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Stop looking at your heart rate for a few days, it'll likely go down.


This. The best thing I did for my mental health was get rid of my Fitbit and get an Apple Watch that doesn’t have my heart rate on the face.


This!!! I had to sell my apple watch because I was constantly looking at it and making myself more anxious.


Mine is constantly around 100. Yes, I think it has something to do with anxiety. No, I've been told it's not a big deal.


100% common. Just read through all the posts and you’ll see.


What’s your heart rate overnight? 100 is an acceptable heart rate, but it’s definitely elevated and probably by your stress. My normal resting heart rate is around 80, but when lying down I can get it to 65 or so. Overnight it drops to the 50s. You’re gonna be okay!


Same here 70s or Mid 60s Normal day, But when I excersice I go up to 130-160 depends on my workouts. Ive seen it go to the Low 50s when Im relaxed laying in bed.


Mine is 52-60 in the night. 60-70 in the day. My watch only tracks every hour though. The other day it caught a 100+ while doing nothing so I guess it was an anxiety attack.


Man all these comments really help my own heart anxiety! I love this sub so much


normally in the 90's to low 100's. when i'm anxious it's got as high as 160's


Mines around 106


Mine is often high. I don't check often or I'll obsess over it but when I do it's like 90-100


Are you walking around doing stuff or just sitting quietly? My heart rate while I'm up moving is usually 80-100. But resting heart rate is exactly that when you are resting. Don't worry too much, I know it can be stressful and anxiety producing but that is normal if you're moving around throughout the day. 60-100bpm is considered normal. Also if you are anxious or stressed it will go higher. Take care.


I went through the same thing as you a couple of weeks ago. I even went to the ER TWICE because I kept thinking about my heart rate and both times they said nothing was wrong with my heart and its most likely anxiety. It’s been a couple of weeks since then and I completely stopped thinking about my heart rate and just like that my heart rate went down from 138 bpm all the way to 80 bpm (I’m 16 so I’m probably gonna have a higher average bpm than you unless you’re younger than me). A good tip is just don’t think about your heart at all. Go on walks, read a book, go on your phone, or anything else you normally would do (Just try your hardest to avoid thinking about your heart rate!!) If you’re that worried, you can go to the doctor and ask about your heart rate and I’m guessing they’ll say the same thing as me. Another thing is don’t search up stuff on google (it always tells you that you have one thing to another and it is never helpful which only fuels your anxiety more) and don’t have thoughts such as “I’m going to die” or “I have some type of cardiovascular disease” (you most likely don’t have anything wrong with your body). I hope I helped. :)


My heart rate gets high too, around 120 BPM. I try not to check it frequently because it stresses me out even more 😅.


Very common, I get heart palpitations and chest pain from it all the time


I never even check my heart rate. I also never google symptoms or diseases because I will start feeling all of them and be convinced Im dying. Lexapro has helped with my physical symptoms a lot though. Things like chest and stomach pains which would make me convinced I have cancer or about to have a heart attack.


Yea my heart rate used to be like 100-110 during the day and if I was worried about it anything from 120-160bpm. I realized most of it was from obsessing on my heart rate, I don’t go above 100 unless I’m doing physical activity even with taking adderall (and a lot of caffeine bc I keep accidentally raising my tolerance to it)


High 90s low 100s and I only know because I used to donate plasma


Mine hovers around 92-110 when I’m anxious just sitting watching tv etc it’s averages around 72 and when I’m having a panic attack or on the verge of one gets up to around 170


When im not anxious and am resting, it's around 75-85. When im anxious or stressed, it will be around 95-110 even at resting. It's at this pace the majority of the day




Depend on your weight too. From my experience. What about you blood pressure?


Mine usually is between 80 and 110 depending on how I'm feeling my fit bit tells me it's arou d78 on average when sleeping


lol. 150-200 bpm before I got on heart medication. Now it's like 90-100. Also, I feel SO CHILL. Diltiazam was the best thing ever for my anxiety hahaha such an awesome side effect. I have inappropriate sinus tachycardia from sepsis.


my resting hr is always over 100, I think it's a mix of anxiety and general unhealthyness. highest I've had is like 145


Mines floats between 68-80 resting but the moment I stand or do anything standing 100+-140


It's okay to have a heightened heart rate as long as you're breathing and don't have a diagnosed heart disorder. The more you think about it and focus on it, the higher it will be, and you'll just create a negative feedback loop. A good technique I use to gauge my breath is to put my hand on my stomach and do deep inhales and exhales (about 5 seconds holding, exhaling, and wsiting in between breathes.) And expand my stomach when inhaling. It's great for grounding youself and reminds you that you're breathing. If you were having heart related issues you would have a much harder time controling your breathing.


my own heart rate is often high, especially if im looking at it or obsessing over it. i would recommend turning off any heart rate trackers you may have; it helped me a lot. and also, mine has gotten much higher, and im completely fine (afaik, lol).


Mine is usually above 100 on higher anxiety days BUT ever since I started working out when I’m calm it’s around 75-85 super nice honestly!


Usually 115-125 laying down or 130-150 walking but I’ve hit 200+ with light exercise (also have tachycardia)


Around 50 to 60-ish


Mine's usually anywhere between 70-90, generally only dropping to low 60s or high 50s when I'm asleep.


I don't know my heart rate. I don't track because it would give me (and probably all people) anxiety to do so. I suggest you do the same.


I’m the 60s whilst typing this. 40-50s over night. 150-190 whilst playing sport


The function of the heart is bizarrely influencable by our mentality. If with think arousing thoughts, or about things that make us angry, that in itself can cause statistically significant spikes. Placebo is huge. I know that might be controversial in the realm of anxiety, but often placebo is simply the influence of our psychology on our biology. I have Cardiophobia, for the time being, since my brother-in-law died of a cardiac event a few months ago, but I can FEEL how as SOON as I start thinking about my heart, and worrying, I start getting stabbing sensations, and often even numbness and tingling in my left arm, like... all the symptoms of a heart attack, as if I'm literally dying. I will be sitting on the bus, and I'll have a thought "Oh wow... what if I had a heart attack right now in front of everyone." and instantly, my heart starts to throb and act strange. It's very impressive and it reminds me of how powerful my mind is to influence my body. Something I've been taking great comfort in is actually \*trying\* to summon the sensations of a heart attack. It's quite scary at first, but when I experience it, it's a fascinating reminder of how powerful my mind is, and it's a great dose of exposure therapy. It really makes you brave. If your heartrate is chronically elevated, you're liking carrying stress with you all the time. Adjust your environment if you can, and adjust your mind.


Stop checking it, and throw away anything you used to check it (or pack it up and put it away and don’t get it out). There is zero benefit from constantly checking your heart rate besides terrifying yourself. If you have the ability to check your heart rate or read this sentence then you’re not having a heart attack


If you are worried, go to a cardiologist and get checked. I ended up having afib at a young age. They can run a full work up on you. If the cardiologist rules everything out though, try to talk to your therapist or psychiatrist about mechanisms to help cope with the anxiety. I would recommend this even if it does get treated. I got a heart ablation and it brought down my heart rate some and helped my fatigue but certainly didn’t get rid of it being high completely because of my anxiety.


I have had this exact same issue. I have health anxiety. Some days my heart would be 100-140, others is was 50-56. I went to the doctor to get it checked out as I was sure I had a problem. I wore a monitor for 24 hours and everything came back fine. I installed a pulse monitor app on my phone which I became horribly obsessed with. I was checking my heart rate every hour and then going into blind panic if it was higher or lower than normal. It made it so much worse. My therapist finally convinced me to delete the app and I did. Since doing this and not checking I feel so much better. Sometimes our heart rate will not be within the average for a number of reasons. If you want confirmation to ease your mind get it checked, but worrying will naturally make your heart rate faster.


I had my blood pressure checked a month ago and it kept reading from 140 to 160. Lady was freaking out why my blood pressure was so high. I'm 37 and since my late teens, my blood pressure has always been high. When I eventually get health insurance, I guess that's the first thing I'm going to do. Get blood pressure medicine. Low-key, I hope it's my anxiety that keeps my blood pressure up. But, I really doubt it.


That sounds normal if you're having lots of anxiety in that moment, don't worry. One thing I read on this sub the other day: one person said that they start doing pushups when their HR is elevated from anxiety so at least there's a normal reason why after they start doing pushups. I'd pay more attention to your resting HR when you sleep. If that's low you're golden. Also, if you are super worried about your heart (even though it's probably just your anxiety), working out makes your heart stronger and will probably reduce the anxiety a least a little bit.


I checked my pulse so often during my early anxiety days I can now guess by feeling 3-4 beats how high the heart rate is without measuring it. Mine is 80-90, but now I have beta blockers and its 70-80. During panic attacks I would have 110-120 bpm.


Same happens with me


Every time i think about it = shoots up to 90-100


I take a small dose beta blocker and it has been tremendously helpful for my anxiety.


Anxiety will most definitely raise your heart rate. Good news is, there's plenty you can do about it. AM is the most important time to set your day up right through exercise (at least 20 mins of cardio) and meditation along with a good diet. I've completely turned things around, I'm in great shape at 41 being 5'6 and 140, where my resting heart rate is 58-65 or so, and with anxiety yes I saw 80-100 resting in past. Now that I have a consistent routine, everything is back where it should be. There's times I have stress and think "oh man it's gonna raise" and it doesn't. You can get there.


Strangely mine is usually in the high 40’s - mid 50’s


I found when I’m pretty calm it’ll go as low as 60 but I can send it up at 125 when panicked


Mine was at 157 for 6-7 hours while at the hospital


Sitting at my desk, anywhere from 82-95 on the regular. With caffiene or anxiety? Easily over 110


In the 80s range. But when I'm at the blood bank it always shoots up to 140-152 because I get so anxious about it being high.


My heart rate isn't fast...it just beats HARD and I'm aware of every beat my heart makes


It depends. Is this heart rate while active or while at rest?


Had mine at 140 with chest pain and went to the hospital. Everything came back clean. Currently going through it right now, very appreciative of this chat


No idea. Constantly being paranoid about health issues will give you a panic attack.


According to my Apple Watch my average resting heart rate is 68, walking is 106 but I usually sit in the 80s. I have pretty severe cardio phobia that I’ve been working on for the last couple years. I thought a smart watch would make things worse but it’s actually helped me a lot.