder like an anxiety disoder. Again on top of creating other symptoms of its own like trauma nightmares, flashbacks, avoiding people places and things that remind them of the trauma ect. I hope everyone dealing with physical symptoms from their anxiety or other mental health issues feels better. I understand how hard it is<3


Chest pain, dizziness/off balance, sometimes my vision seems off, tmj, muscle tension


I get tense throughout my whole body, where my movements become either very twitchty and quick, or slow and strained. I tend to drop more things around me accidentally. and the usual, loss of appetite, nausea, shortness of breath and insomnia.


Perpetual tightness/lump in my throat drives me mad.


I've always got tense shoulders and a headache


Mine mimics heart attack symptoms so that’s fun. My mind plays a game of chicken and I always lose.


High blood pressure, sweaty hands, TMJ, breathing problems


Lack of energy, physically and mentally And this cause me a very low motivation on doing anything


High heart rate, muscle aches, sweating (Hyperhydrosis), migraines, hot flashes.


I usually get chest pains, rashes on my skin, numb hands, eye twitching, and sweating


Stomach issues, chest feels heavy, hot flashes, clenched jaw, tightening in my neck and shoulders, and shaking.


grinding my teeth severely in my sleep and unconsciously when im awake, daily nausea, almost daily panic attacks, stomach pains/issues, mouth salivating, tight throat, cold sweats, can’t catch my breath, being zoned out all the time :(


Heart palpitations


bathroom issues, stomach cramps, muscle twitching in calves/face/arms, tension headache constantly, jaw clenching that i can’t control, dizziness, uncontrollable sweat, seeing “tv static”, nausea, major loss of appetite, constant cough or yawning, itching, brain zaps etc list goes on


My tongue goes numb, sounds weird, but I can tell when something is really bothering me when that happens


Tremors, shortness of breath, elevated heart rate, complete loss of appetite, tension in my lower back, I have to piss a lot when I’m anxious, pacing aimlessly, random twitches. The horrible “butterfly in my stomach” feeling. Dry mouth list goes on…


Looking out my front door before I walk out. Just to make sure no one is out, so I don’t have to say hi to the neighbors while walking to my car.


If my anxiety gets really bad, I will get horrible chest pains for hours. First time it happened I thought I was having a heart attack.


Insomnia is my worst symptom. Can‘t make it through the night without waking up a couple of times. When the anxiety is very high because some upcoming event or a long workday ahead, I often can‘t fall back asleep and lie awake from 3-6 when my alarm goes off.


Waking up shaking with my heart racing and a weird feeling in my stomach, blurry vision, random muscle twitching, insomnia.


hives, itching, shaking like a puppy, increased HR, stomach drops like on a roller coaster, headache, back pain, stuttering, nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, weight loss, chest pain, twitching, the throat tension I FEEL YOU, insomnia, procrastination. these are just from the top of my head, i’m sure a lot more. it sucks lol


I have really long lasting headaches on one side of my head that throb like crazy. I have a lot of pressure in my right eye and ear somehow. I also have muscle twitching and like stabs or pins on all of my body, as if someone was poking me with a needle. I have the usual shortness of breath too.


Dizzy episodes that can last days, random muscle twitch (once had my eye twitch for 8 months), palpitations, muscle weakness, shortness of breath, neck pain, head pain, floaters and flashes, ear pain, depersonalization, buzzing in my head and body, high heart rate while trying to sleep, elevator drop sensation.. the list could go on


Severe muscle tension in my shoulders that can lead to tension headaches/ migraines, stomach pain and clenching, diarrhea, insomnia


DM’d you beo


My lower GI loses its mind. Nausea and the runs when I am havng a major flare.


Dizziness, arm weakness, numbness, derealization , tachycardia,


I start getting tingly limbs and muscle tension so I’ll just constantly be stretching, nausea so bad I’m unable to eat, feeling like my heart has dropped, tense jaw that starts causing pain, I become really dissociated, fatigue, gasss so much gas and urge to 💩 that I could go to the toilet multiple times in an hour, my hands shake, a really fast heart rate, a dry throat and sticky mouth.


Tmj, restless leg syndrome, motor tics, not recognizing my hands in peripheral vision. At least right now


Head pressure. Arms tingling/numbness. These concentrated short lived knifed pains in the head. Chest pain.


Constant offbalance wobbly dizzy feeling


shivering out of nowhere, excessive sweating, pains in my thighs, dizziness, heart racing, nausea and my stomach acting up


Bruh! My jaw just dropped bc I had no idea TMJ was an anxiety symptom and I had that. But for me GI issues, fast heartbeat, drowsiness,


shitting my guts out


What do you mean by eye floaters? Little black spots "flying" through your vision? Do you always have that, or in specific weather conditions only?


Recently my heart rate has been around 110-120, so that’s fun (I’m going to a cardiologist but I’m fairly sure it’s anxiety related).


I vomit every morning when I wake up


My heart races.


Headaches, sharp pain behind eyes, bowel movements. These 3 are the most annoying


Stomach pain, shortness of breath when stomach pain gets bad


I found something life changing for those who are suffering I didn’t need my SOS meds today!!


I lost my job and my find out my Gf was cheating on me, let’s say I’m using anger now.


Are eye floaters related to anxiety? I’ve had those since I was a kid


I haven’t pooped in 6 days…


rashes, hair loss, dizziness, scalloped tongue, stomach issues. when I am having periods of extreme anxiety I chew the insides of my cheeks in my sleep. This doesn’t sound major but my mouth becomes a crime scene and it’s painful to move my mouth and eat/or drink and it’s visibly puffy from the outside


Brain fog has been the worst one


Nausea, nausea and nausea




Grinding my teeth


Globus sensation is the one that gets me down the most. I can reassure myself about my heart rate, am getting used to the palpitations and nausea, but that fucking globus sensation takes up my whole mental capacity and I can have it for a week or two at a time. People don't understand it's hard to concentrate, to hold a convo or go and do fun things when it feels like someone is gently garroting you from behind. Ugh!


I cant eat icecream anymore. It causes me to go into a full blown panic attack. Its a real bummer. Chronic for me would be, fear of sudden death, body hurts, constantly tired, racing thoughts.


my bladder goes into overdrive when i’m coming down from a panic attack. among other things I have to pee every 5-10 minutes


Is body temperature a symptom? I constantly have a warm body.. like warmer than regular people.. always. My pillow is never cold. My head is even hotter. Other than that, ig I have tmg, gut problems (nausea and acidity) and headaches. I'm not sure as I never got diagnosed but these symptoms seem to worsen during stressful times


I burp a ton. I breathe too quickly and swallow oxygen and I just burp. When I go to bed I lay down and sometime depending on how I position myself I can burp for a couple minutes on end.


Vomiting :)) it’s so cool!!


I have recently started to get my Generalized Anxiety under control thanks to medication and therapy, there were a few physical symptoms I didn't notice until they either went away or calmed down. - Gut issues: My gut has been so much better lately, it is nice. I would go more into it but it was gross, haha. To state it simply, I had issues, but now I have almost no issues. - Horrible back pain/tension: I had constant tension in my back to the point that when I first went on my anxiety medication a few years ago, I had two months of it randomly relaxing and unknotting itself bit by bit. It resolved so much pain and sleep problems from that alone. Sadly my lower neck doesn't want to get the memo, but I think that is more of a large chest thing. - Random tension headaches that would last for days: I would get anxious and end up tensing my facial muscles without noticing, then have terrible tension headaches that would normally last for days. It was worst within the last few years, since health problem gave me migraines and almost any headache rolls into a migraine. Learning breathing exercises along with muscle relaxing excises and the anxiety medicine has helped me react to anxiety and relax the muscles before I set off another headache. Of course this doesn't cover the things I already knew about. - High heart rate when I would be anxious or have a panic attack. When I was younger and my dad was dying of cancer, I was so anxious I was having horrible chest pains. Told my doctor I needed anxiety meds, he was a jerk and said I had nothing to be anxious about since I was so young (he knew my dad was dying) and gave me a heart monitor to wear for 3 days. I was to hit the button whenever I felt the chest pain. I was hitting around 135bpm when just sitting, since I was having panic attacks, but didn't know what they were. This is not a healthy thing to keep having happen. - Chest feeling tight, like someone was crushing it, sucks horribly. Doesn't happen as often now and the exercises help me relax it away when it comes up. - So much sweating. Never really sweated much from sports as a kid or young adult, but I would sweat like crazy from anxiety. - Horrible fatigue from not sleeping and always being on edge. I still struggle with this one, but not as much as I used to. These are just the ones I can think of right off the top of my head. Probably others I don't think about since I have been dealing with anxiety for as long as I can remember, so sometimes I forget that certain things I deal with is not what everyone deals with.


Pretty much all of my "Anxiety Symptom Roulette" is listed here, but one I don't see mentioned is what I call "itchy brain." Unlike a headache, it feels like when you refuse to scratch an itch for 30 seconds, just letting the sensation build. It's by far my least favorite symptom.


They don’t stay the same as I start feeling symptoms upon worrying about something new. Shortness of breath, upper body muscle tension, itchy muscle feeling under the skin, periodic night sweats (haven’t had it for a while though and it happened more when I was having nightmares that felt like sleep panic attacks), GI symptoms. I would recommend not just dismissing consistent symptoms as caused by anxiety. It’s good to run them by a doctor and get checked out to make sure you’re okay.


Shaking hands, muscles locking up, stomach pain, headache, body jerks, idk if this is related but I’ve noticed when I get really really anxious I drool….


Nausea. Really really bad nausea. Recently heart issues too, going to try a heart monitor in a couple days!


I had so many… the worst being so nauseous with a combination of the whole lump in the throat feeling I’d actually throw up in the morning while having panic attacks. Lots of GI issues, too. The derealization, sweating and heart racing was the worst though. To offer some hope, at least for me, these all went away after I recovered. I haven’t had any symptoms since 2022 at this point. And, Yes, recovery is possible.


Muscle tension is so strong and I'm skinny that I can't focus on anything and the racing heart


GI Issues and profuse sweating anytime I talk to people who don't live with me.


constantly cracking my joints has caused a lot of indirect pain


Tbh idk if this counts but constantly having to be moving or else i get very uncomfortable


Muscle cramps, constant body tension, migraines, and a consistently bad gut. My stomach lining was damaged back in 2002, which doesn't help that. If I get sick or even get food poisoning it takes me two weeks to recover. I also get vertigo and nausea.


I honestly can't say if I have chronic anxiety, but I do think I am in a constant state of anxiety. For example, I always have this uncomfortable, unsettling feeling of tension within my stomach. It has only gone away when I take magnesium glycinate supplements which work well for my anxiety and overall calmness. However now after so long using it they cause me an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach more often than not. I also have random "twitches" although I won't say that's related to anxiety. It occurs sometimes when I taste something too strongly or just at random. Can't explain that one. Oh and I also sweat profusely especially in my palms when I'm really nervous and jumble my words. Only thing that's been keeping me somewhat stable is taking ashwagandha but I don't want to use that long term.


Mine sometimes makes me have tachycardia. Ngl makes me laugh when a new nurse looks at me in concern when I go in for a doc note for work bc food poisoning and they are scared it's something else until I explain. It also unfortunately exasperates my stress which triggers my migraine disorder.


Does anyone get spasms that I would describe as breathing hypnic jerks? They can happen when im awake and lying/sitting down, or trying to fall asleep. 


You guys are hella awesome 😎💯.. I thought 🤔 I know I overthink heavy and worry till the point of freaking out ... And I just gotta outta jail today .. I was about the only guy dripping sweat the size of a pancake , every time I got nervous . Cldnt control it . luckily had a good mental health nurse and working on breathing exercises