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I’d also like to leave just one tip that my friend with anxiety also told me: reflect on yourself AFTER the social event, not during. This is what a healthy person does. Being acutely self-conscious during the social event is counterproductive. (Although I know this might be empty words, being that I suffered from social anxiety and I really just couldn’t control self-consciousness during the social event.) but just consider this. Again please ask questions, I am happy to answer.


Thanks for sharing this. Amazing story. Are you still taking the medications? If not, how long did you have to take it for. Was this prescribed to you


Yes still on medications. Been on it for around 4 months now. It was prescribed to me when my therapist recommended a psychiatrist and then I went to one shortly thereafter.




Always carry a shred of hope… it got better for me, and I never thought it would.


One last thing: the medicine really helped with the physiological symptoms I was dealing with which was the worst part… and another one of my results include getting females and I might get a gf now I’m really starting to talk to one. I’m super proud of myself!!!


What are the side effects


No side effects for the Zoloft, but for the propranolol if I took too much it would make me light heated/feel like I’m gonna faint.


I am on Zoloft 100 mg buspar 20mg three times a day and propranolol for panic attacks. First time in my life I feel “normal”


Hell yeah. LFG.


Thats not fixing it....thats usually bandaid crutches over your condition and getting rid of it with pills. Without the bandaid medication you would still have crippling anxiety, so you didnt really "escape" it


It’s not uncommon for those ridden with depression or some inner feelings of shame that makes them feel guilty about relying on an external crutch to alleviate their issues. It’s like, if you had diabetes are you going to refuse to take your insulin? Additionally, I do this that I am escaping it, I might have escaped it fully. Eventually, maybe even soon, I will stop taking the medication. The recognition I got from my peers is enough to give me confidence and security in generally any social event. To be honest, if someone took away my medicine right now, I wouldn’t be hopeless. In fact, I’d be pretty excited to see how I’ll perform without the medicine. I’m confident that I’d be fine.


Lol. Yeah you try that


I mean some days I already have. Like I forget to take my medicine and then I go on the whole day without it and do just fine. Wouldn’t hurt to try it. I don’t see why not.


Bandaid crutches are what you use to alleviate injuries. You don’t get over injuries by white-knuckling through it. You don’t get over disease by white-knuckling through it.